Quality Assessment of PROBA-V Surface Albedo V1 for the Continuity of the Copernicus Climate Change Service
:1. Introduction
- To evaluate the product completeness and spatio-temporal consistency of C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 products over global conditions compared to SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 (and MCD43A3 C6 for benchmarking) to verify the continuity of the C3S time series;
- To assess the precision of C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 and to intercompare it with reference satellite products (C3S SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 and MCD43A3 C6);
- To assess the accuracy and the associated uncertainties of the products via direct validation with ground measurements; and
- To assess the compliance of the product with regards to climate user requirements.
2. Remote Sensing Surface Albedo Products
2.1. Evaluated Dataset: C3S SA v1.0 Based on PROBA-V Data
2.2. C3S SA v1.0 Based on SPOT/VGT Data
2.3. NASA MCD43 C6 Based on MODIS Data
3. Ground Dataset
3.1. Ground-Based Observations for Validation (GBOV) Database
3.2. Analysis of the Spatial Representativeness of Tower Measurements
4. Quality Assessment Methodology
4.1. Uncertainty Requirements
4.2. Validation Methods
4.2.1. Validation Metrics
4.2.2. Satellite Product Intercomparison
4.2.3. Ground-Based Validation
5. Results
5.1. Satellite Product Intercomparison
5.1.1. Product Completeness
5.1.2. Temporal Consistency
5.1.3. Spatio-Temporal Consistency
- PROBA-V SA v1.0 versus SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 (overlap period)
- PROBA-V SA v1.0 versus MCD43A3 C6 (2014 year)
- Compliance with user requirements
5.1.4. Intra-Annual Precision
5.1.5. Inter-Annual Precision
5.2. Ground-Based Direct Validation
6. Discussion
7. Conclusions
- The good spatio-temporal consistency of C3S PROBA-V and SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 products assures the continuity of the CDRs in terms of the uncertainty between products. However, C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 (and MCD32A3 C6) provides low numbers of valid retrievals compared to C3S SPOT/VGT SA v1.0.
- C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 shows similar inter-annual precision (~1%) to MCD43A3 C6, improving the results of SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 (2–3%), since they provide some temporal instability over desert calibration targets. Both C3S products provide lower intra-annual precision than MCD43A3 C6, mainly in the NIR domain where some temporal noise was found.
- The accuracy of the C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 best quality retrievals with respect to the ground data over a five-year period (2014–2018) showed systematic positive overestimation, which was mainly observed for the lowest albedo ranges (SA < 0.2) over forest sites. Similar uncertainty (RMSD) was found for MCD43A3 C6 products using the same sampling, showing the opposite sign for the mean bias.
- Few current satellite EO albedo products comply with the GCOS, C3S and WMO uncertainty requirements.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AL-DH | Directional-Hemispherical ALbedos |
AL-BH | Bi-Hemispherical Albedos |
ATBD | Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document |
AVHRR | Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer |
BB | total shortwave |
BRDF | Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function |
BSA | Black-Sky Albedo |
BSRN | Baseline Surface Radiation Network |
CDR | Climate Data Records |
CDS | Climate Data Store of C3S |
CEOS | Committee on Earth Observing Satellites |
CGLS | Copernicus Global Land Service |
C3S | Copernicus Climate Change Service |
C6 | Collection 6 of MODIS products |
ECV | Essential Climate Variables |
EO | Earth Observation |
EQC | Evaluation and Quality Control |
EUMETSAT | European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites |
FLUXNET | FLUXes NETwork (network of regional networks) |
GBOV | Ground-Based Observations for Validation |
CGOS | Global Climate Observing System |
GLASS | Global Land Surface Satellite |
GSD | Ground Sampling Distance |
JCGM | Joint Committee for Guides in Metrology |
KPI | Key Performance Indicator |
LANDVAL | LAND VALidation network |
LSA SAF | Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface Analysis |
LPV | Land Product Validation sub-group |
MAR | Major Axis Regression |
MetOp | Polar-orbiting Meteorological satellites |
MIR | Mid InfraRed |
MODIS | MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer |
MSG | Meteosat Second Generation |
N | Number of samples |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Agency |
NEON | National Ecological Observatory Network |
NIR (or NI) | Near-Infrared |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
OLCI | Ocean and Land Colour Instrument |
OLS | Ordinary Least Squares |
LP | Land Products |
PROBA-V | Project for Onboard Autonomy satellite, the V standing for vegetation |
PUGS | Product User Guide and Specification document |
QFLAG | Quality FLAG |
R | Correlation coefficient |
RM | Reference Measurements |
RMSD | Root Mean Square Deviation |
RTLSR | Ross Thick kernel and Li Sparse-Reciprocal kernels |
SA | Surface Albedo |
SEVIRI | Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager |
SLSTR | Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer |
SPOT | Satellites for the Observation of the Earth |
SURFRAD | Surface Radiation budget |
SWIR | Short-Wave InfraRed |
TOA | Top-Of-Atmosphere |
TOC | Top-Of-Canopy |
VGT | VeGeTation sensor |
VI | Visible domain |
VNIR | Visible and Near-InfRared |
WGCV | Working Group on Calibration and Validation |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization |
WSA | White-Sky Albedo |
Appendix A. Ground-Based Direct Validation per Biome Type
- C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0
- MCD43A3 C6
Appendix B. Temporal Realism of Blue-Sky Albedos over Gbov Sites
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Product | Satellite /Sensor | BRDF Model: Volumetric /Geometrical Kernels | Frequency /Composite Period | GSD /Projection | Reference |
C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 | PROBA /VEGETATION | Ross_Thick /Roujean | 10 days /30 days | 1 km /Plate Carrée | [35] |
C3S SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 | SPOT /VEGETATION | Ross_Thick /Li_Sparse_Reciprocal | 10 days /20 days | 1 km /Plate Carrée | [36] |
NASA MCD43A3 C6 | TERRA+AQUA /MODIS | Ross_Thick /Li_Sparse_Reciprocal | Daily /16 days | 500 m /Sinusoidal | [37] |
PROBA-V | VGT-2 | MODIS | |||||||
Acronym | Center (nm) | Width (nm) | Acronym | Center (nm) | Width (nm) | Acronym | Center (nm) | Width (nm) | |
Blue | B0 | 463 | 46 | B0 | 458 | 37 | Band3 | 489 | 20 |
Red | B2 | 655 | 79 | B2 | 653 | 74 | Band1 | 645 | 50 |
NIR | B3 | 845 | 144 | B3 | 838 | 109 | Band2 | 858.5 | 35 |
SWIR | MIR | 1600 | 73 | MIR | 1635 | 101 | Band6 | 1639 | 24 |
Product | Quality Control Used to Discard Pixels |
C3S PROBA-V SA v1.0 | Sea (bit 1) Input status out of range or invalid (bit 6) B2 saturated (bit 10) B0 saturated (bit 11) |
C3S SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 | Sea and continental water (bits 0-1 of QFLAG) Algorithm Failed (bit 6 of QFLAG) ERR > 0.2 AGE > 20 |
MCD43A2 C6 | BRDF_Albedo_Band_Quality_Band1-7: Magnitude inversion (number of observations lower than 7) |
# | Site ID | Name | Country | Network | Land Cover | Lat (deg) | Lon (deg) |
1 | USA_BND | Bondville | USA | SURFRAD | Croplands | 40.052 | −88.373 |
2 | USA_BAO | Boulder | USA | BSRN | Croplands | 40.050 | −105.004 |
3 | BEL_BRA | Brasschaat | Belgium | FLUXNET | Mixed Forest | 51.309 | 4.521 |
4 | NET_CAB | Cabauw | Netherlands | BSRN | Grasslands | 51.971 | 4.927 |
5 | AUS_CLP | Calperum | Australia | FLUXNET | Shrublands | −34.003 | 140.588 |
6 | USA_DRA | Desert Rock | USA | SURFRAD | Bare Soil | 36.624 | −116.019 |
7 | USA_FPK | Fort Peck | USA | SURFRAD | Grasslands | 48.308 | −105.102 |
8 | GER_GEB | Gebesee | Germany | FLUXNET | Croplands | 51.100 | 10.914 |
9 | NAM_GOB | Gobabeb | Namibia | BRSN | Bare Soil | −23.561 | 15.042 |
10 | USA_GCM | Goodwin Creek | USA | SURFRAD | Decidous Broadleaf | 34.255 | −89.873 |
11 | FRA_GRI | Grignon | France | FLUXNET | Croplands | 48.844 | 1.952 |
12 | FRA_GUY | Guyaflux | French Guyana | FLUXNET | Evergreen Broadleaf | 5.279 | −52.925 |
13 | GER_HAI | Hainich | Germany | FLUXNET | Mixed Forest | 51.070 | 10.450 |
14 | USA_NRF | Niwot Ridge | USA | FLUXNET | Evergreen Needelleaf | 40.033 | −105.546 |
15 | ITA_REN | Renon | Italy | FLUXNET | Evergreen Needelleaf | 46.587 | 11.434 |
16 | USA_PSU | Rock Springs | USA | SURFRAD | Decidous Broadleaf | 40.720 | −77.931 |
17 | USA_SFS | Sioux Falls | USA | SURFRAD | Croplands | 43.730 | −96.620 |
18 | USA_SGP | Southern Great Plains | USA | FLUXNET | Croplands | 36.606 | −97.489 |
19 | USA_TBL | Table Mountain | USA | SURFRAD | Bare soil and Rocks | 40.125 | −105.237 |
20 | AUS_TMB | Tumbarumba | Australia | FLUXNET | Evergreen Broadleaf | −35.657 | 148.152 |
# | Site ID | Footprint (m) | Seasonal Period | RCV (%) | RSE (%) | RST (%) | RSV (%) | STscore | RAWscore |
1 | USA_BND | 126 | Leaf-off | 5.24 | 42.63 | −5.17 | 59.16 | 1.52 | 9.54 |
Leaf-on | −4.56 | 48.50 | 2.84 | 37.10 | 1.58 | 10.9 | |||
2 | USA_BAO | 3788 | Leaf-off | 175.37 | 0.00 | −3.30 | −15.64 | 1.54 | 0.29 |
Leaf-on | 19.43 | 0.00 | 2.77 | −44.65 | 4.49 | 2.57 | |||
3 | BEL_BRA | 505 | Leaf-off | 11.24 | 0.01 | 0.15 | −4.37 | 19.02 | 4.45 |
Leaf-on | 12.74 | 0.06 | −0.39 | −14.61 | 10.74 | 3.93 | |||
4 | NET_CAB | 213 | Leaf-off | 11.31 | 0.00 | −2.61 | 7.13 | 14.25 | 4.42 |
Leaf-on | 32.62 | 0.00 | 0.74 | 11.70 | 1.66 | 1.53 | |||
5 | AUS_CLP | 253 | Leaf-off | −5.83 | 31.92 | 4.15 | −4.62 | 2.72 | 8.58 |
Leaf-on | −11.07 | 29.70 | 2.53 | −3.13 | 2.83 | 4.52 | |||
6 | USA_DRA | 126 | Single season | 18.88 | 23.5 | 6.0 | 83.9 | 1.67 | 2.65 |
7 | USA_FPK | 126 | Leaf-off | 7.01 | 19.5 | −2.03 | −1.25 | 4.37 | 7.13 |
Leaf-on | 42.27 | 23.5 | 3.36 | 69.44 | 1.62 | 1.18 | |||
8 | GER_GEB | 76 | Leaf-off | 10.35 | 81.49 | −1.70 | 41.86 | 1.01 | 4.83 |
Leaf-on | −24.49 | 73.04 | 5.35 | −13.41 | 1.14 | 2.04 | |||
9 | NAM_GOB | 10 | Leaf-off | 11.67 | 51.27 | 2.37 | 40.41 | 1.44 | 4.29 |
Leaf-on | 26.47 | 58.17 | 0.92 | 47.89 | 1.20 | 1.89 | |||
10 | USA_GCM | 126 | Leaf-off | −17.17 | 75.3 | 2.94 | 10.00 | 1.17 | 2.91 |
Leaf-on | 30.21 | 75.2 | −5.02 | 45.76 | 0.98 | 1.65 | |||
11 | FRA_GRI | 67 | Leaf-off | 5.30 | 68.84 | −4.99 | 29.89 | 1.22 | 9.44 |
Leaf-on | 10.62 | 61.83 | 4.17 | 0.42 | 1.49 | 4.71 | |||
12 | FRA_GUY | 253 | Single season | −0.72 | 7.85 | 2.47 | −1.98 | 10.45 | 69.33 |
13 | GER_HAI | 530 | Leaf-off | 7.66 | 0.00 | 5.94 | 22.01 | 8.43 | 6.53 |
Leaf-on | −6.37 | 0.00 | 1.94 | 7.40 | 19.11 | 7.85 | |||
14 | USA_NRF | 322 | Leaf-off | −19.95 | 7.43 | −12.98 | −10.77 | 4.55 | 2.51 |
Leaf-on | 6.71 | 6.61 | −7.07 | 3.28 | 8.13 | 7.45 | |||
15 | ITA_REN | 12 | Leaf-off | 59.74 | 15.75 | 7.80 | 84.41 | 1.51 | 0.84 |
Leaf-on | 21.44 | 32.85 | −2.00 | 10.26 | 2.27 | 2.33 | |||
16 | USA_PSU | 126 | Leaf-off | 66.21 | 24.94 | 12.73 | 61.96 | 1.39 | 0.76 |
Leaf-on | 5.06 | 22.86 | 3.16 | −14.45 | 3.29 | 9.89 | |||
17 | USA_SFS | 32 | Leaf-off | 7.33 | 75.5 | 1.56 | −6.74 | 1.24 | 6.82 |
Leaf-on | 21.08 | 49.5 | 7.29 | 104.41 | 1.07 | 2.37 | |||
18 | USA_SGP | 152 | Leaf-off | −14.76 | 37.13 | −13.21 | 23.66 | 1.84 | 3.39 |
Leaf-on | 10.02 | 35.26 | −10.84 | 104.30 | 1.30 | 4.99 | |||
19 | USA_TBL | 126 | Leaf-off | 26.68 | 69.72 | −4.78 | 79.70 | 0.94 | 1.87 |
Leaf-on | −17.46 | 64.91 | 6.59 | −2.34 | 1.36 | 2.86 | |||
20 | AUS_TMB | 884 | Single season | 18.41 | 0.00 | 0.06 | 7.27 | 11.65 | 2.72 |
GCOS | WMO | C3S KPI | |
Surface Albedo requirements | Max (5%; 0.0025) | Goal: 5% Breakthrough: 10% Threshold: 20% | Max (10%; 0.01) |
Optimal | Target | Threshold | |
Surface Albedo Uncertainty Requirements | Max [5%, 0.0025] | Max [10%, 0.01] | Max [20%, 0.02] |
Quantity | Validation Metric |
Completeness | Gap size distribution (spatial and temporal) Gap length |
Precision | Median 3-point difference (intra-annual precision) Median absolute deviation (inter-annual precision) |
Accuracy | Median Error Box-plots of the bias per albedo range |
Uncertainty | Root mean square deviation (RMSD) Scatter-plots of match-ups (MAR Linear models and correlation) |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 vs. SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 (Dec 2013–May 2014) | ||||||
Median_Err | 0.01 | 0.014 | 0.01 | 0.013 | 0.02 | 0.014 |
(Median_Err %) | (8%) | (5%) | (4.7%) | (10%) | (6.3%) | (5.9%) |
Bias | −0.003 | 0.007 | 0.002 | −0.024 | 0.007 | 0.002 |
(Bias %) | (2.2%) | (2.3%) | (0.9%) | (2.8%) | (2.4%) | (1.0%) |
RMSD | 0.044 | 0.031 | 0.032 | 0.047 | 0.037 | 0.036 |
(RMSD %) | (35.3%) | (10.5%) | (14.5%) | (36.1%) | (11.7%) | (15.2%) |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 vs. MCD43A3 C6 (2014) | ||||||
Median_Err | 0.011 | 0.025 | 0.027 | 0.012 | 0.029 | 0.031 |
(Median_Err %) | (9.8%) | (9%) | (13.4%) | (10.1%) | (9.9%) | (14.5%) |
Bias | 0.006 | 0.024 | 0.024 | 0.006 | 0.029 | 0.029 |
(Bias %) | (5.3%) | (8.4%) | (11.9%) | (5.1%) | (9.6%) | (13.3%) |
RMSD | 0.048 | 0.039 | 0.044 | 0.048 | 0.045 | 0.048 |
(RMSD %) | (43.3%) | (14%) | (21.5%) | (41.4%) | (15.1%) | (22.2%) |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 vs. SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 (Dec 2013–May 2014) | ||||||
% optimal (GCOS) | 28.9 | 48.6 | 50.2 | 23.9 | 39.9 | 41.8 |
% target (C3S KPI) | 62.9 | 76.8 | 78.5 | 51.3 | 68.5 | 69.9 |
% threshold | 83.1 | 92.6 | 88.1 | 72.8 | 90.2 | 82.6 |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 vs. MCD43A3 C6 (2014 year) | ||||||
% optimal (GCOS) | 20.4 | 24.5 | 6.5 | 20.9 | 22.9 | 6.7 |
% target (C3S KPI) | 55.5 | 50.4 | 24.8 | 52.7 | 46.4 | 23 |
% threshold | 83.5 | 78.7 | 50.7 | 80.5 | 77.4 | 49.8 |
Median of 3-Point Difference (i.e., Median δ Values) | ||||||
PROBA-V SA v1.0 | 0.0026 | 0.0052 | 0.0035 | 0.0039 | 0.0074 | 0.0050 |
SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 | 0.0042 | 0.0047 | 0.0041 | 0.0057 | 0.0063 | 0.0055 |
MCD43A3 C6 | 0.0012 | 0.0022 | 0.0016 | 0.0018 | 0.0032 | 0.0023 |
Inter-Annual Precision (Median Absolute Deviation) | ||||||
PROBA-V SA v1.0 | 0.004 (1.2%) | 0.006 (1.1%) | 0.004 (0.9%) | 0.004 (1.3%) | 0.008 (1.3%) | 0.006 (1.2%) |
SPOT/VGT SA v1.0 | 0.008 (2.6%) | 0.012 (2%) | 0.009 (2%) | 0.011 (3.7%) | 0.02 (3.3%) | 0.014 (3%) |
MCD43A3 C6 | 0.003 (0.9%) | 0.005 (0.8%) | 0.004 (0.8%) | 0.003 (1.2%) | 0.006 (1.1%) | 0.005 (1.1%) |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 | MCD43A3 C6 | |
Median Error (Median Error %) | 0.032 (18.2%) | 0.018 (11.2%) |
Bias (Bias %) | 0.020 (11.5%) | −0.010 (5.9%) |
RMSD (RMSD %) | 0.04 (22.4%) | 0.04 (24.8%) |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 | MCD43A3 C6 | |
% optimal (GCOS) | 15.5 | 23.7 |
% target (C3S KPI) | 28.6 | 45.5 |
% threshold | 44.2 | 58.0 |
PROBA-V SA v1.0 vs. GBOV RM | ||||
Forest | Crops | Grass/Shrubs | Desert | |
Number of Samples (stations) | 608 (8) | 488 (6) | 316 (3) | 303 (3) |
Median Error (Median Error %) | 0.037 (27.0%) | 0.036 (18.3%) | 0.015 (7.8%) | 0.037 (16.7%) |
Bias (Bias %) | 0.030 (22.4%) | 0.014 (7.4%) | 0.008 (4.2%) | 0.023 (10.4%) |
RMSD (RMSD %) | 0.044 (32.6%) | 0.044 (22.4%) | 0.024 (12.2%) | 0.038 (17.2%) |
% optimal (GCOS) | 6.1 | 12.4 | 38.9 | 15.5 |
% target (C3S KPI) | 13.8 | 25.8 | 59.5 | 30.4 |
% threshold | 22.9 | 38.7 | 75.3 | 63.4 |
MCD43A3 C6 vs. GBOV RM | ||||
Forest | Crops | Grass/Shrubs | Desert | |
Number of Samples (stations) | 608 (8) | 488 (6) | 316 (3) | 303 (3) |
Median Error (Median Error %) | 0.015 (12.1%) | 0.021 (11.3%) | 0.020 (11.5%) | 0.017 (8.4%) |
Bias (Bias %) | 0.003 (2.8%) | −0.012 (6.7%) | −0.027 (15.3%) | −0.013 (6.5%) |
RMSD (RMSD %) | 0.031 (25.2%) | 0.051 (28.0%) | 0.042 (24.1%) | 0.036 (17.8%) |
% optimal (GCOS) | 21.5 | 25.4 | 18.4 | 30.7 |
% target (C3S KPI) | 41.1 | 44.5 | 43.4 | 58.1 |
% threshold | 58.9 | 53.5 | 52.8 | 68.6 |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
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Sánchez-Zapero, J.; Camacho, F.; Martínez-Sánchez, E.; Lacaze, R.; Carrer, D.; Pinault, F.; Benhadj, I.; Muñoz-Sabater, J. Quality Assessment of PROBA-V Surface Albedo V1 for the Continuity of the Copernicus Climate Change Service. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 2596. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12162596
Sánchez-Zapero J, Camacho F, Martínez-Sánchez E, Lacaze R, Carrer D, Pinault F, Benhadj I, Muñoz-Sabater J. Quality Assessment of PROBA-V Surface Albedo V1 for the Continuity of the Copernicus Climate Change Service. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(16):2596. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12162596
Chicago/Turabian StyleSánchez-Zapero, Jorge, Fernando Camacho, Enrique Martínez-Sánchez, Roselyne Lacaze, Dominique Carrer, Florian Pinault, Iskander Benhadj, and Joaquín Muñoz-Sabater. 2020. "Quality Assessment of PROBA-V Surface Albedo V1 for the Continuity of the Copernicus Climate Change Service" Remote Sensing 12, no. 16: 2596. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12162596
APA StyleSánchez-Zapero, J., Camacho, F., Martínez-Sánchez, E., Lacaze, R., Carrer, D., Pinault, F., Benhadj, I., & Muñoz-Sabater, J. (2020). Quality Assessment of PROBA-V Surface Albedo V1 for the Continuity of the Copernicus Climate Change Service. Remote Sensing, 12(16), 2596. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12162596