Land Use Change Impact on Flooding Areas: The Case Study of Cervaro Basin (Italy)
:1. Introduction
2. The Study Area
3. Data and Methods
3.1. LANDSAT Data Processing
3.2. Curve Number Extraction
3.3. Hydrologic Modeling
4. Results
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Date (mm/dd/yyyy) | ID | Sensor | Quality |
06/27/1984 | LT51890311984179XXX06 | TM | 9 |
07/18/2003 | LT51890312003199MTI03 | TM | 9 |
06/16/2009 | LT51890312009167MOR00 | TM | 9 |
06/22/2011 | LT51890312011173MOR00 | TM | 9 |
Scene (date) | Overall Accuracy [%] |
06/22/2011 | 89 |
06/16/2009 | 88 |
07/18/2003 | 86 |
06/27/1984 | 79 |
Classes | Soil Conservation Service (SCS) hydrological cover classes | Hydrological Condition |
Bare soil with high reflectance in RGB channels | Fallow-Bare soil | |
River channel and wetland; Marsh; Salt plane; Lake | Water surfaces | |
Forest (broadleaved and coniferous) | Woods | Good |
Greenhouse or plastic covered vineyards; Built-up Area | Impervious areas | |
Arable Crop (e.g., cereals; forage; grains; tomatoes; cabbage); including vineyards; with high leaf area | Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow (straight row) | Good |
Arable Crop (e.g., cereals; forage; grains; tomatoes; cabbage); including vineyards; with senescent or low-density planting | Close-seeded or broadcast legumes or rotation meadow (straight row) | Poor |
Shrub and low-density orchard; Orchard or vegetation; Olive grove or Orchard | Meadow |
© 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) license (
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Apollonio, C.; Balacco, G.; Novelli, A.; Tarantino, E.; Piccinni, A.F. Land Use Change Impact on Flooding Areas: The Case Study of Cervaro Basin (Italy). Sustainability 2016, 8, 996.
Apollonio C, Balacco G, Novelli A, Tarantino E, Piccinni AF. Land Use Change Impact on Flooding Areas: The Case Study of Cervaro Basin (Italy). Sustainability. 2016; 8(10):996.
Chicago/Turabian StyleApollonio, Ciro, Gabriella Balacco, Antonio Novelli, Eufemia Tarantino, and Alberto Ferruccio Piccinni. 2016. "Land Use Change Impact on Flooding Areas: The Case Study of Cervaro Basin (Italy)" Sustainability 8, no. 10: 996.
APA StyleApollonio, C., Balacco, G., Novelli, A., Tarantino, E., & Piccinni, A. F. (2016). Land Use Change Impact on Flooding Areas: The Case Study of Cervaro Basin (Italy). Sustainability, 8(10), 996.