ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0—A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework
:1. Introduction
- RQ1: What technological factors based on ERP implementation influence business agility in Industry 4.0?
- RQ2: What organizational factors based on ERP implementation influence business agility in Industry 4.0?
- RQ3: What environmental factors based on ERP implementation influence business agility in Industry 4.0?
2. Theoretical Background
2.1. Enterprise Resource Planning System in Modern Organization
- They should have vertical system integration—a fully automated data exchange with external recipients (business partners, stakeholders, etc.);
- They should have horizontal system integration—an interconnection with internal IT systems other than ERPs, e.g., MES (manufacturing execution system), WMS (warehouse management system), and SCM (supply chain management);
- They should allow for digital continuity for every product—every step of a product’s lifecycle process is integrated with its respective systems;
- They should meet cross-sectional technology criteria;
- They should possess a service-oriented architecture—based on individual separate services;
- They should use cloud computing—the ability to operate in the cloud environment;
- They should use big data—allowing for the aggregation and processing of information obtained from various inputs and its effective evaluation;
- They should be cybersecurity compliant;
- They should use a cross-platform system—they should have the ability to use various platforms: desktop, mobile, and industrial terminals;
- They should be able to communicate with hardware;
- They should be modular and able to adapt to organizational needs at every stage of their lifecycle.
2.2. The Information Era—Review of Industry 4.0 Concept
- Necessitating a review and update of existing business processes;
- Automating and customizing production processes;
- Creating a more secure and cyberthreat-resistant digital environment.
2.3. Business Agility and Agile Organization
- Sensing—the identification of technological opportunities, predicting future needs, and the synthesis of different ideas, processes, and technologies to form a new value to the customer. Examples of a sensing technique might be scenario planning and a “what-if” analysis;
- Seizing—the implementation of new systems, processes or services;
- Transforming and managing threats—restructuring an organization to capitalize on a new technology.
3. Material and Methods
3.1. The Literature Review
- There are technological factors based on ERP implementation that influence business agility in Industry 4.0, i.e., factors related to the level of system usability of cloud computing, IoT, big data, autonomous robots, and augmented reality;
- There are organizational factors based on ERP implementation that influence business agility in Industry 4.0 and are related to additive manufacturing, simulation, cybersecurity, and system integration;
- There are environmental factors based on ERP implementation that influence business agility in Industry 4.0 and are related to the level of acceptance of the ICT in the information society and the mobility (agility) of the organization in sustainable development.
3.2. The TOE Framework
3.3. The Research Schema
- Technological (T) aspects query: Industry 4.0 AND Agile AND ERP AND Cloud Computing OR Internet of Things OR Big Data OR Autonomous Robots OR Augmented Reality.
- Organizational (O) aspects query: Industry 4.0 AND Agile AND ERP AND Additive Manufacturing OR Simulation OR Cybersecurity OR System Integration.
- Environmental (E) aspects query: Industry 4.0 AND Agile AND ERP AND Information Society OR Mobility OR Sustainable Development OR Society 5.0.
4. Research Results
5. Discussion
5.1. Technological Influences on Business Agility in Industry 4.0
5.2. Orgnizational Influences on Business Agility in Industry 4.0
5.3. Environmental Influences on Business Agility in Industry 4.0
6. Conclusions and Limitations
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Feature | Business Agility Influence | Source |
Actuators | Breakdown prediction and maintenance automation. | [32,33] |
AVG (Automated Guided Vehicles) | Self-decision-making objects capable of self-organization and achieving goals without a central controller. | [28] |
Adaptive robotics | Modular systems enable flexible adaptation in production. Human–robot interactions via mobile devices. | [34,35] |
Additive manufacturing | Possibility to individualize products in cost-effective, small batches. | [36] |
Big data analytics | Data integration from various sources provides more effective decision making. | [37,38] |
Blockchain and DLT’s | Reducing costs related with the IoT. Increasing the security level and traceability of transactions. | [25,39] |
Cloud technologies | Virtualized server network to increase flexibility and computing ability instead of separate servers. More effective management systems implementation process. | [28,39] |
Cyber industry network | Fully automated process of communication in individual network. | [40] |
Cyber-physical infrastructure embedded systems | Factory self-configurability and self-maintainability based on knowledge aggregation. Real-time data acquisition and intelligent data management. | [41,42] |
Cybersecurity | Methodologies allowing for automatic detection and response to cyberattack; adaptive computational intelligent systems continuously evolving. | [43,44] |
Digital factories | Intelligent components from different manufacturers taking over tasks independently and operating autonomously. User-oriented, flexible factory concept. | [45] |
Factory of things | Shorter production cycles. | [46] |
Hybrid production | Support for multi-type products and customer customization of production process. | [28] |
Industrial Internet communication and networking | High interconnection. Physical entities, mass data, and information systems are part of an industrial network. | [28] |
IoT (Internet of Things) | Advanced object interaction with existing environment and an immediate response and omnipresence and more possibilities of material control, e.g., in transport. | [25,47] |
Mobile technologies | More flexible working with mobile devices in production and logistics fields, lack of limitations of cable-based devices. | [45] |
RFID (radio frequency identification) and RTLS (real-time locating systems) technologies | Identifying objects and interconnectivity between smart objects. | [48] |
Sensors | Self-optimization of manufacturing system. | [32,33] |
Simulations | Organizational improvement with modeling tools and developing new competencies for applying innovations in IT systems. | [49,50] |
Smart factory | Customer-involved individualized production. Event-driven reaction for change, automated, adaptive scheduling, forecasting, and controlling of tasks. Shorter production cycles. | [28,46,51] |
Value creation due to technological transformation | Service-based business models | [52,53] |
Visualization technologies (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality) | Create product and manufacturing lower maintenance costs. | [28,34] |
Three-dimensional printing | Distributed manufacturing and lower maintenance costs. | [54] |
5G technology | Increase in reliability, short latency, and low power requirements. Possibility to use in communication between IoT objects. | [55] |
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Morawiec, P.; Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A. ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0—A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4646.
Morawiec P, Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz A. ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0—A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework. Sustainability. 2023; 15(5):4646.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMorawiec, Patryk, and Anna Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz. 2023. "ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0—A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework" Sustainability 15, no. 5: 4646.
APA StyleMorawiec, P., & Sołtysik-Piorunkiewicz, A. (2023). ERP System Development for Business Agility in Industry 4.0—A Literature Review Based on the TOE Framework. Sustainability, 15(5), 4646.