Climate Change Impact on the Habitat Suitability of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco in Mexico: An Approach for Its Conservation
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Geographic Records of Presence
2.2. Current and Future Climatic Variables
2.3. Topographic Variables
2.4. Environmental Variable Selection and Model Calibration
2.5. Current Habitat Suitability Model
2.6. Future Habitat Suitability Model and Conservation Zones
2.7. Validation of Habitat Suitability Models
2.8. Contribution of the Environmental Variables
3. Results
3.1. Model of the Current Habitat Suitability of the P. menziesii
3.2. Habitat Suitability Model under the Climate Change Scenarios
3.3. Relevant Variables in the Habitat Suitability of Current and Future Climate
3.4. Future P. menziesii area in México
3.5. Suggested P. menziesii Conservation Areas in México
4. Discussion
4.1. Spatial P. menziesii Model
4.2. Relevant Environmental Variables
4.3. Climate Change Scenarios
4.4. Preservation Areas
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Variable | Description |
BIO1 | Annual average temperature |
BIO2 | Diurnal average range |
BIO3 | Isotherms |
BIO4 | Seasonal temperature |
BIO5 | Maximum temperature of the hottest month |
BIO6 | Minimum temperature of the coldest month |
BIO7 | Annual temperature range |
BIO8 | Average temperature of the most humid trimester |
BIO9 | Average temperature of the driest trimester |
BIO10 | Average temperature of the hottest trimester |
BIO11 | Average temperature of the coldest trimester |
BIO12 | Annual precipitation |
BIO13 | Precipitation of the most humid month |
BIO14 | Precipitation of the driest month |
BIO15 | Seasonality (Coefficient of variation) |
BIO16 | Precipitation of the most humid trimester |
BIO17 | Precipitation of the driest trimester |
BIO18 | Precipitation of the hottest trimester |
BIO19 | Precipitation of the coldest trimester |
Model | AUC (2030) | AUC (2050) | AUC (2070) | AUC (2090) |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) | 0.902–0.907 T 0.764–0.936 V | 0.906–0.907 T 0.865–0.906 V | 0.900–0.906 T 0.774–0.905 V | 0.903–0.907 T 0.796–0.911V |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) | 0.901–0.906 T 0.715–0.907 V | 0.898–0.906 T 0.790–0.910 V | 0.901–0.906 T 0.795–0.901 V | 0.902–0.906 T 0.851–0.908 V |
Model | Partial ROC | Standard Error | Z Test |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2030) | 1.92 | 0.06 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2030) | 1.91 | 0.06 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2050) | 1.92 | 0.05 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2050) | 1.90 | 0.05 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2070) | 1.89 | 0.06 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2070) | 1.88 | 0.06 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2090) | 1.90 | 0.06 | <0.01 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2090) | 1.91 | 0.06 | <0.01 |
Model | Variables | Total Contribution (%) |
Current | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Average temperature of the coldest trimester, Average temperature of the most humid trimester and Precipitation of the driest month | 91.1 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2030) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest month, Precipitation of the driest trimester and Average temperature of the coldest trimester | 95.8 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2030) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest month, Precipitation of the driest trimester and Average temperature of the most humid trimester | 95.8 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2050) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest month, Average temperature of the coldest trimester and Average temperature of the most humid trimester | 95.5 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2050) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Average temperature of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest trimester, Precipitation of the coldest trimester and Precipitation of the driest month | 93.5 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2070) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest month, Precipitation of the driest trimester and Average temperature of the most humid trimester | 95.2 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2070) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest trimester, Average temperature of the coldest trimester and Average temperature of the most humid trimester | 94.8 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2090) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest month, Average temperature of the coldest trimester and Orientation | 97.9 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2090) | Maximum temperature of the hottest month, Precipitation of the coldest trimester, Precipitation of the driest trimester, Average temperature of the coldest trimester and Precipitation of the driest month | 97.2 |
Model | Area (km2) |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2030) | 15,856.49 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2030) | 13,091.17 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2050) | 7940.77 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2050) | 8662.28 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2070) | 5511.16 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2070) | 3103.58 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 245) (2090) | 5199.82 |
CNRM-CM6 (SSP 585) (2090) | 913.73 |
Natural Protected Area | SSP 245 Scenario Area (km2) | SSP 585 Scenario Area (km2) |
Bajo Río San Juan | 547.46 | - |
Iztaccihuatl-Popocatépetl | 297.50 | 157.06 |
Cumbres de Monterrey | 246.16 | - |
Nevado de Toluca | 226.82 | 22.91 |
Parque Otomí-Mexica | 185.04 | - |
Pico de Orizaba | 179.54 | 174.32 |
Cofre de Perote | - | 76.96 |
Montaña Malinche | - | 11.62 |
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Martínez-Sifuentes, A.R.; Hernández-Herrera, J.A.; Valenzuela-Núñez, L.M.; Briceño-Contreras, E.A.; Manzanilla-Quiñones, U.; Gastélum-Arellánez, A.; Trucíos-Caciano, R.; López Calderón, M.J. Climate Change Impact on the Habitat Suitability of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco in Mexico: An Approach for Its Conservation. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8888.
Martínez-Sifuentes AR, Hernández-Herrera JA, Valenzuela-Núñez LM, Briceño-Contreras EA, Manzanilla-Quiñones U, Gastélum-Arellánez A, Trucíos-Caciano R, López Calderón MJ. Climate Change Impact on the Habitat Suitability of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco in Mexico: An Approach for Its Conservation. Sustainability. 2022; 14(14):8888.
Chicago/Turabian StyleMartínez-Sifuentes, Aldo Rafael, José Antonio Hernández-Herrera, Luis Manuel Valenzuela-Núñez, Edwin Amir Briceño-Contreras, Ulises Manzanilla-Quiñones, Argel Gastélum-Arellánez, Ramón Trucíos-Caciano, and Magali Jeaneth López Calderón. 2022. "Climate Change Impact on the Habitat Suitability of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco in Mexico: An Approach for Its Conservation" Sustainability 14, no. 14: 8888.
APA StyleMartínez-Sifuentes, A. R., Hernández-Herrera, J. A., Valenzuela-Núñez, L. M., Briceño-Contreras, E. A., Manzanilla-Quiñones, U., Gastélum-Arellánez, A., Trucíos-Caciano, R., & López Calderón, M. J. (2022). Climate Change Impact on the Habitat Suitability of Pseudotsuga menziesii Mirb. Franco in Mexico: An Approach for Its Conservation. Sustainability, 14(14), 8888.