UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential Climate Variables
:1. Introduction
2. Scientific Rationale of the UVSQ-SAT Mission
2.1. Earth’s Energy Imbalance
2.2. Solar Spectral Irradiance in the Herzberg Continuum
2.3. Scientific Requirements
3. Materials and Methods
3.1. The Space Segment: The UVSQ-SAT CubeSat Platform
3.2. The Space Segment: The UVSQ-SAT CubeSat Payload
3.2.1. The ERS Sensors
3.2.2. The DEVINS Sensors
3.2.3. The TW Sensor
3.3. The Ground Segment: The UHF/VHF Station
3.4. UVSQ-SAT Mission Concept of Operations
- Operations before launch and for launch.
- Launch early operations and satellite platform in-orbit verification: deployment of UVSQ-SAT from the CubeSat deployer, automatic activation of the satellite by separation switches, automatic initialization of the onboard software a few seconds after the satellite separation, deployment of deployable structures (antenna), automatic satellite ADCS activation to perform autonomous detumbling of the spacecraft, verification of the link between the ground and satellite, restitution of the satellite orbit thanks to the first visibilities, check that all platform satellite services are running, payload switch-on, and check that all payload instruments are functional.
- Instrument in-orbit verification and operations: preliminary configuration, operational configuration of the satellite, Calibration/Validation (CalVal) of the payload instruments and comparisons with payload ground based calibration (ERS (responsivity, solar absorption (200 to 2500 nm), normal emittance (around 10 m), bidirectional reflectance distribution function for different angle of incidence, etc.), DEVINS (responsivity, slit function of the sensor, calibrations against national SI standards, etc.), etc.), and validation of the performances. In “routine”, the CubeSat will observe the Earth and the Sun full time. Each month, a calibration will be done to characterize the angular responsivity of the sensors (ERS and DEVINS).
- End of life of the UVSQ-SAT CubeSat.
4. Results
- Use of CERES data (1× 1 latitude-longitude geographic grid, monthly mean) to have an initial map of Earth’s net radiation for analysis. Then, we considered that this map corresponded to Earth’s net radiation “real” map at time t (Figure 6, left upper panel). This map illustrates the fundamental imbalance between net radiation surpluses at the Equator and net radiation deficits at high latitudes.
- We calculated the UVSQ-SAT CubeSat ground-track (SSO LEO orbit) for a given period (Figure 6, right upper panel).
- We considered that the maximum angle of view of the UVSQ-SAT sensors can effectively detect the net radiation in a ground area of 1× 1 along the ground-track and for a given acquisition integration time. Then, we obtained Earth’s net radiation associated with the sensors’ observations. Finally, we performed an interpolation (Delaunay triangulation) on the scattered dataset that resided in 2D space to obtain Earth’s net radiation based on UVSQ-SAT observations for a given time period (Figure 6, left middle and bottom panels).
5. Final Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
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Requirements | Scientific Relevance | |
Essential Climate Variable (ECV) | Absolute uncertainty | Stability per decade |
EEI measurements | ±1 Wm at 1 | ±0.1 Wm at 1 |
SSI at 215 nm | ±1.7 10 Wmnm | ±3.4 10 Wmnm |
( ±0.5% at 1) | ( ±0.1% at 1) | |
Requirements | UVSQ-SAT Performances | |
Essential Climate Variable (ECV) | Absolute uncertainty | Stability per year |
EEI measurements | ±15 Wm at 1 | ±5 Wm at 1 |
SSI at 215 nm | ±8.5 10 Wmnm | ±1.7 10 Wmnm |
( ±2.5% at 1) | ( ±0.5% at 1) |
Properties | Value | Comments |
Orbit | SSO | Maximum altitude of 600 km, LTAN of 10:30 |
Design lifetime | 1 year for LEO | 3 years desired |
Launch date | Q4 2020/Q1 2021 | Launch vehicle: Soyuz |
Size | 1U | 11.10 cm (X) × 11.10 cm (Y) × 11.35 cm (Z) |
Mass | 1.6 kg | Maximum with margins |
Solar cells | 12 | 3G30A solar cells provided by Azurspace |
Batteries | 22.5 Wh at 8 V | 2 Panasonic batteries (NCR18650B) with heaters |
Power generated | 2.2 W | Orbit average power per 1U area in LEO |
Power consumption | 1.6 W | Maximum orbit average with margins |
ADCS | 3 axis magnetometer | Measurements of the local Earth magnetic field |
(Appendix A) | 3 axis magnetorquer | 0.2 Am magnetic dipole |
6 SLCD-61N8 photodiodes | Coarse estimation of the Sun’s direction () | |
CDHS and OBC | 400 MHz, 32-bit ARM9 | Processor |
(Appendix A) | 32 MB SDRAM | Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory |
2×2 GB SD cards | Non-volatile Data Storage (SD card redundancy) | |
1 MB NOR flash memory | Code storage | |
IC, SPI, UARTs | UART is only used for debugging iOBC | |
Data downlink | 1.2/9.6 kbps | UHF BPSK (437.020 MHz) communication |
Data uplink | 9.6 kbps | VHF FSK (145.830 MHz) communication |
Ground contact station | Less than 1 hour per day | LATMOS station |
Redundancy stations | NCU (TW), ACRI-ST (FR) | Other stations: amateur radio partners |
Downlink UVSQ-SAT data | 1.8 Mbyte per day | Maximum during a day |
Uplink UVSQ-SAT data | 0.3 Mbyte per day | Maximum during a day |
Transponder | Link with amateur radio | Live retransmission of FM signals |
Payload | 12 ERS | EEI measurements |
4 DEVINS | UV SSI measurements | |
1 Teach’ Wear (TW) sensor | Accelerometer, gyroscope, and compass | |
Launch adapter | ISIPOD or Quadpack | CubeSat deployer with a satellite mass up to 2 kg |
Uncertainty Sources | Absolute Uncertainty | Determination Method |
Emissivity (, ) | ±0.25% | Ground based calibration, BRDF |
Absorptivity (, ) | ±0.25% | Ground based calibration, BRDF |
Temperatures (, ) | ±0.01 Kelvin | Ground based calibration, in-flight validation |
Voltage (, ) | ±50 nV | Ground based calibration, in-flight validation |
Responsivity (, ) | ±0.25% | Ground based calibration, in-flight validation |
Satellite altitude (z) | ±0.1% | Orbital assessment |
±0.5 Wm | Space based radiometers observations | |
d | ±0.05% | IMCCE determinations |
±0.1% | Calculations, IMCCE determinations | |
±1% | Deep learning approach |
Parameter | Requirements |
ERS signal range | −500 Wm to +1500 Wm |
(−100 V per Wm to +300 V per Wm) | |
ERS resolution | 18 bits (∼1.5 nV) |
ERS noise detection | ±0.25 Wm ( ±50 nV) |
ERS time response | < 50 ms |
Temperature range | −60 C to +90 C |
Resolution | 18 bits (5.7 10 C) |
Temperature noise | < ±0.1 C |
Acquisition time | Better than 10 s |
Parameter | Absolute Uncertainty | Stability per Year |
OLR | ±10 Wm at 1 | ±1 Wm at 1 |
OSR | ±10 Wm at 1 | ±5 Wm at 1 |
TSI | ±0.5 Wm at 1 | < ±0.1 Wm at 1 |
EEI = TSI/4 − (OLR + OSR) | < ±15 Wm at 1 | ∼±5 Wm at 1 |
Parameter | Requirements |
DEVINS signal range | 0 to 2.1 Wm (200–242 nm band) |
Target value: ∼1.4 Wm | |
Central wavelength | 220 ± 5 nm |
Full width at half maximum | 20 ± 2 nm |
Rejection | 10 in the 250–3000 nm band |
DEVINS resolution | 18 bits (∼0.03 nA) |
DEVINS noise detection | < 30 nA |
DEVINS time response | < 20 ms |
Acquisition integration time | Better than 10 s |
Parameter | Requirements |
TW signal range | Accelerometer: ±2 g |
Gyroscope: ±250 deg | |
Compass: ±4912 T | |
TW resolution | 16 bits |
TW noise detection | Accelerometer: 230 g/ |
Gyroscope: 0.015 deg/s/ | |
DEVINS time response | <20 ms |
Acquisition integration time | 10 s |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Meftah, M.; Damé, L.; Keckhut, P.; Bekki, S.; Sarkissian, A.; Hauchecorne, A.; Bertran, E.; Carta, J.-P.; Rogers, D.; Abbaki, S.; et al. UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential Climate Variables. Remote Sens. 2020, 12, 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12010092
Meftah M, Damé L, Keckhut P, Bekki S, Sarkissian A, Hauchecorne A, Bertran E, Carta J-P, Rogers D, Abbaki S, et al. UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential Climate Variables. Remote Sensing. 2020; 12(1):92. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12010092
Chicago/Turabian StyleMeftah, Mustapha, Luc Damé, Philippe Keckhut, Slimane Bekki, Alain Sarkissian, Alain Hauchecorne, Emmanuel Bertran, Jean-Paul Carta, David Rogers, Sadok Abbaki, and et al. 2020. "UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential Climate Variables" Remote Sensing 12, no. 1: 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12010092
APA StyleMeftah, M., Damé, L., Keckhut, P., Bekki, S., Sarkissian, A., Hauchecorne, A., Bertran, E., Carta, J.-P., Rogers, D., Abbaki, S., Dufour, C., Gilbert, P., Lapauw, L., Vieau, A.-J., Arrateig, X., Muscat, N., Bove, P., Sandana, É., Teherani, F., ... Bui, A. (2020). UVSQ-SAT, a Pathfinder CubeSat Mission for Observing Essential Climate Variables. Remote Sensing, 12(1), 92. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs12010092