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Comparative Review of Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools

Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering (DICEA), University of Padua, 35131 Padova, Italy
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2022, 14(5), 3132; (registering DOI)
Submission received: 13 January 2022 / Revised: 16 February 2022 / Accepted: 28 February 2022 / Published: 7 March 2022
(This article belongs to the Special Issue Sustainable Cities: Challenges and Potential Solutions)


The paper aims to evaluate criteria for appraising the existing urban transformation projects in view of the social dimension of sustainability. Within the case study of the recovery project of “G. Prandina” barrack in Padua, north-east of Italy, the paper compares two different Italian rating systems to evaluate neighborhood sustainability: “GBC Quartieri” and “ITACA Scala Urbana”. The GBC Quartieri rating system, with a point scheme, allots credits for neighborhood design features, and integrates the environment, infrastructures, and buildings for the creation of sustainable communities with a relationship net and a pre-existence connection. The “ITACA Scala Urbana” procedure consists of a multicriteria evaluation of the environmental sustainability and the compilation of a group of worksheets, one for each different internal performance indicator. The results show the main differences and analogies among the different tools, and this analysis confirms that new neighborhood protocols originating from building rating systems dedicate little space to social aspects and to the concept of inclusion, instead of the newly developed neighborhood protocols. Through this examination, the research can also conclude that the identification of common macro-areas is present, which highlights the different levels of importance given to the various features connected to social sustainability in neighborhood transformation.

1. Introduction

When we think about cities in developed countries, especially European cities, we imagine a compact, mixed, social, and diversified city model, in which the city district centers constitute a neighborhood’s identity.
This seems to be a result of globalization, [1] which not only refers to the economic dimension, but also to some political, cultural, and environmental ones [2]. In fact, the development of cities is often associated with social and economic problems, such as poverty and segregation, tensions between different groups, economic vulnerability, and ecological problems related to pollution, resource use, congestion, and spatial competition [3]. It is also connected with economic and cultural wealth, and dynamic development that can provide opportunities for technological, organizational, and social innovation. In this way, cities in today’s developed countries have become industrial hubs, where most job opportunities are found along with a massive urbanization process. Today’s developing countries are replicating these same dynamics, while experiencing massive rural exodus leading to an exponential growth of their cities [4]. We can observe the urgent call to attention by governments and planners regarding climate change, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and keeping global warming within a safe trajectory, which is not being targeted or achieved [5]. According to United Nations forecasts [6], in 2050, most people will live in cities or urban centers, and the Directive 2010/31/CE shows that buildings consume 40% of energy in the European Union [7]. Therefore, it is increasingly vital to work towards a more sustainable urban environment and guarantee adequate public services that realize greener cities [8]. Indeed, there are new urban challenges to urban design and architecture commitments, structured on the three abiding principles of sustainability: climate change, accessibility to common goods, and increasing social inequalities [9]. Thus, globalization is undergoing major changes in some relevant dynamics related to wealth, ecological impact, and population, creating a driving force that addresses the geographical concentration of economic activity and population within cities, called agglomeration economies (and diseconomies) [10].
Understanding these changes is crucial in facing these challenges.
In particular, if we consider, on the one hand, the changes introduced by globalization, such as the concentration of the population, as well as the increasing signs of social, economic, and environmental problems due to the negative impacts of human activities, we need to understand what is happening to urban patterns on the other. Low density and scattered urban sprawl can create negative environmental, social, and economic impacts for cities and rural areas. Landscape metrics have been widely used for describing the spatial heterogeneity of land-use and urban morphological characteristics, but also to analyze land use dynamics, urban growth processes, and changing patterns [11,12].
A particular category of these spaces that lost their ability to be active parts of the city is represented by all spaces that are unfit for development, i.e., all vacant land, land pending development, and derelict land. These are spaces not designed, which have been left to be colonized by nature in a semi-wild way [13]. These represent an uncertain character of the city, sometimes subjected to security problems, sometimes voids in the middle of the surrounding built environment, as well as voids in their temporal dimension in periods between changes in land use. They can be vacant if redeveloped without treatment, where treatment includes any of the following: demolition, clearing of fixed structures or foundations, and levelling. Otherwise, they could be derelict land resulting from industrial growth and decline, changing zoning policies, or the abandonment of old transport networks and interchanges. As they are often found in prominent locations within urban areas, they can be perceived as a blight on the urban landscape, or as a wasted opportunity, especially in a densely populated town or city with little public space [14].
Sustainable development is an elusive concept with a large diversity of definitions [15,16]. Briefly summarized, sustainable development implies that society must strive to attain a balanced approach to socio-economic development based on a solid understanding of and respect for ecological systems. Urban development has emerged as a key topic within debates on sustainability, particularly as a source of problems when urban areas are not intelligently planned and developed. At the same time, sustainable urban transformation places a stronger emphasis on structural transformation processes, relating to both multidimensional and radical change, which can effectively direct urban development towards sustainability. Put simply, sustainable urban development is primarily about development in urban areas, while sustainable urban transformation is about the development or change of urban areas [17].
The sustainable regeneration of cities is, thus, a long-held aspiration [18]. Actions taken till now in the name of sustainability (and also of resilience) are many and varied, from water-efficient fittings [19] to mixed-use development [20], passing through urban safety, economic soil management, waste management, energy management, public and green spaces management, building management, and social participation and inclusion. One of the most interesting opportunities is represented by brownfield regeneration, especially when these parts of the city are located nearby or inside the city center. Brownfield is referred to the previously developed land, not in current use, which presents actual or suspected land contamination [21].
By regenerating these areas, it is possible to provide services to the surrounding districts, create new central places (centers and sub-centers), and improve the general quality of life, especially if located in the inner city. The limitation of this intervention is connected to the incapacity to understand the transformations’ possible outcomes in the medium and long-term periods. In fact, society and engaged citizens become critical sources of change towards the new values. At the same time, our perceptions about achieving sustainable regeneration change over time—contexts change (e.g., climate change, peak oil), thinking advances, methods are tried and tested, and solutions work or fail. Sometimes, the goal itself evolves, as sustainable cities, 24 h cities, resilient cities, carbon dioxide neutral cities, and one-planet living have emerged successively over the past decade. The challenge here is how to incorporate changing priorities and thinking into what we do now, while ensuring, as best we can, that what we put in place now will have relevance in the future. Ecology, economy, infrastructure, community and social habits, and governance are only some of the topics in sustainable regeneration, and they represent a vast and tricky range of interconnections, actions, and reactions that a planner or a designer has to deal with. Within this complexity, in a project of urban regeneration, the idea of a system’s ability to withstand shocks, or indeed disturbances of any magnitude, and to continue to operate in some recognizable form, even if system outputs may be degraded for a time, should be a winning idea. The key could be promoting the social responsibility of areas that are at risk of land degradation in many ways. This means that the revitalization of brownfields can be considered as a reinforcement of the social aspects of sustainable urban regeneration by improving quality of life, and promoting human health and occupants’ well-being. This is possible by acquiring a successful development plan that limits the external shocks that can happen in the medium and long term. Therefore, the pattern of a society, and thus the whole involved community, including occupants, workers, visitors, and all relevant actors, can be profoundly changed by a brownfield regeneration if correct attention has been paid to user needs and expectations or to managing regeneration in sustainable ways. Understanding resident satisfaction in regenerated urban areas is a prerequisite for reducing the environmental impact of buildings, increasing sustainable quality, and creating healthy urban environments.
The success of urban sustainable regeneration can also compromise the sustainability and quality of life of an area or city through gentrification. In fact, as stated by Granger [22], gentrification results in a loss of diversity in a community or city, as residents are displaced through rent increases and changes in housing tenure. In this way, land prices in areas can compromise the very vitality of urban neighborhoods through a ‘destruction of diversity’ and a ‘return to unnatural urban spaces’ [23] that can destabilize the social fabric of a city. As such, housing can quickly become a commodity for investment as economic returns grow [24], creating further interest and investment from speculators and promoting the creation of barriers (lack of affordable housing) to living in a city.
Therefore, the relationship between society, economy, and territory needs to be analyzed in a new way that highlights the internal connections [25].
Nowadays, growing environmental issues lead to the creation of more resilient socio-ecological systems and urban areas [26], causing a new functionalist reductionism [27] in urban planning and design. New social requirements lead to an increasing number of indicators, standards, and certifications in professional practices [28].
In this context, the neighborhood sustainability assessment (NSA) tools are tools that evaluate and classify the performance of a given neighborhood against a set of criteria and topics, to assess the achievement of sustainability goals [29].
Contrary to standards and certifications, new forms of participation and social interaction are identified. Indeed, they can bring out practical knowledge with multiple interpretations of reality, expressing the ability to adapt to complexity and experimenting innovative solutions able to respond to instances in specific communities [28].
Furthermore, with regards to protocols, there is an opening towards more inclusive and adaptive approaches, incorporating new criteria, including human factors and social aspects. With the necessary introduction of participatory practices and institutional negotiations, the rating systems structures are positively changed, becoming less rigid and more procedural, adaptive, and inclusive [28]. However, this statement is not true for all types of protocols. Indeed, the rating systems of the main buildings are primarily based on the analysis of the environmental aspects, such as energy consumption and efficiency [30]. Consequently, these neighborhood protocols dedicate little space to social aspects and to the concept of inclusion [29]. Instead, the newly developed neighborhood protocols are participatory and open to social instances [28].
In this paper, the authors analyzed two different rating systems: GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana. The first is a protocol developed by the Italian Green Building Council (GBC Italia) for requalification and development projects that promote the environmental sustainability of territory, infrastructure, equipment, and sustainable buildings. This rating system is a guideline for urban developments, and supports best practices of territorial analysis, areas chosen in relationship with the environmental preservation, promoting connections, relations between preexisting structures, the creation and the development of services, and social functions [31].
In Italy, an Italian interregional group in the Institute for Transparency of Contracts and Environmental Compatibility developed the “ITACA Scala Urbana”. The purpose of this project is to envelope a complete, open, accessible, flexible, and contextualized instrument for the evaluation of neighborhood plans with performance indicators [32].
Here, following some previews works [33,34], the authors propose a comparative review of neighborhood sustainability assessment tools. A case study of an urban project, the recovery of “G. Prandina” barrack in Padua (Italy), is considered. The comparison helps to identify common macro-areas, the levels of importance given to the various evaluations, and the difficulties when applying the two neighborhood sustainability assessment tools.

2. Materials and Methods

The research aims to compare two different types of neighborhood protocols in order to understand their internal structure and participatory social instances. The proposed methodology has been taken up by previous studies and research applied to buildings rating systems [35,36,37,38].
The methodology begins with the internal analysis of the two protocols.
GBC Quartieri was developed in Italy, and it was created from other existing rating systems: LEED Neighborhood Development, LEED 2009 Italia New Construction, and Restoration, and GBC Home.
This is a voluntary, market-driven, and consensus-based tool that serves as a guideline and assessment mechanism. The purpose is to optimize the use of natural resources, promote regenerative and restorative strategies, maximize the positive and minimize the negative environmental and human health consequences of the building industry, and provide high-quality indoor environments for building occupants. All GBC and LEED rating systems are structured in prerequisites, the mandatory part, and credits, i.e., the part where points are awarded. Based on the number of points achieved, a project reaches a rating level: Certified (40–49), Silver (50–59), Gold (60–79), or Platinum (higher than 80).
GBC Quartieri is composed of three main categories: smart location and linkage, neighborhood pattern and design, and green infrastructure and buildings.
ITACA Scala Urbana was developed in 2016 by an interregional group in the Institute for Transparency of Contracts and Environmental Compatibility. This is a voluntary tool with the purpose of obtaining a concise judgment about the global performance of an urban establishment. The score is achieved from qualitative parameters, divided into ten areas: governance, urbanism aspects, urban landscape quality, architectural aspects, public spaces, urban metabolism, biodiversity, adjustment, accessibility/mobility, society and culture, and economy. The structure and number of parameters considered can change in function of the project scale and the subject matter. In this case, the ITACA protocol is analyzed in a neighborhood scale and project phase.
The two neighborhood protocols were compared in order to underline the main differences in the composition of the total score in relation to the sustainability. However, their internal structures are not defined in the same manner. By observing the aerograms in Figure 1 and Figure 2, it is easy to notice the differences.
For this reason, it is necessary to analyze both protocols in detail and define new macro areas of sustainability aspects to create a new internal division in order to compare the rating systems and highlight the differences. Three different macro-areas were assigned to credits in GBC and sheets in ITACA (Table 1 and Table 2): one is related to the energy and environment aspects, such as low energy consumption or CO2 emission; another is related to the economic aspects, such as energy savings; and the last one is related to the social aspects, such as mixite or relationship with other parts of the city. Two new scores were also assigned to each macro area, calculated by summing the individual scores of each credit for GBC and each sheet for ITACA (Figure 3 and Figure 4).
Therefore, the new scores were normalized and defined in Equation (1) in order to compare the two protocols and analyze the internal differences (Figure 5).
n o r m a l i z e d   s c o r e = s c o r e s   f o r   s i n g l e   n e w   a r e a     s c o r e s   o f   p r o t o c o l × 100
GBC Quartieri pays more attention to the energy and environmental aspects but offers less importance to social aspects than ITACA Scala Urbana. The economic aspects in both rating systems are hardly considered and are always connected to the energy aspects.

3. Case Study

To understand if there is a way to support the promotion of sustainable urban regeneration of vacant land or brownfield, this paper tries to apply two different Italian rating systems to evaluate neighborhood sustainability to a scenario of transformation of ‘G. Prandina’ barracks. The project is structured to be flexible, incorporating the uncertainty of the final solution into the decision-making process, strategic thinking about urban regeneration, and the assessment of it.
The case study is based on the recovery and regeneration project in the ‘Giacomo Prandina’ barracks, located near to the historic center of Padua, close to the sixteenth-century walls of the city. This site is bordered by Corso Milano to the north (the most important access road coming from Vicenza), Riviera San Benedetto to the west (the real edge to the city center because of the river Piovego), Via San Prosdocimo to the south (that is characterized by a similar building pattern of the block of interest), and, as already mentioned, by the city walls to the east (the barracks are divided by the wall only by a street).
The area enjoys a position of enormous importance as it is located in the immediate vicinity of several points of interest in the city. It is about 1.5 km from the station, 1 km from the town hall, and 2 km from Prato della Valle, making it easily accessible on foot, by bicycle, and by public transport systems.
The block is made up of degraded structures (the former barracks); unused structures, such as the Monastery of the Visitation; buildings in the process of being decommissioned, i.e., those now occupied by the barracks; and areas with temporary use as the open parking lot located on the position of the square of arms of the barracks.
In February 2019, the public administration illuminated the most interesting redevelopment use of the area through the activity of Agenda 21 [39]. The most important result was the identification of guidelines to support a call for proposals for the redevelopment of the site of the barracks ‘Giacomo Prandina’. The design scenario was constructed to compare the two methods and to evaluate the sustainability of the regenerated area by considering some of the guidelines that emerged from the activity of Agenda 21, which are listed below.
  • The enhancement of relations with the walls, with the green spaces and the water system, obtainable through the facilitation of connections between the parts. This may take place through new routes, but also through selective demolition of buildings or other buildings that will result incongruously.
  • The recovery of the multifunctional vocation of the area, which will have to coexist with spaces of public greenery and urban agriculture, as well as with socio-cultural-recreational services.
  • The recovery of the aggregative vocation of the area, pursued through the creation of an open space and accessible throughout the day.
  • The protection of urban biodiversity through the creation of a park that contributes to the abatement of pollutants and to the functions of mitigation and adaptation to climate change and a green space equipped for socialization, sport, and leisure.
  • The recovery of the original route of Via Niccolò Orsini through the southern limit of the barracks.
  • The need to make mobility more sustainable by reducing private vehicle traffic in favor of cycling trips, as well as by introducing an articulated network of cycle paths and a parking exchanger basement located close to Porta Savonarola.
The result of the scenario design is proposed in Figure 6, and it was formulated by Matteo Fiorini and Alessandro Gasparin.
Application of the two protocols to this scenario of transformation showed that the obtained results are very different: 67/100 for GBC Quartieri (Gold level) and 87/215 for ITACA Scala Urbana (Table 3 and Table 4).
The difference is because the evaluation of ITACA can have a negative score and because a lot of performances do not satisfy credits/parameters in the same way.

4. Results

The GBC and ITACA methods for the neighborhood were compared to underline the main differences in their internal structure and to check who considers participatory social instances. Their scores are also normalized in order to compare the structure of the protocols and the results of the case study. The histogram in Figure 7 compares the rating systems and their application. The following points can be deduced:
  • By employing ITACA, the scenario obtained the highest percentage of the reachable score in social aspects (51%), followed by economic aspects (47%) and energy and environmental aspects (26%).
  • By using GBC, the project results are more efficient in economic aspects (85%), energy and environmental aspects (81%), and social aspects (33%).
It can be noted that the achieved scores for each macro-area have high variabilities. By applying the rating systems, a high and homogeneous amount of points in two new macro-areas was obtained; however, in social and economic aspects linked to ITACA, and economic and energy and environmental aspects linked to GBC. The percentage of the achievable points obtained was also very different: they ranged between 26% and 51% for ITACA and between 33% and 85% for GBC.

5. Discussion and Conclusions

This paper proposes a comparative study on the two neighborhood rating systems, GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana.
The tools were first analyzed, and three common macro-areas (energy and environmental, economic, and social aspects) were identified in order to compare the two rating systems and normalize their score; this approach can also be used to compare other building environmental assessment tools. This approach allowed us to underline the main differences and analogies among the different tools and confirm that new neighborhood protocols originated from building rating systems that dedicate little space to social aspects and the concept of inclusion. Instead, the newly developed neighborhood protocols, such as ITACA Scala Urbana, are participatory and open to social instances. The comparative analysis also suggests that ITACA could be optimized by summarizing the parameters. Indeed, last year the Institute for Transparency of Contracts and Environmental Compatibility developed a brief rating system.
Successively, the same method and the protocols were applied to a scenario of transformation, achieving a very different score.
These results pose many questions on the coherence of the monitoring systems of sustainable development. It was a long and wading road; however, nowadays, the integration of evaluation methods, monitoring systems, and project development has received considerable attention. This is possible if researchers are able to propose key principles and evaluations for sustainable urban transformation. Furthermore, tracking progress towards goals is fundamental for effective strategies and actions, as well as assessment frameworks and ranking systems which help to indicate sustainable transformation. Additionally, constructive competition between cities and municipalities on sustainable development and climate change can potentially stimulate innovation and stronger political commitments. This also links to how cities can share experiences and improve global learning on sustainable urban transformation.
This paper has shown some of these limits applied to a real case study.
As previously described, the methodology has been proposed for GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana. In the future, other rating systems can be considered, and Equation (1) can be used to compare the protocols and analyze additional internal differences.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, A.B.; methodology, A.B.; formal analysis, E.M.; investigation, E.M.; resources: A.B. and E.M.; data curation, E.M.; visualization, E.M.; writing, A.B. and E.M.; supervision, P.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research received no external funding.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.


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Figure 1. Aerogram of the internal distribution in GBC Quartieri distinguished between three different areas.
Figure 1. Aerogram of the internal distribution in GBC Quartieri distinguished between three different areas.
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Figure 2. Aerogram of the internal distribution in ITACA Scala Urbana distinguished between the ten different areas. Two of them have zero parameters for this particular subject matter and application scale.
Figure 2. Aerogram of the internal distribution in ITACA Scala Urbana distinguished between the ten different areas. Two of them have zero parameters for this particular subject matter and application scale.
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Figure 3. Chart of the credits distribution in GBC Quartieri distinguished between the three different macro areas of sustainability: energy and environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) aspects.
Figure 3. Chart of the credits distribution in GBC Quartieri distinguished between the three different macro areas of sustainability: energy and environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) aspects.
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Figure 4. Chart of the credits distribution in ITACA Scala Urbana distinguished between the three different macro areas of sustainability: energy and environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) aspects.
Figure 4. Chart of the credits distribution in ITACA Scala Urbana distinguished between the three different macro areas of sustainability: energy and environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) aspects.
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Figure 5. Histogram on the normalized sustainability performance of GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana.
Figure 5. Histogram on the normalized sustainability performance of GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana.
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Figure 6. Scenario of transformation of ‘G. Prandina’ barracks. It is possible to see the new constructions (offices, oratory, museum, parking, library, cinema, and shopping centers), infrastructures, and public green areas.
Figure 6. Scenario of transformation of ‘G. Prandina’ barracks. It is possible to see the new constructions (offices, oratory, museum, parking, library, cinema, and shopping centers), infrastructures, and public green areas.
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Figure 7. Comparison of the results of normalized sustainability parameters in GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana.
Figure 7. Comparison of the results of normalized sustainability parameters in GBC Quartieri and ITACA Scala Urbana.
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Table 1. Sustainability classification of prerequisites (red background) and credits (blue background) for GBC Quartieri; each principle of sustainability is defined using a qualitative assessment according to the macro-areas’ energy, as well as environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) improvements.
Table 1. Sustainability classification of prerequisites (red background) and credits (blue background) for GBC Quartieri; each principle of sustainability is defined using a qualitative assessment according to the macro-areas’ energy, as well as environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) improvements.
GBC Quartieri
Smart Location & Linkage
LCS_p1Smart LocationXEA
LCS_p2Imperiled Species and Ecological CommunitiesXEA
LCS_p3Wetland and Water Body ConservationXEA
LCS_p4Agricultural Land ConservationXS
LCS_p5Floodplain AvoidanceXEA
LCS_c1Preferred Locations10EA
LCS_c2Brownfield Remediation2EA
LCS_c3Access to Quality Transit7EA
LCS_c4Bicycle Facilities2EA
LCS_c5Housing and Jobs Proximity3S
LCS_c6Steep Slope Protection1EA
LCS_c7Site Design for Habitat or Wetland and Water Body Conservation1EA
LCS_c8Restoration of Habitat or Wetlands and Water Bodies1EA
LCS_c9Long-Term Conservation Management of Habitat or Wetlands and Water Bodies1EA
Neighborhood Pattern & Design
OPQ_p1Walkable StreetsXEA
OPQ_p2Compact DevelopmentXS
OPQ_p3Connected and Open CommunityXS
OPQ_c1Walkable Streets9EA
OPQ_c2Compact Development6S
OPQ_c3Mixed-Use Neighborhoods4S
OPQ_c4Housing Types and Affordability7S
OPQ_c5Reduced Parking Footprint1EA
OPQ_c6Connected and Open Community2S
OPQ_c7Transit Facilities1EA
OPQ_c8Transportation Demand Management2EA
OPQ_c9Access to Civic & Public Space1S
OPQ_c10Access to Recreation Facilities1S
OPQ_c11Visitability and Universal Design1S
OPQ_c12Community Outreach and Involvement2S
OPQ_c13Local Food Production1S
OPQ_c14Tree-Lined and Shaded Streetscapes2EA
OPQ_c15Neighborhood Schools1S
OPQ_c16Acustic environment2EA
Green Infrastructure & Buildings
IES_p1Certified Green BuildingX EA    E
IES_p2Minimum Building Energy PerformanceX EA    E
IES_p3Indoor Water Use ReductionX EA    E
IES_p4Construction Activity Pollution PreventionX EA    E
IES_c1Certified Green Buildings5 EA    E
IES_c2Optimize Building Energy Performance2 EA    E
IES_c3Indoor Water Use Reduction1 EA    E
IES_c4Outdoor Water Use Reduction1 EA    E
IES_c5Building Reuse1EA
IES_c6Historic Resource Preservation and Adaptive Reuse1S
IES_c7Minimized Site Disturbance1EA
IES_c8Rainwater Management4EA
IES_c9Heat Island Reduction1EA
IES_c10Solar Orientation1EA
IES_c11Renewable Energy Production3 EA    E
IES_c12District Heating and Cooling2EA
IES_c13Infrastructure Energy Efficiency1 EA    E
IES_c14Wastewater Management2EA
IES_c15Recycled and Reused Infrastructure1EA
IES_c16Solid Waste Management1EA
IES_c17Light Pollution Reduction1EA
Table 2. Sustainability classification of parameters for ITACA Scala Urbana; each principle of sustainability is defined using a qualitative assessment according to the macro-areas’ energy, as well as environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) improvements. Some lines are crossed out because we selected the neighborhood project phase. Two parameters on the composition of the project teams are not considered (blank). Crossed-out parameters are considered for a different type of project scale and subject matter.
Table 2. Sustainability classification of parameters for ITACA Scala Urbana; each principle of sustainability is defined using a qualitative assessment according to the macro-areas’ energy, as well as environmental (EA), economic (E), or social (S) improvements. Some lines are crossed out because we selected the neighborhood project phase. Two parameters on the composition of the project teams are not considered (blank). Crossed-out parameters are considered for a different type of project scale and subject matter.
ITACA Scala Urbana
1.02Social construction management5S
2.01Cadastal particel development and integration5S
2.02Vicinity to the consolidated city5S
2.03Land conservation5EA
2.04Building conservation5S
2bis 01Connected and open community5S
2bis 02Relationship with rural areas5S
2bis 03Reinforcement of urban role5S
2bis 04Qualification of urban edges5E
2bis 05Public spaces role5S
3.01Project elaboration manner5
3.02Project team qualification5
3.03Management parameters5S
3.04Research of contemporary architectural languages5S
3.05Architectural work flexibility5S
4.01Public spaces importance in the project5S
4.02Lighting of pedestrian way5S
4.03Crime prevention5S
4.04Shaded streets and public areas - termal comfort5EA
5.01Ground permeability5EA
5.02Intensity of water treatment5EA
5.03Management of wastewater5 EA    E
5.04Accessibility to waste sorting5EA
5.05Light pollution5 EA    E
5.06Air quality monitoring5EA
5.07Greenhouse gas intensity5EA
5.08Acidify emissions intensity5EA
5.09Photioxidant emissions intensity5EA
5.10Primary energy for public lighting5 EA    E
5.11Local production of renewable energy5EA
6.01Green spaces connectivity5S
6.02Autoctone vegetation use5EA
6.03Green spaces availability5S
7.01.1Extraordinary maintenance of water pipes5EA
7.01.2Reuse and reduction of rainwater in sewer5 EA    E
7.01.3Xerofite plants use5EA
7.02.1Increase of trees in streets, squares and parking5EA
7.02.2Intensification of natural urban ventilation5EA
7.02.3External spaces termal comfort - Albedo5EA
7.03.1Natural quality requalification - regreening5EA
7.03.2Construction pressure reduction5S
7.03.3Rainwater reduction in sewer5EA
7.03.4Watercourse re-naturalization5EA
7.03.5Tendential exposure risk population reduction5S
7.03.6Damage in public open spaces reduction5S
8.01Road network connectivity5S
8.02Road network connectivity5S
8.03Road network scale5S
8.04Public transport accessibility5S
8.05Safe cicle way availability5S
8.06Matching of cicle and vehicular ways5S
8.07Pedestrian way accessibility5S
8.07 bisPedestrian way accessibility5S
8.08Share mobility accessibility5S
8.09ICT accessibility5S
9.01Main services proximity5S
9.02Proximity to free time structures5S
9.03Use Flexibility5S
9.05Urban garden effect5EA
10.01Economic accessibility of residential property5E
10.02Residential rented accessibility5E
10.03Composition and variety of residential offer5S
10.04Employment potential5S
Table 3. Results of GBC Quartieri procedure for the “G. Prandina” barracks.
Table 3. Results of GBC Quartieri procedure for the “G. Prandina” barracks.
Total ScoreGBC G. Prandina
Smart Location & Linkage2825
Neighborhood Pattern & Design4321
Green Infrastructure & Buildings2921
Table 4. Results of ITACA Scala Urbana procedure for the “G. Prandina” barracks.
Table 4. Results of ITACA Scala Urbana procedure for the “G. Prandina” barracks.
Total ScoreITACA G. Prandina
Urbanism aspects53
Urban landscape quality2523
Architectural aspects254
Public spaces2013
Urban metabolism4512
Society and culture00
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MDPI and ACS Style

Boschetto, P.; Bove, A.; Mazzola, E. Comparative Review of Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools. Sustainability 2022, 14, 3132.

AMA Style

Boschetto P, Bove A, Mazzola E. Comparative Review of Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools. Sustainability. 2022; 14(5):3132.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Boschetto, Pasqualino, Alessandro Bove, and Elena Mazzola. 2022. "Comparative Review of Neighborhood Sustainability Assessment Tools" Sustainability 14, no. 5: 3132.

Note that from the first issue of 2016, this journal uses article numbers instead of page numbers. See further details here.

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