Sustainability of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Theoretical Framework
2.2. Methodology
3. Results
3.1. Institutional Sustainability
3.1.1. Durability (Stability) and Enforcement
3.1.2. Regulations and Standards
3.1.3. Centralization/Decentralization
3.1.4. Expert Know-How
3.1.5. Adaptability of Institutions
3.1.6. Key Points
3.2. Economic Sustainability
3.2.1. Cost-Effectiveness
3.2.2. Reliability
3.2.3. Initial Investment
3.2.4. Operation and Maintenance
3.2.5. Contribution to User Income (Productive Use)
3.2.6. Key Points
3.3. Environmental Sustainability
3.3.1. Environmental Awareness
3.3.2. Positive Environmental Impacts
3.3.3. Negative Environmental Impacts
3.3.4. Key Points
3.4. Socio-Cultural Sustainability
3.4.1. Accessibility (Disparity, Equity)
3.4.2. Accuracy
3.4.3. Social Acceptance
3.4.4. Cultural Justice
3.4.5. Key Points
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
BC | Black Carbon |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
CC | Climate Change |
CTF | Clean Technology Fund |
DCs | Developing Countries |
FERUM | Fund for Rural and Urban-marginal Electrification |
FDI | Foreign Direct Investments |
GEF | Global Environmental Facility |
GHG | Greenhouse Gases |
IDCOL | Infrastructure Development Company Limited |
IEA | International Energy Agency |
IRENA | International Renewable Energy Agency |
kWh | Kilo Watt hours |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
O&M | Operation and Management |
PERMER | Renewable Energy Project in Rural Markets |
PETRONAS | Petroliam Nasional Berhad |
PV | Photovoltaic |
RE | Renewable Energy |
REN21 | Renewable Energy Policy Network for the 21st Century |
SD | Sustainable Development |
SHS | Solar Home Systems |
SLCP | Short-Lived Climate Pollutant |
SPS | Solar Pico Systems |
UN | United Nations |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
WHO | World Health Organization |
Wp | Watts peak |
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Institutional | Economic | Environmental | Socio-Cultural |
Stability (durability) and long-term vision | Cost effectiveness | Environmental awareness | Accessibility (disparity, equity) |
Regulation, standards and enforcement | Reliability | Environmental impact | Social acceptance |
Decentralization and openness to participation | Funding (initial investment; operation and maintenance) | - | Accuracy |
Expert know-how | Contribution to the income of users | - | Cultural justice |
Adaptability (ability to meet future needs |
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Feron, S. Sustainability of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries: A Review. Sustainability 2016, 8, 1326.
Feron S. Sustainability of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries: A Review. Sustainability. 2016; 8(12):1326.
Chicago/Turabian StyleFeron, Sarah. 2016. "Sustainability of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries: A Review" Sustainability 8, no. 12: 1326.
APA StyleFeron, S. (2016). Sustainability of Off-Grid Photovoltaic Systems for Rural Electrification in Developing Countries: A Review. Sustainability, 8(12), 1326.