The Economic and Social Benefits and the Barriers of Providing People with Disabilities Accessible Clean Water and Sanitation
:1. Introduction
“Equitable access to water, adequate in terms both of quantity and of quality, should be provided for all members of the population, especially those who suffer a disadvantage or social exclusion” [15].
2. Benefit
2.1. Education
2.2. Economic Benefits Measured as GDP Lost or Gained
Country | Estimated % of GDP lost due to poor sanitation per year | Estimated US$ lost due to poor sanitation per year |
Nigeria | 1.3 | 3 billion |
Kenya | 0.9 | 324 million |
Ghana | 1.6 | 290 million |
Democratic Republic of Congo | 1.6 | 208 million |
Tanzania | 1.0 | 206 million |
Zambia | 1.3 | 194 million |
Uganda | 1.1 | 177 million |
Burkina Faso | 2.0 | 171 million |
Chad | 2.1 | 156 million |
Niger | 2.4 | 148 million |
The Republic of Congo | 1.1 | 144 million |
Mozambique | 1.2 | 124 million |
Benin | 1.5 | 104 million |
Madagascar | 1.0 | 103 million |
Mauritania | 1.2 | 41 million |
Central African Republic | 5.5 | 26 million |
Liberia | 2.0 | 17.5 million |
2.2.1. Employment Benefits
Country | Dollars lost (US$) |
Canada | 28.6 billion |
South Africa | 17 818 million |
China | 11 693 million |
Thailand | 9 576 million |
Vietnam | 1 821 million |
Ethiopia | 667 million |
Tanzania | 480 million |
Zambia | 251 million |
Namibia | 168 million |
Malawi | 40 million |
Zimbabwe | 20 million |
2.2.2. Income Benefits
2.3. Health
3. Costs
3.1. The Cost of Clean Water
3.2. The Cost of Sanitation
4. The Situation
4.1. The Criterion of Accessibility
4.2. The Criterion of Affordability
4.3. The Criterion of Acceptability
4.4. The Five Cross-Cutting Criteria (Nondiscrimination, Participation, Accountability, Impact and Sustainability)
5. Conclusion
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Noga, J.; Wolbring, G. The Economic and Social Benefits and the Barriers of Providing People with Disabilities Accessible Clean Water and Sanitation. Sustainability 2012, 4, 3023-3041.
Noga J, Wolbring G. The Economic and Social Benefits and the Barriers of Providing People with Disabilities Accessible Clean Water and Sanitation. Sustainability. 2012; 4(11):3023-3041.
Chicago/Turabian StyleNoga, Jacqueline, and Gregor Wolbring. 2012. "The Economic and Social Benefits and the Barriers of Providing People with Disabilities Accessible Clean Water and Sanitation" Sustainability 4, no. 11: 3023-3041.
APA StyleNoga, J., & Wolbring, G. (2012). The Economic and Social Benefits and the Barriers of Providing People with Disabilities Accessible Clean Water and Sanitation. Sustainability, 4(11), 3023-3041.