Deep Learning-Based 500 m Spatio-Temporally Continuous Air Temperature Generation by Fusing Multi-Source Data
:1. Introduction
2. Study Area and Data
2.1. Study Area
2.2. Data
2.2.1. Remotely Sensed Product
2.2.2. Reanalysis Products
2.2.3. In Situ Measurement
3. Methods
3.1. Deep Belief Network Model
3.2. Model Validation
4. Results
4.1. Correlation Analysis of Input Variables
4.2. Evaluation of Multi-Source Data Fusion Algorithm
4.2.1. Evaluation of the Overall Accuracy of the DBN Model
4.2.2. Spatial Evaluation of Model Performance
4.2.3. Temporal Evaluation of Model Performance
5. Discussion
5.1. DBN Structure Comparison
5.2. DBN Performance with Different Variables
5.3. Spatio-Temporal Evaluation of the Fusion Accuracy
5.4. Role of Point-Surface Fusion in Generating 3H Temperature Data
5.5. Spatial Transferability of the Model
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Category | Product | Variable | Spatial Resolution | Temporal Resolution | Temporal Span |
Remotely Sensed Products | MOD13Q1 | NDVI | 250 m | 16 Days | |
EVI | |||||
SRTM | DEM | 30 m | - | ||
Reanalysis Products | ERA5-Land | 2 m Temperature | 0.1° | Hourly | 2019 |
Soil moisture | |||||
Wind Speed | |||||
Albedo | |||||
TRIMS LST | LST | 1 km | Daily | ||
In Situ Measurements | In Situ Station | Mean Temperature | - | Daily |
Metric | Equation | Unit |
PCC | - | |
R2 | - | |
RMSE | °C | |
MAE | °C | |
BIAS | °C |
City | Max Elevation (m) | Mean Elevation (m) | Min Temperature (°C) | Max Temperature (°C) | Mean Temperature (°C) |
Wuhan | 726 | 37.00 | 16.40 | 18.24 | 17.42 |
Huangshi | 776 | 108.98 | 16.40 | 17.88 | 17.10 |
Ezhou | 445 | 31.41 | 16.92 | 18.18 | 17.48 |
Xiaogan | 818 | 75.37 | 15.59 | 17.84 | 16.81 |
Huanggang | 1674 | 174.69 | 13.82 | 18.05 | 16.65 |
Xianning | 1555 | 189.72 | 15.62 | 17.94 | 16.79 |
Xiantao | 83 | 26.26 | 16.83 | 17.84 | 17.41 |
Qianjiang | 127 | 28.09 | 14.28 | 17.52 | 17.13 |
Tianmen | 144 | 31.19 | 15.04 | 17.53 | 16.95 |
DBN Hidden Layer | Hidden Layer Neurons | RMSE (°C) | MAE (°C) | R2 |
2 | 25, 20 | 1.117 | 0.864 | 0.985 |
3 | 25, 15, 10 | 1.086 | 0.839 | 0.986 |
3 | 25, 20, 15 | 1.087 | 0.844 | 0.986 |
4 | 25, 20, 15, 10 | 1.085 | 0.839 | 0.986 |
Dataset Combinations | RMSE (°C) | MAE (°C) | R2 |
E | 1.219 | 0.922 | 0.982 |
E + L | 1.244 | 0.941 | 0.982 |
E + R | 1.124 | 0.876 | 0.985 |
E + R + T | 1.106 | 0.858 | 0.986 |
E + L + R | 1.134 | 0.875 | 0.985 |
E + L + R + T | 1.086 | 0.839 | 0.986 |
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Zhang, X.; Huang, T.; Gulakhmadov, A.; Song, Y.; Gu, X.; Zeng, J.; Huang, S.; Nam, W.-H.; Chen, N.; Niyogi, D. Deep Learning-Based 500 m Spatio-Temporally Continuous Air Temperature Generation by Fusing Multi-Source Data. Remote Sens. 2022, 14, 3536.
Zhang X, Huang T, Gulakhmadov A, Song Y, Gu X, Zeng J, Huang S, Nam W-H, Chen N, Niyogi D. Deep Learning-Based 500 m Spatio-Temporally Continuous Air Temperature Generation by Fusing Multi-Source Data. Remote Sensing. 2022; 14(15):3536.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Xiang, Tailai Huang, Aminjon Gulakhmadov, Yu Song, Xihui Gu, Jiangyuan Zeng, Shuzhe Huang, Won-Ho Nam, Nengcheng Chen, and Dev Niyogi. 2022. "Deep Learning-Based 500 m Spatio-Temporally Continuous Air Temperature Generation by Fusing Multi-Source Data" Remote Sensing 14, no. 15: 3536.
APA StyleZhang, X., Huang, T., Gulakhmadov, A., Song, Y., Gu, X., Zeng, J., Huang, S., Nam, W.-H., Chen, N., & Niyogi, D. (2022). Deep Learning-Based 500 m Spatio-Temporally Continuous Air Temperature Generation by Fusing Multi-Source Data. Remote Sensing, 14(15), 3536.