Definition, Role, and Functions of Soil Related to the Knowledge Society and the Someș-Tisa Hydrographic Area (Romania)
:1. Introduction
- Contributes to the regulation of the composition of the atmosphere and hydrosphere by participation in the circuits of the chemical elements and of water in nature, respectively;
- Contributes to the stability of the relief, protecting the deep layers of the bark;
- Attenuates sudden variations in some soil characteristics, regulating the development conditions of plants;
- Acts as a protection filter, preventing contamination with pollutants;
- Has the role of a purification system against foreign organic substances and pathogenic microorganisms that have reached the soil;
- Protects the normal functioning and evolution of the biosphere;
- Determines the genetic protection of some species and implicitly biodiversity;
- Represents the development habitat of soil organisms.
- Contributes to the production of phytomass, which serves as a basic raw material to produce food, clothing, and fuel, through its functions as a reservoir and continuous supplier of water and nutrients, which give it its most important property, namely fertility;
- Has a role in regenerating the production capacity of ecosystems through an essential contribution to the circuit of chemical elements in nature.
- Accumulates chemical energy via the conversion of solar energy, through the process of photosynthesis, into organic substances and the partial accumulation of these substances in the soil in the form of humus. This energy can be released into the soil through the process of decomposition (mineralization) of organic substances;
- Mediates the exchange of energy and substances between the lithosphere and atmosphere and has the role of absorbing solar radiation and transferring heat to the atmosphere.
- Plays an important role in infrastructure for various constructions and installations, such as roads, highways, aerodromes, stadiums, etc., and provides space for the installation of underground cables and pipes;
- Provides raw materials for various industries (clay, sand, etc.).
- Triggers seasonal biological processes;
- Records and faithfully reflects the stages of historical evolution by preserving historical and archeological relics.
- A specific living environment, the basis of terrestrial ecosystems, and the habitat of humans, animals, plants, and soil organisms;
- A place where energy is stored and preserved in the form of humus;
- An environment for the decomposition and biochemical transformation of organic residues; buffering, transformation, and filtration of substances; regulating substrates of the circuit; and formation of surface and groundwater as well as air;
- An archive of natural and cultural history;
- An environment that stores the raw material and space for localities, recreation, agriculture, forestry, and other economic purposes.
- Structural—an organized and structured environment, the constituents of which are in close interdependence both vertically and horizontally;
- Natural—formed under the influence of natural factors;
- Complex—a product of the interaction of five factors;
- Polyphasic—developed over time in several phases;
- Open—exchanging with other spheres in a continuous transformation;
- Multifunctional—performing multiple functions;
- Polydisperse—as its solid phase is in different degrees of dispersion (molecular or ionic dispersions, colloidal dispersions, coarse dispersions, and suspensions);
- Heterogeneous—because it consists of three phases (solid, liquid, and gaseous).
- The functions of filtering, buffering, and transformation, which are important not only for the protection of the soil fund but for the prevention of disturbance to the food chain;
- The functions of water conservation and carbon sequestration in the form of organic matter, the importance of which is amplified with global climate change;
- The function of maintaining genetic biodiversity.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results and Discussion
- Cernisol class (CER)—chestnut soils, chernozem, phaeozium, rendzina (plain areas);
- Luvisol class (LUV)—soils with polygenetic evolution developed in good or moderate drainage conditions (intermontane and submontane depression areas, plateau and plain areas);
- Cambisol class (CAM)—includes eutricambosol, distrambambosol, and eutricambosol soils (common in mountainous areas, submontane and intermontane depressions, meadows, and wandering areas);
- Spodisol class (SPO)—prepodzol and podzol soil (present on a large scale in the Rodna, Maramureș, and Apuseni Mountains);
- Umbrisol class (UMB)—black and humus soil (present in the Carpathians at altitudes of 1000–1400 m);
- Andisol class (DNA)—soils formed by volcanic ash, pumice stone, and other volcanic derivatives of different compositions, morphologically characterized by a vitreous and andic horizon (which develops especially on volcanic rocks);
- Hydrosol class (HID)—gleiosol soils (low-drained lowland areas, meadows, lower terraces, and depressions, and, on the other hand, on higher, flat surfaces covered with clay deposits within wetlands);
- Salsodisol (SAL) and vertisol classes (VER) do not have a significant spread, being present only in isolation.
- Regosol (district, eutrophic, lithic) occupied an area of 2568 ha (5.81%), spread over the Someș terraces, Săsar–Chechiș interfluve, and Curtuiuș Hills.
- Alluvial (district, eutrophic, entic, gleic) had an area of 10,715 ha (24.22%), occupying the meadows of Săsar, Lăpuș, Bârsău, and Someș.
- Eutricambosol (typically) had an area of 1054 ha (2.38%), mostly spread on the left terraces of Someș.
- Preluvosol (stagnant) occupied an area of 407 ha (0.92%), spread on the nonfloodable terraces of Someș.
- Luvosol (typical, albic, stagnant) occupied the largest area of 13,768 ha (31.12%), spread over the terraces of Someș, Săsar, and Lăpuș; the Lăpuș–Bârsău interfluve; and the Bârsău—Someș interfluve.
- Gleiosol (eutrophic) had an area of 8583 ha (19.40%), spread on the low terraces of Lăpuș and Someș.
- Stagnosol (typical, luvic) occupied an area of 7145 ha (16.15%), spread on the meadow terraces of the rivers Săsar, Lăpuș, and Bârsău.
4. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Cioruța, B.-V.; Coman, M. Definition, Role, and Functions of Soil Related to the Knowledge Society and the Someș-Tisa Hydrographic Area (Romania). Sustainability 2022, 14, 8688.
Cioruța B-V, Coman M. Definition, Role, and Functions of Soil Related to the Knowledge Society and the Someș-Tisa Hydrographic Area (Romania). Sustainability. 2022; 14(14):8688.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCioruța, Bogdan-Vasile, and Mirela Coman. 2022. "Definition, Role, and Functions of Soil Related to the Knowledge Society and the Someș-Tisa Hydrographic Area (Romania)" Sustainability 14, no. 14: 8688.