4.1. Spatial Distribution of Land Use/Land Cover
Spatial information on cropping pattern and practices in the rainfed areas is necessary to provide location specific support by extension agencies for seed and fertilizer. This study did an assessment of the cropping pattern using multi-temporal MODIS satellite data to produce spatially accurate maps of rainfed areas and determine changes in agricultural land use. Many land use mapping studies have used EVI time series data instead of NDVI time series data because of atmospheric correction capability of EVI [
1]. In this study, we were able to surpass the atmospheric aberrations by using NDVI monthly MVCs [
2]. The monthly MVC of NDVI time series classification successfully delineated cropping pattern in Malawi, as well as other land cover. Twelve classes have been identified from MODIS 250 m time series data (
Figure 4) using SMTs. Almost 5.1 Mha of cropland was labelled as containing some portion of cultivation based on FPAs. However, when cropland area fractions were used, the actual (sub-pixel) area was 3.5 M ha for 2016–2017 (
Table 2 and
Table 3). The final class name was given based on the predominance of a specific land use (e.g., 02. Rainfed-SC-maize/groundnut) (
Figure 4). Each class has several LULC types (see
Table 3 and
Table 4). For example, class 01 was described as Rainfed-SC-maize. Within this class, there were various other LULC, such as 1% trees, 2% grass, 4% shrubs and 2% other LULC (weeds, rocks, and built-up lands) and cultivable area (92%). In these cultivable areas, maize was the predominant crop, whereas groundnut was the next most dominant crop (
Table 5).
Using the same approach, total cropland area was estimated to be 3,519,911 ha, which included irrigation by lake (245,188 ha). In
Figure 4b, it was observed that maize was predominantly grown throughout Malawi (
Figure 4b). Pigeonpea and sorghum were grown in the southern regions (Mualanje, Mwanza, Zomba and Chikwawa). Sorghum and millet are grown in southern Malawi, in the dry land areas of Nsanje, and Plantations (class 08) were located in Thyolo and Chickwawa.
4.2. Spatio-Temporal Changes in Pigeonpea and Groundnut
The areas planted with maize, pigeonpea, groundnut, and sorghum/millet for each district in Malawi for 2010–2011 and 2016–2017 are presented in
Figure 5 and
Table 6. Maize was the major crop grown across Malawi (
Figure 5) with an increased area in 2016–2017 compared to 2010–2011, mainly in the southern districts and a slight increase in other districts. Pigeonpea was mainly grown in districts like Mzimba, Salima, Balaka, Mwanza, Zomba, Phalmobe, Mulanje, Machinga, Blantyre, and Chikwawa. There was a high increase in pigeonpea area during 2016–2017 mainly in Mwanza and Mzimba compared to the 2010–2011.
Table 6 shows the district-wise cropped areas for the crop years 2010–2011 and 2016–2017. Groundnut was mainly grown in almost all the districts. There was a high increase mainly in Mzimba, Kasungu, Mchinji, Liongwe, and Mwanze and a less increase in some parts of other districts in 2016-2017 compared to 2010-2011. Sorghum/millet was grown in districts like Mzimba, Kasungu, and Mchinji and sparsely in other parts. A decrease in sorghum/millet area during 2016–2017 was observed mainly in Kasungu, Mchinji, and Lilongwe compared to 2010–2011. Majority of sorghum/millet was replaced by maize/groundnut. In some parts of Mzimba district, maize/sorghum/pigeonpea was replaced with pigeonpea/groundnut. Considering the distribution of cropland area under each class, a total of about 442,167 ha was added to cropped area in 2016–2017.
A close look at the distribution of agricultural area from 2010–2011 to 2016–2017 (
Figure 5) shows that the LULC fraction (%) increased mainly in the following classes: Rainfed—SC-maize/sorghum/pigeonpea from 77% to 95 percent, Rainfed-SC-maize/groundnut from 69% to 75%, and Irrigated-continuous-tea/others plantations from 68% to 99%. It decreased mainly in classes like Rainfed-SC-maize from 92% to 84%, Rainfed-SC-millet/sorghum/maize from 84% to 63%, Rainfed-SC-maize/shrub lands mix from 86% to 69%, Irrigated-SC-sugarcane/banana/rice from 95% to 45%, and Rainfed-SC-maize/other crops from 80% to 52%. However, there was an increase in cropped area [
49] mainly in classes like Rainfed-SC-maize from 300,975 ha to 623,661 ha, Rainfed-SC-maize/groundnut from 338,427 ha to 654,311 ha, Rainfed-SC-maize/sorghum/pigeonpea from 52,43 6ha to 98,829 ha, Rainfed-SC-pigeonpea/groundnut/sorghum from 310,362 ha to 402,029 ha, Rainfed-SC-maize/shrub lands mix from 416,226 ha to 542,429 ha, and Irrigated-continuous-tea/others plantations from 112,183 ha to 151,615 ha. There was a decrease in cropped area mainly in classes like Rainfed-SC-millet/sorghum/maize from 206,758 ha to 62,258 ha, Irrigated-SC-sugarcane/banana/rice from 201,881 ha to 92,574 ha, and Rainfed-SC-maize/other crops from 1,138,495 ha to 891,207 ha. Spatial variations are shown in
Figure 5.
Considering the crop fractions (%) in LULC from 2010–2011 to 2016–2017 (
Table 3 and
Table 5), there was an increase of pigeonpea in Rainfed-SC-maize/sorghum/pigeonpea from 0.0% to 0.3%, and other crops from 0.0% to 0.1%. For maize, there was a slight decrease in crop fractions, i.e., Rainfed-SC-maize from 0.8% to 0.7%, Rainfed-SC-maize/groundnut from 1.0% to 0.7%, Rainfed-SC-maize/sorghum/pigeonpea from 1.0% to 0.8%, and Rainfed-SC-maize/shrub lands mix from 1.0% to 0.4%. For groundnut, there was also a decrease in crop fractions i.e., Rainfed-SC-maize from 0.2% to 0.1%, Rainfed-SC-maize/groundnut from 0.5% to 0.1%, and Rainfed-SC-pigeonpea/groundnut/sorghum from 0.6% to 0.3%. For sorghum, there was a decrease in crop fractions, i.e., Rainfed-SC-maize/groundnut from 0.2% to 0.0%, Rainfed-SC-millet/sorghum/maize from 0.5% to 0.3%, and Rainfed-SC-maize/sorghum/pigeonpea from 0.4% to 0.1%. There were no changes in the crop fractions for pearl millet.
The changes in five major crops from 2010–2011 to 2016–2017 revealed that there was an increase in crop area under maize from 1,740,000 ha to 1,999,000 ha, Groundnut area increased from 334,000 ha to 388,000 ha, pigeonpea from 300,000 ha to 375,000 ha, a considerable decrease in sorghum area from 236,000 ha to 127,000 ha, and millet area from 69,000 ha to 59,000 ha. The area increase in pigeonpea was attributed to the rising demand for export to South Asia driven by the increasing population and income in South Asia. Mwaiwathu alimi (ICEAP 00557) is a climate-resilient medium-duration variety released in Malawi. This variety also has a trait preferred by traders, i.e., the plum cream-colored grain. This variety has therefore provided an opportunity to expand pigeonpea area into the livestock-dominant central region and short growing season in northern Malawi. During the same period, several donors supported legumes research and development efforts, including seed systems, which gave a fillip to the expansion of both of the legumes. Furthermore, improved versions of Mwaiathu alimi were recently registered, namely, Chitedze Pigeonpea 1 (ICEAP 01514/15) and Chitedze Pigeonpea 2 (ICEAP 01485/3), which are expected to contribute to further expansion of pigeonpea in Malawi.
4.3. Accuracy Assessment
Accuracy assessment was carried out using 614 ground samples (
Figure 2). An error matrix (
Table 7) showing the agreement (and disagreement) between the classified map and the ground points was prepared. Two measures of accuracy—Overall accuracy and Kappa coefficient—were computed. Though overall accuracy gives an estimate of the overall correctness of the map as a whole, it cannot provide a measure for the accuracy of individual LULC classes. Since the classes occupy different extents on the map, the overall accuracy is high when the class occupying a large area is correctly classified, in spite of the other classes being wrongly interpreted. This is corrected by the Kappa coefficient, which takes into account the user’s and producer’s accuracies of each class. It is calculated using Equation (4).
N is the total number of sites in the error matrix,
r is the number of rows in the error matrix, x
ii is the number in row
i and column
x+i is the total for row
i, and
xi+ is the total for column
i [
The overall classification accuracy for the map of the year 2016–2017 was 79.8% and the overall Kappa coefficient was 0.76. Majority classes showed producer’s accuracy and user’s accuracy of more than 70%. Some classes with mixed crops, class 4 for example, had low accuracy level, 40% producer’s accuracy and 67% user’s accuracy because there was a mix of pigeonpea, maize and sorghum. Ground data collected did not coincide with the assigned class (average land holding size is 1.2 ha) as the imagery used was of coarse resolution. Classes with low accuracies can be improved by taking the following measures: (a) collecting extensive ground sample data; (b) undertaking regional analysis; (c) taking land related information like soils, slope and elevation into consideration in the analysis; (d) taking care while collecting mixed crop ground sample data; (e) resolving mixed classes; and (f) using higher resolution time series data like Landsat 30 m. Spectral matching techniques have limitations where there are few ideal spectra signatures. This occurs when particular classes have very few ground survey points because the areas are located in interior areas with no road access [
30]. Another limitation is collecting ground survey data, which is time consuming and expensive. Time can be saved and data can be less error-prone when ground data is captured using mobile applications (crops, global croplands, etc.). Ground survey data were also used to address the problem of coarse resolution (MODIS) when the coarser resolution is used to map and characterize ground sample that are smaller than pixel areas where multiple crops are present in the same pixel [
30]. It is important to note that lower accuracy is also due to coarse spatial resolution of MODIS (each pixel is 250 m on each side and larger than many agricultural fields in the study area). Many pixels can have multiple land use/land cover types because of small holdings. High resolution imagery such as sentinel-2 with 5-day intervals in the same geometry and, multiband synthetic aperture radar (SAR) with 12-day interval data offers new possibilities for accurate mapping and avoiding these gaps [
4.4. Comparison with Sub-National Statistics
Pigeonpea is one of the major crops in Malawi and its net sown area is increasing rapidly. The district-wise areas derived from our study (MODIS) for the year 2016 were plotted with national agricultural statistics (NAS) [
40], and Pearson’s coefficient of correlation was computed. There was a significant and positive linear correlation with an R
2 value of 0.870 and the slope coefficient of 1.08 (
Figure 6).
The areas of cultivation of Malawi’s five important crops (maize, pigeonpea, groundnut, sorghum, and millet) taken from the NAS were plotted against the data obtained from the MODIS imagery, and a significant and positive correlation was seen with R
2 values of 0.98 and 0.99 for the crop years 2010–2011 and 2016–2017, respectively (
Figure 7). For 2010–2011, there was a major difference in maize, pigeonpea, and sorghum due to mixed cropping and a slight difference among other crops. For 2016–2017, there were major differences in the maize and pigeonpea because with the growth in agricultural area in Malawi (
Figure 8), the cultivation of mixed crops had been increasing along with the maize area.
A comparison of cultivated areas in 2010–2011 and 2016–2017 showed that for 2016–2017, there was an appreciable increase in pigeonpea cultivation in many districts of Malawi along with some other crops (
Table 6). Data from some districts showed large difference due to intermixing of various classes. The coarse resolution of the image data may have caused the mixing of classes.
4.6. Economic Factors
Since 2010–2011, pigeonpea productivity and production of pigeonpea have been increasing with the release and adoption of ICRISAT-bred medium-duration varieties, farmers’ access to quality seed through a revolving seed scheme, and the government’s support to inputs, including seeds. During the study period, it recorded positive trends in both productivity (34.6% increase) and production (68.7%). About 35% of the produce is sold through formal markets, with most sales going to the export market [
53]. It is exported either as whole grain or as processed grain, i.e., split decorticated grain known in India as dhal. Whole grain is exported to India, whereas the dhal is mainly exported to the South Asian people in Europe (mainly the UK) and the USA. About 10% of the dhal stays in Malawi for domestic consumption [
54]. Malawi is the fourth largest exporter of pigeonpea to India, contributing to about 35% of the country’s requirement. While pigeonpea prices in India peak in November–December, its harvesting between July and September in Malawi and export coincide with India’s period of relative shortage and high prices [
Producer prices of pigeonpea in Malawi show a positive trend with year-to-year variations (
Figure 9). A poor harvest in India increases the demand for imports, resulting in high prices that encourage Malawian growers to increase the area planted with the crop. While there are remarkable variations depending on weather conditions in India, there is generally an increasing trend due to rising population and income levels among consumers in India, which has been driving the expansion of pigeonpea area in Malawi.
Malawi’s pigeonpea export is handicapped by its landlocked location, resulting in high transportation costs. Freight charges from Malawi are USD 130 per ton, compared to USD 50 per ton for Mozambique, for instance [
9]. Nonetheless, Malawian producers have managed to compete in the world market for three reasons, the government subsidizes exports by giving a 25% rebate on freight charges from taxable profits; its pigeonpea is considered to be of good quality and a recognizable brand and exporters can earn a premium price for white pigeonpea grain, while red/speckled grain reduces the price by 5–10%. There is a price difference of USD 150 per ton between the price of Burmese lemon pigeonpea and Malawian white pigeonpea [
4.7. Income, Livelihood Security and Profitability of Grain Legume Cultivation in Malawi
A number of studies have been conducted in Malawi to assess measures adopted by smallholder farmers to enhance incomes and livelihood security at the household level [
56]. These measures include both on-farm and off-farm activities. On-farm activities are these that bring income to the household through the production of crops and keeping livestock on one’s own farm or garden. Off-farm activities are done outside one’s farm, e.g., obtaining income from temporary employment and operating a small business enterprise to supplement income from on-farm activities. Most smallholder farmers in Malawi largely depend on tobacco, cereal and legume cultivation for sustenance, incomes and livelihood security at the household level. The government has also been encouraging farmers to diversify crop production in order to avert the adverse impacts of climate variability and climate change as well as to tackle malnutrition arising from maize-dominant diets. Thus, in addition to growing maize, farmers are encouraged to grow drought-tolerant and nutritious crops such as potato, cassava, sorghum, millet and legumes. Although production of sorghum and millet has declined, production of legume crops has dramatically increased (e.g.,
Table 6) owing to the market opportunities.
Grain legumes continue to play an important role in human nutrition as a source of protein, vitamins and minerals [
58]. Legumes improve soil fertility by fixing nitrogen in the atmosphere there by playing a dual role. The discourse in this section focuses on profitability of grain legumes cultivation in Malawi with regard to their respective gross margins.
Farmers in Malawi are interested in growing legume crops for consumption as well as for sale in the market. The produce is not only marketable for profit, but there is also an awareness about the need for demand-driven technologies. This has led to many transformations in society, including gender equity. The area, yield and production of common bean, groundnut and soybean fluctuated between 1990 and 2012, showing an upward trend [
59]. The implementation of government subsidies, market access, demand for local consumption, availability of suitable traits in improved seeds and finally the attractive price have all contributed to increasing the area and production of these legumes in Malawi.