State-of-the-Art Review on Sustainable Design and Construction of Quieter Pavements—Part 2: Factors Affecting Tire-Pavement Noise and Prediction Models
:1. Introduction
2. Factors Affecting Tire-Pavement Noise
2.1. Type of Vehicle
2.2. Vehicle Speed
2.3. Temperature
2.4. Aging of Pavement Surface
2.5. Maximum Aggregate Size and Gradation
2.6. Air Void Content
2.7. Surface Type
2.8. Surface Texture
2.9. Aggregate Type
2.10. Thickness of Pavement Surface
2.11. Stiffness of Pavement Surface
2.12. Effect of Sound Absorption on Tire-Pavement Noise
2.13. Effect of Surface Friction on Tire-Pavement Noise
3. Noise Prediction Models
4. Future Research Direction
- Various factors affected the tire-pavement noise as reported in literature. Of them, temperature plays an important role in generating tire-pavement noise. The literature survey showed that the highest air temperature used in previous studies is limited to 95 °F [17]. Donavan and Lodico [120] conducted a study on precision and bias of OBSI testing (which is the basis of current AASHTO standard) and restricted temperature for noise testing within 20 to 100 °F. However, in some regions especially in the Middle East, temperature often exceeds 100 °F during summer time. Therefore, a comprehensive testing program incorporating a wide range of temperatures is needed to evaluate the temperature effect on tire-pavement noise.
- Porous pavement is widely accepted as a low noise surface. However, researchers hypothesize that the voids of this surface fill with dirt over time, which in turn increases noise. This is particularly important in the Middle East region, where large amounts of dirt are present in atmosphere. Therefore, a systematic laboratory experimental program is needed to evaluate the clogging effect on the noise properties of the mixtures.
- The literature survey also suggests that there is a potential correlation between acoustic absorption properties measured in the laboratory and tire-pavement noise measured in the field. Some research studies have been performed to validate this relationship but observed conflicting trends. Therefore, a comprehensive evaluation of the relationship between acoustic absorption characteristics and tire-pavement interaction noise has to be conducted, which will assist engineers to optimize the design and material selection of roadway construction in order to provide a low level of road noise.
- Surface friction of a pavement is a key safety issue. In general, tire-pavement noise and pavement surface friction appears to be inversely related. Therefore, more research is needed in order to optimize these two conflicting pavement properties.
- Traditionally, noise prediction models have been developed by using a reference pavement (either a national average or standard pavement type) in order to predict noise impacts and determine abatement measures. Recent research showed the contribution of pavement effects on noise prediction can be incorporated in noise models. For the FHWA TNM, further work is needed to incorporate a broad range of pavements into the model.
5. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
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Sirin, O. State-of-the-Art Review on Sustainable Design and Construction of Quieter Pavements—Part 2: Factors Affecting Tire-Pavement Noise and Prediction Models. Sustainability 2016, 8, 692.
Sirin O. State-of-the-Art Review on Sustainable Design and Construction of Quieter Pavements—Part 2: Factors Affecting Tire-Pavement Noise and Prediction Models. Sustainability. 2016; 8(7):692.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSirin, Okan. 2016. "State-of-the-Art Review on Sustainable Design and Construction of Quieter Pavements—Part 2: Factors Affecting Tire-Pavement Noise and Prediction Models" Sustainability 8, no. 7: 692.
APA StyleSirin, O. (2016). State-of-the-Art Review on Sustainable Design and Construction of Quieter Pavements—Part 2: Factors Affecting Tire-Pavement Noise and Prediction Models. Sustainability, 8(7), 692.