Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS
:1. Introduction
2. Datasets
2.1. Input Data
2.2. Validation Data
2.3. Ancillary Data
3. Methods of MLSE Retrieval
3.1. Radiative Transfer Model
3.2. Descriptions of Retrieval Algorithm of MLSE
3.3. Validations of Inputs
3.4. Sensitivity Tests
4. Results
4.1. Retrieval of Instantaneous MLSE
4.2. Spatial Distribution of MLSE
4.3. Seasonal Variation and Potential Controlling Factors of MLSE
4.4. Comparison with Microwave Vegetation Optical Depth (VOD)
5. Discussion
5.1. Comparing with Similar Works in the Literature
5.2. Error Sources
5.3. Potential Applications
6. Summary and Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Sites | Latitude, Longitude, Altitude (°N, °E, m) | IGBP Type | Temp./Precip. (°C/mm) |
Changbaishan (CBS) | 41.40, 128.10, 731 | Mixed Forest | 3.6/713 |
Yucheng Site (YCS) | 36.83, 116.57, 22 | Cropland | 13.1/528 |
Qianyanzhou (QYZ) | 26.73, 115.07, 100 | Evergreen broad-leaf forest | 18.6/1489 |
Dinghushan (DHS) | 23.17, 112.54, 100~700 | Evergreen broad-leaf forest | 20.8/1950 |
Xishuangbannan (XSBN) | 21.92, 101.27, 570 | Evergreen broad-leaf forest | 21.5/1557 |
Neimenggu (NMG) | 43.63, 116.70, 1100 | Semiarid grassland | 0.96/333.5 |
Haibei (HB) | 37.61, 101.29, 3250 | Semiarid grassland | −1.7/430 |
Dangxiong (DX) | 30.47, 91.06, 4286 | Barren/Sparsely vegetated | 1.3/476 |
Primary Inputs | Data Sources | ||
MLSE (Clear and Cloudy) | Norouzi_MLSE (Clear) | Moncet_MLSE (Clear) | |
Brightness temperature (version, resolution) | AMSR-E/AE_L2A (version 3, Res1 and Res2) | AMSR-E/AE_L2A (version 2, Res1) | AMSR-E/AE_L2A (version 2, Res2) |
Atmospheric profiles | ECMWF/ERA-20C (37 layers, 0.125°, 3 h) | ISCCP/TOVS (9 layers, 280 km, daily) | NCEP/GDAS (- layers, 1°, 6 h) |
Skin temperature | ECMWF/ERA-20C (0.125°, 3 h) | ISCCP-DX (30 km, 3 h) | MODIS LST (Instantaneous) |
Cloud flag | MODIS/MYD06_L2 (Instantaneous) | ISCCP-DX (30 km, 3 h) | MODIS/MYD06_L2 (Instantaneous) |
Cloud properties | MODIS/MYD06_L2 | / | / |
Rain flag | AMSR-E/AE_Rain | / | / |
Month | N | Skin Temperature (K) | 2 m Air Temperature (K) | Near Surface Relative Humidity (%) | |||||||||
R | RMSE | MB | MAE | R | RMSE | MB | MAE | R | RMSE | MB | MAE | ||
January, 2004 | 248 | 0.907 | 4.36 | 1.83 | 3.94 | 0.976 | 2.91 | 1.66 | 2.98 | 0.678 | 15.48 | −4.56 | 12.92 |
April, 2004 | 248 | 0.796 | 6.83 | 2.11 | 6.17 | 0.896 | 5.04 | 0.22 | 4.05 | 0.624 | 17.44 | −4.02 | 16.20 |
July, 2004 | 248 | 0.822 | 4.01 | 1.58 | 3.77 | 0.886 | 3.57 | 0.41 | 2.87 | 0.593 | 16.02 | −0.83 | 13.57 |
October, 2004 | 248 | 0.858 | 4.83 | 1.89 | 4.27 | 0.917 | 4.32 | −0.52 | 3.23 | 0.420 | 15.21 | −1.35 | 13.84 |
Frequency (GHz) | Horizontal Polarizations | Vertical Polarizations | ||||||
6.925 H | 10.65 H | 18.7 H | 36.5 H | 6.925 V | 10.65 V | 18.7 V | 36.5 V | |
Samples | 15,796 | 15,796 | 15,796 | 15,796 | 15,796 | 15,796 | 15,796 | 15,796 |
R | 0.950 | 0.937 | 0.917 | 0.848 | 0.730 | 0.711 | 0.714 | 0.666 |
RMSE | 0.019 | 0.020 | 0.022 | 0.027 | 0.017 | 0.018 | 0.019 | 0.020 |
MB | −0.004 | 0.000 | −0.007 | 0.011 | −0.002 | 0.003 | 0.000 | 0.018 |
MAE | 0.014 | 0.015 | 0.016 | 0.022 | 0.013 | 0.014 | 0.014 | 0.022 |
Frequency (GHz) | Horizontal Polarizations | Vertical Polarizations | ||||
10.65 H | 18.7 H | 36.5 H | 10.65 V | 18.7 V | 36.5 V | |
Samples | 15,889 | 15,889 | 15,889 | 15,889 | 15,889 | 15,889 |
R | 0.939 | 0.936 | 0.935 | 0.852 | 0.840 | 0.838 |
RMSE | 0.021 | 0.020 | 0.019 | 0.016 | 0.016 | 0.016 |
MB | 0.011 | 0.004 | 0.013 | 0.010 | 0.004 | 0.013 |
MAE | 0.016 | 0.014 | 0.017 | 0.014 | 0.013 | 0.016 |
ChinaFlux Sites | R (MLSE–NDVI) | R (MLSE–Rainfall) | ||||
10.65 H | 18.7 H | 36.5 H | 10.65 H | 18.7 H | 36.5 H | |
XSBN | 0.64 | 0.51 | 0.35 | −0.24 | −0.32 | −0.43 |
DHS | 0.45 | 0.32 | 0.15 | 0.37 | 0.25 | 0.12 |
QYZ | 0.48 | 0.38 | 0.22 | −0.55 | −0.63 | −0.70 |
CBS | −0.62 | −0.88 | −0.30 | −0.54 | −0.83 | −0.42 |
YCS | 0.09 | −0.45 | −0.83 | −0.20 | −0.60 | −0.82 |
NMG | 0.51 | 0.86 | 0.87 | 0.49 | 0.69 | 0.64 |
HB | −0.52 | −0.53 | −0.49 | −0.78 | −0.78 | −0.68 |
DX | −0.85 | −0.85 | −0.72 | −0.94 | −0.93 | −0.80 |
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Hu, J.; Fu, Y.; Zhang, P.; Min, Q.; Gao, Z.; Wu, S.; Li, R. Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 3980.
Hu J, Fu Y, Zhang P, Min Q, Gao Z, Wu S, Li R. Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(19):3980.
Chicago/Turabian StyleHu, Jiheng, Yuyun Fu, Peng Zhang, Qilong Min, Zongting Gao, Shengli Wu, and Rui Li. 2021. "Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS" Remote Sensing 13, no. 19: 3980.
APA StyleHu, J., Fu, Y., Zhang, P., Min, Q., Gao, Z., Wu, S., & Li, R. (2021). Satellite Retrieval of Microwave Land Surface Emissivity under Clear and Cloudy Skies in China Using Observations from AMSR-E and MODIS. Remote Sensing, 13(19), 3980.