Analysis of the Effectiveness of Green Waste Composting under Hyperbaric Conditions
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Properties of Substrates
- mowed grass from the green areas of the city of Wrocław, 50 mm long,
- mowed grass from the green areas of the city of Wrocław, 150 mm long.
2.2. Description of the Test Stand
2.3. Plan of the Experiment
- (a)
- air exchange frequencies: 4 and 8 h;
- (b)
- preset overpressures: 0, 50, 100, and 200 kPa;
- (c)
- the number of repetitions for each set overpressure and the air exchange frequency: 5.
2.4. Waste Research Methods
2.5. Statistical Data Analysis
- for all measured quantitative variables, basic descriptive statistics were calculated, i.e., mean values (M), standard deviations (SD), medians (Me), lower (Q1) and upper (Q3) quartiles, as well as extreme values Min and Max;
- for all quantitative variables, the compliance of their distribution with the normal distribution was checked using the Shapiro–Wilk test, the homogeneity of variance was checked with the Bartlett and Levene test;
- the analysis of variance for the two-factor classification was used to assess the impact of the independent variables (p and tAE) on the dependent variables;
- for all the statistical tests used, the significance level α = 0.05 was adopted.
- X1—p, overpressure in the bioreactor chamber (0, 50, 100, and 200 kPa);
- X2—tAE, frequency of air exchange in the bioreactor (4 and 8 h).
- Y1—AT4, respiratory activity of microorganisms within 4 days, mg O2·g DM−1,
- Y2—MC, moisture content of the material, %,
- Y3—LOI, loss on dry matter ignition, %,
- Y4—Δm, loss of dry matter, %,
- Y5—pH value,
- Y6—N, average share of nitrogen, %,
- Y7—C, average share of carbon, %,
- Y8—K, average share of potassium, ‰,
- Y9—P, average share of phosphorus, ‰.
3. Results
3.1. Effectiveness of the Composting Process in Hyperbaric Conditions
- change in the respiratory activity of microorganisms within 4 days,
- change in material moisture,
- change in organic matter content,
- weight loss of the material subjected to the experiment,
- change in the pH of the composted material,
- change in the macronutrient content of the material.
3.1.1. Degree of Respiratory Stabilization of the Product AT4
3.1.2. Moisture Content in the Material
3.1.3. Loss on Dry Matter Ignition
3.1.4. Product Weight Loss
3.1.5. pH Value
3.1.6. Elemental Composition Content in the Product
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- (a)
- the highest weight losses of the product at the overpressure variant of 200 kPa (tAE = 4 h—23.7% and tAE = 8 h—25.5%).
- (b)
- the highest efficiency of organic matter removal for overpressure variants 100 and 200 kPa (tAE = 4 h), and for overpressure variants 50, 100, and 200 kPa (tAE = 8 h).
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Parameter | Unit | Mean Value and Standard Deviation |
Bulk density | kg·m−3 | 280 |
Moisture content | % | 60 |
pH | - | 5.90 |
Total nitrogen | % | 2.33 (0.21) |
Total carbon | % | 43 |
Potassium content | g·kg DM−1 | 23.73 (1.26) |
Phosphorus content | g·kg DM−1 | 3.95 (0.02) |
Loss on ignition | % | 88.97 (0.16) |
Respiratory activity of microorganisms | mg O2·g DM−1 | 109.73 (2.48) |
Parameter | Determination Method | Device |
Moisture content | PN-EN 14346: 2011 | PS 3500 R2 laboratory scale, KbC-65W laboratory dryer |
pH | PN-EN 15011-3:2001 | VOLTCRAFT PHT-200 pH meter |
Elemental composition | Gas chromatography | CE Instruments CHNS elemental composition analyzer |
Macronutrients | PN-EN ISO 11885:2009 | ICP-AES iCAP 7400 atomic emission spectrometers |
Respiratory activity AT4 | OxiTop® Control | OxiTop®-C 110 set, Q-Cell 140/40 laboratory incubator |
Loss of ignition | PN-EN 15169:2011 | AS 220.R2 laboratory scale, SNOL 8.2/1100 muffle furnace |
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Share and Cite
Bieniek, J.; Gaze, B.; Knutel, B.; Rać, K.; Góraj, S. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Green Waste Composting under Hyperbaric Conditions. Sustainability 2022, 14, 5108.
Bieniek J, Gaze B, Knutel B, Rać K, Góraj S. Analysis of the Effectiveness of Green Waste Composting under Hyperbaric Conditions. Sustainability. 2022; 14(9):5108.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBieniek, Jerzy, Błażej Gaze, Bernard Knutel, Krzysztof Rać, and Sara Góraj. 2022. "Analysis of the Effectiveness of Green Waste Composting under Hyperbaric Conditions" Sustainability 14, no. 9: 5108.
APA StyleBieniek, J., Gaze, B., Knutel, B., Rać, K., & Góraj, S. (2022). Analysis of the Effectiveness of Green Waste Composting under Hyperbaric Conditions. Sustainability, 14(9), 5108.