BIM and Mechanical Engineering—A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis
:1. Introduction
- Drafting-centric or CAD-centric (e.g., CAD drawings),
- Product-centric (e.g., LCCA—LifeCycle Cost Analysis),
- Model-centric (e.g., product modelling using STEP—Standard for the Exchange of Product model data), or
- Process-centric (e.g., project scheduling, workflow management using BPMN—Business Process Modelling Notation).
1.1. Mechanical Subsystems in AECO Projects
1.2. Research Contributions
- What research fields exist at the intersection of BIM and ME?
- What are the trends in the research fields from the intersection of BIM and ME?
- What are the knowledge gaps and open research topics and what is the future research agenda for BIM in ME?
2. Methodology
2.1. Step 1: Design of the Search Strategy
- Identification of the science domain-split related to the AECO and ME science fields,
- Selection of repositories for publication retrieval,
- Definition of inclusion and exclusion criteria,
- Definition of specific keywords related to ME.
2.2. Step 2: Detailed Literature Search
- Search and retrieval of publications related to ME,
- Normalization and regression of search results,
- Application of first inclusion criteria,
- Cross-reference search for publications with keywords from ME and BIM,
- Application of second inclusion criteria,
- Elimination of duplicates.
- The number of publications has positive trend over the years (regression curve of normalized results is ascending),
- The five steepest graphs from each field are selected for the next phase.
- The connected graph of normalized results is ascending,
- From the single field the most upward trend is selected and duplicated publications are removed if they exist.
2.3. Step 3: Analysis and Evaluation of Search Results
- Content analysis of given publications using text mining to determine the frequency of keywords,
- Statistical trend function was used to compute linear trend line based on the given publication corpus,
- Graphical presentation of search results.
3. Analysis of Recent Research on BIM and ME
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- Detailing, optimisation, simplification, and interchangeability of MEP models with requirements for high density of irregularly shaped solid volumes can be better achieved with BIM modelling and IFC-based model exchange.
- Improved rebar steel utilization through the optimisation of rebar quantity, the determination of junction points in free form buildings, and a transition of knowledge from glass fiber reinforced material to BIM to support the manufacturing phase.
- Implementation of BIM as a data-centric model for asset information to support the transition of knowledge and best practice cases from 3D printing technologies to the field of bridge repairing and retrofitting.
- BIM as a tool for the integration of sustainability indicators, digitalization of LCA, and decision making in early design phases with respect to the environmental impacts for the sustainable development of mechanical components and integrated subsystems into BE.
- BIM is a technology that supports new methods for improvement of energy consumption in the production and transport processes of mechanical components and subsystems intended to be installed in BE.
- Custom BIM-based tools improve data transfer (BIM to BEM) in the optimisation processes, between design stages during the product lifecycle, and reducing software interoperability problems that are also common in ME.
- Adoption and integration of BIM improves the optimisation of energy efficiency in the design and construction phases for energy-efficient mechanical components and subsystems when compared to traditional methods.
- BIM minimizes the modelling effort of MEP systems for mass-customized houses and the reconstruction processes of indoor environments.
- Digitalization of BE also means implementation of information modelling technologies for ME subsystems where CAD modelling is subordinated to the requirements of BIM technologies.
- Industry 4.0 can benefit from pairing BIM technologies and modularized production layouts from ME industries in the domain of the construction site and in logistics optimisation.
- Mechanical engineers need to analyze, review, and elaborate on case studies focused on the impact of BIM on the development and automatization of the BE industry.
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Science Field Related to ME and AECO | Specific Keywords (Subfields) |
Material Science | Construction material; Material supply; Mechanical property; Reinforced material; Carbon steel; Composite; Fatigue load; Nanomaterial; Polymer; Microstructure. |
Engineering | Mechanical Design; Process Automation; Industry 4.0; Sustainable Design; Product Modelling; Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing; Manufacturing, Production; 3D printing; Robotics. |
Energy | Thermodynamic; Energy system; Green energy; Energy efficiency; Heating, ventilating and air conditioning; Energy optimisation; Energy conservation; CO2 emission; Heat transfer; Thermal energy. |
Environmental Science | Environmental protection; Environmental impact; Greenhouse gas emissions; Climate change; Renewable resources; Air pollution; Water supply; Environmental Design; Lifecycle cost analysis; Environmental Product Declaration. |
Computer Science | Computer aided engineering; Computer Aided Design; Computer integrated manufacturing; Computational fluid dynamics; Parametric modelling; Meta modelling; Geometric optimisation; Numerical optimisation; Model based technique; Finite element method. |
Field | Keywords |
Material Science | Reinforced material & BIM, Fatigue load & BIM, Construction material & BIM, Nanomaterial & BIM, Mechanical property & BIM. |
Engineering | Industry 4.0 & BIM, 3D printing & BIM, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing & BIM, Manufacturing & BIM, Robotics & BIM. |
Energy | Green energy & BIM, Energy system & BIM, Thermal energy & BIM, Energy efficiency & BIM, Energy optimisation & BIM. |
Environmental Science | Environmental Product Declaration & BIM, Lifecycle cost analysis & BIM, Climate change & BIM, Greenhouse gas emissions & BIM, Environmental Design & BIM. |
Computer Science | Parametric modelling & BIM, Computational fluid dynamics & BIM, Numerical optimisation & BIM, Geometric optimisation & BIM, Finite element method & BIM. |
Field | Keywords (Subfield) | Number of Publications |
Engineering | Industry 4.0 & BIM | 51 |
Energy | Energy optimisation & BIM | 17 |
Environmental Science | Environmental Product Declaration & BIM | 10 |
Material Science | Reinforced material & BIM | 3 |
Computer Science | Geometric optimisation & BIM | 2 |
Term, Frequency | |
1. | BIM, 1903 |
2. | Energy, 1616 |
3. | Building, 1579 |
4. | Construction, 1420 |
5. | Design, 1101 |
6. | Information, 1051 |
7. | Model, 1030 |
8. | Process, 607 |
9. | Analysis, 490 |
10. | System, 484 |
11. | Research, 447 |
12. | Industry, 427 |
13. | Optimisation, 427 |
14. | IFC, 386 |
15. | Modeling, 382 |
16. | Environmental, 376 |
17. | Management, 364 |
18. | Performance, 345 |
19. | Project, 345 |
20. | Consumption, 309 |
Field | ME Subfield | Application of BIM | Impact on ME |
Computer Science | Optimisation and simplification of models | Solid volume optimisation and optimisation of model storage, geometry transfer and visualization [28,29]. | Improved interchangeability of detailed MEP models—maintaining a high density of irregularly shaped mechanical components and reduced storage volume. |
Material Science | Improved material use | Optimisation of rebar quantity [30] and determination of junction points in free form buildings [31]. | Improved rebar steel utilization, a transition of knowledge from glass fiber reinforced material to BIM with the purpose of supporting the production. |
Repairing and retrofitting of products | Implementation of BIM as a data-centric model for current and new assets information [32]. | The transition of 3D printing technologies to the field of bridge repairing and retrofitting. | |
Environmental Science | Sustainable design and development | BIM as a tool for integration of sustainability indicators, digitalization of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) and decision making in early design phases with respect to environmental impacts [33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40]. | Encouraging the sustainable development of mechanical components and integrated subsystems into BE with the LCA approach and minimization of environmental impacts. |
Optimisation of energy utilization in the production process. | BIM as an emerging technology that supports the energy associated processes [41,42]. | New methods for improvement of energy consumption in the production and transport processes of mechanical components and subsystems, intended to be installed in BE. | |
Energy | Interoperability challenges | BIM as an emerging technology that supports the integration of processes during the product lifecycle, developed as a tool for data transfer between stages in design [43,44,45,46]. | Improved data transfer (BIM to BEM) in optimisation processes, reducing software interoperability problems, common also in ME. |
Optimisation of energy efficiency | Adoption and integration of BIM for the optimisation of energy efficiency in the BE, in the design and construction phases, considering the size of the projects and traditional methods [47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55]. | Increased need for energy-efficient mechanical components and subsystems. | |
Automated design | Automatization of BIM design for mass-customized houses and reconstruction processes of indoor environments [56,57]. | Minimization of the modelling effort for MEP systems. | |
Multidisciplinary connectivity | Investigations of the impact of BIM-based functions on the construction industry and society [58,59]. | The necessity for integration of ME in BIM functions. | |
Engineering | Digitalization | Digitalization of BE based on metamodels, augmented reality, digital twins, Internet of Things and Computer Vision [60,61,62,63,64,65,66,67,68,69,70,71,72,73,74,75,76] | Digitalization of BE in general means also digitalization of ME subsystems, consequently all ME components must be available in an interoperable digital form with integrated information. |
Construction Equipment Industry | Analysis, reviews and case studies of the BIM impact on the development and automatization of the construction industry and its parties [77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85,86,87,88,89,90,91,92,93] | ||
Product modelling | Implementation of information modelling technologies [94,95,96,97,98,99,100,101]. | CAD modelling with respect to requirements of BIM technologies. | |
Additive manufacturing | Application of additive manufacturing technologies in Industry 4.0 and improved material utilization [102,103,104,105,106]. | Transfer of knowledge and best practice cases from the field of additive manufacturing to a BE. | |
Improved workflow | Combining Industry 4.0 and BIM technologies with the purpose of construction logistics optimisation [107,108]. | Chance for the implementation of standardized production layouts from ME industries. |
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Share and Cite
Adanič, L.; de Oliveira, S.G.; Tibaut, A. BIM and Mechanical Engineering—A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis. Sustainability 2021, 13, 4108.
Adanič L, de Oliveira SG, Tibaut A. BIM and Mechanical Engineering—A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis. Sustainability. 2021; 13(8):4108.
Chicago/Turabian StyleAdanič, Luka, Sara Guerra de Oliveira, and Andrej Tibaut. 2021. "BIM and Mechanical Engineering—A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis" Sustainability 13, no. 8: 4108.
APA StyleAdanič, L., de Oliveira, S. G., & Tibaut, A. (2021). BIM and Mechanical Engineering—A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis. Sustainability, 13(8), 4108.