Material Footprint of Low-Income Households in Finland—Consequences for the Sustainability Debate
:1. Introduction
2. The sustainable Level of Household Consumption
3. Methods
4. Results and Discussion
4.1. Natural Resource Use of the Households
Low-income single households | References for comparison | |||||
Average | Average by % | Range | Reference Budget [29] | 27 different households [2] | Average Finn [14,49] | |
Housing | 7850 | 43 | 1300–13,230 | 8890 | 9400 | 11,000 |
Nutrition | 3930 | 22 | 2130–5720 | 4570 | 4430 | 5900 |
Everyday mobility | 1950 | 11 | 0–7160 | 1220 | 9900 | 6500 |
Tourism | 1810 | 10 | 0–12,190 | 2890 | 9800 | 12,100 |
Household goods | 1170 | 6 | 320–2890 | 2010 | 2400 | 3000 |
Leisure-time activities | 780 | 4 | 0–3770 | 40 | 2900 | 2000 |
Services | 600 | 3 | 0–4130 | 140 | – | – |
Total | 18080 | 100 | 7390–35,380 | 19,760 | 38,830 | 40,500 |
4.2. Comparing the Material Footprints to a Sustainable Level of Resource Use
5. Conclusions
Conflict of Interest
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Lettenmeier, M.; Hirvilammi, T.; Laakso, S.; Lähteenoja, S.; Aalto, K. Material Footprint of Low-Income Households in Finland—Consequences for the Sustainability Debate. Sustainability 2012, 4, 1426-1447.
Lettenmeier M, Hirvilammi T, Laakso S, Lähteenoja S, Aalto K. Material Footprint of Low-Income Households in Finland—Consequences for the Sustainability Debate. Sustainability. 2012; 4(7):1426-1447.
Chicago/Turabian StyleLettenmeier, Michael, Tuuli Hirvilammi, Senja Laakso, Satu Lähteenoja, and Kristiina Aalto. 2012. "Material Footprint of Low-Income Households in Finland—Consequences for the Sustainability Debate" Sustainability 4, no. 7: 1426-1447.
APA StyleLettenmeier, M., Hirvilammi, T., Laakso, S., Lähteenoja, S., & Aalto, K. (2012). Material Footprint of Low-Income Households in Finland—Consequences for the Sustainability Debate. Sustainability, 4(7), 1426-1447.