Telling the Wood from the Trees: Ranking a Tree Species List to Aid Urban Afforestation in the Amazon
:1. Introduction
2. Material and Methods
3. Results
- Portraits of Selected Species
- Inga nobilis (Fabaceae)
- Inga umbellifera (Fabaceae)
- Swartzia arumateuana (Fabaceae)
- Swartzia brachyrachis (Fabaceae)
- Theobroma speciosum (Malvaceae)
- Bellucia grossularioides (Melastomataceae)
- Mouriri acutiflora (Melastomataceae)
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Supplementary Materials
Author Contributions
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Feature | Ideal/Adequate | |
A | Appropriate height | Species that reach up to 10–15 m tall were preferred over taller species for street planting, however taller species were not eliminated from our list. |
B | Showy flowers | It has been established that the population is keen on trees that produce ornamental displays in different seasons. |
C | Fruits attractive to wildlife and to humans | With the intention of including more ecological interactions in the urban spaces, species with fruits that are attractive to wildlife were given priority. Moreover, streets planted with fruiting trees are a huge bonus to develop links between people and plants from an early age. |
D | Amazonian distribution | Trees that are endemic to the Amazon were given preference as the list was prepared for urban areas within this biome. |
E | Known propagation methods | Scientific and horticultural knowledge were combined to score this feature. We have considered that, if the propagation of a genus is known, this knowledge is transferrable to the species. |
F | Resilience (drought resistance and/or tolerance to full sun) | Even in the extremely humid Amazonian climate, urban weather conditions differ from the natural situation. Here the intention was to favour species adapted to growing at the edge of forests, in more seasonal forest types or in open vegetation in the Amazon to ensure that these can thrive in urban conditions. |
Family | Species | Criteria | Pollination Syndrome | Phenology | |
1 | Annonaceae | Annona exsucca DC. | A, C–F | Beetle | Fl XI–V, Fr III–VI |
2 | Annonaceae | Xylopia aromatica (Lam.) Mart. | A–C, E, F | Beetle | Fl VIII–V, Fr III–VIII |
3 | Apocynaceae | Tabernaemontana flavicans Willd. ex Roem. & Schult. | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl VIII–X, Fr IX–VII |
4 | Bixaceae | Cochlospermum orinocense (Kunth) Steud. | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl IV–X, Fr VI–IV |
5 | Boraginaceae | Cordia goeldiana Huber | A, B, D–F | Bee, Hoverfly | Fl VI–X, Fr IX–XII |
6 | Burseraceae | Protium sagotianum Marchand | A, C–F | Bee | Fl VIII–I, Fr XI–VI |
7 | Chrysobalanaceae | Hirtella racemosa Lam. | A, B, D–F | Butterfly | Fl II–VII, Fr VIII–X |
8 | Clusiaceae | Clusia panapanari (Aubl.) Choisy | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl II–XI, Fr IX–I |
9 | Clusiaceae | Symphonia globulifera L.f. | A–C, E, F | Bird, Hummingbird | Fl VII–II, VI–V, Fr VIII–II |
10 | Ebenaceae | Diospyros vestita Benoist | A, C–F | Insect | Fl VII–II, Fr VI–VII |
11 | Fabaceae | Abarema cochleata (Willd.) Barneby & J.W.Grimes | A, B, D–F | Bat, Moth | Fl VIII–I, Fr AY |
12 | Fabaceae | Bauhinia acreana Harms | A, B, D–F | Bat | Fl X–V, Fr XI–VI |
13 | Fabaceae | Bowdichia nitida Spruce ex Benth. | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fl IV–VII, Fr VI–IX |
14 | Fabaceae | Campsiandra laurifolia Benth. | A, B, D–F | Bat | Fl V–I, Fr VI–IV |
15 | Fabaceae | Cassia fastuosa Willd. ex Benth. | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fl VII–XI, Fr XI–VIII |
16 | Fabaceae | Cenostigma tocantinum Ducke | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fl IV–II, Fr V–XII |
17 | Fabaceae | Hymenaea parvifolia Huber | B–F | Bat | Fl XI–III, Fr AY |
18 | Fabaceae | Inga disticha Benth. | A–C, E, F | Bee, Butterfly | Fl VI–IX, Fr XI–VII |
19 | Fabaceae | Inga heterophylla Willd. | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl XII–VI, IX, Fr V–XI, I |
20 | Fabaceae | Inga marginata Willd. | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl VII–XII, Fr IX–IV |
21 | Fabaceae | Inga nobilis Willd. | A–F | Bat | Fl X–V, Fr II–VI |
22 | Fabaceae | Inga stipularis DC. | A–E | Moth, Bat | Fl II–VI, XI, Fr I–VII |
23 | Fabaceae | Inga umbellifera (Vahl) DC. | A–F | Moth | Fl V–IX, Fr VI–X |
24 | Fabaceae | Platymiscium filipes Benth. | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fl III–XI, Fr VII–III |
25 | Fabaceae | Senna multijuga (Rich.) H.S.Irwin & Barneby | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fl IV–XII, Fr VII–XII |
26 | Fabaceae | Swartzia arumateuana (R. S. Cowan) Torke & Mansano | A–F | Bee | Fl II–V, Fr IV–XII |
27 | Fabaceae | Swartzia brachyrachis Harms | A–F | Bee | Fl III–VI, Fr VI–II |
28 | Fabaceae | Tachigali paniculata Aubl. | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fr VI–XI, Fr VIII–II |
29 | Fabaceae | Zollernia paraensis Huber | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl VIII–X, Fr XI–XII |
30 | Lecythidaceae | Eschweilera obversa (O.Berg) Miers | B–F | Bee | Fl V–VI, XI–I, Fr V–VI, XII |
31 | Malpighiaceae | Byrsonima spicata (Cav.) DC. | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl VII–IV, Fr X–V, VII |
32 | Malpighiaceae | Byrsonima stipulacea A.Juss. | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl X–I, Fr V–VII |
33 | Malpighiaceae | Lophanthera lactescens Ducke | A, B, D–F | Bee | Fl V, X, Fr V |
34 | Malvaceae | Matisia ochrocalyx K.Schum. | A, B, D–F | Bat | Fl I–VIII, Fr VIII–X, III |
35 | Malvaceae | Theobroma speciosum Willd. ex Spreng. | A–F | Fly | Fl VIII–XI, Fr X–II |
36 | Melastomataceae | Bellucia grossularioides (L.) Triana | A–F | Bee | Fl V–II, Fr VIII–IV |
37 | Melastomataceae | Bellucia mespiloides (Miq.) Macbr. | B–F | Bee | Fl IX–II, VII, Fr X–II |
38 | Melastomataceae | Miconia ampla Triana | A, C–F | Bee | Fl I–IV, Fr III–VII |
39 | Melastomataceae | Miconia egensis Cogn. | A, C–F | Bee | Fl III, IX–XI, Fr III, X–XI |
40 | Melastomataceae | Mouriri acutiflora Naudin | A–F | Bee | Fl VIII–XII, Fr X–II |
41 | Melastomataceae | Mouriri brachyanthera Ducke | A, C–F | Bee | Fl I, IV–V, XII, Fr I, V–VII |
42 | Melastomataceae | Mouriri cearensis Huber | A–C, E, F | Bee | Fl X–XII, Fr IV–V, X, XII |
43 | Melastomataceae | Mouriri vernicosa Naudin | A–E | Bee | Fl V–VIII, X–XII, Fr VII–XI |
44 | Myrtaceae | Eugenia anastomosans DC. | A, C–F | Bee, Fly | Fl X–XII, Fr VII |
45 | Myrtaceae | Eugenia ramiflora Desv. ex Ham. | A, C–F | Bee | Fl X–XII, Fr I |
46 | Myrtaceae | Myrcia pyrifolia (Desv. ex Ham.) Nied. | A, C–F | Bee, Fly | Fl X–I, Fr III–VI, VIII, XII |
47 | Myrtaceae | Psidium acutangulum DC. | A, C–F | Bee | Fl VI–X, F. IV–VI, IX |
48 | Verbenaceae | Citharexylum macrochlamys Pittier | A, C–F | Moth | Fl I–IV, VIII, Fr I–IV, VIII |
49 | Vochysiaceae | Erisma uncinatum Warm. | B–F | Bee | Fl VIII–XI, Fr VII–I |
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Zappi, D.C.; Lovo, J.; Hiura, A.; Andrino, C.O.; Barbosa-Silva, R.G.; Martello, F.; Gadelha-Silva, L.; Viana, P.L.; Giannini, T.C. Telling the Wood from the Trees: Ranking a Tree Species List to Aid Urban Afforestation in the Amazon. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1321.
Zappi DC, Lovo J, Hiura A, Andrino CO, Barbosa-Silva RG, Martello F, Gadelha-Silva L, Viana PL, Giannini TC. Telling the Wood from the Trees: Ranking a Tree Species List to Aid Urban Afforestation in the Amazon. Sustainability. 2022; 14(3):1321.
Chicago/Turabian StyleZappi, Daniela C., Juliana Lovo, Alice Hiura, Caroline O. Andrino, Rafael G. Barbosa-Silva, Felipe Martello, Livia Gadelha-Silva, Pedro L. Viana, and Tereza C. Giannini. 2022. "Telling the Wood from the Trees: Ranking a Tree Species List to Aid Urban Afforestation in the Amazon" Sustainability 14, no. 3: 1321.
APA StyleZappi, D. C., Lovo, J., Hiura, A., Andrino, C. O., Barbosa-Silva, R. G., Martello, F., Gadelha-Silva, L., Viana, P. L., & Giannini, T. C. (2022). Telling the Wood from the Trees: Ranking a Tree Species List to Aid Urban Afforestation in the Amazon. Sustainability, 14(3), 1321.