1. Introduction
In the context of global climate change, the intensity and frequency of drought have been observed to increase, which is expected to lead to water shortages around the world [
1]. As an important limiting factor for plant growth [
2], water not only affects plant growth rate and species composition, but also plays an important role in plant photosynthesis and other physiological metabolic processes [
3]. Moreover, plants are an important part of ecosystems that play an important role in regulating the climate and maintaining the carbon and water balance [
4]. Therefore, it is of great importance to understand the impact of water shortage on plant growth adaptability in the context of global climate change.
Water-use efficiency (WUE) is defined as the amount of carbon gained by plants per unit of water lost [
5]. WUE not only reflects the intrinsic water consumption mechanisms of plants but also reveals the atmosphere–leaf interactions in the water and carbon cycles and their response mechanisms to environmental factors [
6]. Studies on WUE involve different scales from leaf to ecosystem, and there are multiple methods to estimate WUE at different spatiotemporal scales. The eddy covariance method is widely used to analyze total primary productivity (GPP) across the ecosystem [
7]. The thermal diffusion method is usually used at the single-plant scale to analyze the transpiration of the stand [
8]. On the leaf scale, the traditional research method is the transient water-use efficiency (WUE
inst) determined by the gas exchange method. However, this method can only measure the ratio of plant photosynthetic rate to transpiration rate at a certain point in time, which is greatly influenced by environmental changes, and it is difficult to explain the physiological response process that occurs when plants are affected by meteorological factors [
9]. In recent years, the development of stable isotope has provided a new method to study the WUE of leaves [
10]. Farquhar et al. [
11] found a significant positive linear correlation between WUE and its carbon isotope abundance ratio of
12C, which provides the method using the stable carbon isotope ratio (
13C) to indicate the plant WUE. The physiological information reflected by the stable isotope method is that the plant WUE changes over a certain period. For example, the
13C of the soluble sugars in leaves that can indicate the response of leaf physiological conditions to environmental changes can be used to derive plant short-term water-use efficiency (WUE
s) during their formation time (2–3 days) [
12]. Compared with the gas exchange method, the method using WUE
s has the advances of needing a smaller sampling amount and not causing harm to plants. Therefore, WUE
s can directly reveal the plant response to the current climatic environment.
Currently, a number of studies on plant-leaf WUE
s have been conducted by researchers. Bgelein et al. [
13] and Zheng et al. [
14] found that vapor pressure deficit (VPD) had the greatest effect on plant WUE
s in the beech, Douglas-fir and Platycladus orientalis forests. Franks et al. [
15] found that the increase in the ratio of intercellular CO
2 concentration to ambient CO
2 concentration (C
a) can lead to a decrease in plant stomatal conductivity, improve Rubisco enzyme activity and carboxylation efficiency and consequently increase the net photosynthetic rate, which can significantly affect its WUE
s. However, Cao et al. [
16] found that leaf structure has the greatest effect on WUE
s in poplar forests. Cernusak et al. [
17] and Mattii G et al. [
18] found that WUE
s was significantly influenced by photosynthetic rate (Pn) and the leaf structure of plant leaves. However, there are few studies on the main factors affecting the variability of WUE
s in different canopy leaves and their multiple factors. In forest ecosystems, the exponential attenuation of solar radiation flux from the upper to the lower part of the plant canopy leads to differences in microclimatic conditions [
20], which can lead to differences in leaf structure [
21] and photosynthetic properties [
24]. This may cause significant differences in leaf WUE
s at different canopy heights. Such differences may have important implications for the accurate assessment of climate change on plant adaptation.
The northern Daxing’an Mountains forest is the only high-latitude cold-temperate deciduous coniferous forest region in China, and the southern margin of the boreal forest in the arctic region, which is the most sensitive region in the content of global climate change [
25]. The rapid increase in the average temperature in the perennial permafrost zone of the Daxing’an Mountains by 0.35 °C per decade [
26] is expected to affect physiological and biochemical processes, such as water-use efficiency in boreal forests [
29]. Larch forest (Larix gmelinii), as the top community in the Daxing’an Mountain region, covers more than 50% of the entire forest area of the Daxing’an Mountain region [
24]. The variation in larch-forest WUE plays an important role in the carbon and water balance of the region [
29]. Thus, studying larch WUE
s in the northern Daxing’an Mountains is of great importance for predicting the adaptation of larch populations to future climate change.
The larch forest in the northern part of the Daxing’an Mountains was selected in the present research. The WUEs, the meteorological factors, the photosynthetic properties and the leaf structure of larch forests at different canopy heights were accessed to determine the change pattern and difference of WUEs at different canopy heights and the dominant factor among the influencing factors. We addressed the following specific scientific questions: (1) Are there any significant differences in WUEs at different canopy heights? (2) Are environmental factors the main factors affecting the WUEs of different heights?
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Area
This study was conducted in Heilongjiang Mohe Forest Ecosystem Research station, which is located in the Daxing’an Mountains of northeast China (122°06′–122°27′ E, 53°17′–53°30′ N) (
Figure 1). The area is in a continuous permafrost zone with a cold-temperate continental monsoon climate [
30]. The average annual precipitation is 350–500 mm, mostly concentrating in July and August, with a frost-free period of 80–90 days. The average annual temperature is −4.9 °C, with a minimum temperature of −52.3 °C and a maximum of 33 °C. The zonal vegetation in the area is a bright coniferous forest dominated by larch forest (
Larix gmelinii) with scattered camphor pine (
Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) forest and white birch (
Betula platyphylla) forest. The forest ecosystem in this area is relatively simple in structure with limited plant species. The zonal soil of the area is brown coniferous forest soil and a sparsity of meadow soil and swampy soil [
31], with a soil pH between 4.4 and 5.4 and a soil thickness of approximately 30 cm.
2.2. Micro-Meteorological Conditions Measurement
In 2015, continuous observations of carbon–water–energy–meteorological factors were made on building a flux tower in a cold-temperate larch forest. The radiation range radius of flux tower is 1000 m. The tower was equipped with passively shielded HMP155 probes (Vaisala, Vantaa, Finland) at 20 m, 14 m and 9 m above the ground for continuous observation of air temperature (Ta) and relative humidity (RH), and an NR01 sensor (Hukseflux, Delft, The Netherlands) was used for continuous observation of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR). Meteorological measurements were conducted in 5 min intervals and data were saved as 30min averages by the CR3000 datalogger (Campbell Scientific, Logan, UT, USA).
2.3. Plot Selection and Sample Collection
Three typical larch-forest plots were selected within the radiation range of the flux tower (
Table 1), with each plot size of 20 m × 30 m. When selecting plots, we ensured that the differences in slope and slope direction were minimal to eliminate the topographic factor influence on WUE
s. The diameter at breast height (DBH) and tree height (H) were measured for each tree whose DBH was greater than 5 cm in each plot, and the average DBH and H for three plots were calculated independently. Then, three sample trees with DBH values respectively similar to the average DBH and H of the three plots were selected to represent the average state of each plot. The canopy of the sample tree was evenly divided into three parts (upper canopy 20 m, middle canopy 14 m and lower canopy 9 m) based on the top-down pseudowheel [
32] in the crown, the center part of each canopy was sampled (
Figure 2). The analysis of our previous work showed that there were no significant differences in carbon isotopes between negative and anophytic leaves in four directions: the southeast and northwest directions of each canopy, and the needles in the middle part of each canopy represent the average standard for each canopy WUE
To ensure that the leaves can reflect the average WUEs for three days, we performed sampling from 18 to 20 August 2019 to meet the requirements that there is no rainfall for three consecutive days before sampling and no rainfall during the three-day sampling period. During sampling, using 20 m high pruning at each canopy (20 m, 14 m and 9 m), we chose three healthy and fully expanded needle clusters located within each segment in the middle of the foliated branches in sunny, semisunny and shaded crowns that were selected. Photosynthetic parameters were determined immediately after the sampling. After measurement, samples were quickly wrapped in tin foil and stored in a liquid nitrogen tank at low temperature for extraction and testing of leaf soluble sugar and leaf structure.
At the same time of each sampling day, atmospheric samples were collected from 20 m, 14 m and 9 m at the larch-forest flux meteorological tower using a gas collect bag and brought back to the laboratory to determine their CO2 concentration (Ca) and stable carbon isotopes (δ13C).
2.4. Photosynthetic Gas Exchange Measurements
A total of six photosynthetic parameters were measured for each canopy of the selected sample tree in the morning and afternoon of the three sampling days, such as photosynthetic rate (Pn), transpiration rate (Tr), stomatal conductance (Gs) and intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) of the leaves. All photosynthetic parameters were measured using a portable steady-state photosynthesis system (LI−6400, LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln, Lincoln, NE, USA) equipped with a standard LED light source (6400–02B, LI-COR, Inc., Lincoln, NE, USA). The system was calibrated at the beginning and end of the measurements. During the determination, the needles of the leaf chamber seal ring holding the branch position were removed first, and then the front needles of the branch were fully photoinduced by saturated light intensity, and the measurement began when the photosynthetic rate was stabilized. When measuring the optical response curve, the optical quantum flux density (photosynthetic photon flux density, PPFD) gradient is: 2000, 1500, 1200, 800, 400, 200, 150, 100, 50 and 0 μmol m−2s−1. The needle cluster samples were allowed to equilibrate for a minimum of 2 min at each step before the data were logged. All measurements were conducted under ambient conditions with no control except for the CO2 concentration in the chamber (stabilized at 380 ppm), and the flow rate of external air into the chamber is 450 μmol s−1.
2.5. Processing of Leaf Samples
As the carbon in leaf soluble sugar was accumulated over a period of time, the δ13C value of soluble sugar can reflect the average WUE during carbon formation. Soluble sugar was extracted from the leaves in the following steps: 0.05 g of ground sample was mixed with 1 mL of deionized water and 0.1 g of PVPP (cross-linked povidone) and incubated for 60 min at 5 °C. The sample was then incubated at a constant temperature water bath at 100 °C for 3 min, followed by centrifugation for 5 min to obtain the supernatant. The supernatant was then centrifuged for 5 min at 100 °C. Finally, 8 μL of the supernatant was pipetted into a tin capsule, air dried and wrapped at room temperature. The extraction was repeated twice for each leaf sample. The extracted matter was used to determine their δ13C with a stable isotope ratio mass spectrometer.
2.6. Determination of δ13C and WUEs
Extracted leaf soluble sugar of 3–5 mg was taken after drying and sealed into vacuum combustion tubes, and then oxidants and catalysts were added. After the CO2 produced by combustion was crystallized and purified, carbon isotope ratio values were measured using a Flash 2000-Thermo Finnigan ELTA plus XP stable isotope mass spectrometer, which has a measurement accuracy of <±0.15‰. The collected data were then calibrated and standardized for calculation of the WUEs of leaves.
Plant leaf δ
13C values were determined using PDB (Pee Dee Belemnite) as the standard, and then calculated according to Equation (1) as follows:
where δ
p indicates the thousandth deviation of the sample
12C from the standard sample, with a measurement error of less than 0.05‰; (
12C)PDB represents the
12C of the standard substance PDB. The WUE
s of plants is expressed as follows [
where C
a is the atmospheric CO
2 pressure (kPa), and
denote the carbon isotope ratio of soluble sugar and atmospheric CO
2 in leaves, respectively. a is the diffusion fractionation factor (4.4‰); b is the carboxylation fractionation factor (28‰); Φ is the ratio of carbon consumed by nocturnal respiration of leaves and respiration of other organs throughout the plant growth period (taken as 0.3) and v (VPD) is the difference between water vapor pressure inside and outside the leaves (kPa) [
where e
i is the internal vapor pressure of the blade (kPa); e
a is the ambient vapor pressure (kPa); T is the atmospheric temperature and RH is the ambient relative humidity.
2.7. Leaf Anatomical Characterization
Five to ten mature leaves were taken at different canopy heights from the sample trees in August, and small pieces of about 1 cm
2 were quickly cut in the middle of the leaves and fixed in FAA fixative (alcohol: formalin: glacial acetic acid = 90:5:5) for paraffin filming. Fixed samples were dehydrated in a series of alcohols (70%, 85%, 90% and 95%) and followed by clarification in xylene, then waxed, embedded, sectioned and finally sealed with gum arabic using the red-solid green counterstain method coloration [
36]. Photographs were observed under a light microscope [
30]. Measurement index includes leaf thickness (LT), epidermis thickness (ET), stomatal length (SL), stomatal width (SW), stomatal density (SD) and guard cell area (GCA), with the mean of 60 measurements for each index [
37]. The leaf area (LA) was quickly determined using a scanner (Regent instrument INC, Canada), and the samples were then dried in a constant temperature oven at 60 °C for 48 h until a constant weight was obtained.
The needles for photosynthetic determination were first scanned with a scanner, then opened with Photoshop software; the graphics and blades were tested with the magic rod tool, the pixel value was read with the histogram tool and the leaf area was calculated based on the ratio of pixels and area. The leaves were then dried to 65 °C to constant weight (precision 0.0001 g). Dry weight divided by leaf area is leaf mass per area (LMA).
2.8. Statistical Analyses
Data analysis was performed using IBM SPSS Statistics 21.0 (Armonk, NY, USA). One-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the LSD test was used to examine the statistical significance of differences in the WUE
s of leaves at different canopy heights. The two-way ANOVA test was used to test the statistical significance of leaf WUE
s at different canopy heights in relation to the influencing factors of each layer. A weighted random forest [
38] analysis was conducted with R core team software to explore the relative importance of variables in affecting the responses of leaf WUE
s at different heights to influencing factors. All the figures were drawn with OriginPro 2018 software (OriginLab Corp., Northampton, MA, USA).
5. Conclusions
In this study, the WUEs of leaves at different canopy heights in the cold-temperate larch forest and its influencing factors were quantified. It was found that WUEs increased with canopy height. Moreover, WUEs in the upper canopy were significantly higher than that in the middle and lower canopy, while the difference of WUEs between the middle and lower canopy was not significant. The trends of Ta, VPD, PAR, Pn, Tr, Gs, Ci/Ca and LMA at different canopy heights were all consistent with the trends of WUEs, which showed a significant or highly significant positive correlation. The trends of RH and SD at different canopy heights were opposite to the trends of WUEs, which showed highly significant or significant negative correlations. From the random forest analysis, it can be concluded that the dominant factor influencing WUEs in each canopy was VPD, followed by RH and Pn, and the influence of LMA and SD is relatively limited. Therefore, in the future, for the water-use efficiency study of the Xingan larch forest, the influence of different canopy-height environmental factors on water-use efficiency should be taken into account. This effect may suggest new thinking for future research on water-use efficiency under climate change scenarios.