A Rubric to Evaluate Critical Science Education for Sustainability
:1. Introduction
2. Importance of the STSE Perspective and the Complexity Paradigm for Critical Science Education for Sustainability
3. A Rubric as a Tool to Evaluate Critical Science Education for Sustainability (CSES)
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- Rubrics are assessment systems based on referenced criteria or standards, which serve as guidelines or references when complex concepts, such as educational quality, are to be established.
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- They accept both quantitative and qualitative approaches, which enables more accurate diagnoses.
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- They determine different achievement levels of the established criteria or standards, which also helps in making more accurate diagnoses.
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- These are resources that can, and should, adapt to the material educational contexts in which they will be applied.
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- Their creation is, or should be, the result of a consensual collaborative work by a professional collective committed to educational quality [30] (p. 123).
4. Materials and Methods
4.1. Design, Context and Participants
4.2. Data Collection and Analysis
- Level 0—Not present: At this level, the CSES criteria are either absent or do not contain the fundamental elements to favor CSES. Some information and/or practices may exist, but the criteria are not presented or are presented in a confusing or misinterpreted way.
- Level 1—Beginner: This level does not favor CSES, as it shows a lack of understanding or omission of the main elements that favor CSES. Little information is offered, and practices may present errors or misuse of CSES concepts and terms.
- Level 2—Apprentice: An acceptable level of CSES introduction. Although there is inaccurate, partial or incomplete incorporation of the criteria, this does not pose a threat to understanding and training. Offers acceptable practices, but can be improved to advance towards CSES.
- Level 3—Advanced: A desirable level of incorporation of CSES-promoting criteria. Answers are rather comprehensive and the information and practices are strongly related to the specified criteria.
- Level 4—Expert: An exceptional presence of the different key aspects of CSES criteria. Offers excellent information and practices concerning the specified criteria, making it possible to promote the effective development of critical, reflective thinking and a systemic and articulated view of problems, aiming at the construction of alternative scenarios and practices in accordance with CSES precepts.
5. Results and Discussion
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Characteristics | Descriptors |
1. Development of emerging themes in society. | Consideration of a critical didactic perspective. Development of transformative actions based on socio-scientific issues and everyday problems. Encouragement of decision making and acting. |
2 Encouragement of critical and creative thinking. | Development of argumentation, investigation skills and use of different languages. The use of evidence to justify ways of acting and making decisions. Critical reading of information and discourses that reveal inequalities or social asymmetries in opposition to contrary discourses. |
3. Proposition or development of an interdisciplinary approach. | Contents, themes and projects incorporate creative, unusual relationships between scientific disciplines and other fields of knowledge. Interaction between different dimensions (cultural, historical, political, economic, ethical and aesthetic). |
4. The construction of positions is favored. | Spaces and opportunities for the construction of creative individual or collective positionings are opened. Positions are based on dialogue and confrontation of arguments, facts, opinions, attitudes and practices of social, scientific and technological relevance from different groups of people and/or institutions. |
5. Specific methodological approaches are proposed. | Wide and tolerant view of knowledge that includes student opinions. Scientific research methodology. Metacognitive skills. Formation of collective processes and teamwork. Urban space is used as an educational context. Formulation of stimulating questions and creative practices. |
6. The curriculum is organized from the perspective of education for citizenship. | The study plan is structured more by thematic axes related to the real problems of society than by concepts. A flexible, open organization allows for the inclusion of demands and needs of the school community. The curriculum favors the development of multiple competences to form critical, participating citizens, questioners of society’s consumerist logic, empowered to solve problems and to participate in decision-making processes. |
7. Construction of scientific and technological knowledge. | Consideration of the roles of history, philosophy and sociology of science in the construction of knowledge. Enumeration of the different procedures and purposes of S&T. Presumption of S&T interdependence and autonomy. |
8. Connections between science and technology and their representations that circulate in society. | Incorporation of evidence of the correlation between processes and results in scientific production. |
9. Understanding S&T as contextualized practices. | Recognition of different dimensions (political, economic, social, cultural and environmental) in the complex understanding of world phenomena. |
10. Characterization of S&T as a social construction. | S&T construction regarded as a producer of senses and meanings in specific historical and/or ideological contexts. S&T production is positioned around power relations issues (economic, ethnic/racial, gender) in the construction of knowledge. |
11. Non-neutrality of science and technology and/or science education. | Presentation of critical discourses on S&T interests and recipients. Incorporation of inequality as a problem in appreciating the knowledge produced. Emphasis on the non-neutrality and indeterminacy of S&T and/or scientific education. |
12. Conscious and critical participation in the development of society. | Learning includes a conscious and critical participation in the construction of knowledge, values or experiences that take into account the concepts of sustainability, equality and social justice. |
13. Citizen participation in issues involving knowledge of technoscience. | Learning incorporates the use and evaluation of the science and technology perspective for citizen participation in issues related to S&T knowledge. Participation in research agendas is promoted. |
14. Analysis of science and technology impacts. | The teaching–learning process includes analyzing the impacts of S&T on current and/or future decision making. This analysis includes the concepts of risk, precautionary principle and controversy. |
15. Construction of identity, sense of belonging to the community and development of values. | Consideration for the construction of identity and sense of belonging, and the development of values such as responsibility, solidarity and collaboration. |
16. Reflection on democratic and emancipatory perspectives for individual choices. | Incorporation of different points of view concerning social and environmental problems, with space for individual expression. |
AXIS A—Teaching and Learning Processes | 1 | Development of emerging themes in society | Adopts a critical didactic perspective aimed at the development of transformative actions, through the approach of socio-scientific issues and problems from the surrounding reality, encouraging decisions and actions by students. | Adopts a critical didactic perspective through the approach of socio-scientific issues, encouraging decisions and actions by students. | Adopts a critical didactic perspective through the approach of socio-scientific issues. | Uncritically presented, without problematizing socio-scientific issues or worrying about the students’ decision making or actions. | Absence of emerging themes in society. |
2 | Encouragement of critical and creative thinking | Based on: (i) the development of argumentation, investigation and use of different language skills; (ii) the use of evidence to justify ways of acting and making decisions; (iii) critical reading of information and discourses that denote social inequality or asymmetries, with the construction of discourses contrary to such positions. | Based on two of the three items below: (i) the development of argumentation, investigation and use of different language skills; (ii) the use of evidence to justify ways of acting and making decisions; (iii) critical reading of information and discourses that denote social inequality or asymmetries, with the construction of discourses contrary to such positions. | Based on one of the three items below: (i) the development of argumentation, investigation and use of different language skills; (ii) the use of evidence to justify ways of acting and making decisions; (iii) critical reading of information and discourses that denote social inequality or asymmetries, with the construction of discourses contrary to such positions. | Encouragement of critical and creative thinking without taking into account any specific items indicated in the previous levels. | Critical and creative thinking are not encouraged. | |
3 | Proposition or development of an interdisciplinary approach | Contents, themes and projects incorporate creative, unusual relationships between scientific disciplines and other fields of knowledge, including at least four dimensions (cultural, historical, political, economic, ethical or aesthetic). | Contents, themes and projects incorporate creative, unusual relationships between scientific disciplines and other fields of knowledge, including at least one dimension (cultural, historical, political, economic, ethical or aesthetic). | Contents, themes and projects incorporate creative, unusual relationships between scientific disciplines, including at least one dimension (cultural, historical, political, economic, ethical or aesthetic). | Contents, themes and projects incorporate relationships between scientific disciplines. | Does not develop contents, themes or projects with an interdisciplinary approach. | |
4 | The construction of positions is favored | Favors the creation of spaces and opportunities for individual, collective and creative affirmation, and the construction of positions based on dialogue and confrontation of scientific and technological arguments, facts, opinions, attitudes and socially relevant practices coming from different groups of people and/or institutions. | Favors the creation of spaces and opportunities for individual, collective and creative affirmation, and the construction of positions based on dialogue and confrontation of scientific and technological arguments, facts, opinions, attitudes and socially relevant practices. | Favors the creation of spaces and opportunities for individual, collective and creative affirmation, and the construction of positions based on dialogue and confrontation of scientific and technological arguments. | Favors the creation of spaces and opportunities for individual, collective and creative affirmation, and the construction of positions. | Does not favor the construction of positions. | |
5 | Specific methodological approaches are proposed | Emphasizes the experimental component of the natural sciences, adopting at least four of the following teaching and learning methodologies: (i) a tolerant view of knowledge to include the view of students; (ii) the investigative modes of science; (iii) metacognitive skills; (iv) the formation of collective processes and group work; (v) the use of urban space as an educational context; (vi) the encouragement for questions and creative practices. | Emphasizes the experimental component of the natural sciences, adopting at least three of the following teaching and learning methodologies: (i) a tolerant view of knowledge to include the view of students; (ii) the investigative modes of science; (iii) metacognitive skills; (iv) the formation of collective processes and group work; (v) the use of urban space as an educational context; (vi) the encouragement for questions and creative practices. | Emphasizes the experimental component of the natural sciences, adopting at least two of the following teaching and learning methodologies: (i) a tolerant view of knowledge to include the view of students; (ii) the investigative modes of science; (iii) metacognitive skills; (iv) the formation of collective processes and group work; (v) the use of urban space as an educational context; (vi) the encouragement for questions and creative practices. | Emphasizes the experimental component of the natural sciences, adopting at least one of the following teaching and learning methodologies: (i) a tolerant view of knowledge to include the view of students; (ii) the investigative modes of science; (iii) metacognitive skills; (iv) the formation of collective processes and group work; (v) the use of urban space as an educational context; (vi) the encouragement for questions and creative practices. | Does not prioritize the adoption of specific methodological approaches for teaching and learning science. | |
6 | The curriculum is organized from the perspective of education for citizenship | The curriculum is: (i) structured less by concepts and more by thematic axes related to real problems of society; (ii) flexible and open to allow the inclusion of demands and needs from the school community; (iii) committed to building multiple competencies to form critical, participatory citizens who question society’s consumerist logic and are empowered to solve problems and participate in decision-making processes. | The curriculum includes two of the following aspects: (i) structured less by concepts and more by thematic axes related to real problems of society; (ii) flexible and open to allow the inclusion of demands and needs from the school community; (iii) committed to building multiple competencies to form critical, participatory citizens who question society’s consumerist logic and are empowered to solve problems and participate in decision-making processes. | The curriculum includes one of the following aspects: (i) structured less by concepts and more by thematic axes related to real problems of society; (ii) flexible and open to allow the inclusion of demands and needs from the school community; (iii) committed to building multiple competencies to form critical, participatory citizens who question society’s consumerist logic and are empowered to solve problems and participate in decision-making processes. | The curriculum is structured both by concepts and by thematic axes related to real problems of society. | The curriculum is not structured by thematic axes related to real problems of society, nor does it seek to break with the hegemonic and fragmented perspective of knowledge. | |
AXIS B—Views e Perception of S&T in Society | 7 | Construction of scientific and technological knowledge | The construction of scientific and technological knowledge by students: (i) takes into account the roles of the history, philosophy and sociology of science; (ii) builds relations among the different procedures and purposes of S&T; (iii) presupposes the dependence and independence of the different procedures and purposes of S&T, from a technoscience perspective. | The construction of scientific and technological knowledge by students emphasizes two of the following aspects: (i) takes into account the roles of the history, philosophy and sociology of science; (ii) builds relations among the different procedures and purposes of S&T; (iii) presupposes the dependence and independence of the different procedures and purposes of S&T, from a technoscience perspective. | The construction of scientific and technological knowledge by students emphasizes one of the following aspects: (i) takes into account the roles of the history, philosophy and sociology of science; (ii) builds relations among the different procedures and purposes of S&T; (iii) presupposes the dependence and independence of the different procedures and purposes of S&T, from a technoscience perspective. | The construction of scientific and technological knowledge by students is presented solely through the identification of procedures. | The construction of scientific and technological knowledge by students does not take into account any of the aspects mentioned. |
8 | Connections between science and technology and their representations that circulate in society | Establishes connections between science and technology and their representations that circulate in society, highlighting the correlations between the processes and results of scientific production. | Establishes connections between science and technology and their representations that circulate in society, considering the processes and results of scientific production. | Establishes connections between science and technology and their representations that circulate in society, considering only the results of scientific production. | Presents examples of science and technology representations that circulate in society, without establishing connections with the processes and results of scientific production. | Does not comprise connections between science and technology and their representations that circulate in society. | |
9 | Understanding S&T as contextualized practices | Acknowledges S&T as contextualized practices in at least four of the following dimensions: political, economic, social, cultural and environmental, enabling a more complex perception of the phenomena. | Acknowledges S&T as contextualized practices in three of the following dimensions: political, economic, social, cultural and environmental. | Acknowledges S&T as contextualized practices in two of the following dimensions: political, economic, social, cultural and environmental. | Acknowledges S&T as contextualized practices in one of the following dimensions: political, economic, social, cultural and environmental. | Does not acknowledge S&T as contextualized practices. | |
10 | Characterization of S&T as a social construction | Regards S&T as a social construction, a producer of senses and meanings in specific historical and/or ideological contexts, in which questions of power relations (economic, ethnic-racial, gender) affect the production of knowledge. | Regards S&T as a social construction, a producer of senses and meanings in specific historical and/or ideological contexts. | Regards S&T as a social construction situated in specific historical and/or ideological contexts. | Defines S&T as a social construction, without highlighting any specific historical and/or ideological context. | Does not regard S&T as a social construction. | |
11 | Acknowledging the non-neutrality of S&T and/or science education | Presents critical discourses about the interests and targets of S&T, questioning inequality in the appreciation of knowledge, and emphasizing the non-neutrality and indeterminacy of S&T and/or scientific education. | Presents pertinent, though inaccurate, critical discourses on the non-neutrality of S&T and/or scientific education. | Presents uncritical discourses on the non-neutrality of S&T and/or scientific education. | Presents only statements related to the non-neutrality of S&T and/or scientific education. | Does not emphasize the non-neutrality view of S&T and/or science education. | |
AXIS C—Citizenship/Action | 12 | Conscious and critical participation in the development of society | Provides learning that enables a conscious and critical participation in the development of society from the construction of knowledge, values or experiences that take into account the concepts of sustainability, equity and social justice. | Provides learning that enables a conscious and critical participation in the development of society from the construction of knowledge, values or experiences that take into account two of the following concepts: sustainability, equity and social justice. | Provides learning that enables a conscious and critical participation in the development of society from the construction of knowledge, values or experiences that take into account one of the following concepts: sustainability, equity and social justice. | Supports a conscious and critical participation in the development of society from the construction of knowledge, values or experiences, although not based on any of the concepts of sustainability, equity or social justice. | Does not encourage conscious and critical participation in the development of Society. |
13 | Citizen participation in issues involving knowledge of technoscience | Provides learning that makes it possible to employ and evaluate the perspective of both science and technology for citizen participation in issues involving scientific-technological knowledge, and encourages participation in research agendas. | Provides learning that makes it possible to employ and evaluate the perspective of either science or technology for citizen participation in issues involving scientific-technological knowledge. | Provides learning that makes it possible to employ or evaluate the perspective of science and technology for citizen participation in issues involving scientific-technological knowledge. | Provides learning that makes it possible to employ or evaluate the perspective of science or technology for citizen participation in issues involving scientific-technological knowledge | Does not encourage citizen participation in issues involving knowledge of technoscience. | |
14 | Analysis of science and technology impacts | Includes, in the teaching–learning process, the following concepts for the analysis of science and technology impacts on current decisions and/or projections of future actions: risk, precautionary principle and controversy. | Includes, in the teaching–learning process, two of the following concepts for the analysis of science and technology impacts on current decisions and/or projections of future actions: risk, precautionary principle and controversy. | Includes, in the teaching–learning process, one of the following concepts for the analysis of science and technology impacts on current decisions and/or projections of future actions: risk, precautionary principle and controversy. | Does not include the concepts of risk, precautionary principle or controversy in the teaching–learning process for the analysis of science and technology impacts on current decisions and/or projections of future actions. | Does not include the analysis of S&T impacts. | |
15 | Construction of identity/sense of belonging (inclusion) and values | Guides reflection, encouraging the construction of identity and sense of belonging, and developing values such as responsibility, solidarity and collaboration. | Guides reflection, encouraging the construction of identity and sense of belonging, and developing two of the following values: responsibility, solidarity and collaboration. | Guides reflection, encouraging the construction of identity and sense of belonging, and developing one of the following values: responsibility, solidarity and collaboration. | Guides reflection, encouraging the construction of identity and sense of belonging. | Does not present reflections that encourage the construction of identity, sense of belonging (inclusion) or values. | |
16 | Reflection on democratic and emancipatory perspectives for individual choices. | Presents different points of view concerning social and environmental issues, with space for individuals to express their humanity. | Presents different points of view concerning social or environmental issues, with space for individuals to express their humanity. | Presents a single point of view concerning social and environmental issues. | Presents a single point of view concerning social or environmental issues. | Does not present reflections on democratic and emancipatory perspectives for individual choices. |
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Freitas, D.d.; Calafell, G.; Pierson, A.H.C. A Rubric to Evaluate Critical Science Education for Sustainability. Sustainability 2022, 14, 8289. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148289
Freitas Dd, Calafell G, Pierson AHC. A Rubric to Evaluate Critical Science Education for Sustainability. Sustainability. 2022; 14(14):8289. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148289
Chicago/Turabian StyleFreitas, Denise de, Genina Calafell, and Alice Helena Campos Pierson. 2022. "A Rubric to Evaluate Critical Science Education for Sustainability" Sustainability 14, no. 14: 8289. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14148289