An Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. OSSE Framework for Regional Air Quality Forecasting
2.1.1. Nature Run Module
2.1.2. Synthetic Observation Module
2.1.3. Assimilation Module
2.1.4. Control Run and Assimilation Run Module
2.1.5. Comparison and Feedback Module
2.2. Implementation of PM2.5 Forecasting
2.2.1. Spatial and Temporal Scope
2.2.2. Scenarios and Data Reconstruction
3. Results
3.1. Performance of the Nature Run
3.2. Potential Effects of New Observation Data
4. Discussion
4.1. Nature Run Module
4.2. Data Scenario
4.3. Assimilation Run Module
4.4. Data Assimilation System
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Air Quality Model Setting | Input Observation for DA | |
NR | CMAQ version 4.7.1 with
| Not used |
CR | WRF–Chem version 3.9.1 model with
| Not used |
AR 1 | Same as CR but for 6-hourly data assimilation
| PM10 and PM2.5 from NR at real station location (1306 sites) |
AR 2 | Same as AR1 and AR3 but for the input observation for DA | PM10 and PM2.5 from NR at the locations of the real monitoring sites and 100 sites over the Gobi Desert area and 100 sites over the North Korean non-forest area (1506 sites) |
AR 3 | Same as AR1 and AR2 but for the input observation for DA | AOD from NR consistent with time and spatial resolution of the GEMS satellite (746,115 locations) |
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Kim, H.-K.; Lee, S.; Bae, K.-H.; Jeon, K.; Lee, M.-I.; Song, C.-K. An Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 389.
Kim H-K, Lee S, Bae K-H, Jeon K, Lee M-I, Song C-K. An Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(2):389.
Chicago/Turabian StyleKim, Hyeon-Kook, Seunghee Lee, Kang-Ho Bae, Kwonho Jeon, Myong-In Lee, and Chang-Keun Song. 2022. "An Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data" Remote Sensing 14, no. 2: 389.
APA StyleKim, H.-K., Lee, S., Bae, K.-H., Jeon, K., Lee, M.-I., & Song, C.-K. (2022). An Observing System Simulation Experiment Framework for Air Quality Forecasts in Northeast Asia: A Case Study Utilizing Virtual Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer and Surface Monitored Aerosol Data. Remote Sensing, 14(2), 389.