A Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets
:1. Introduction
2. Principles for Estimating AGB from Remotely Sensed Data
3. Current Gridded Forest Biomass Maps
3.1. Forest AGB Maps Generated Using GIS-Based Methods
3.1.1. New IPCC Tier-1 Global Biomass Carbon Map for the Year 2000
3.1.2. A Map of Living Forest Biomass and Carbon Stock in Europe
3.1.3. Global One-Degree Maps of Forest Area, Carbon Stocks, and Biomass, 1950–2010
3.1.4. IIASA’s Global Forest Database
3.1.5. Tropical Africa and Southeast Asia 1980 and 2000 Forest Biomass Maps
3.2. Forest AGB Maps from Field Inventory Data and Optical and/or Radar Remotely Sensed Data
3.2.1. National Biomass and Carbon Dataset for the Year 2000
3.2.2. Forest Biomass across the Lower 48 States and Alaska
3.2.3. Forest Carbon Stocks of the Contiguous United States (2000–2009)
3.2.4. Aboveground Biomass in Interior Alaska (Yukon River Basin), 30 m, 2009–2010
3.2.5. The First Detailed Map of Aboveground Forest Carbon Stocks in Mexico (30 m)
3.2.6. Mexico Forest Biomass Map (250 m)
3.2.7. Maps of Canada’s Forest Attributes for 2001 and 2011
3.2.8. EU-Wide Growing Stock and Biomass Maps
3.2.9. Russian Forest Biomass Map
3.2.10. China AGB Maps from 2001 to 2013
3.2.11. China Forest Biomass Map for 2004–2008
3.2.12. Aboveground Live Biomass Map in the Amazon Basin
3.2.13. Forest Structure, Biomass and Productivity in Amazonia at 5 km Spatial Resolution
3.2.14. PALSAR-Derived AGB Map of Cambodia
3.2.15. Colombia AGB Maps
3.2.16. Global Forest AGB Map at the 0.01° Spatial Resolution
3.3. High-Resolution AGB Maps from Field Measurements and LiDAR Data
3.3.1. LiDAR-Derived Estimates of Aboveground Biomass at Four Forested Sites, USA
3.3.2. Aboveground Biomass for Penobscot Experimental Forest, Maine, 2012
3.3.3. LiDAR-Derived Aboveground Biomass, Canopy Height and Cover for Maryland, 2011
3.3.4. LiDAR-Derived Biomass, Canopy Height and Cover, Sonoma County, California, 2013
3.3.5. LiDAR-Derived Aboveground Biomass and Uncertainty for Californian Forests, 2005–2014
3.4. AGB Maps Derived from a Combination of Field Biomass, LiDAR Data and Optical and/or Radar Data
3.4.1. LiDAR-Based Biomass Estimates, Boreal Forest Biome, Eurasia, 2005–2006
3.4.2. NACP LiDAR-Based Biomass Estimates, Boreal Forest Biome, North America, 2005–2006
3.4.3. The First AGB Map of Tropical Africa’s Forest
3.4.4. Benchmark Map of Forest Carbon Stocks in Tropical Regions across Three Continents
3.4.5. Pantropical Map of Aboveground Live Woody Biomass Density
3.4.6. Estimated Deforested Area Biomass in Tropical America, Africa, and Asia, 2000
3.4.7. Republic of Panama Aboveground Carbon Density Map
3.4.8. Peru Forest Aboveground Carbon Density Map
3.4.9. French Guiana AGB Map
3.4.10. Madagascar AGB Maps
3.4.11. Northeast China AGB Map
3.4.12. China Forest AGB Map
3.4.13. Global Forest AGB Maps from Spaceborne LiDAR, Optical Imagery, and Forest Inventory Data
3.4.14. A Global Forest AGB Map at 1 km Spatial Resolution
3.5. AGB Maps from Other Data Sources
3.5.1. Northern Hemisphere Forest Carbon Density Map
3.5.2. Pan-Tropical Forest Biomass Map at 1 km Resolution for the 2000 s
3.5.3. A New High-Resolution Nation-Wide Aboveground Carbon Map for Brazil
3.5.4. GEOCARBON Global Forest Biomass Map
3.5.5. Global Forest Biomass Carbon Map from 1993 to 2012
3.5.6. Amazon Forest AGB Map at 1 km Spatial Resolution
3.5.7. Pan-European Map of Forest Biomass Increment
4. Comparison of Forest AGB Maps over Large Regions
4.1. Europe
4.2. Conterminous United States
4.3. Southeast Asia
4.4. Tropical Africa
4.5. South America
5. Limitations of Current AGB Maps and Future Improvements
5.1. Compilation of Field Biomass Data
5.2. Data Sources for Forest AGB Mapping
5.3. Novel Approaches to Forest AGB Mapping
5.4. Accuracy Assessment
5.5. Forest Biomass Dynamics
6. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Region | Base Year | Pixel Size | Forest Mask | Methodology | Accuracy/Uncertainty | Provider |
Global | 2000 | 1 km | GLC2000 | Stratify and multiply (IPCC defaults, GLC2000, ecoregion zones) | Not reported | Ruesch and Gibbs [49] |
Global | 1950–2010, every 5 years | 1° | A compilation of land use maps | Interpolation (FAO, MCPFE, and UNECE) | Not evaluated formally | Hengeveld et al. [53] |
Global | 2005 | 0.5° | GLC2000 | Downscaling (FRA biomass, NPP, human activity data) | Not reported | Kindermann et al. [54] |
Global | 1993–2012 | 0.25° | MODIS IGBP land cover products | Regression (VOD data, Saatchi et al. map) | Not reported | Liu et al. [105] |
Global | 2004 | 1 km | MODIS Land Cover Type (MCD12Q1) | Random forest model (field data, GLAS data, optical imagery, climate data, and topographic data) | R2 = 0.56; RMSE = 87.53 Mg/ha | Hu et al. [99] |
Global | 2005 | 1 km | MODIS land cover products | Gradient Boosting Regression Tree method (field data, MODIS, GLASS products, SRTM, climate data) | R2 = 0.90; RMSE = 35.87 Mg/ha (Independent validation data were compiled from field data and LiDAR-derived gridded data) | Yang et al. [100] |
Global | 2000 s | 0.01 | Hansen et al. 2013 forest cover map (10% tree cover) | Random Forest algorithm (reference AGB data, GLASS data products, climate and topographic data) | R2 = 0.70; RMSE = 46.91 Mg/ha | Zhang and Liang [77] |
Northern Hemisphere | 2010 | 0.01° | GLC2000 | BIOMASAR algorithm (ASAR, field inventory data) | R2 = 0.70~0.90 at regional scales | Thurner et al. [102] |
Pan-European | 2000–2010 | 1 km | Land Cover UMD classification MOD12Q1 | Model Tree Ensemble method (GPP, FLUXNET observations) | R2 = 0.92 at regional level | Busetto et al. [107] |
Europe | 2010 | 1 km | CORINE Land Cover 2006 map | IPCC Tier 1 method (FRA data, CORINE Land Cover data) | Not validated at the pixel level | Barredo et al. [51] |
Europe | 2000 | 500 m/10 km | CORINE Land Cover 2000 map | Downscaling method (NFI data, MODIS data, meteorological data, and land cover data) | R = 0.97; Mean absolute error = 25 m3/ha (for growing stock) | Gallaun et al. [70] |
Russia | 2000 | 500 m | GLC2000 and MOD12Q1 | Random Forest model (field data and MODIS reflectance data) | R2 = 0.61 (variance explained) | Houghton et al. [71] |
Eurasia | 2005–2006 | 500 m | MOD12Q1 | Two and three-phase modelling (field data, GLAS data, land cover, ecoregion, and topographic data) | R2 = 0.60; RMSE = 58.47 Mg/ha | Neigh et al. [85] |
China | 2001–2013 | 1 km | Vegetation map of China | Model tree ensembles approach (field data, MODIS reflectance data, climate data and forest type map) | R2 = 0.46; RMSE = 22.7 Mg/ha | Yin et al. [72] |
China | 2004–2008 | 5.5 km | MODIS Land Cover Type product MCD12C1 | Downscaling approach (field inventory statistics and MODIS data) | R2 = 0.761 | Du et al. [73] |
China | 2000 | 1 km | Chinese land use map | Random forest model (field data, GLAS data, optical imagery, climate data, and topographic data) | R2 = 0.75; RMSE = 42.39 Mg/ha | Su et al. [98] |
Northeast China | 2005 | 500 m | MODIS VCF (10% tree cover) | Random Forests model (field biomass data, GLAS data, and MODIS data) | R2 = 0.82; RMSE = 32.69 Mg/ha; Bootstrap uncertainty = 25.80 Mg/ha | Zhang et al. [97] |
North America | 2005–2006 | 500 m | EOSD2000 and NLCD2001 | Three-phase modelling (field data, airborne LiDAR, GLAS data, and MODIS data) | Relative error = 1.9% | Margolis et al. [88] |
Canada | 2001 and 2011 | 250 m | EOSD land cover data | kNN (NFI data, MODIS data, climate and topographic data, and land cover information) | R2 = 0.62; Relative root mean-squared deviation = 69.2; Relative mean deviation = 1.47 | Beaudoin et al. [68] |
United States | 2000 | 30 m | NLCD 2001 | Regression tree modelling (FIA data, Landsat, NLCD land cover, and SRTM) | R = 0.7; RMSE = 139 Mg/hm2 | Kellndorfer et al. [59] |
United States | 2001 | 250 m | NLCD92 | Classification and regression tree modelling (FIA data, MODIS data, land cover data, and ancillary information) | R = 0.31~0.92; Relative Error = 0.51~0.92 | Blackard et al. [44] |
Conterminous U.S. | 2000–2009 | 250 m | NLCD tree canopy cover | Phenological Gradient Nearest Neighbor (FIA data, MODIS data, and ancillary geospatial data) | Described by agreement coefficient, Kolmorogov-Smirnov statistic, and the slope of the reduced major axis regression line | Wilson et al. [63] |
Alaska | 2009–2010 | 30 m | NLCD 2001 | regression analysis (field AGB data and Landsat data) | Mean absolute error = 21.8 Mg/ha; Mean bias error = 5.2 Mg/ha | Ji et al. [64] |
Garcia River Tract, Anne Arundel and Howard Counties, Parker Tract, and Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest | 2011 | 20–50 m | – | Several statistical models (field data and LiDAR data) | Represented by the 95% confidence interval | Cook et al. [78] |
Maine | 2012 | 13 m | – | Space-varying coefficients model (field inventory data, and LiDAR data) | RMSE = 17.52 Mg/ha (prediction) | Babcock et al. [79] |
Maryland | 2011 | 30 m | – | Random Forest regression model (field data, and LiDAR data) | Represented by the 95% confidence interval | Dubayah et al. [81] |
Sonoma County | 2013 | 30 m | CALVEG land cover product | Random Forest regression model (field data, and LiDAR data) | Represented by the lower 10th percentile and upper 90th percentiles of confidence interval | Dubayah et al. [82] |
Mexico | 2004–2007 | 30 m | INEGI land use map | Random Forest modelling (field inventory data, Landsat data, MODIS data, PALSAR data, and SRTM data) | R2 = 0.5; RMSE = 14 t C/ha (in the case of flat terrain) | Cartus, Kellndorfer, Walker, Franco, Bishop, Santos and Fuentes [65] |
Mexico | 2008 | 250 m | INEGI land use map | MaxEnt (field inventory data, MODIS data, PALSAR data, and SRTM data) | R2 = 0.31; RMSE = 17.3 t C/ha | Rodríguez-Veiga et al. [66] |
Tropical Africa and southeast Asia | 1980 and 2000 | 0.045° | GLC2000 | Rule-based GIS models (climate data, soil, topographic data, and land-use information, and population data) | Not reported | Gibbs and Brown [57,58] |
Tropical regions | early 2000s | 1 km | MODIS VCF (10% tree cover) | MaxEnt (field measurements, GLAS data, optical and microwave imagery) | Uncertainty from±6% to ±53% | Saatchi et al. [19] |
Pan-tropical regions | Circa 2007–2008 | 500 m | MODIS IGBP land cover type | Random Forest algorithm (field data, GLAS and MODIS data) | RMSE = 25 Mg C/ha for tropical America, 14 Mg C/ha for Africa, and 24 Mg C/ha for Asia | Baccini et al. [18] |
Pan-tropical regions | 2000 | 30 m | Hansen et al. 2013 data and national tree cover loss/deforestation data | Random Forest model (field data, Landsat, GLAS, SRTM, and climate data) | Not reported | Baccini et al. [91] |
Pan-tropical regions | 2000–2008 | 1 km | GLC2000 | Weighted linear averaging method (biomass reference datasets, Saatchi et al. 2011 biomass map and Baccini et al. 2012 biomass map) | RMSE = 87~98 Mg/ha; Mean error: almost null in most cases | Avitabile et al. [103] |
Africa | 2000 | 1 km | GLC2000 | Regression tree model (field data, GLAS, and MODIS data) | R2 = 0.82; RMSE = 50.5 Mg/ha | Baccini et al. [89] |
Amazon | 2005 | 40 m and 1 km | – | Combination (canopy height map and individual-based forest gap model) | R2 = 0.41; RMSE = 73 Mg/ha | Rödig et al. [106] |
Amazon basin | 2000–2004 | 1 km | Vegetation map of the Amazon basin derived from remote sensing data | Decision tree approach (field data, MODIS, QSCAT, SRTM, JERS-1 and climate data) | More than 80% accuracy | Saatchi et al. [5] |
Amazon basin | 2000–2004 | 5 km | – | MaxEnt (field data, MODIS, QSCAT, SRTM, climate data, and soil data) | Not reported | Saatchi et al. [74] |
Brazil | Not for a specific period | 50 m | Up-to-date LULC map | Combination (exiting biomass maps, and LULC map) | R = 0.59 | Englund et al. [104] |
Cambodia | 2009–2010 | 50 m | Land use/land cover map based on ASTER 2005 data | Multiple linear regression (field plots, PALSAR, and SRTM) | R2 = 0.61; RMSE = 21 Mg/ha | Avtar et al. [75] |
Colombia | 2001–2006 | 500 m | IGAC forest map | Regression method (field data and MODIS data) | Not reported | Anaya et al. [76] |
Panama | 2008–2012 | 1 ha | – | Random Forest algorithm (field plot data, GLAS, MODIS, SRTM data, and climate data) | Average pixel-level uncertainty = 20.5 Mg C/ha | Asner et al. [92] |
Peru | 2012–2013 | 1 ha | – | Random Forest algorithm (field data, airborne LiDAR, MODIS, SRTM, and climate data) | R2 = 0.82; RMSE = 27.4 Mg C/ha (modelled relationship between top-of-canopy height and aboveground carbon density) | Asner et al. [93] |
French Guiana | 2003–2012 | 1 km | Forest landscape type map | Regression Kriging technique (field data, GLAS, MODIS, PALSAR, geological map, forest landscape data, and climate data) | R2 = 0.48; RMSE ~= 51 Mg/ha | Fayad et al. [94] |
Madagascar | 2010 | 250 m | The cloud-free year 2000 forest map obtained from Harper’s map and Hansen tree cover map | Random Forest regression (field biomass, MODIS, topography, and climate data) | R2 = 0.70; RMSE = 40 Mg/ha | Vieillendent et al. [95] |
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Zhang, Y.; Liang, S.; Yang, L. A Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2744. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11232744
Zhang Y, Liang S, Yang L. A Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets. Remote Sensing. 2019; 11(23):2744. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11232744
Chicago/Turabian StyleZhang, Yuzhen, Shunlin Liang, and Lu Yang. 2019. "A Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets" Remote Sensing 11, no. 23: 2744. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11232744
APA StyleZhang, Y., Liang, S., & Yang, L. (2019). A Review of Regional and Global Gridded Forest Biomass Datasets. Remote Sensing, 11(23), 2744. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs11232744