The Effects of Digitalization on the Sustainability of Small Farms
:1. Introduction
- “Technological (use of new digital technologies such as social media, mobile, analytics, or embedded devices)
- Organizational (a change in organizational process or the creation of a new business model)
- Social (a phenomenon that is influencing all aspects of human life, e.g., enhancing customer experience)” [5].
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Theoretical Framework
- “Drawing on farmers’ experiences is the best way to inform researchers if the aim is to produce applied research results.
- Farmers’ experiences can be of significant assistance to the research being carried out in their farm environment.
- Researchers can consider the diversity of farming patterns.
- Researchers can provide farmers with new knowledge during the study” [40].
2.2. Research Methodology
- (a)
- an intensity strategy, where the case that provides the most information is selected
- (b)
- a typical case strategy, which determines the economic group of farms represented by the farm
- (c)
- a theoretical strategy, which describes the features of the farm’s business model that are relevant for the interpretation of the survey results.
- Resource and product stock management;
- Crop and harvest planning;
- Agricultural production;
- Recipe development;
- Processing of agricultural products;
- Sales;
- Accounting and reporting to public authorities.
3. Research Results
4. Discussion and Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Module | Function |
Environmental observation | The system’s integrated real-time weather forecasting allows farmers to make decisions based on current and predicted weather patterns, reducing risk. |
Crop and pest management | Pest and disease management is based on image recognition technology, which helps to detect pests and diseases early and intervene to preserve crop health and reduce losses. |
Technology integration and data analysis | Sensors are used to measure certain soil parameters, and for monitoring equipment and machinery integrated with IoT devices. The analysis and reporting function uses these data to generate performance indicators and support future agricultural decision-making. |
Market dynamics and financial integration | It provides real-time market prices and ensures that farmers receive a fair price for their produce. |
Integrated farm management | The farm was able to monitor and record crop cycles, costs, income, and labor inputs. Task scheduling ensured that activities such as planting, irrigation, and harvesting were carried out at the optimum time, thus streamlining operations, and reducing waste of resources. |
Economical | Social | Environmental |
E.1. Harvest E.2. Income E.3. Quality of production E.4. Productivity or efficiency E.5. Cashflow E.6. Marketing costs E.7. Intermediate consumption | S.1. Farmer’s labor costs S.2. Opportunities to combine farming with other activities S.3. New skills transferable to other activities S.4. Job satisfaction S.5 Balance between work and family interests | A.1. Amount of food loss A.2. Fuel consumption A.3. Use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides A.4. Water and soil pollution A.5. Biodiversity |
Process | Economical | Social | Environmental | |||
E.1. Increase in Harvest | E.2. Increase in Income | E.3. Increase in Quality of Production | E.5. Increase in Farm Efficiency | S.1. Decrease in Farmer’s Labor Costs | A.1. Decrease in Agricultural Production Losses | |
1. Resource and product stock management | X | X | X | X | ||
2. Crop and harvest planning | X | X | X | X | X | |
3. Agricultural production | X | X | X | X | X | |
4. Recipe development | X | X | X | X | ||
5. Processing of agricultural products | X | X | X | |||
6. Sales | X | X | X | |||
7. Accounting and reporting to public authorities | X | X | X |
Indicator | Economical | Social | Environmental |
E.1. Increase in harvest | Higher harvest leads to increased customer numbers and increased revenues. | Increasing the supply and variety of local food for consumers. | Sustainable technologies increase harvest without increasing chemical pollution. |
E.2. Increase in income | Increasing income provides the opportunity to invest in equipment and inventory. | Farmers’ quality of life improves. Better equipment improves working conditions. | Investments can be made in storage facilities to reduce agricultural product losses. |
E.3. Increase in quality of production | Improving the quality of the produce allows it to be sold at a higher price. | Increasing the supply and variety of local food for consumers. | Reduces the amount of agricultural production that can be thrown away. |
E.5. Increase in farm efficiency | The efficiency of production types is evaluated, and unprofitable production is eliminated. | The competitiveness image of small organic farms in society is strengthened. | The economic efficiency of environmental solutions can be calculated. |
S.1. Decrease in farmer’s labor costs | It provides additional time to develop the farm. | Better balance between professional and family interests. Opportunities to combine farming with other economic activities. | Saved time can be invested in processing produce and reducing agricultural production losses. |
A.1. Decrease in agricultural product losses. | Farm income increases because of reduced production losses. | Positive image of the farm in the community and among consumers. | Reduces the amount of agricultural production that can be thrown away. |
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Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, K.; Melnikienė, R. The Effects of Digitalization on the Sustainability of Small Farms. Sustainability 2024, 16, 4076.
Šermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė K, Melnikienė R. The Effects of Digitalization on the Sustainability of Small Farms. Sustainability. 2024; 16(10):4076.
Chicago/Turabian StyleŠermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, Kristina, and Rasa Melnikienė. 2024. "The Effects of Digitalization on the Sustainability of Small Farms" Sustainability 16, no. 10: 4076.
APA StyleŠermukšnytė-Alešiūnienė, K., & Melnikienė, R. (2024). The Effects of Digitalization on the Sustainability of Small Farms. Sustainability, 16(10), 4076.