Service-Learning as an Approach to Educating for Sustainable Development
:1. Introduction
2. Sustainable Development and Sustainability
A concept that includes the search for environmental quality, social justice, and an equitable and viable economy in the long term. It defines a set of criteria oriented to ethical behavior with everything that surrounds us (resources, people, spaces, etc.), so as to achieve intra and intergenerational equity, as well as to manage relations with the natural and social environment, maintaining its availability and ecological balance, and promoting a more equitable and fair distribution of resources, benefits, and environmental costs.
3. Education for Sustainable Development and Curricular Sustainability in Higher Education
- Reflection and participation, which make it possible to manage change towards sustainability in institutions, companies, and communities.
- Systemic thinking, which facilitates the understanding of the connections between social, cultural, economic, political, and environmental systems.
- A holistic approach to problem-solving.
- Decision making that takes all effects into account.
- Dialogic strategies (discussion, debate, and dialogue)
- Critical reflection on locally and globally relevant issues.
- Hypothetical and real cases (role-play and case studies).
- Collaboration on projects and tasks (group activities).
- Experiential learning activities such as community action and problem-solving.
- Mentoring (to facilitate understanding and engagement with education for sustainable-development issues).
- Interdisciplinary exploration and problem-solving.
- Action learning (in which trainees develop and implement action plans for sustainable development, reflect on their experiences, and suggest improvements).
- Action–research (a cyclical process of planning, action, observation, and reflection based on research to innovate and improve practice).
4. Service-Learning, an Optimal Tool for Education for Sustainable Development
- Integration in the curriculum.
- Student voice.
- Partnership with the community.
- Reciprocity.
- Reflection.
- Moral values.
5. Linking Service-Learning with the Principles of Sustainability in Higher Education
- Ethical principle.
- Holistic principle.
- Complexity principle.
- Glocalization principle.
- Transversality principle.
- Social responsibility principle.
- The investigation and analysis of complex situations. Students must identify the needs on which the action is based. In order to identify these needs, the student must conduct visits and discussions, and search for background information and ideas that enable them to understand problems.
- Planning based on the needs identified. Students link the curriculum to the need that they address and the type of activity they develop.
- Actions in collaboration with other agents that may have worked on the needs to be addressed for a longer period of time. The type of action may be direct or indirect, temporary or continuous, and, in some cases, it may be intended to become permanent in the long term.
- Reflection on actions. This reflection is an essential element of service-learning. The student writes down what he/she undertakes and experiences, discusses it in groups, evaluates it continuously, and makes decisions throughout the project to improve the action developed.
- The demonstration and exhibition of achievement. The student learns and communicates what he or she has learned to peers and other agents of social change. Part of service-learning is learning to synthesize experiences and to transmit them to others in an attractive and convincing way, using media such as various types of presentation, advertisements, web pages, videos, or any other type of campaign.
- The evaluation of the service-learning experience. To develop this evaluation, the student also surveys the beneficiaries of the service and other agents collaborating in the same field of action. The objective is to ascertain whether the service activity undertaken genuinely contributes to social change in relation to the need that was initially identified.
- Celebration. Indeed, students who participate in service-learning activities become aware that celebrating their achievements is an effective way to consolidate them and to encourage others to follow the same path.
6. Conclusions and Future Directions
- Training in the service-learning methodology.
- The contextualization of projects in their environments.
- The recognition of the work of educators, who dedicate significant time to developing projects, and of students, who participate in these projects.
- Financing for the projects and the creation of offices or units that support and facilitate them.
- The design and application of instruments to evaluate the impact of projects on sustainable development, as well as on students, educators, social entities, and institutions themselves.
- The design of quality indicators to improve practice and research on service-learning as a tool for promoting sustainable development.
- Longitudinal studies on the effects of this methodology from the perspective of sustainability.
- A systematic review of current research on service-learning as a tool for educating for sustainable development.
- The assessment of the sustainability of projects.
- The valuation of the institutional programs supporting this methodology.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Aramburuzabala, P.; Cerrillo, R. Service-Learning as an Approach to Educating for Sustainable Development. Sustainability 2023, 15, 11231.
Aramburuzabala P, Cerrillo R. Service-Learning as an Approach to Educating for Sustainable Development. Sustainability. 2023; 15(14):11231.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAramburuzabala, Pilar, and Rosario Cerrillo. 2023. "Service-Learning as an Approach to Educating for Sustainable Development" Sustainability 15, no. 14: 11231.
APA StyleAramburuzabala, P., & Cerrillo, R. (2023). Service-Learning as an Approach to Educating for Sustainable Development. Sustainability, 15(14), 11231.