Influence of Friction on the Behavior and Performance of Prefabricated Timber–Bearing Glass Composite Systems
:1. Introduction
2. Timber–glass Hybrid Elements: A Brief Literature Overview
3. Prototype of a Multifunctional Wood–Bearing Glass Composite System
4. Materials and Methods
Description and Preparation of Specimens
5. Experimental Work
6. FEM Research
FEM Results
7. Discussion
- Due to the vertical support of the timber frame lintel enabled by glass infill, frame joints are loaded in pure shear for which they have the biggest load-bearing capacity [36].
- Vertical load positively influences the lateral strength of the specimens, by 40%, due to the activation of friction between frame lintels and glass sheets.
- The number of glass sheets (single vs. double glazing) does not influence the lateral strength. The reason is that the friction force acting along the horizontal edges of the glass panel is almost the same.
- The intensity of vertical load influences strength degradation. In the case of specimens with low vertical load, the strength degradation was on average twice as high as in the cases of specimens with a high vertical load. The stiffness degradation was not influenced either by the intensity of vertical load or by the number of glazing panels.
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Specimen Type | Dimensions (mm) | Edge Processing Acc. To DIN 1249-11 | Number of Specimens |
Laminated glass—2 mm × 6 mm | 200 × 400 | Bordered edge | 3 |
Laminated glass—2 mm × 10 mm | 200 × 400 | Bordered edge | 3 |
Insulated (IZO) glass—4 mm × 6 mm | 200 × 400 | Bordered edge | 3 |
Insulated (IZO) glass—4 mm × 10 mm | 200 × 400 | Bordered edge | 3 |
(2 mm × 6 mm) × 2—Laminated glass and wooden slat | 200 × 400 | Bordered edge | 3 |
(2 mm × 10 mm) × 2—Laminated glass and wooden slat | 200 × 400 | Bordered edge | 3 |
Laminated glass—2 mm × 10 mm smooth ground edges | 200 × 400 | Smooth ground edge | 3 |
Properties | Value |
E—Young’s elasticity modulus | 70,000 N/mm2 |
G—Shear modulus | 28.689 N/mm2 |
μ—Poisson’s ratio | 0.22 |
α—thermal expansion coefficient | 8.8 × 10−6 |
ρ—density | 2.5 g/cm3 |
Compressive strength | 700–1000 N/mm2 |
Tensile strength | 30–45 N/mm2 |
Properties | Index | Value |
Density | ρ | 420 kg/m3 |
Young’s modulus of elasticity | Ex | 11,000 Mpa |
EyEz | 600 Mpa 580 Mpa | |
Shear modulus | Gxy | 600 Mpa |
Gxz | 690 Mpa | |
Gyz | 580 Mpa | |
Poisson’s ratio | νxy | 0.3 |
νxz | 0.25 | |
νyz | 0.6 |
Strength | Index | Value |
Bending | fm,k | 24 Mpa |
Tension (parallel to the grain) | ft,0, k | 14 Mpa |
Tension (perpendicular to the grain) | ft,90, k | 0.5 Mpa |
Compression (parallel to the grain) | ft,0, k | 21 Mpa |
Tension (perpendicular to the grain) | ft,90, k | 2.5 Mpa |
Shear | fv,k | 2.5 Mpa |
Specimen Type | Frictional Stress—Lateral Load 2 kN (N/mm2) | Deviation (%) | |
Experimental Work | ANSYS | ||
Laminated glass—2 mm × 6 mm | 0.25 | 0.25 | 0 |
Laminated glass—2 mm × 10 mm | 0.10 | 0.10 | 0 |
IZO glass—4 mm × 6 mm | 0.07 | 0.072 | 2.8 |
IZO glass—4 mm × 10 mm | 0.04 | 0.041 | 2.5 |
(2 mm × 6 mm) × 2—Laminated glass and wooden slat | 0.07 | 0.072 | 2.8 |
(2 mm × 10 mm) × 2—Laminated glass and wooden slat | 0.05 | 0.051 | 2 |
Laminated glass—2 mm × 10 mm- smooth ground edges | 0.09 | 0.093 | 3.3 |
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Rajčić, V.; Perković, N.; Damjanović, D.; Barbalić, J. Influence of Friction on the Behavior and Performance of Prefabricated Timber–Bearing Glass Composite Systems. Sustainability 2022, 14, 1102.
Rajčić V, Perković N, Damjanović D, Barbalić J. Influence of Friction on the Behavior and Performance of Prefabricated Timber–Bearing Glass Composite Systems. Sustainability. 2022; 14(3):1102.
Chicago/Turabian StyleRajčić, Vlatka, Nikola Perković, Domagoj Damjanović, and Jure Barbalić. 2022. "Influence of Friction on the Behavior and Performance of Prefabricated Timber–Bearing Glass Composite Systems" Sustainability 14, no. 3: 1102.
APA StyleRajčić, V., Perković, N., Damjanović, D., & Barbalić, J. (2022). Influence of Friction on the Behavior and Performance of Prefabricated Timber–Bearing Glass Composite Systems. Sustainability, 14(3), 1102.