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Experimental Investigation of Usability of Treatment Sud Ash with Road Filling Materials in Highways

Mehmet Hayrullah Akyıldız
* and
Seda Yön
Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Dicle, 21280 Diyarbakır, Turkey
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2023, 15(5), 4593;
Submission received: 26 November 2022 / Revised: 10 January 2023 / Accepted: 10 January 2023 / Published: 4 March 2023


Increasing environmental pollution due to the rapid increase in the world population is one of the most important problems of humanity, perhaps even the first. Environmental elements that are vital for living things air, soil and water are becoming more polluted and unusable day by day. For this reason, various improvement studies are carried out in these areas. One of them is wastewater treatment plants built to control water pollution. While the water treated in the sedimentation ponds in these facilities is recycled into nature, it leaves waste treatment sludge behind. These waste sludges collected in a certain place are destroyed by various methods such as composting, drying or incineration. In previous studies, the usability of sewage sludge ash in soil improvement was investigated. In this study, the usability of sewage sludge ash as road filling material was investigated (Ash was added to the clay soil in determined percentages. These percentages are respectively; 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15%). Treatment sludge ash was obtained from Bursa Fluidized Bed Sludge Incineration and Energy Recovery Facility. Then, the samples prepared by adding treatment sludge ash to the clay soil at certain rates were subjected to the CBR test with the Standard Proctor test. The values obtained as a result of the experiments were compared with the values given in the Highways Technical Specifications and it was determined whether they were suitable as a road filling material. The engineering properties of the soil used indicate that the soil is weak (clay soil). The treatment sludge ash added as an additive has improved all the properties of the soil to a certain extent.

1. Introduction

While the development of technology and industrialization brings positive contributions, it also causes pollution of the environment. Industrial establishments such as factories, recycling facilities and treatment plants destroy waste materials that arise as a result of production processes. If the procedures determined for these disposal methods are followed, the damage to the environment could be minimized. Water, one of the basic environmental elements, is also exposed to this destruction. Wastewater treatment plants designed for the control of water pollution purify the dirty water and reuse it. Wastewater consists of a mixture of groundwater, surface water and precipitation, and domestic or industrial waste carried by water or another liquid. In other words, wastewater can be defined as used water [1]. Wastewater treatment systems have a great role in removing the biological or chemical pollutants in the water in order to prevent environmental pollution and protect public health [2]. For this reason, treatment plants are mostly designed to meet wastewater treatment requirements without any energy concerns [3]. Sludge management in treatment plants is an important ecological problem that needs to be solved. The treatment process is biologically extremely important, and the waste sludge produced as a result of the process is an undesirable material that must be disposed of. In one of these studies, they have developed various methods for the disposal of sludge formed in a wastewater treatment plant in the south of Italy. Based on the values obtained in one of these methods, they applied the life cycle assessment method to determine the environmental effects of such systems [4]. Sewage sludge is odorous, semi-solid and liquid substances. Treatment sludges are waste materials that occur during the process in domestic and industrial wastewater treatment plants. Sewage sludge may contain water, non-toxic organic carbon compounds, nitrogen, phosphorus-containing compounds, pathogens and inorganic compounds. The reason for the large volume of treatment sludge is that the amount of dry solids in the sludge is low and the amount of water is high. Treatment sludge usually contains between 5% and 12% dry solids, depending on the difference in the techniques applied. Treatment sludge is not released directly to nature. The reason for the disposal of sewage sludge is that the sludge is odorous and prone to spoilage. The properties of sewage sludge from wastewater treatment plants vary depending on the composition of the wastewater and the technique used in the treatment of the wastewater [5].
Today, the beneficial use of sludge is made in the form of energy recovery by digestion or incineration. Almost half of the operating costs in wastewater treatment plants are sludge treatment and disposal processes [6].
Due to the high cost, it is important to reduce the sludge at its source and to choose the most suitable disposal methods and transportation options. The sludge goes through the thickening and digestion processes and is sent to the dewaterers. Although a certain amount of solid matter is obtained as a result of the dewatering process, approximately 70–75% of this solid matter is water [7]. If sludge is to be stored in the field after treatment, stabilizing it is extremely important [8]. It is extremely important to determine the methods and to know the solid matter content and properties of the sludge in order to treat the sludge through certain processes and to remove it as a final product [9]. There are studies dating back to ancient times in terms of the usability of the ash generated by the burning of wastewater sludge in concrete applications. Depending on the sludge content, it can be used especially at certain stages in the production of Portland cement [10]. These ashes, which need to be disposed of, are recovered through certain methods. Keystones, briquettes, curbstones, etc., which are widely used in the building industry. It is possible to use mud ash in the production of material types [11]. In a study conducted by Bayat and Bayat in 1998, they suggested that wastewater treatment sludge could be used in brick production provided that it is added up to 20%. It has been determined that the bricks to be produced with ash added at this rate are in accordance with TS 705 factory brick standards. In their research, they examined the use and effects of sewage sludge as a raw material in clinker cement production. As a result of this research, it was determined that the treatment sludge did not have a negative effect on the cement content [12]. Tay, who conducted researches on the use of wastewater sludge in concrete production in 1987, revealed that the use of sludge in concrete production would not cause negative results [13].

Treatment Sludge

Due to the rapid increase in the world population, the increase in the demand for clean water and the increase in the resulting treatment sludge raises concerns in terms of the difficulty of storing this waste material. For this reason, scientists are investigating the reusability of sludge in beneficial use areas in order to reduce the space that the treatment sludge will occupy in the storage areas, to reduce the cost in this regard and to minimize the negative effects on the environment [14]. The area in which the sewage sludge will be reused depends on some properties of the sludge and meeting the conditions of use. The geotechnical properties of the mud are also very important in this context [15]. In order for the sludge to have sufficient strength, the high water content it contains must be reduced. For this purpose, various dewatering processes such as centrifuge or sludge drying beds can be applied. In addition, when they are dried in open areas or ovens, they become granular materials [16]. Thus, they become suitable for use in some civil engineering works. It is stated that the average sludge production, depending on the sludge treatment processes, contains an average of 50 g of dry matter per person per day [17].
One of the advantageous ways of removing sludge is incineration. While the harmful substances in the sludge are neutralized, a great deal of volume reduction is achieved. Volumetric shrinkage rates are 1/80 for wet sludge and 1/15 for reduced water sludge. The material obtained after the process is odorless. Combustion can be carried out in coal power plants, cement plants or alone. In order to carry out the incineration process, the water in the sludge must first be evaporated. Then the waste material should be heated up to 900 °C. In this way, organic and inorganic substances in the sludge can be oxidized. For this oxidation, the air must also be heated up to 900 °C. Large heat values are required for most of these processes. While some of these values are met by combustible organic materials in domestic wastewater sludge, the rest is provided by fuels such as fuel-oil or natural gas. However, it is desirable to use these fuels at minimum in terms of high cost. For this, the water contained in the sludge should be evaporated as much as possible. During the combustion process, the remaining water evaporates. Combustible materials also turn into ash. The recovery of the heat generated during the combustion process has a positive effect on the balance sheet [18].
One of the advantages of the sludge burning process is the water vapor, carbon dioxide and high heat energy obtained after the process. The high amount of heat obtained can be used directly in the facility or for electricity generation. The sludge burning method, which is an ecological method due to its low emission values, also has some disadvantages. The high investment cost of the facility, the high cost of processing the resulting gases, and the necessity of destroying the sludge ash obtained at the end of the process are among the disadvantages [19].
In many developed countries, regular storage of sewage sludge is considered inconvenient in terms of environmental regulations and limited storage areas. According to the new regulations, the sludge formed as a result of the treatment process must first be dried and then incinerated. It is recommended that the ashes resulting from this process be stored in sealed areas [20]. Landfilling is easy and economical to implement. Some volume reduction is achieved by storing the treatment sludge after dewatering. However, soil pollution can occur even in the best settlement and operating conditions. Since sewage sludge is biodegraded in the composting process, its volume, mass and moisture can be reduced and become a soil conditioner. However, it is expensive and time-consuming compared to landfilling. Sewage sludge contains nutrients necessary for plant growth due to its high organic content. When applied to the soil, it creates a permeable soil surface and reduces the surface flow. However, since it may contain potentially toxic elements and pathogenic microorganisms that may be harmful to the environment, it may pose risks to public health and individuals.
In order to design sludge treatment, treatment and disposal systems, it is necessary to know the source, properties and amount of sludge formed in the treatment system. Wastewater treatment sludge, which must be disposed of as waste material, poses an important problem for the environment. Among the disposal methods, the most common one is to be buried in landfill with household waste or disposed of in the field. However, due to the pathogens contained in the sludge, this method has begun to be seen as undesirable because it pollutes both the soil and the groundwater (Table 1). Decreased storage areas make the application of this method more difficult day by day. Incineration of sludge is an advantageous method due to the large reduction in volume and the destruction of many pathogens. From this point of view, it is aimed to evaluate the wastewater treatment sludge ash. Sludge ash was obtained from the General Directorate of Bursa Water and Sewerage Administration.
In Figure 1, treatment methods and functions are shown according to the unit treatment applied to the treatment sludge. With the pre-treatment processes, which are the first step of the purification process, the coarseness of the sludge is reduced, the sand is removed, mixing is performed for homogeneous distribution or the material is stored. In the final disposal, which is the last process, it is ensured that the sludge is used in various places such as land improvement, landfill or agricultural use, depending on how and where it will be used.

2. Materials and Methods

Since the mud ash to be used is intended to be used as a road filling material additive in the construction of highways, the geotechnical properties of the ash were determined and the ash + clay soil samples (pure samples and 87.5% pure samples + 12.5% ash samples) were subjected to the tests required to be made in the Highways Technical Specification. The ground used was obtained from the city center of Diyarbakir, located in the Southeastern Anatolia region of Turkey.

2.1. Fractional Analysis

Fractional Analysis is applied in coarse-grained soils to determine the weight percent of the components in the soil and to classify the soil. Since they are not bound by the cohesion force, the size group of the grains such as sand and gravel, which are in the discrete state, is determined by passing them through sieves with different mesh width [21]. Soil samples were subjected to sieve analysis test and soil classification was made.

2.2. Consistency Limits

It was first introduced in 1911 by Dr. Atterberg and has defined 5 different consistency limits for floors. These are: cohesion, adhesion, shrinkage, liquid and plastic limits [22]. Three of these limits (liquid, plasticity and shrinkage limit) have found a place in the field of geotechnical engineering [23]. The Casagrande method was used for the liquid limit. For the plasticity limit, the samples taken were kept until they reached a consistency that would not stick to the hand and rolled on a smooth surface. When the sample diameter is reduced to 3 mm, the parts with cracking or rupture were taken into the container, weighed and dried in the oven. After 24 h, the samples taken from the oven were weighed and the plastic limit value was determined by making the necessary calculations.

2.3. Standard Proctor Experıment

The Proctor test, also known as the compaction test, is applied to check whether adequate compression can be achieved according to the water content of artificial fillings that are widely used in engineering applications. The aim of the experiment is to calculate the optimum water content of the soil and the maximum dry unit weight corresponding to this value [24]. It was taken from the sieved and dried material, which was previously sieved through the number 4 sieve, and some water was added and mixed until it became homogeneous. Some material placed in the test container was compacted with a Proctor mallet and the second layer was laid first, then the third layer, and the compaction process was repeated each time. After the compaction process is completed, a sample is taken from the ground and separated for drying. Then the experiment was repeated 3 more times with different water ratios. After the samples were weighed and dried in an oven, they were weighed again, and their water content was calculated. The compaction curve was drawn from the values plotted on the graph and the optimum water content corresponding to the peak was determined.

2.4. CBR (The California Bearing Ratio)

In order to determine the usability of a soil as a road filling material according to the criteria given in the Highways Technical Specification, the Standard Proctor and CBR (California Transport Ratio) test should be performed after the soil class is determined [25].
The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, which was first developed in the California region in 1929 by the Highways Research Department to determine the bearing capacity of the floors to be used in highway infrastructures, is applied especially in determining the strength of airport and road pavements. CBR can be defined as the ratio of the resistance of the ground to the resistance of a standard crushed stone sample at this depth, when a piston with a diameter of 50 mm is dipped into the ground at a certain speed (approximately 1 mm/min). Two discs of approximately 2.5 kg each are placed on the samples to represent the load that the ground will be exposed to in field conditions. Samples with a total surcharge load of 4.5 kg are left in the curing pool to be kept for 4 days. At the end of the time, the applied loads are recorded for the piston to sink to certain depths in the samples removed from the pool, and CBR values are calculated according to the equation below from the load-penetration curves created [26].
CBR (%) = (Corrected load/Standard load) × 100

3. Results

In order to determine whether the sludge ash is a hazardous waste, ash samples were subjected to laboratory analysis. According to the results of the analysis, it has been determined that the ash is not a hazardous waste. According to the results obtained, it has been determined that the ash sample is slightly basic and has inorganic content. The heavy metal composition is not at a level that may contain a risk according to the Waste Management Regulation. It has also been found that it is not acutely toxic. However, due to the amount of lead (Pb) contained in the ash, temporary storage in the open and mixing with the receiving environment was found to be inconvenient. Sewage sludge ash analysis results are given in Table 2 and Table 3.
Sieve analysis consisting of grains of different sizes to determine the “Grain Size Distribution” of crushed and/or ground material is performed. Size distribution, size and quantity of grains in a sample is the relationship between. The size distribution of a sample determines what size and what size in this sample. Indicates how much material is present. A sieve analysis test was carried out on the soil sample without additives in order to classify the soil. Clay soil, determined as soil class A-7-6, was defined as a weak material for the road base. Necessary tests were carried out by adding treatment sludge ash to the soil samples in certain proportions and the test results are given below. A total of seven samples were prepared, one of which was ash free. First of all, consistency limit tests were carried out. Then, the samples were prepared as ground (G) + ash (A), with a total of 6000 g. Ash was added to the clay soil in determined percentages. These percentages are respectively; 0%, 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15%. The sieve analysis graph of the soil is given in Figure 1.
As can be seen in Figure 1, the soil is defined as clayey and weak according to the Highway Soil Classification, since the percentage of soil passing through the sieve No. 200 is more than 35%.
Then, the Standard Proctor test was performed on the samples to determine the optimum water content and maximum dry unit weight. Finally, the change in the CBR value of the soil with the change of the ash content was investigated. The data obtained are given in Table 4 and Figure 2.

4. Discussion

The proliferation of waste materials that emerged with the increasing industrialization in the developing world has become a problem that creates great problems in terms of human health and environmental pollution. These waste materials are disposed of in various ways. However, recycling of waste is extremely important in terms of environment and cost. In this study, the usability of sewage sludge ash, which is a waste material, as road filling material was investigated. Since the sludge ash is a fine-grained material, it is homogeneously integrated with the ground. In this way, the test results can be evaluated as reliable and healthy. In many previous studies, the usability of sewage sludge in the construction of materials in the construction sector has been investigated. Although positive results were not obtained in terms of binding, it was determined that it could be used in brick making or as a cement additive. Likewise, it has been determined that the use of sludge additive in concrete production will not have a negative effect. These uses in the construction industry have led to the idea that mud ash can also be used in soil improvement. Since sewage sludge ash is a very fine-grained material, it was thought that it would behave like clay and thus compensate for swelling. The ground has been improved by being compensated by the swelling ash, which is an undesirable situation in road fillings.
Sewage sludge ash is a material that must be destroyed. In addition, disposal operations and costs pose a major problem for treatment plants. In addition to these, it was preferred to evaluate the useful usability of sewage sludge ash, which is a polluting material, in order to prevent environmental pollution.
First of all, sieve analysis and consistency limit tests were carried out to determine the engineering parameters of the clay soil to be used. Then, Standard Proctor and CBR tests were carried out by adding treatment sludge ash at the rates of 2.5%, 5%, 7.5%, 10%, 12.5% and 15%, respectively, to the ground to be used as road fill in the construction of highways. The test results obtained were compared with the values given in the Highways Technical Specifications and it was determined whether they were appropriate or not. As seen in Figure 2, the CBR value of the pure sample without additives was 1%, while the swelling was 0.5. Improvement was observed in all ratios with the treatment sludge ash added to the ground at the determined rates. However, since a decrease was observed in 85% soil and 15% sewage sludge ash mixture, the experiment was completed with this ratio. The highest CBR and swelling values were observed in 87.5% soil and 12.5% sewage sludge ash mixture. Again, from the diagram in Figure 2, the improvement of the soil with the ash added sequentially and the decrease after the maximum value are clearly seen.

5. Conclusions

In the study, the clayey soil, which is in the weak soil class, was targeted with waste sludge ash. Waste sludge ash used in the study does not contain heavy metals. Amorphous crystalline chemical structure, treatment sludge ashes and chemical composition shows similar properties. The ash transformation is promising.
The engineering properties of the ground used indicate that the ground is weak. The treatment sludge ash added as an additive has improved all the properties of the soil to a certain extent. The highest CBR value (9%) was reached at 12.5% additive rate. After this rate, a decrease was observed. The reason for this decrease is that as the ratio of ash in the ground increases, the homogeneity deteriorates and therefore cannot be combined with the ground sufficiently.
The lowest ratio of liquid limit (40.1%), plasticity index (8.8%) and maximum dry unit weight (1.507 t/m3) was also seen in the 12.5% additive percentage. Based on this, it has been determined that the treatment sludge ash added to the weak soil improves the soil up to a certain value and reduces it after seeing the maximum value, and it is in accordance with the limit values required by the Highways Technical Specification (A7 type soil class LL (%): Liquit limit > 40 PI (%): Plasticity index > 10). As a result, sewage sludge ash, which is a waste material that must be disposed of, can be evaluated in this way. The use of waste materials as a recycling product will both contribute to reducing environmental pollution and using it as an additive material for road filling material will provide an absolute economic gain.

Author Contributions

Writing—original draft, S.Y.; Writing—review & editing, M.H.A. and S.Y. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

The study did not require ethical approval.

Informed Consent Statement

The study did not involve humans.

Data Availability Statement

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Sieve analysis graph.
Figure 1. Sieve analysis graph.
Sustainability 15 04593 g001
Figure 2. Sewage sludge ash (%)—CBR diagram.
Figure 2. Sewage sludge ash (%)—CBR diagram.
Sustainability 15 04593 g002
Table 1. Sludge treatment methods.
Table 1. Sludge treatment methods.
Applied Unit OperationPurification MethodFunction
Pretreatment processesSludge grinding, de-sanding, mixing, storageCoarse reduction, grit removal, mixing, storage
ConcentrationGravity Flotation, gravity belt, rotary drum, condensation, centrifugationVolume reduction
StabilizationChlorine oxidation, lime stabilization, heat treatment, anaerobic/aerobic digestion, composting Stabilization, product recovery
ConditioningChemical conditioning, heat treatment, elutingSludge conditioning
DisinfectionPasteurization, long-term storageDisinfection
Dewatering the mudVacuum filter, centrifuge, press filter, horizontal band filter, drying beds, lagoonsVolume reduction
DryingFlash drying, spray drying, rotary dryer, multi-chamber ovensWeight and volume reduction
Heat treatmentMulti-chamber furnaces, fluidized bed furnaces, solid waste co-incineration, wet oxidationVolume reduction
Final disposalLand remediation, agricultural use, distribution and marketing, chemical fixation, landfill, phytoepurationBeneficial use, final disposal
Table 2. Sewage sludge ash analysis results.
Table 2. Sewage sludge ash analysis results.
Analysis ParametersAnalysis MethodsUnitAnalysis Result
ChlorideSM 4500-CI-Bmg/L165.5
AntimonyEPA 200.7mg/L0.021
ArsenicEPA 200.7mg/L<0.05
CopperEPA 200.7mg/L<0.01
BariumEPA 200.7mg/L0.521
MercuryTL2 72.0mg/L<0.001
ZincEPA 200.7mg/L0.022
Phenol IndexTS 6227 ISO 6439mg/L<0.1
FluorideSM 4500-F-8-Dmg/L0.8
CadmiumEPA 200.7mg/L0.04
LeadEPA 200.7mg/L0.03
Glow loss of dry massTS EN 12879%0.67
MolybdenumEPA 200.7mg/L0.242
NickelEPA 200.7mg/L0.056
pHSM 4500 H+ B----7.96
SeleniumEPA 200.7mg/L0.018
SulfateSM 4500 SO4.Emg/L718.8
ChromiumEPA 200.7mg/L0.3064
Solid matterSM4500mg/L<5.6
BTEXEPA 5021 A EPA 8015 Dmg/kg<0.06
Organic CarbonSM 5310mg/L8.5
Mineral OilTS EN 14039mg/kg97.1
Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)EPA 8082mg/kg<0.004
Total Organic CarbonTS 12089 EN 13137%<1.57
Table 3. Sewage sludge ash total analysis results.
Table 3. Sewage sludge ash total analysis results.
ParametersResultAnalysis Methods
pH (aqueous solution)8.02TS ISO 10390
Moisture (%)4.34TS 9546 EN 12880
Solid matter (%)95.66TS 9546 EN 12880
Organic Materials (%)2.37TS EN 12879
Inorganic Materials (%)93.29TS EN 12879
Total Organic Carbon (mg/kg)Not detectedTS EN 15936
Table 4. Standard Proctor Experiment Results.
Table 4. Standard Proctor Experiment Results.
Sample RatesLL(%)PL (%)PI(%)γdmax (t/m3)WoptCBR(%)Distension
%100 G48.923.425.51.34826.010.5
%97.5 G + 2.5 A45.423.820.21.4092120.47
%95 G + 5 A42.925.219.11.48622.860.25
%92.5 G + 7.5 A41.728.613.11.49423.870.19
%90 G + 10 A40.829.311.51.50224.180.08
%87.5 G + 12.5 A40.
%85 G + 15 A43.532.111.41.45226.460.04
LL (%): Liquid limit PL (%): Plasticity limit PI (%): Plasticity index Wopt (%): Optimum moisture content γdmax (t/m3): Max dry weight.
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MDPI and ACS Style

Akyıldız, M.H.; Yön, S. Experimental Investigation of Usability of Treatment Sud Ash with Road Filling Materials in Highways. Sustainability 2023, 15, 4593.

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Akyıldız MH, Yön S. Experimental Investigation of Usability of Treatment Sud Ash with Road Filling Materials in Highways. Sustainability. 2023; 15(5):4593.

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Akyıldız, Mehmet Hayrullah, and Seda Yön. 2023. "Experimental Investigation of Usability of Treatment Sud Ash with Road Filling Materials in Highways" Sustainability 15, no. 5: 4593.

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Akyıldız, M. H., & Yön, S. (2023). Experimental Investigation of Usability of Treatment Sud Ash with Road Filling Materials in Highways. Sustainability, 15(5), 4593.

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