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Deep Learning Analysis for Reviews in Arabic E-Commerce Sites to Detect Consumer Behavior towards Sustainability

Nada Ali Hakami
1 and
Hanan A. Hosni Mahmoud
Department of Computer Science, College of Computer Science and Information Technology, Jazan University, Jazan P.O. Box 45142, Saudi Arabia
Department of Computer Sciences, College of Computer and Information Sciences, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh P.O. Box 84428, Saudi Arabia
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
Sustainability 2022, 14(19), 12860;
Submission received: 26 August 2022 / Revised: 1 October 2022 / Accepted: 2 October 2022 / Published: 9 October 2022


Recently, online e-commerce has developed a major method for customers to buy various merchandise. Deep learning analysis of online customer reviews can detect consumer behavior towards sustainability. Artificial intelligence can obtain insights from product reviews to design sustainable products. A key challenge is that many sustainable products do not seem to fulfill consumers’ expectations due to the gap between consumers’ expectations and their knowledge of sustainable products. This article proposes a new deep learning model using dataset analysis and a neural computing dual attention model (DL-DA). The DL-DA model employs lexical analysis and deep learning methodology. The lexical analysis can detect lexical features in the customer reviews that emphasize sustainability. Then, the deep learning model extracts the main lexical and context features from the customer reviews. The deep learning model can predict customers’ repurchase habits concerning products that favor sustainability. This research collected data by crawling Arabic e-commerce websites for training and testing. The size of the collected dataset is about 323,150 customer reviews. The experimental results depict that the proposed model can efficiently enhance the accuracy of text lexical analysis. The proposed model achieves accuracy of 96.5% with an F1-score of 96.1%. We also compared the proposed model with state of the art models, where our model enhances both accuracy and sensitivity metrics by more than 5%.

1. Introduction

With the increase in the number of e-commerce websites, more customers intend to use e-commerce platforms. Related to physical shopping in real stores, customers have the ability to shop at any time period with less time and effort and the merchandise on e-commerce sites are diverse. Customers can purchase the desired merchandise without leaving home [1]. Nowadays, green practices are impacting consumer decisions for selecting merchandise even though there are a lot of challenges in the merchandise retailed on online forums, such as the discrepancy between the sustainability and the real merchandise, poor features, and deficient customer service [2]. Consequently, it is important to utilize lexical analysis of the merchandise evaluation from e-commerce forums.
Lexical analysis of customer assessment provides a beneficial reference for new customers who favor the sustainability features of the products, and it can help e-commerce forums to develop quality and customer satisfaction. Lexical analysis employs text analysis and views mining techniques. Lexical analysis automatically investigates individual comments with customers’ expressive usage of color and generates the customers’ emotional trends [3].
The main models of data mining are rule-based or deep learning, or involve a joint method of both. Rule-based models include lexical analysis models. Deep learning models comprise conventional deep learning techniques, such as random fields and neural networks. Deep learning models are used in many fields, such as image classification [3,4,5,6], object recognition [6], object and vehicle tracking [7,8,9], optimization [9], fire detection [8,9,10,11,12], and medical fields [13]. Recently, many articles have utilized deep learning models with lexical analysis by building lexical datasets, which attained better performance [14,15,16].
The central phase of lexical analysis methodology is the construction of lexical datasets. The lexical dataset is built by choosing suitable lexical words, degree nouns, and negative verses. Word intensity and polarity are used to build the lexical dataset. The datasets are linked with the lexical words in the lexical dataset. The linked lexical words are scored and added to compute the lexical score of the input, thus deciding the lexical polarity of the input.
The rest of the article is divided as follows: Section 2 describes the background. Section 3 designates our proposed DL-DA model. Section 4 displays the experimental settings and the results of our testing of the DL-DA model. Section 5 presents the discussion of the experimental results. Section 6 concludes the paper.

2. Background

There are several models that utilize a feature map vector. Models such as WrdVec, FstTxt are examples of such models. Customary deep learning models manually extract the emotional attributes of the data from the input to build the text feature map and then employ the conventional deep learning techniques to classify the lexical features [15,16,17]. This models usually needs manual involvement to attain the lexical class of the input text. Conventional deep learning models utilize naïve Bayes modeling, support-vector machines (SVM), and random forest models [17,18,19].
Lexical analysis is usually used in natural language processing systems [20]. Worldwide, people use e-commerce and usually add reviews to express their satisfaction for their transactions [21]. The remarkable development of lexical analysis techniques in the previous years has allowed lexical analysis models to help customers to select suitable e-commerce sites. An enhanced website usually employs rate prediction. However, customer review perception in busy surroundings face many problems [22,23,24,25].
Many studies have tackled the improvement of recommender systems that preprocess customer review speech and utilize this data to feed to the lexical analysis models and overpower customer dissatisfaction [26,27]. Akoglu et al. [26] proposed false information removal techniques utilizing solo and multi-deep learning platforms. The advantage of the method proposed in [27] is that they used a multiple deep learning false information removal to filter the true rating from false or gibberish ratings. The authors of [28] confirmed the advantages of the multi-deep learning models in restaurant settings ratings in five-star rating analyses with moderate accuracy but faster learning curve. The authors of [29] validated a simulated deep learning beam model with 5600 users for 9 weeks. Qualitative reports from the lexical analysis cases designated that the beam model created a higher recommendation quality and was favored to other e-commerce handling models in commercial environments. The authors of [30] evaluated a mixture of false information removal models (i.e., a noise removal model combined with directional attention algorithms implemented on the CP810 processor) on 16 experimental recommenders. The outcomes validated that the proposed model improved lexical analysis prediction accuracy in commercial environments. The model proposed in [31] used a post-beam dual attention model and presented an enhancement in rating prediction performances over previous beam models on lexical analysis. A summary of the state of the art models in the literature using intelligent models is depicted in Table 1.
Based on the published research, challenges and gaps can be defined that have to be faced in future research in the Arabic language context in consumer reviews and product sustainability [40,41,42]. It was depicted that most studies are exploratory, suggesting descriptive outputs without intelligent analysis. Therefore, the proposed research adopted a deep learning methodology to extract parameters that can influence consumers’ acceptance of sustainable products. The proposed model primarily reports an intelligent methodological gap.
With these goals in mind, the proposed methodology is directed by the following research questions:
(1) How can deep learning models be established to detect sustainability favoring in consumer reviews?
(2) How can an objective comparison of the deep learning models be identified?
(3) How can negative reviews be analyzed to help companies understand the sense of balance between sustainability and other factors?
The contributions of this research are as follows:
  • The proposed research investigates the artificial intelligence techniques to advance the sustainable design of products by extracting positive lexical words related to green products.
  • A novel lexical analysis methodology using a lexical technique, lexicon vectors, and a deep learning and attention model is proposed.
  • Extensive experiments using 323,150 customer reviews from real Arabic e-commerce sites were performed. The experiments extracted positivity reviews from customers about green products.
  • The impact of correlated parameters, such as the size of the built dictionary, the size of the input review, and the number of the epochs of the model, was investigated.

3. Methods and the Proposed DL-DA Model

The proposed research goal developed an intelligent model, incorporating automated lexical analysis techniques of online customer reviews. Lexical analysis, the deep learning (DL) model, and the attention model are employed to enhance the performance of prediction. The DL-DA model extracts lexical features from consumer reviews (concerning the satisfaction and the willingness to repurchase green and sustainable products). Then, DL is utilized to learn the main lexical and context attributes from the reviews and employ the attention model as a scoring scheme. The last stage classifies the scored lexical attributes. The proposed model has five layers: an embedded input layer, a convolutional deep layer, a Maxpooling layer, a dual attention layer, and fully connected layer followed by the Softmax classifier. The model is depicted in Figure 1.

Description of the DL-DA Model

The input review phrase is defined as R = L 1 ,   L 2 ,     L i ,   . L n , where L i denotes a lexicon in R. The objective of our proposed model is to classify the lexical polarity P L ,   of the review R.
A. Constructing a Lexical score
The function of the lexical scoring system is to attach each word L i , in R with a lexical score S c o r e L .
The most used Arabic open source lexica are: ArabNet [26], the lexica ontology [27] and the streamlined Arabic polarity lexica of Alexandria University [28]. The most utilized Arabic-English dictionary is WordNet [29]. Our lexical scoring is founded on the emotional terminology library of Alexandria University. We eliminate the lexical words that denote impartiality and neutral sexes and keep the lexical words that denote derogatory values, that is, keep words with small value polarities. Lexical words are separated into five classes based on their lexical odd intensity, explicitly 1 to 9, with their intensity defining the lexical score. Lexica with negative polarity have their value multiplied by −1.
The definition of the lexical score of any word L i ,   is depicted as follows:
Score L i = S L i if   L i   SD 1   if   L i ¬   SD  
where L i denotes a lexicon, S L i denotes the score of the word L i in the lexical dataset, and S D denotes the lexical dataset.
B. Embedded Input Layer
The input layer symbolizes the review phrase R as a scored vector. In natural language processing, words are denoted by digital values, such as the one-time encoding scheme. The one-time encoding scheme syndicates the words in the dataset to generate one vector. The size of the vector is computed as the count of words in the dataset. The dimension of a word is equal to 1, and the other dimensions are equal to 0. The one-time vector represents a word as independent and does not define the association between words. In addition, when the count of words in the dataset is large, the size of such a vector is enormous. The one-time encoding scheme is depicted in Table 2 for 3 words.
Many papers presented a word vector encoding scheme to tackle the problematic size of the one-time code [5]. The main indication is to denote words as a short-dimensional nonlinear condensed vector. Moreover, similar words are mapped to same points in the vector. Systems that employed word vector representations are WrdVec [30] and W-BRT [31].
The W-BRT representation is a pre-trained model introduced by Google that defines bidirectional mapping and outperforms other word representations. W-BRT is depicted in Figure 2, where it makes an analogy between man and woman.
The proposed model employs the W-BRT model for deep learning of word vectors.
Each word L i   i n   a   r e v i e w   p h r a s e   R   is transformed into to a vector V i using a W-BRT representation. V i is an m-dimensional vector, where m = 700. The rate of the word vector V i , utilizing the lexical score, is defined as follows:
  V i = V i   x   S c o r e L i  
The word vector score is used in the embedded layer’s final output.
C. Neural Convolution Layer
The key objective of the convolution layer is to select the main local attributes of the input vector [32]. The vector representation of a word is always complete. Consequently, the convolution layer dimension takes the size of the word vector.
For the input vector V = V 1 , V 2 , . ,   V i ,   V n , the convolution function V i   is defined as follows:
V i   = R e L U (   S   .   V [ i + k + 1 + a
where S denotes the score vector, a is the offset, and R e L U is the activation function.
When the convolution function is computed, the eigenvector E is defined as follows:
E   =   V   1 ,   V   2 , . ,   V   i ,   V   n k + 1
D. Maxpooling
The Maxpooling layer reduces the feature set attained from the convolution layer by selecting the main attributes. For lexical analysis, the pooling function selects a smaller number of words in the phrase.
The Maxpooling function P i is:
P = P 1 , P 2 , . ,   P i ,   V m k + 1
P i = m a x   V 1 , V 2 , . ,   V m ,   V m + k 1
where m denotes the size of the vector V i and max   is the Maxpooling operation.
E. Dual Attention Module
In each review phrase, each word has a unique effect on the lexical polarity of the entire phrase. Important words have a conclusive impact on the lexical polarity of the entire phrase. Less important words do not impact the phrase score. So, the attention model gives dissimilar scores to various words in a phrase.
For the hidden layer value h i   h i = b h   S h , the previous layer produces the score b h , which is calculated as follows:
b h = S o f t m a x ( S h   ,   tan h S h
while the polarity of the phrase O j is defined as follows:
O j = h j T   S r   tan h P h r a s e j
where tan h is the hyperbolic tangent function with attained parameters.
F. Fully Connected (FC) Layer
The key operation of the FC layer is the classification of the input.
Its output is defined as the rank of the j t h word ( R j )   in the phrase, calculated as follows:
R j = S h j
The following formula computes the polarity of the phrase ( P o l r j ):
P o l r j = h j T S h b h
where P o l r defines the sigmoid function, S is the score matrix, and b is the score.
The FC layer associates the input feature with a score in the range [0, 1]. The smaller the score, the closer the lexical polarity of R to the negative trend. On the contrary, if the score is closer to 1, then the input phrase polarity is positive.
The pseudo code for the proposed algorithm is depicted as Algorithm 1:
Algorithm 1: the pseudo code for the proposed algorithm
DL-DA Model (input R: R = L 1 ,   L 2 ,     L i ,   . L n ,   SD : the   lexical   dataset ) , (output: Score : value   range   from   0   to   1 )
For each consumer review R
1: Construct the Lexical score:
 1.1: Attach to each word L i a lexical score Score L .
   Score L i = S L i i f   L i   S D 1   i f   L i ¬   S D
2: Transform each word L i   i n   a   r e v i e w   p h r a s e   R   into to a vector V i using a W-BRT representation.
V i =   V i   X   S c o r e L i  
3: Compute the convolution function V i   for the input vector V =   V 1 , V 2 , . ,   V i ,   V n   ,
V i   = R e L U (   S   .   V [ i + k + 1   + a .
4: Define the eigenvector E .
E =   V 1 , V 2 , . ,   V i ,   V n k + 1
5: Perform Max pooling using the function P i .
P i =   m a x   V 1 , V 2 , . ,   V m ,   V m + k 1
6: Compute the score b h using the dual attention model.
7: Compute the polarity P o l r j of the phrase O j .
8: The FC layer associates the input feature with a score in the range [0, 1]. The smaller the score, the closer the lexical polarity of R to the negative trend. On the contrary, if the score is closer to 1, then the input phrase polarity is positive.

4. Experiments Results

We performed extensive experiments to test our model and evaluate its performance for the lexical analysis process. Table 3 depicts the lexicons extracted from online surveys answered by buyers of green products. The topics in Table 3 are green product, environmental aspects, durability, clean energy, and material recycling. Many lexicons are extracted from consumer surveys. Lexicons include green, plastic use, durable, recycling, and clean energy, among other lexicons. From these surveys, we selected important lexicons that matter to sustainability to extract from consumer reviews about products.
A. Dataset
A list of sustainability-related lexicons to look for in customer reviews includes the following topics:
  • Green product;
  • Environmental aspects;
  • Durability;
  • Clean energy;
  • Material recycling.
The review dataset was collected from Egyptian e-commerce through the web crawler technique. The proposed model identifies the products by one of the five listed sustainable topics. The customer reviews in the dataset are partitioned into five ranks using a five-star metric. The algorithm partitions the ranks into two classes, with less than two stars denoted as negative and the class from three to five stars denoted as positive. The collected dataset has 323,150 reviews, half of the data is positive, and the other half is negative. The description of the dataset is defined in Table 3. The distribution of the number of stars is depicted in Table 4 and Figure 3.
Table 5 describes the variables representing consumers answering surveys about buying sustainable products. The variables emphasize social impacts of the consumers’ choice as well as the inability of the consumers to choose a sustainable product (maybe because it is more expensive). Additionally, variables representing the willingness of the consumer to favor environmental features are included. CIP represents the willingness to experience novel products and the acceptance of green products.
B. Experimental Metrics
The experiment performance metrics are accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score, which are the most used metrics in performance studies.
Accuracy = TP + TN TP + FP + FN + TN
S e n s t i v i t y = T P T P + F N
S p e c i f i c i t y = T N F P + T N  
F 1 S c o r e = 2 *   T P 2 *   T P + F P + F N
  • TP is defined as the number of comments predicted as positive and they really are positive.
  • FP is defined as the number of comments that are predicted as negative but they really are positive.
  • TN is defined as the number of comments that are predicted as negative but they really are negative.
  • FN is defined as the number of comments that are predicted as negative but they really are positive.
C. Preprocessing
Python phrase tokenization tool P-Tok is used to implement phrase segmentation of the comments.
The software eliminates stop words and non-Arabic characters (including Latin characters) from the phrase segmentation results.
The computed parameters are: the word count, word frequency, number of characters in the largest word, and number of words in each customer review. The mean customer review length is utilized as the length of the review.
D. Evaluation Results
The computed parameters captured from the dataset are depicted in Table 6.
The 12-fold cross-validation process partitions the dataset to 70% training, 15% validation, and 15% testing [30]. In the 12-fold validation technique, we partitioned the data into 12 portions, using 8 partitions for training, one at a time, and 4 partitions for testing and validation. The experiments compute the average of these 12 results as the performance result of the proposed model. The 8-2-2cross-validation model randomly partitions the data into three partitions. The model utilizes one of them as the training set, and the remaining partitions as the testing subsets. The mean value of the eight results is employed in the performance results. Table 7 depicts the performance results of the DL-DA model using the 12-fold validation and 8-2-2cross-validation.
As the size of the review phrase in the dataset is variant, the size of the phrase is defined as the value for the model. We chose the extreme review size and the average review size in the dataset to perform our experiments. The results are depicted in Table 8. The utilization of the average review size as the fixed size of the input review causes loss in the context properties for long sentences. This loss can impact the accuracy of the model.
In the experimental results, it is noted that the count of words in the dictionary has an influence on the accuracy of the model. The experiments begin with the count of words in the dictionary starting from 20,000 words with word frequency abridged from those with the least occurrences. Experiments are repeated for every 10,000 lexicons. The results are depicted in Table 9 and Figure 4. The accuracy of the model is best when the count of words is approximately 60,000 words. As the count of words in the dictionary grows or shrinks, the accuracy of the model drops.
In the experiment setting, various epochs of the proposed model impact the accuracy of the model. As the count of the epochs of the model grows, the accuracy of the model increases in the beginning and then decreases. Table 10 and Figure 5 depict that the accuracy of the model grows with the count of epochs up to 40 epochs. When the count of the epochs of the model exceeds 40 times, the model progressively over-fits, causing the model’s performance to decrease.
The generalization of the proposed model is impacted by the dropout value. Different dropout thresholds were selected for the experiments. The proposed model reaches the highest generalization aspect when the dropout is between 0.4 and 0.5. The dropout results are depicted in Table 11 and Figure 6.
The impact of the word vector score depends on the lexical dictionary. The scored and unscored vectors were utilized as independent parameters in the experiment. The experimental results are depicted in Table 12. The vector score of the lexical data can improve the lexical properties of the review. The proposed model attains higher accuracy from the scored word vector than the unscored word vector.
A comparison of the proposed DL-DA model with the state of the art models is depicted in Table 13. The results display that the prediction accuracy of the deep models CNN and BiCNN is considerably higher than the deep models naïve Bayes and support vector machine (SVM). Additionally, incorporation of the attention feature model enhances the prediction performance of those models. The prediction accuracy of the DL-DA model is higher than other models.

5. Discussion

We propose a novel lexical analysis deep learning model (DL-DA). A constructed lexical dictionary is utilized to score the lexical vector in the review phrase depicted in Appendix A Table A1. The deep learning neural network selects the significant features in the input vector. The BiCNN reflects the order data of the input and the text context properties. The attention model allocates different rates of various input properties and selects the lexical properties of the review. The fully connected layers are utilized to classify the properties. The proposed model improves the selection of the lexical properties of the customer review phrases and incorporates the significant properties to improve the predication accuracy.
The experiments studied the impact of the input size on the accuracy. The training dataset size impacts the accuracy of the classification. The experimental results prove that the accuracy of the model is the highest with a medium-sized input.
The proposed model classified more than 98% of the instances accurately and mapped them to the correct lexicon. To validate our results and verify the proposed model, the specific classification accuracy rates of the different output classes, including green products, environmental aspects, durability, clean energy, and material cycles, are shown in Figure 7.
To prove that the proposed model is robust, the experimental results are compared with state of the art models. Figure 8 depicts the comparison of the proposed model with deep learning models for the consumer behavior classifier. The proposed model has a higher performance than state of the art models by more than 8% in accuracy with moderate recall.
The incorporation of the proposed model with sustainable input reviews can enhance their efficiency to induce more sustainable efforts in the products.

6. Conclusions

The speedy progress of e-commerce sites attenuates the lexical investigation of customer reviews. The proposed DL-DA model utilizes lexical training models of customer reviews to build a lexical dictionary. The word dataset is utilized to improve the lexical properties in the customer reviews. The employed deep learning extracts the key features of the customer reviews. The attention model scores the consumer reviews. Finally, the scored lexical properties undergo classification. By studying the experimental results, it can be proven that the classification model has higher accuracy than other lexical techniques. By utilizing our model to predict input reviews, the model can help customers gain instant and timely feedback to enhance amenity quality.
The constant augmentation of the lexical dictionary and the data size enhance the prediction performance. We propose a deep learning model for lexical classification. The proposed model augmentation was based on a deep learning technique with parameter tuning. On the crawled Arabic dataset, the precision of this model was assessed using various performance metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. The experimental results were compared to similar state of the art models. The experimental results were more accurate than comparable approaches. In the future, this work can involve other deep learning architectures, such as transfer learning and auto encoders.
Our model is limited to binary classification of reviews into positive and negative classes. This can be extended to multi-classification in the future. Thus, the future work will concentrate on lexical and context input fineness.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, H.A.H.M. and N.A.H.; methodology, H.A.H.M.; software, H.A.H.M.; validation, H.A.H.M., N.A.H.; formal analysis, H.A.H.M.; investigation, H.A.H.M.; resources, H.A.H.M.; data curation, H.A.H.M.; writing—original draft preparation, H.A.H.M.; writing—review and editing, H.A.H.M.; visualization, H.A.H.M.; supervision, H.A.H.M.; project administration, H.A.H.M.; funding acquisition, N.A.H. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.


This research was funded by Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University Researchers Supporting Project number (PNURSP2022R113), Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Institutional Review Board Statement

Not applicable.

Informed Consent Statement

Not applicable.

Data Availability Statement

Not applicable.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest to report regarding the present study.

Appendix A

Table A1. An example of collected data from Arabic reviews from online shopping forums with English translation.
Table A1. An example of collected data from Arabic reviews from online shopping forums with English translation.
1 = Strongly disagree
2 = Disagree
3 = Neither agree or disagree
4 = Agree
5 = Strongly Agree
1 = أرفض بشدة
2 = لا أوافق
3 = لا أوافق أو لا أوافق
4 = موافق
5 = أوافق بشدة
The Original Question in ArabicTranslated Question
4 Most people around me think green purchasing is an effective way to save the earthيعتقد معظم الناس من حولي أن الشراء الأخضر هو وسيلة فعالة لإنقاذ الأرض
5 Most people who are important to me think engaging in green purchasing is good يعتقد معظم الأشخاص المهمين بالنسبة لي أن الانخراط في الشراء الأخضر أمر جيد
3 My family highly values the environmental friendliness of a product تقدر عائلتي بشدة الصداقة البيئية للمنتج
4 People in my circle of friends highly value the environmental friendliness of a products الأشخاص في دائرة أصدقائي يقدرون تقديراً عالياً الملاءمة البيئية للمنتجات
4 The decision whether or not to consume green products is within my control إن قرار استهلاك المنتجات الخضراء أم لا هو تحت سيطرتي
4 For me to do green purchasing is do-able بالنسبة لي ، فإن الشراء الأخضر هو أمر ممكن
4 I have the ability to do green purchases لدي القدرة على القيام بعمليات شراء صديقة للبيئة
5 I have the ability to do green practices لدي القدرة على القيام بالممارسات الخضراء
5 I believe that my decision in consuming green products have a direct influence on the environmental as a whole أعتقد أن قراري في استهلاك المنتجات الخضراء له تأثير مباشر على البيئة ككل
3 When deciding what to buy, consumers should balance the product’s price with the best interest of the environment عند تحديد ما يجب شراؤه ، يجب على المستهلكين موازنة سعر المنتج مع المصلحة الفضلى للبيئة
4 Those who consume more, should be the most responsible in protecting the environment أولئك الذين يستهلكون أكثر ، يجب أن يكونوا أكثر مسؤولية في حماية البيئة
5 Consumers should consider the environment as one of their stakeholders when making decisions يجب على المستهلكين اعتبار البيئة كأحد أصحاب المصلحة عند اتخاذ القرارات
4 To be environmentally responsible, consumers need to make purchases that is best for the environment لكي يكون المستهلكون مسؤولين بيئيًا ، يحتاجون إلى إجراء عمليات شراء تناسب البيئة
2 Consumers should be concerned about maintaining a good place to live يجب أن يهتم المستهلكون بالحفاظ على مكان جيد للعيش فيه
5 Consumers should have interest in the well-being of the community in which they live in يجب أن يهتم المستهلكون برفاهية المجتمع الذي يعيشون فيه
1 I often seek out information about new products and brands غالبًا ما أبحث عن معلومات حول المنتجات والعلامات التجارية الجديدة
2 I frequently look for new products and services كثيرا ما أبحث عن منتجات وخدمات جديدة
5 I seek out situations in which I will be exposed to new and different sources of product information أبحث عن المواقف التي أتعرض فيها لمصادر جديدة ومختلفة لمعلومات المنتج
3 I am continually seeking new product experience أنا أبحث باستمرار عن تجربة منتج جديد
1 When I go online shopping, I find myself spending very little time checking out new products and brands عندما أذهب للتسوق ، أجد نفسي أقضي القليل من الوقت في التحقق من المنتجات والعلامات التجارية الجديدة
5 I take advantage of the first available opportunity to find out about new and different products أستفيد من أول فرصة متاحة للتعرف على المنتجات الجديدة والمختلفة
3I prefer purchasing of energy saving products (e.g., low energy lamps, energy efficient fridge)أفضل شراء المنتجات الموفرة للطاقة (مثل المصابيح منخفضة الطاقة والثلاجة الموفرة للطاقة)
I prefer purchasing water saving products (e.g., water savings shower heads/washing machine)أفضل شراء منتجات توفير المياه (مثل رؤوس الدش / الغسالات الموفرة للمياه)
5I prefer purchasing product free from Chlorofluorocarbons (CFC) (e.g., CFC-free aerosols propellant, CFC-free inhalers)أفضل شراء منتج خالٍ من مركبات الكربون الكلورية فلورية (على سبيل المثال ، بخاخات بخارية خالية من مركبات الكربون الكلورية فلورية ، وأجهزة استنشاق خالية من مركبات الكربون الكلورية فلورية)
3I prefer purchasing recycled paper products (e.g., recycled paper note pads, recycled face tissue)أنا أفضل شراء المنتجات الورقية المعاد تدويرها (على سبيل المثال ، المناديل الورقية المعاد تدويرها ، مناديل الوجه المعاد تدويرها)
4 I prefer purchasing green/organic foods and vegetables (e.g., vegetables grown without chemical, meat that don’t contain hormones) أفضل شراء الأطعمة والخضروات الخضراء / العضوية (مثل الخضروات المزروعة بدون مواد كيميائية ، واللحوم التي لا تحتوي على هرمونات)
5I prefer purchasing environmentally friendly building material (e.g., green roof, bamboo flooring)أفضل شراء مواد بناء صديقة للبيئة (مثل الأسطح الخضراء وأرضيات الخيزران)
5 I prefer purchasing green furniture (e.g., bamboo or rattan furniture) أفضل شراء أثاث أخضر (مثل أثاث الخيزران أو الخيزران)
3I make every effort to buy paper products made from recycle papersأبذل قصارى جهدي لشراء المنتجات الورقية المصنوعة من أوراق إعادة التدوير
4 When I purchase products, I always make a conscious effort to buy those products that are low in pollutants عندما أشتري المنتجات ، أبذل دائمًا جهدًا واعيًا لشراء تلك المنتجات التي تحتوي على نسبة منخفضة من الملوثات
2 I try to buy products that can be recycled أحاول شراء منتجات يمكن إعادة تدويرها
5 I make every effort to recycle paper أبذل قصارى جهدي لإعادة تدوير الورق
3 I make every effort to recycle plastic أبذل قصارى جهدي لإعادة تدوير البلاستيك
4 I make every effort to recycle glass أبذل قصارى جهدي لإعادة تدوير الزجاج


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Figure 1. The stages of the DL-DA model.
Figure 1. The stages of the DL-DA model.
Sustainability 14 12860 g001
Figure 2. W-BRT model with an analogy between man and woman.
Figure 2. W-BRT model with an analogy between man and woman.
Sustainability 14 12860 g002
Figure 3. The distribution of the number of stars.
Figure 3. The distribution of the number of stars.
Sustainability 14 12860 g003
Figure 4. The impact of the constructed dictionary size on the model.
Figure 4. The impact of the constructed dictionary size on the model.
Sustainability 14 12860 g004
Figure 5. The impact of the count of epochs on the performance of the model.
Figure 5. The impact of the count of epochs on the performance of the model.
Sustainability 14 12860 g005
Figure 6. The impact of the dropout on the performance of the proposed model.
Figure 6. The impact of the dropout on the performance of the proposed model.
Sustainability 14 12860 g006
Figure 7. Classification accuracy rate for the specific lexical classes.
Figure 7. Classification accuracy rate for the specific lexical classes.
Sustainability 14 12860 g007
Figure 8. Comparison of state of the art models versus our model.
Figure 8. Comparison of state of the art models versus our model.
Sustainability 14 12860 g008
Table 1. Summary of different machine and deep learning models that detect consumer behavior in different datasets.
Table 1. Summary of different machine and deep learning models that detect consumer behavior in different datasets.
[28] Restaurant ratings in five stars rating analyses towards organic productsOtlab rating dataMulti-model deep learning models
[29] Qualitative reports from the lexical analysis to create higher recommendation for green energy in HotelsDataset from 5600 users for 9 weeksSimulated deep learning beam model
[30]Evaluation of a mixture of false information removal models towards more sustainability (i.e., a noise removal model) 16 experimental recommendersCombined directional attention algorithms
[31]An enhancement in rating prediction performances over previous beam models on lexical analysis to extract lexicons related to green productsSocial media postsPost-beam dual attention model a
[32]Consumer behavior anomaly detection in green energy usageDashboardStatistical model
[33]Consumer behavior and their willingness to spend more to attain green products detection
using support-vector machines
Consumer rating data from real social media postsAnt colony on support-vector machine
[34]Detecting consumer behavior towards organic foods using machine learningSocial media posts and comments from different distancesNeural network trained with histogram of features occurrence
[35]Detection of consumer behavior towards hotels with non-disposable products using IOTConsumer rating data (star scores) Deep learning and long-term/short-term memory
[36]A deep learning model for consumer behavior towards sustainable products predictionReal consumer rating dataDeep learning recurrent CNN
[37]Consumer behavior towards the anomaly of spending more on green energy detection using 3D CNNs Real-time
consumer rating videos
[38]Consumer behavior towards sustainability detection model CAD-CVIS
Deep learning model
[39]Sentiment analysis model utilizing
semantic segmentation
Arabic posts from booking.comcrawled datasetAutoencoder
Table 2. Example of the one-time encoding.
Table 2. Example of the one-time encoding.
The words in the review phrase
One-Time coding
Table 3. The lexicons extracted from online surveys answered by buyers of green products.
Table 3. The lexicons extracted from online surveys answered by buyers of green products.
Investigated TopicsRelated Parameters From ExperimentsExamples of Lexicon-Vector Score
Green product Liking green product.
Positive lexicon with score higher than 3.
Willing to repurchase.
Recommend to others.
Willing to pay for sustainable product.
Satisfied + greenScore
1 = Totally disagree
5 = Totally agree
Environmental aspectsThe knowledge the consumer has about the impact of the green products and their impacts.not + use plasticScore
1 = No knowledge
5 = Totally know
DurabilityCustomer’s feeling towards durable products impacting the tendency to repurchase.well-made + durableScore
1 = Totally disagree
5 = Totally agree
Clean energyCustomer’s feeling towards using clean energy and the tendency to repurchase.Important + produced + clean + energy?Score
1 = Not important
5 = Very important
Material recycleFacilities that inspire recycling behaviors.Awareness + recycling + dangers + not recycling.Score
1 = Not important
5 = Very important
Table 4. The features of the collected dataset.
Table 4. The features of the collected dataset.
Feature NumberFeatureNumber
Number of reviews323,150Median reviews per website170
Number of websites2858The least number of reviews per websites51
Avg. reviews per product334Number of users40,189
The highest number reviews per website6493Average number of reviews per user13.7
Average discarded reviews per website12Number of tokens1,320,186
Table 5. Description of the variables of the crawled data from consumer reviews.
Table 5. Description of the variables of the crawled data from consumer reviews.
Social impactSIThe social pressure to carry out a behavior.
Observed behavioral controlOBCConsumer’s perception on the difficulty to perform the behavior of interest.
Sustainability concernSCInsights of environmental issues when making buying decisions.
Consumer innovation pursuingCIPThe openness of consumers to novel products
Green consumption acceptanceGAConsumption choice of an products with green impact motivation.
Table 6. The computed parameters captured from the dataset.
Table 6. The computed parameters captured from the dataset.
Parameters of the Training ModelValue
The average length of the input customer review120
The word vector dimension112
Built dictionary size14,000
First Convolution Layer64 × 5 × 5
Hidden Layers256
Second Convolution Layer32 × 3 × 3
Hidden Layers256
Max pooling9 × 2 × 2
Dropout 0.37
Table 7. The 12-K cross-validation results.
Table 7. The 12-K cross-validation results.
Table 8. The impact of the fixed size of the input review on the performance of the model.
Table 8. The impact of the fixed size of the input review on the performance of the model.
Phrase LengthAccuracy%Sensitivity%Specificity%F1-Score%
Table 9. The impact of the built dictionary size.
Table 9. The impact of the built dictionary size.
Dictionary SizeAccuracy%Sensitivity%Specificity%F1-Score%
Table 10. The impact of the count of the epochs on the model.
Table 10. The impact of the count of the epochs on the model.
Table 11. The impact of the dropout on the performance of the proposed model.
Table 11. The impact of the dropout on the performance of the proposed model.
Dropout Value Accuracy%Sensitivity%Specificity%F1-Score%
Table 12. The impact of the word vector score on the performance of the proposed model.
Table 12. The impact of the word vector score on the performance of the proposed model.
Scored Word Vector
Unscored vector90.790.290.990.9
Table 13. Comparison of state of the art models versus our model.
Table 13. Comparison of state of the art models versus our model.
ModelNaïveBayes [11]Support-Vector Machine SVM) [14]CNN [10]CNN and Attention ModelBiCNN [11]BiCNN and Attention ModelOur DL-DA Model
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MDPI and ACS Style

Ali Hakami, N.; Hosni Mahmoud, H.A. Deep Learning Analysis for Reviews in Arabic E-Commerce Sites to Detect Consumer Behavior towards Sustainability. Sustainability 2022, 14, 12860.

AMA Style

Ali Hakami N, Hosni Mahmoud HA. Deep Learning Analysis for Reviews in Arabic E-Commerce Sites to Detect Consumer Behavior towards Sustainability. Sustainability. 2022; 14(19):12860.

Chicago/Turabian Style

Ali Hakami, Nada, and Hanan A. Hosni Mahmoud. 2022. "Deep Learning Analysis for Reviews in Arabic E-Commerce Sites to Detect Consumer Behavior towards Sustainability" Sustainability 14, no. 19: 12860.

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