A Methodological Framework to Foster Social Value Creation in Architectural Practice
:1. Introduction
1.1. The Building Sector in Denmark and the Transition to a Circular Economy (CE)
1.2. The Affordable Housing Sector and Its Challenges
1.3. Architectural Planning offices and Social Value Creation
2. Methodology and Description of Survey Materials
- Understanding the level of competencies and mapping the reality regarding the CE and sustainability in daily practice as understood by the respondents;
- Understanding the level of competencies and mapping the reality regarding SVC by assessing the respondents’ approach to this in their daily practice.
2.1. Survey Process
2.1.1. Survey 1—Strategic Level
2.1.2. Survey 2—Operational Level
3. Results
3.1. Description of Data and Analysis, Survey 1
3.1.1. Identification and Company Size, Subject Areas and Readiness for Sustainability
3.1.2. Daily Practice Regarding Sustainable Performance, Deliveries and Services
3.1.3. Expectations Regarding Development and Skills Needs
3.1.4. The Respondents’ Roles, Education, Backgrounds and Particular Competencies in Sustainability
3.2. Description of Data and Analysis, Survey 2
3.2.1. Identification of Competency, Expectations and Needs
3.2.2. CE, LCA and LCC—Degree, Desire of Knowledge and Ways of Evaluating
3.2.3. SVC—Perception, Practice, Desires and Ways of Evaluating
- “… the understanding (is) that residents primarily want a place they can afford to live in and have the opportunity to feel safe, to belong and pride in where they live. Meaning fullness is about how the physical environment can help create this”;
- “… social sustainability (is) completely integrated and, of course, part of our practice and our projects”, “… we promote (it) in all phases of our projects and (…) we use many words for it: a listening approach to ground the project and in how people will use it, co-ownership, architectural quality, durability, robustness and beauty”, “Ease of use and accessibility”, “Security-creating and eventful”;
- “… the effect of architecture. The architecture supports the lived life and the results one wants to achieve. For example, well-being, productivity and knowledge-sharing in an office building. Or well-being, learning and movement in a school”;
- “… social sustainability is a concept in itself—not just a quality that contributes to promoting environmental and economic sustainability …”.
3.2.4. The Respondents’ Roles, Education, Backgrounds and Particular Competencies in Sustainability
3.3. Findings across Survey 1 and Survey 2
4. Discussion
4.1. Evaluation and Documentation of SVC
4.2. Architectural Firms and SVC
- EN standards are internationally acknowledged tools. The impact categories discussed in the EN 16309:2014 task force are related to the SDGs in the second column.
- Quotations from the architects’ answers from the survey are connected with the SDGs and the related impact categories in the third column to verify the coherence between institutional indicators and architects’ perceptions.
- The S-LCA methodology can be considered the most coherent tool for handling social LCA for now, as described in the guidelines [100]. The S-LCA categories are related to the SDGs in the fourth column.
- Finally, already-known evaluation tools and methods are listed in the fifth column, including social cost–benefit analysis models [110,111] (SCBA) as tools to concretise and evaluate SVC. This is to identify where tools could be improved to support the partners’ decision making in construction and renovation processes in the public sector on both the micro- and macro-scale. Indicators, such as the willingness to pay for SVC, can come into play and support a long-term circular economy and sustainable development with this.
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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How Familiar is the Company with … | CE? (BQ3–4) | 100 | LCA? (BQ7–8) | 100 | LCC? (BQ11–12) | 100 |
% | What is a circular economy? | 4 | I have heard of LCA. | 38 | I have heard of LCC. | 42 |
% | I have heard about the circular economy. | 48 | I let the engineer perform LCA on company projects. | 26 | I let the engineer perform LCC on company projects. | 23 |
% | I practise circular economy in company projects. | 42 | I make LCA calculations in the company’s projects. | 29 | I make LCC calculations in the company’s projects. | 31 |
% | I teach circular economy. | 6 | I teach LCA. | 7 | I teach LCC. | 4 |
Does the company need to learn more about … | Yes No | 87 13 | Yes No | 95 5 | Yes No | 78 22 |
Indicators—SDGs as Common Denominators | Impact Categories, Standardisation Work | Impact Categories, Quotations from Respondents’ Answers to the Surveys | Impact Categories, S-LCA | Tools, Micro-Scale | Tools, Macro-Scale |
Comfort, indoor climate and micro-climate, SDG 3 (“Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”) | “Health” (3), “Comfort” (4), “Noise” (15), “Emissions” (16), “Glare/Overshadowing” (17), “Vibrations” (18) | “Well-being”, “healing surroundings”, “daylight”, “indoor quality”, “comfort”, “health”, “recreation” | “Health and safety”, “Safe and healthy living conditions”, “Feedback mechanism” | POE S-LCA LCA | POE S-LCA SCBA |
Cultural heritage, place, layout, detailing, functionality, SDG 11 (“Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable”), SDG 17 (“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development”) | “Spatial characteristics” (5), “Cultural heritage” (13), “Contribution to local well-being” (19) | “Good outdoor areas”, “meeting places”, “experienced sustainability”, “functionality”, “usability”, “aesthetics”, “place”, “cohesiveness”, “cultural heritage”, “beauty”, “anchoring”, “belonging”, “support for the beautiful life”, “experience”, “presence” and “identity” | POE SCBA S-LCA | SCBA S-LCA | |
Durability, SDG 12 (“Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns”) | “Adaptability” (2) | “Long lifetime”, “good quality” | “Supplier relationships”, “Consumer privacy” | LCA LCC S-LCA | LCA LCC S-LCA |
Human rights and no conflicts, SDG 16 (“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels”) | “Identity”, “promote social agenda” | “Prevention and mitigation of armed conflicts”, “Delocalization and migration”, “Respect for intellectual property rights” | S-LCA SCBA | S-LCA SCBA | |
Inclusion, SDG 5 (“Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls”), SDG 10 (“Reduce inequality within and among countries”) | “Equality”, “involvement”, “ownership”, “diversity” | “Equal opportunities/discrimination” | POE SCBA | SCBA | |
Innovation, SDG 4 (“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”), SDG 9 (“Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialisation and foster innovation”) | “Biophilic design” (14) | “Innovation” | “Access to immaterial resources”, “Technology development” | S-LCA LCA | S-LCA LCA |
Leave no one behind, SDG 4 (“Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”), SDG 8 (“Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all”) | “Accessibility” (1), “Working environment” (7) | “Inclusion”, “Universal design”, “Communal houses”, “Accessibility”, “Ownership”, “Co-ownership”, “Interaction”, “Diversity”, “Belonging”, “Transparency” | “Freedom of association and collective bargaining”, “Child labour”, “Fair salary”, “Working hours”, “Forced labour”, “Contribution to economic development”, “Equal opportunities/discrimination”, “Social benefits/social security”, “Transparency”, “Promoting social responsibility” | S-LCA POE SCBA | S-LCA SCBA |
Robust communities, SDG 13 (“Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts”), SDG 17 (“Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development”) | “Resilience” (8), “Climate change resilience” (11) | “Robustness” | Community engagement, feedback mechanism | LCC LCA | LCC LCA |
Safety and security, SDG 10 (“Reduce inequality within and among countries”) | “Safety” (9), “Security” (10) | “Safety”, “security” | Secure living conditions, social benefits/social security | POE S-LCA | POE S-LCA |
Quality, SDG 6 (“Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”) | “Water quality” (6) | Feedback mechanism | LCA | LCA | |
Welfare, SDG 1 (“End poverty in all its forms everywhere”) | Social benefits/social security | S-LCA | S-LCA |
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Share and Cite
Larsen, V.G.; Antoniucci, V.; Tollin, N.; Sattrup, P.A.; Jens, K.; Birkved, M.; Holmboe, T.; Marella, G. A Methodological Framework to Foster Social Value Creation in Architectural Practice. Sustainability 2023, 15, 1849. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15031849
Larsen VG, Antoniucci V, Tollin N, Sattrup PA, Jens K, Birkved M, Holmboe T, Marella G. A Methodological Framework to Foster Social Value Creation in Architectural Practice. Sustainability. 2023; 15(3):1849. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15031849
Chicago/Turabian StyleLarsen, Vibeke Grupe, Valentina Antoniucci, Nicola Tollin, Peter Andreas Sattrup, Krister Jens, Morten Birkved, Tine Holmboe, and Giuliano Marella. 2023. "A Methodological Framework to Foster Social Value Creation in Architectural Practice" Sustainability 15, no. 3: 1849. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15031849
APA StyleLarsen, V. G., Antoniucci, V., Tollin, N., Sattrup, P. A., Jens, K., Birkved, M., Holmboe, T., & Marella, G. (2023). A Methodological Framework to Foster Social Value Creation in Architectural Practice. Sustainability, 15(3), 1849. https://doi.org/10.3390/su15031849