Analysis of Countercyclical Policy Factors in The Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Financial Statement Fraud Detection of Banking Companies in Indonesia
:1. Introduction
- How is the change in financial performance based on profitability ratios after the implementation of the countercyclical policy in bank sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange?
- How is the change in financial performance based on the liquidity ratio after the implementation of the countercyclical policy in bank sub-sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange?
- How is the change in financial performance based on the solvency ratio after the implementation of the countercyclical policy in bank subsector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange?
- How many bank subsector companies are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which are categorized as manipulator companies based on the calculation of the Beneish M-Score Model?
- How many bank subsector companies are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which are categorized as non-manipulator companies based on the calculation of the Beneish M-Score Model?
- How many bank subsector companies are listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange which are categorized as gray companies based on the calculation of the Beneish M-Score Model?
2. Literature Review and Hypothesis Development
2.1. Literature Review
- (a)
- The manipulation, falsification, or alteration of the accounting records and supporting documents of the prepared financial statements.
- (b)
- Mistakes, omissions, or intentional omission of significant transactions, events, or information as a source of financial statement presentation.
- (c)
- The intentional abuse of the principles relating to amount, classification, presentation, or disclosure.
- (a)
- Falsification, alteration, or manipulation of financial records, supporting documents, or business transactions
- (b)
- Intentional omission of significant events, transactions, accounts, or other information as a source of financial statement presentation.
- (c)
- Intentional omission of information that should be presented and disclosed regarding accounting principles and policies in preparing financial statements.
2.2. Hypothesis Developments
3. Research Methodology
3.1. Data and Sample Selection
3.2. Data Analysis Method
- ⬤
- Profitability Ratio
- ⬤
- Liquidity Ratio
- ⬤
- Solvency Ratio
- Normality Test
- 2.
- Hypothesis Test
- If the probability (Asymp. Sig) < 0.025, H0 is rejected, and H1 is accepted.
- If the probability (Asymp. Sig) > 0.025, H0 is accepted, and H1 is rejected.
- Perform Beneish M-score index calculations
- (a)
- Days’ Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI)
- Calculation of Beneish M-score index
- (a)
- Days’ Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI)
- (b)
- Gross Margin Index (GMI)
- (c)
- Assets Quality Index (AQI)
- (d)
- Sales Growth Index (SGI)
- (e)
- Total Accrual to Total Asset (TATA)Information:t = period tt – 1 = period t − 1
- Compare the calculated indexes and the Beneish M-score model parameter indexes
- (a)
- Days’ Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI)
- (b)
- Gross Margin Index (GMI)
- (c)
- Assets Quality Index (AQI)
- (d)
- Sales Growth Index (SGI)
- (e)
- Total Accrual to Total Assets (TATA)
- Determine the company categoryClassify manipulator, non-manipulator, and gray companies based on the following criteria [46]:
- (a)
- Companies with 3 parameter indices indicating manipulator were classified as manipulator companies.
- (b)
- Companies with 3 parameter indices indicating non-manipulator were classified as non-manipulator companies.
- (c)
- Companies with 3 parameter indices indicating gray company that do not have 2 other parameter indices indicating manipulator or non-manipulator were classified as gray companies.
- ⬤
- Days’ Sales in Receivables Index (DSRI)
- ⬤
- Gross Margin Index (GMI)
- ⬤
- Assets Quality Index (AQI)
- ⬤
- Sales Growth Index (SGI)
- ⬤
- Total Accrual to Total Asset (TATA)
3.3. Analytical Methods
4. Results
4.1. Statistical Descriptive Analysis
4.2. Classic Assumption Test (Normality Test)
- • If the value of Sig. > 0.05, then the assumption of the normality of the data is met or the data is normally distributed.
- • If the value of Sig. < 0.05, then the assumption of the normality of the data is not met or the data is not normally distributed.
- If the probability (Asymp. Sig.) < 0.025, H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted
- If the probability (Asymp. Sig.) > 0.025, H0 is accepted and H1 is rejected.
4.3. Beneish M-Score Index Calculation
4.4. Calculation of Company Categories
- (a)
- Companies with three parameter indices indicating manipulator are classified as manipulator companies.
- (b)
- Companies with three parameter indices indicating non-manipulator are classified as non-manipulator companies.
- (c)
- Companies with three parameter indices indicating gray company that do not have two other parameter indices indicating manipulator or non-manipulator are classified as gray companies.
5. Discussions
5.1. Company Financial Performance
- Current Ratio
- b.
- Operating Profit Margin Ratio
- c.
- Multiply Interest Earned Ratio (Time Interest Earned Ratio)
5.2. Impact of Countercyclical Policy on Company’s Financial Performance
5.3. The Effect of Restructuring Policy
5.4. Summary of Findings
- (1)
- The company’s financial performance was measured by the current ratio, operating profit margin, and time interest earned ratio. The results of the current ratio study show that a ratio of more than one indicates that there is no significant liquidity problem. This proves that the bank subsector companies in the period before the implementation of the countercyclical policy tend to be able to make payments on their current liabilities with their current assets. Operating profit margin with an average operating profit margin ratio for all the research samples, continued to decline from year to year. It can be concluded that there was a decline in the profitability of the banking sub-sector companies not only after the countercyclical policy was implemented but also in 2019. The decline in banking profitability that occurred in 2019 was felt by almost all companies in the banking industry due to the lack of credit distribution. This caused a decrease in the companies’ net profits. The time interest earned ratio results indicate a decrease in the ability of the research sample companies to generate pre-tax income to pay interest costs. In connection with the decline in the profitability ratio that occurred, declining profit was also affected and was directly proportional to the multiplied interest ratio generated.
- (2)
- There were no significant changes in the banks’ financial performance before and after the restructuring. This shows that the criteria for credit relaxation set by the Financial Services Authority (OJK) in Financial Services Authority Regulation (POJK) No.11/POJK.03/2020 were effective. The implementation of credit restructuring during the COVID-19 pandemic had limitations, which have been regulated by considering the sustainability of the national economy and the banks’ operations. In this case, the OJK applied the criteria to business entities that were allowed to restructure credit including the tourism, transportation, hotel, food and beverage (F&B), retail, multi-finance, pharmaceutical, agriculture, mining, and automotive sectors that were affected by COVID-19. Debtors who could apply for credit relaxation also had to meet the criteria for experiencing losses in their company’s operations caused by COVID-19. Not only from the debtor’s point of view but also the bank as the creditor had a right to play a role in determining the steps in the credit restructuring process. Restructuring). Settlement of bad debts or wrong debt recovery is an attempt by banks to collect bad loans that have been removed from the records. The credit restructuring policy regulated by the OJK considered the consequences that could arise from giving the banks the authority as the executor to assess the eligibility of debtors affected by the COVID-19 pandemic to obtain the right to reschedule, recondition, and realign. Therefore, the credit restructuring policy also helped the performance of banks to be free from the risks of bad loans. This could be the reason for the insignificant changes in companies’ financial performance before and after the restructuring.
- (3)
- The study results show that several companies manipulated or created fraudulent financial statements, namely, one company classified as a manipulator in 2018 and two companies in 2020. Further research findings found that more than half the companies in the research sample were classified as non-manipulator companies each year. This shows that these companies have been responsible by presenting reliable financial statements or not carrying out any manipulations.
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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No. | Criteria | Amount |
1 | Financial sector companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2018–2020 | 105 |
2 | Financial sector companies that were not in the category of commercial banks listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2018–2020 | 58 |
3 | Commercial banks that did not implement countercyclical policies in the form of credit restructuring | 15 |
Sample companies that met the criteria | 32 | |
Total research sample = 32 companies × 3 years | 96 |
No | Variable | Measurement Indicator |
1. | Operating profit margin | |
2. | Current ratio | |
3. | Time Interest earned ratio |
N | Minimum | Maximum | Mean | Std. Deviation | |
Current Ratio | 96 | 0.6303 | 2.2206 | 1.149753 | 0.2176437 |
Operating Profit Margin | 96 | −1.6123 | 0.4389 | 0.050282 | 0.3028143 |
Interest Multiples Ratio | 96 | −6.4553 | 3.9861 | 1.245791 | 1.0598731 |
Valid N (listwise) | 96 |
Countercyclical | Kolmogorov–Smirnov a | Shapiro–Wilk | |||||
Statistic | df | Sig. | Statistic | df | Sig. | ||
Current Ratio | Before | 0.157 | 64 | 0.000 | 0.895 | 64 | 0.000 |
After | 0.205 | 32 | 0.001 | 0.825 | 32 | 0.000 | |
Operating Profit Margin | Before | 0.261 | 64 | 0.000 | 0.631 | 64 | 0.000 |
After | 0.344 | 32 | 0.000 | 0.669 | 32 | 0.000 | |
Interest Multiples Ratio | Before | 0.205 | 64 | 0.000 | 0.790 | 64 | 0.000 |
After | 0.304 | 32 | 0.000 | 0.544 | 32 | 0.000 |
Current Ratio | Operating Profit Margin | Interest Multiples Ratio | |
Mann–Whitney U | 874.000 | 921.000 | 923.000 |
Wilcoxon W | 1402.000 | 1449.000 | 1451.000 |
Z | −1.166 | −0.801 | −0.785 |
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) | 0.244 | 0.423 | 0.432 |
No. | Company | DSRI | GMI | AQI | SGI | TATA |
1 | AGRO | 1.10532 | 1.02375 | 0.00002 | 1.29575 | −0.10303 |
2 | AGRS | 1.01205 | 0.78889 | 0.54762 | 1.07044 | −0.04544 |
3 | AMAR | 1.19628 | 1.10633 | 0.22911 | 3.32476 | 0.01134 |
4 | ARTO | 1.01401 | 1.06189 | −0.00662 | 0.79434 | 0.15701 |
5 | BABP | 1.01545 | 0.78559 | 1.68465 | 1.04466 | 0.00897 |
6 | BACA | 0.99829 | 0.82398 | 7.97692 | 1.11989 | −0.08249 |
7 | BBCA | 1.02080 | 0.96981 | 5.76996 | 1.16961 | 0.03370 |
8 | BBKP | 1.07487 | 0.95102 | 1.96798 | 0.91261 | 0.06590 |
9 | BBMD | 1.09622 | 1.05083 | 20.83246 | 0.99055 | 0.04749 |
10 | BBNI | 0.95403 | 0.96264 | 1.03235 | 1.29548 | 0.02953 |
11 | BBRI | 1.02582 | 1.00774 | 0.34234 | 1.10232 | −0.00915 |
12 | BBTN | 0.93646 | 1.01325 | 5.47579 | 1.26696 | 0.01662 |
13 | BCIC | 0.97990 | 1.21831 | 6.86955 | 0.91027 | −0.08640 |
14 | BGTG | 1.00844 | 0.98228 | 1.50656 | 0.99512 | 0.00996 |
15 | BINA | 0.99538 | 0.99845 | 16.14356 | 1.12441 | −0.12685 |
16 | BKSW | 0.98679 | 1.04811 | 4.27591 | 0.73477 | 0.14261 |
17 | BMRI | 0.92959 | 0.94936 | 1.11128 | 1.35281 | 0.04468 |
18 | BNGA | 0.81310 | 0.90028 | 1.13496 | 1.28154 | 0.02078 |
19 | BNII | 1.02193 | 0.94314 | 29.76129 | 1.18875 | 0.05841 |
20 | BNLI | 1.15934 | 1.03451 | 1.39829 | 0.90758 | 0.03814 |
21 | BSIM | 1.67869 | 1.00161 | 4.43536 | 0.64227 | 0.03337 |
22 | BSWD | 1.03618 | 0.88508 | 7.82002 | 1.08040 | 0.21184 |
23 | BTPN | 0.88975 | 0.92260 | 0.86093 | 1.27387 | −0.01616 |
24 | BVIC | 1.14625 | 1.04546 | 2.55080 | 1.02791 | 0.04437 |
25 | DNAR | 1.04192 | 0.65700 | 0.95715 | 2.11593 | −0.00018 |
26 | INPC | 0.94586 | 0.93915 | 1.21160 | 0.94081 | −0.04161 |
27 | MAYA | 1.05862 | 1.00174 | 0.11992 | 1.14490 | 0.04484 |
28 | MEGA | 1.12740 | 1.05200 | 14.27938 | 1.02848 | 0.06152 |
29 | NISP | 1.02570 | 1.06664 | 1.22183 | 1.08634 | −0.02784 |
30 | NOBU | 0.88584 | 0.94179 | 1.30784 | 1.26620 | −0.01415 |
31 | PNBN | 1.02335 | 0.90375 | 0.94713 | 1.18808 | 0.07477 |
32 | SDRA | 1.07004 | 0.95051 | 0.91245 | 1.10832 | 0.16008 |
No. | Company | DSRI | GMI | AQI | SGI | TATA |
1 | AGRO | 0.99103 | 1.17481 | 1.67506 | 1.24229 | 0.09954 |
2 | AGRS | 0.95292 | 1.33995 | −1.51702 | 1.46259 | 0.06044 |
3 | AMAR | 0.68855 | 0.98136 | 0.24061 | 2.18756 | −0.15357 |
4 | ARTO | 0.89467 | 1.51823 | 0.04323 | 0.81029 | 0.45040 |
5 | BABP | 0.93072 | 1.08305 | 2.19048 | 1.07525 | 0.08066 |
6 | BACA | 1.04809 | 1.17124 | 1.22227 | 1.14804 | 0.11615 |
7 | BBCA | 0.95422 | 1.00378 | 1.16271 | 1.14054 | −0.01703 |
8 | BBKP | 1.07620 | 1.18071 | 1.31054 | 0.97215 | 0.02233 |
9 | BBMD | 1.03456 | 1.01016 | 1.16408 | 1.03158 | 0.00107 |
10 | BBNI | 0.98562 | 1.04934 | 0.85975 | 1.08245 | 0.03796 |
11 | BBRI | 0.97181 | 1.02119 | 6.35475 | 1.10829 | −0.00522 |
12 | BBTN | 0.93432 | 1.13713 | 0.14363 | 1.16305 | 0.04923 |
13 | BCIC | 0.57422 | 0.99596 | 0.11086 | 1.04718 | 0.00664 |
14 | BGTG | 1.22723 | 1.14633 | 1.14175 | 1.02961 | −0.06487 |
15 | BINA | 1.20214 | 1.14981 | 0.15275 | 1.29420 | −0.07699 |
16 | BKSW | 1.23819 | 0.88855 | 0.87786 | 0.99656 | 0.03209 |
17 | BMRI | 1.01465 | 1.03522 | 1.03755 | 1.08597 | 0.01859 |
18 | BNGA | 0.95288 | 1.01324 | 0.85152 | 1.07450 | 0.01043 |
19 | BNII | 0.87983 | 1.02039 | 0.98769 | 1.06008 | −0.02083 |
20 | BNLI | 0.94722 | 0.99734 | 1.40150 | 1.06365 | 0.02410 |
21 | BSIM | 0.79427 | 0.96725 | 1.47476 | 1.44750 | 0.03540 |
22 | BSWD | 0.80862 | 0.81043 | 1.50778 | 1.05030 | −0.10480 |
23 | BTPN | 1.50156 | 1.11508 | 0.66960 | 1.37814 | 0.08811 |
24 | BVIC | 1.08095 | 1.27785 | 1.03887 | 0.97509 | 0.03702 |
25 | DNAR | 1.38020 | 1.12818 | 0.89091 | 0.95691 | 0.03747 |
26 | INPC | 1.01243 | 1.05660 | 1.98075 | 0.92615 | −0.02589 |
27 | MAYA | 1.01747 | 1.13407 | 13.20595 | 1.11788 | 0.04297 |
28 | MEGA | 1.15174 | 1.04342 | 0.77965 | 1.10850 | −0.01164 |
29 | NISP | 0.89250 | 1.05399 | 1.02927 | 1.13049 | −0.00406 |
30 | NOBU | 1.37380 | 1.07326 | 1.75633 | 1.09918 | 0.16457 |
31 | PNBN | 0.99152 | 1.04600 | 1.22095 | 0.99995 | −0.00107 |
32 | SDRA | 1.06875 | 1.20136 | 0.78976 | 1.11884 | 0.02721 |
No. | Company | DSRI | GMI | AQI | SGI | TATA |
1 | AGRO | 1.06895 | 1.03313 | 1.10666 | 0.94271 | −0.02518 |
2 | AGRS | 1.46911 | 0.76651 | −11.91448 | 0.83612 | 0.22841 |
3 | AMAR | 0.78971 | 1.05459 | 2.03240 | 1.05887 | −0.17655 |
4 | ARTO | 1.60417 | 0.37315 | 33.65170 | 1.98739 | 0.23529 |
5 | BABP | 1.03282 | 0.98542 | 0.99722 | 0.91329 | −0.07789 |
6 | BACA | 0.81771 | 1.39268 | 11.27718 | 0.83127 | 0.00962 |
7 | BBCA | 0.95700 | 0.96884 | 1.13454 | 1.01676 | −0.01619 |
8 | BBKP | 1.20230 | 1.37624 | 0.38883 | 0.72884 | 0.11915 |
9 | BBMD | 0.82821 | 0.92978 | 1.65220 | 1.09938 | −0.10500 |
10 | BBNI | 1.11722 | 0.96546 | 0.66965 | 0.95540 | −0.07744 |
11 | BBRI | 1.08486 | 0.99002 | 4.08353 | 0.96674 | −0.02717 |
12 | BBTN | 1.14526 | 1.10174 | −0.72440 | 0.89720 | −0.07898 |
13 | BCIC | 1.80453 | 4.16087 | 1.85070 | 0.64259 | 0.09227 |
14 | BGTG | 1.18412 | 0.96961 | 0.71830 | 0.91876 | −0.18340 |
15 | BINA | 0.97591 | 0.94742 | −4.91091 | 1.34730 | −0.26557 |
16 | BKSW | 1.06026 | 1.39998 | 0.57387 | 0.84416 | 0.21868 |
17 | BMRI | 1.04820 | 0.98946 | 1.13932 | 0.99261 | −0.05338 |
18 | BNGA | 0.95331 | 0.97334 | 2.29743 | 0.95064 | −0.09173 |
19 | BNII | 1.09597 | 0.93967 | 1.45223 | 0.84094 | −0.16551 |
20 | BNLI | 1.27690 | 0.91319 | 0.83215 | 1.02278 | 0.00236 |
21 | BSIM | 1.15109 | 1.00439 | 1.29107 | 0.91859 | −0.04483 |
22 | BSWD | 1.39577 | 1.43644 | 1.08118 | 0.68057 | 0.03387 |
23 | BTPN | 1.07741 | 0.91259 | −0.28935 | 0.89166 | −0.08753 |
24 | BVIC | 0.93903 | 0.82685 | 1.32909 | 0.87990 | −0.01078 |
25 | DNAR | 1.03181 | 0.88837 | 0.77805 | 1.13571 | 0.09584 |
26 | INPC | 1.53596 | 1.16315 | 1.07721 | 0.87687 | −0.16638 |
27 | MAYA | 1.22435 | 7.28342 | 47.56125 | 0.58415 | −0.00446 |
28 | MEGA | 1.05180 | 0.97051 | 1.20191 | 1.12008 | 0.03815 |
29 | NISP | 1.21413 | 0.87991 | 1.18124 | 0.95627 | −0.01213 |
30 | NOBU | 1.16376 | 0.97625 | 2.23593 | 0.96831 | 0.06636 |
31 | PNBN | 0.91231 | 0.89487 | 0.12396 | 0.98954 | −0.11005 |
32 | SDRA | 1.16775 | 0.93025 | 0.94463 | 0.96773 | 0.14673 |
No. | Company | DSRI | GMI | AQI | SGI | TATA | Result |
1 | AGRO | G | G | N | G | N | G |
2 | AGRS | N | N | N | N | N | N |
3 | AMAR | G | G | N | M | N | G |
4 | ARTO | N | G | N | N | M | N |
5 | BABP | N | N | M | N | N | N |
6 | BACA | N | N | M | N | N | N |
7 | BBCA | N | N | M | G | M | G |
8 | BBKP | G | N | M | N | M | G |
9 | BBMD | G | G | M | N | M | G |
10 | BBNI | N | N | N | G | G | N |
11 | BBRI | N | N | N | N | N | N |
12 | BBTN | N | N | M | G | N | N |
13 | BCIC | N | M | M | N | N | N |
14 | BGTG | N | N | M | N | N | N |
15 | BINA | N | N | N | N | N | N |
16 | BKSW | N | G | M | N | M | G |
17 | BMRI | N | N | G | G | M | G |
18 | BNGA | N | N | G | G | G | G |
19 | BNII | N | N | M | G | M | G |
20 | BNLI | G | G | M | N | M | G |
21 | BSIM | M | N | M | N | M | M |
22 | BSWD | G | N | M | N | M | G |
23 | BTPN | N | N | N | G | N | N |
24 | BVIC | G | G | M | N | M | G |
25 | DNAR | G | N | N | M | N | N |
26 | INPC | N | N | G | N | N | N |
27 | MAYA | G | N | N | G | M | G |
28 | MEGA | G | G | M | N | M | G |
29 | NISP | N | G | G | N | N | N |
30 | NOBU | N | N | M | G | N | N |
31 | PNBN | N | N | N | G | M | N |
32 | SDRA | G | N | N | N | M | N |
No. | Company | DSRI | GMI | AQI | SGI | TATA | Result |
1 | AGRO | N | G | M | G | M | G |
2 | AGRS | N | M | N | G | M | G |
3 | AMAR | N | N | N | M | N | N |
4 | ARTO | N | M | N | N | M | N |
5 | BABP | N | G | M | N | M | G |
6 | BACA | G | G | G | G | M | G |
7 | BBCA | N | N | G | G | N | N |
8 | BBKP | G | G | M | N | G | G |
9 | BBMD | G | N | G | N | N | N |
10 | BBNI | N | G | N | N | M | N |
11 | BBRI | N | G | M | N | N | N |
12 | BBTN | N | G | N | G | M | G |
13 | BCIC | N | N | N | N | N | N |
14 | BGTG | G | G | G | N | N | G |
15 | BINA | G | G | N | G | N | G |
16 | BKSW | G | N | N | N | M | N |
17 | BMRI | N | G | N | N | G | N |
18 | BNGA | N | N | N | N | N | N |
19 | BNII | N | G | N | N | N | N |
20 | BNLI | N | N | M | N | G | N |
21 | BSIM | N | N | M | G | M | G |
22 | BSWD | N | N | M | N | N | N |
23 | BTPN | M | G | N | G | M | G |
24 | BVIC | G | M | N | N | M | G |
25 | DNAR | G | G | N | N | M | G |
26 | INPC | N | G | M | N | N | N |
27 | MAYA | N | G | M | N | M | G |
28 | MEGA | G | G | N | N | N | N |
29 | NISP | N | G | N | N | N | N |
30 | NOBU | G | G | M | N | M | G |
31 | PNBN | N | G | G | N | N | N |
32 | SDRA | G | M | N | N | G | G |
No. | Company | DSRI | GMI | AQI | SGI | TATA | Result |
1 | AGRO | G | G | G | N | N | G |
2 | AGRS | M | N | N | N | M | N |
3 | AMAR | N | G | M | N | N | N |
4 | ARTO | M | N | M | M | M | M |
5 | BABP | G | N | N | N | N | N |
6 | BACA | N | M | M | N | N | N |
7 | BBCA | N | N | G | N | N | N |
8 | BBKP | G | M | N | N | M | G |
9 | BBMD | N | N | M | N | N | N |
10 | BBNI | G | N | N | N | N | N |
11 | BBRI | G | N | M | N | N | N |
12 | BBTN | G | G | N | N | N | N |
13 | BCIC | M | M | M | N | M | M |
14 | BGTG | G | N | N | N | N | N |
15 | BINA | N | N | N | G | N | N |
16 | BKSW | G | M | N | N | M | G |
17 | BMRI | G | N | G | N | N | N |
18 | BNGA | N | N | M | N | N | N |
19 | BNII | G | N | M | N | N | N |
20 | BNLI | G | N | N | N | N | N |
21 | BSIM | G | N | M | N | N | N |
22 | BSWD | G | M | G | N | M | G |
23 | BTPN | G | N | N | N | N | N |
24 | BVIC | N | N | M | N | N | N |
25 | DNAR | G | N | N | G | M | G |
26 | INPC | M | G | G | N | N | G |
27 | MAYA | G | M | M | N | N | G |
28 | MEGA | G | N | G | N | M | G |
29 | NISP | G | N | G | N | N | N |
30 | NOBU | G | N | M | N | M | G |
31 | PNBN | N | N | N | N | N | N |
32 | SDRA | G | N | N | N | M | N |
Category | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Non-Manipulator | 17 | 17 | 21 |
Grey Company | 14 | 15 | 9 |
Manipulator | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Number of companies | 32 | 32 | 32 |
Category | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 |
Non-Manipulator | 17 | 17 | 21 |
Grey Company | 14 | 15 | 9 |
Manipulator | 1 | 0 | 2 |
Number of companies | 32 | 32 | 32 |
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Soepriyanto, G.; Meiryani; Ikhsan, R.B.; Rickven, L. Analysis of Countercyclical Policy Factors in The Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Financial Statement Fraud Detection of Banking Companies in Indonesia. Sustainability 2022, 14, 10340.
Soepriyanto G, Meiryani, Ikhsan RB, Rickven L. Analysis of Countercyclical Policy Factors in The Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Financial Statement Fraud Detection of Banking Companies in Indonesia. Sustainability. 2022; 14(16):10340.
Chicago/Turabian StyleSoepriyanto, Gatot, Meiryani, Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan, and Leony Rickven. 2022. "Analysis of Countercyclical Policy Factors in The Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Financial Statement Fraud Detection of Banking Companies in Indonesia" Sustainability 14, no. 16: 10340.