Urban Regeneration through Integrated Strategies to Tackle Inequalities and Ecological Transition: An Experimental Approach
:1. Introduction
Literature Review and Justification
Housing Policy and the Capability Approach
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Research Phases
- (1)
- The creation of quality urban and socioeconomic systems capable of generating alternatives in terms of human functions related to housing, income/work, sociality and knowledge;
- (2)
- The development of a prototypical small horizontal residential building, built according to sustainable engineering and bioarchitecture criteria, and a renewable energy community (REC) at the Fondo Saccà pilot site, with battery-based hybrid energy storage solutions for a smarter, more sustainable, and efficient grid;
- (3)
- The implementation of personalized and community-based social and technical mediation interventions that have helped people living in the city’s shantytowns, in situations of severe material and cultural deprivation, to take advantage of new opportunities, choosing those that are more functional for their gradually increasing well-being.
- (A)
- The acquisition by the beneficiaries of their own home thanks to the economic benefits called Personal Capability Capital (PCC). This administrative dispositive consists of a one-off contribution that enables the purchase of a house and represents a concrete possibility to take back one’s life by planning, together with the technical and socioeconomic actors of the project, ways to regain one’s civil rights at the individual, socioeconomic, and community levels. The PCC cannot exceed 75% of the gross purchase value of the house; the economic estimate, determined by means of a rigorous technical calculation, of the value of the self-help activities carried out by the beneficiaries; and the resources needed to transfer the energy efficiency and home automation prototypes resulting from the program’s research activities to the new houses. The total value of the PCC must not exceed EUR 80,000.00. Beneficiary families were able to purchase their own homes using part of the PCC and the remainder either from their own resources or with the support of financial services and/or ethical microfinance instruments in accordance with the project’s policy. The PCC was linked to a legality pact, enshrined in the notarial deed of sale and other documents:
- -
- No problems with the judiciary due to convictions for mafia crimes;
- -
- The houses purchased with the PCC’s contribution cannot be sold for 10 years, and in any case, for no less than the repayment period of any mortgage taken out.
- (B)
- The Municipality of Messina will purchase the housing units on the municipal real estate market and then allocate them to the beneficiaries of the project through participatory procedures and in accordance with the standards established by the Italian and Sicilian legislation on housing. In this case, the beneficiaries will be tenants who will have to pay a modest rent.
2.2. Instruments and Statistical Analysis
- Hope (toward the future)–Resignation
- Confidence/trust–Defiance (toward people and life)
- Wealth–Poverty (perception about one’s economic conditions)
- Healthiness–Insalubrity (of one’s home and living environment)
- Cicada–Ant (propensity to consume: savings or spending)
- Happiness–Unhappiness
- Security–Insecurity
- Courage–Fear
2.3. The Model of Choice
- (1)
- A group of agents: the inhabitants of the Fondo Saccà shantytown, who are the beneficiaries of the Capacity Program;
- (2)
- Two possible strategies, corresponding to the previously detailed alternatives A or B, generated by the Capacity Program;
- (3)
- An individual payoff function that quantifies the utility for each possible (alternative) strategy available to the agents.
Payoff Estimation
3. Results
3.1. Identification of the Problem: The Slums of Messina
3.2. Analysis of Emergency Housing Measures
3.3. Evaluation of Emergency Housing Measures and Mechanisms of Choice
The Purchase Choice Model
4. Discussion
- (1)
- A set of players—in our case, the inhabitants of the shantytown, the beneficiaries of the Capacity Program;
- (2)
- A set of strategies available to each actor—in our case, the strategies correspond to the housing options (A and B) generated by the Capacity Program and described above;
- (3)
- A payoff for each player—i.e., the payoff for each possible end of the game and therefore for each (alternative) strategy available to the player.
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Indicators | |
Degraded area cleared of shacks and cleaned up | 17,345 m2 |
Asbestos-cement artifacts disposed of in accordance with the law | 100% |
Total amount of microcredit disbursed to program beneficiaries | €620,600 |
Housing purchased on the open market | 205 |
Building of an experimental ecological condominium with III-generation photovoltaic system | 7 dwellings |
Realization of a renewable energy community in Fondo Saccà | 1 |
Households living in decent housing after eviction | 205 |
Households able to access their own housing thanks to the PCC and facilitated access to credit | 66 |
Housing purchased on the open market by the municipality of Messina | 139 |
Average size (151 to 66 sqm) of dwellings purchased by PCC beneficiary households and average price of EUR 787 per m2 | 97 m2 |
Square meters of buildings on the open market upgraded | 2500 m2 |
Minors improving housing conditions and reducing health risks related to asbestos-cement exposure | 102 |
Households receiving social microcredit for home purchase | 37 |
Entrepreneurial activities supported or start-ups activated | 11 |
Households with microcredits about job dimension | 14 |
Fondo Fucile | Fondo Saccà | Total | |
Option A: Personal Capability Capital | 29 | 40 | 69 |
Option B: Purchase and assignment of the municipality | 106 | 30 | 136 |
TOTAL | 135 | 70 | 205 |
Pre–Post Scores | Coupled Differences | P (Two Tails) | ||||
Mean | SD | C.I. 95% | ||||
Lower | Upper | |||||
Pair 1 | Healthiness | −5.82 | 3.07 | −7.40 | −4.25 | 0.000 |
Pair 7 | Trust | −5.29 | 3.72 | −7.21 | −3.38 | 0.000 |
Pair 8 | Happiness | −4.35 | 3.45 | −6.12 | −2.58 | 0.000 |
Pair 4 | Safety | −4.29 | 3.69 | −6.19 | −2.40 | 0.000 |
Pair 3 | Courage | −4.12 | 3.94 | −6.14 | −2.09 | 0.001 |
Pair 6 | Hope | −3.53 | 3.96 | −5.56 | −1.50 | 0.002 |
Pair 2 | Spending | −2.59 | 3.37 | −4.32 | −0.85 | 0.006 |
Pair 5 | Poverty | −1.88 | 2.80 | −3.32 | −0.44 | 0.014 |
Agents | T0 | T1 | T2 |
1 | - | - | 100,000.00 |
2 | 9759.56 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 |
3 | - | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 |
4 | 1083.47 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 |
5 | 1028.65 | 77,880.08 | 68,728.93 |
6 | 0.00 | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 |
7 | - | 100,000.00 | 100,000.00 |
8 | 1258.81 | 92,596.11 | 89,102.34 |
9 | - | - | 68,728.93 |
10 | - | - | 100,000.00 |
11 | 3019.74 | 91.19 | 100,000.00 |
12 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 92,311.63 |
13 | 2405.84 | 57.88 | 40,789.76 |
14 | 26.73 | 0.01 | 78,662.79 |
15 | 2787.57 | 77.71 | 2351.77 |
16 | - | 94,890.03 | 92,433.82 |
17 | - | - | 89,102.34 |
18 | 3877.42 | 150.34 | 78,662.79 |
19 | - | - | 68,728.93 |
20 | 91.19 | 0.08 | 68,728.93 |
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Leone, L.; Giunta, G.; Giunta, M.; Marino, D.; Giunta, A. Urban Regeneration through Integrated Strategies to Tackle Inequalities and Ecological Transition: An Experimental Approach. Sustainability 2023, 15, 11595. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511595
Leone L, Giunta G, Giunta M, Marino D, Giunta A. Urban Regeneration through Integrated Strategies to Tackle Inequalities and Ecological Transition: An Experimental Approach. Sustainability. 2023; 15(15):11595. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511595
Chicago/Turabian StyleLeone, Liliana, Gaetano Giunta, Marco Giunta, Domenico Marino, and Andrea Giunta. 2023. "Urban Regeneration through Integrated Strategies to Tackle Inequalities and Ecological Transition: An Experimental Approach" Sustainability 15, no. 15: 11595. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511595
APA StyleLeone, L., Giunta, G., Giunta, M., Marino, D., & Giunta, A. (2023). Urban Regeneration through Integrated Strategies to Tackle Inequalities and Ecological Transition: An Experimental Approach. Sustainability, 15(15), 11595. https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511595