DLR HySU—A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing
:1. Introduction
- Estimation of the number of materials present in the scene.
- Dimensionality reduction, as an optional step carried out by removing non-relevant spectral ranges or projecting the data onto a new parameter space, which can be defined also based on results from the previous step.
- Endmember extraction, in which the spectra related to materials present in the scene, often referred to as endmembers, are estimated.
- Abundance estimation, in which the fractional coverage of each pixel is estimated in terms of the pure materials present on ground.
2. DLR HySU Benchmark Dataset
2.1. Targets
2.2. Airborne Measurements
2.2.1. HySpex Processing Chain
2.2.2. HySpex Subsets
- Full (86 × 123) contains the whole area of interest and its surroundings, with multiple materials present. It is not possible to give an accurate estimation for the expected value K, but we estimate it to be at least 12.
- All Targets (42 × 24) includes all targets of all sizes, within a non-homogeneous background containing grass, a reference white panel and some image elements close to the road. The expected value of K should be higher than 6 and not larger than 9.
- All Targets Masked (42 × 24, with a total of 884 valid pixels) is the same as above, but with non-homogeneous areas in the background masked out. The expected value of K is 6.
- Small Targets (12 × 12) contains only the 0.25 and 0.5m targets. As the HySpex data are resampled to a m grid, in this subset all pixels are mixed with the exception of the surrounding grass. This allows testing endmember extraction algorithms without the pure pixel assumption. The value K does not apply here due to the high mixing degree of the pixels.
- Large Targets (13 × 16) represents the subset containing only the m targets (five in total) and the surrounding homogeneous grass. This subset is aimed at providing the easiest setting for dimensionality estimation, endmember extraction with pure pixel assumption, and abundance estimation. The expected value of K is 6. In Figure 4d the locations of the representative image elements used for the creation of the spectral library used in this paper are marked in white.
2.3. Field Measurements
3. Dimensionality Estimation
4. Endmember Extraction
4.1. Clustering Experiment
5. Abundance Estimation
6. Other Applications
6.1. Joint Endmember Extraction and Abundance Estimation
6.2. Hidden Target Detection
7. Conclusions
- The confirmation of overestimation by the most used dimensionality estimation method for imaging spectrometer data, HySime, in non-ideal settings, i.e., when applied to images too small in size with non-zero noise contribution.
- The comparison between algorithms working with or without the pure pixel assumption assessed on real data for different targets, suggesting that the latter family of algorithms may perform slightly better at handling complex, highly mixed data. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that a comparison between algorithms working with or without the pure pixel assumption is made on real data. In the past, such assessment was made on synthetic images [1].
- The equivalence between the NNLS and the LASSO methods for specific cases.
- The effects of enforcing the sum-to-one constraint in FCLS, often used in abundance estimation in the literature, which may introduce severe distortions in the case of image elements with a high degree of mixture. The last aspect adds up to the distortions introduced by FCLS whenever an incomplete spectral library is used [2].
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
ATGP | Automatic Target Generation Process |
DESIS | DLR Earth Sensing Imaging Spectrometer |
DL | Dictionary Learning |
DLR | German Aerospace Center |
DLR HySU | DLR HyperSpectral Unmixing |
FCLS | Fully Constrained Least Squares |
GSD | Ground Sampling Distance |
GPS | Global Positioning System |
HFC | Harsanyi–Farrand–Chang |
HySime | Hyperspectral Signal Identification by Minimum Error |
IMU | Inertial Measurement Unit |
LASSO | Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator |
MNF | Minimum Noise Fraction |
NMF | Non-negative Matrix Factorization |
NNLS | Non-negative Least Squares |
OSP | Orthogonal Subspace Projection |
PCA | Principal Components Analysis |
PPI | Pixel Purity Index |
PSF | Point Spread Function |
SISAL | Simplex Identification via Split Augmented Lagrangian |
SNR | Signal-to-Noise Ratio |
SU | Spectral Unmixing |
SVC | Spectra Vista Corporation |
SWIR | Shortwave Infrared |
UCLS | Unconstrained Least Squares |
VCA | Vertex Component Analysis |
VNIR | Visible and Near Infrared |
Appendix A. Target Additional Information
Target Area [m] | 3 m | 2 m | 1 m | 0.5 m | 0.25 m |
Bitumen | 9.030 | 4.000 | 0.985 | 0.258 | 0.062 |
Red metal | 8.850 | 3.990 | 0.910 | 0.250 | 0.060 |
Blue fabric | 8.940 | 4.060 | 1.005 | 0.250 | 0.061 |
Red fabric | 9.211 | 3.990 | 1.000 | 0.253 | 0.065 |
Green fabric | 9.075 | 4.020 | 1.000 | 0.248 | 0.066 |
Target Area [pix] | 3 m | 2 m | 1 m | 0.5 m | 0.25 m |
Bitumen | 18.429 | 8.163 | 2.010 | 0.526 | 0.128 |
Red metal | 18.061 | 8.143 | 1.857 | 0.510 | 0.123 |
Blue fabric | 18.245 | 8.286 | 2.051 | 0.510 | 0.125 |
Red fabric | 18.798 | 8.143 | 2.041 | 0.515 | 0.133 |
Green fabric | 18.521 | 8.204 | 2.041 | 0.505 | 0.135 |
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Dataset | Full | All Targets | All Targets Masked | Large Targets |
Nr. of Pixels | 10,578 | 1008 | 884 | 208 |
K | 12+ | 7–9 | 6 | 6 |
HySime | 16 | 18 | 20 | 46 |
HFC () | 57 | 7 | 7 | 6 |
HFC () | 48 | 7 | 7 | 6 |
HFC () | 40 | 7 | 7 | 5 |
Material | 3m | 2m | 1m | 0.5m | 0.25m | |||||
UCLS | ||||||||||
Bitumen | 19.839 | (+7.7%) | 8.678 | (+6.3) | 3.221 | (+60%) | 0.555 | (+5.5%) | 0.363 | (+185%) |
Red metal | 16.255 | (−10%) | 7.682 | (−5.7%) | 1.649 | (−11%) | 0.457 | (−10%) | 0.009 | (>−93%) |
Blue fabric | 18.072 | (−0.9%) | 8.250 | (−0.4%) | 1.974 | (−3.8%) | 0.372 | (−27%) | 0.057 | (>) |
Red fabric | 18.142 | (−3.5%) | 7.886 | (−3.2%) | 2.001 | (−1.9%) | 0.380 | ( −26%) | 0.051 | (−62%) |
Green fabric | 17.824 | (−3.8%) | 8.156 | (−0.6%) | 1.823 | (−11%) | −0.164 | (−133%) | −0.319 | (#x2212;336%) |
Average | 5.2% | 3.2% | 18% | >40% | >146% | |||||
NNLS | ||||||||||
Bitumen | 18.356 | (−0.4%) | 8.000 | (−2.0%) | 2.534 | (+26%) | 0.416 | (−21%) | 0.166 | (+30%) |
Red metal | 16.943 | (−6.2%) | 7.800 | (−4.2%) | 1.767 | (−4.8%) | 0.600 | (+18%) | 0.072 | (−42%) |
Blue fabric | 18.175 | (−0.4%) | 8.401 | (+1.4%) | 2.065 | (+0.7%) | 0.474 | (−7.0%) | 0.124 | (−1.2%) |
Red fabric | 17.603 | (−6.4%) | 7.833 | (−3.8%) | 1.907 | (−6.6%) | 0.418 | (−19%) | 0.142 | (+7.3%) |
Green fabric | 17.616 | (−4.9%) | 7.739 | (−5.7%) | 1.832 | (−10%) | 0.239 | (−53%) | 0.175 | (+29%) |
Average | 3.6% | 3.4% | 9.7% | 23% | 22% | |||||
FCLS | ||||||||||
Bitumen | 18.465 | (+0.2%) | 8.072 | (−1.1%) | 2.233 | (+11%) | 0.395 | (−25%) | 0.123 | (−3.6%) |
Red metal | 17.157 | (−5.0%) | 7.825 | (−3.9%) | 1.766 | (−4.9%) | 0.627 | (+23%) | 0.141 | (+15%) |
Blue fabric | 18.328 | (+0.5%) | 8.525 | (+2.9%) | 2.138 | (+4.2%) | 0.439 | (−14%) | 0.106 | (−15%) |
Red fabric | 18.361 | (−2.3%) | 7.955 | (−2.3%) | 1.951 | (−4.4%) | 0.449 | (−13%) | 0.110 | (−17%) |
Green fabric | 17.909 | (−3.3%) | 8.053 | (−1.8%) | 2.340 | (+15%) | 0.638 | (+26%) | 0.838 | (+520%) |
Average | 2.3% | 2.4% | 7.9% | 20% | >114% | |||||
LASSO (λ = 1) | ||||||||||
Bitumen | 18.311 | (−0.6%) | 8.011 | (−) | 2.519 | (+25%) | 0.416 | (−21%) | 0.166 | (+30%) |
Red metal | 16.727 | (−7.4%) | 7.667 | (−5.8%) | 1.646 | (−11%) | 0.600 | (+18%) | 0.072 | (−42%) |
Blue fabric | 18.417 | (+0.9%) | 8.595 | (+3.7%) | 2.183 | (+6.4%) | 0.474 | (−7.0%) | 0.124 | (−1.2%) |
Red fabric | 18.440 | (−1.9%) | 8.009 | (−1.6%) | 1.983 | (−2.8%) | 0.482 | (−6.4%) | 0.142 | (+7.3%) |
Green fabric | 17.283 | (−6.7%) | 7.436 | (−9.4%) | 1.663 | (−19%) | 0.239 | (−53%) | 0.175 | (+29%) |
Average | 3.5% | 4.5% | 13% | 21% | 22% | |||||
N-FINDR+NNLS | ||||||||||
Bitumen | 16.383 | (−11%) | 7.391 | (−9.5%) | 2.809 | (+40%) | 0.571 | (+8.6%) | 0.378 | (+196%) |
Red metal | 16.990 | (−5.9%) | 7.869 | (−3.4%) | 1.956 | (+5.3%) | 0.828 | (+62%) | 0.258 | (+111%) |
Blue fabric | 18.211 | (−0.2%>) | 8.474 | (+2.3%) | 2.114 | (+3.1%) | 0.585 | (+15%) | 0.278 | (+122%) |
Red fabric | 16.967 | (−9.7%) | 7.629 | (−6.3%) | 1.910 | (−6.4%) | 0.453 | (−12%) | 0.216 | (+63%) |
Green fabric | 18.545 | (+0.1%) | 8.682 | (+5.8%) | 2.611 | (+28%) | 0.789 | (+56%) | 1.073 | (+693%) |
Average | 5.4% | 5.4% | 16% | 31% | 237% |
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Share and Cite
Cerra, D.; Pato, M.; Alonso, K.; Köhler, C.; Schneider, M.; de los Reyes, R.; Carmona, E.; Richter, R.; Kurz, F.; Reinartz, P.; et al. DLR HySU—A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 2559. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13132559
Cerra D, Pato M, Alonso K, Köhler C, Schneider M, de los Reyes R, Carmona E, Richter R, Kurz F, Reinartz P, et al. DLR HySU—A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing. Remote Sensing. 2021; 13(13):2559. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13132559
Chicago/Turabian StyleCerra, Daniele, Miguel Pato, Kevin Alonso, Claas Köhler, Mathias Schneider, Raquel de los Reyes, Emiliano Carmona, Rudolf Richter, Franz Kurz, Peter Reinartz, and et al. 2021. "DLR HySU—A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing" Remote Sensing 13, no. 13: 2559. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13132559
APA StyleCerra, D., Pato, M., Alonso, K., Köhler, C., Schneider, M., de los Reyes, R., Carmona, E., Richter, R., Kurz, F., Reinartz, P., & Müller, R. (2021). DLR HySU—A Benchmark Dataset for Spectral Unmixing. Remote Sensing, 13(13), 2559. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs13132559