Learnings from Developing a Context-Specific LCA Tool for Buildings—The Case of LCAbyg 4
:1. Introduction
2. Materials and Methods
- Global warming potential total;
- Depletion potential of the stratospheric ozone layer;
- Acidification potential;
- Eutrophication potential freshwater;
- Formation potential of tropospheric ozone;
- Abiotic depletion potential for non-fossil resources;
- Abiotic depletion potential for fossil resources;
- Use of renewable primary energy excluding renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials;
- Use of non-renewable primary energy excluding non-renewable primary energy resources used as raw materials;
- Use of non-renewable secondary fuels.
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Stakeholder Requirements for Tool
- Available default data and settings;
- Versatility;
- Environmental feedback for informing design;
- Transparent results.
3.2. Tool Overview
3.3. Tool Features—Available Default Data and Settings
3.3.1. Building Model Structure
3.3.2. Component Library
3.3.3. Quantity Estimation Guide
3.4. Tool Feature—Versatility
3.4.1. User Profile and Level of Assessment
3.4.2. Model Data Exchange
3.5. Tool Feature—Environmental Feedback for Informing Design
3.6. Tool Feature—Transparent Results
Quantities and Results
4. Conclusions
Future Development
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Topic: Your company | |||||
Q1.1 How many employees does your company have? (1 answer) | |||||
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Q1.2 What type of company is it? (1 answer) | |||||
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Q1.3 Does the company have employees, who work with sustainability across projects? (1 answer) | |||||
| | Q1.3.1What tasks belong to your position (multiple answers) | |||
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Q1.4 Is LCA part of the company’s services today? (1 answer) | |||||
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Q1.5Has your company experienced barriers in offering LCA services? (1 answer) | |||||
| Obligatory text | ||||
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Q1.6Has you company experienced demand for LCA-based services? (1 answer) | |||||
| Obligatory text | ||||
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Topic: Your professional background | |||||
Q1.7What is your education? (multiple answers) | |||||
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Q1.8What is your experiences as a building professional? (1 answer) | |||||
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Q1.9What project stages have you primarily worked with during the last 5 years? (multiple answers) | |||||
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Q1.10In what technical field do you have special expertise? (multiple answers) | |||||
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| Obligatory text | ||||
Q1.11Estimate your competence in the field of environmental assessment/LCA (1 choice) | |||||
Low | Average | High | |||
Q1.12How many whole building LCA have you conducted? (1 answer) | |||||
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Q1.13Have you ever used LCA tools? (1 answer) | |||||
| Q1.13.1What LCA tools did you use? (multiple answers) | ||||
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| Obligatory text | ||||
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Q1.14What is your aim with this course? (free text) | |||||
Obligatory text |
Appendix B
Topic: Your project and documentation | ||||||||
Q2.1 About your project (free text) | ||||||||
| Obligatory text | |||||||
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Q2.2 What project documentation did you bring? | ||||||||
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Q2.3What project stage does you project documentation refer to? (multiple answers) | ||||||||
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| Obligatory text | |||||||
Q2.4 What is the documentation’s level of definition? (1 choice) | ||||||||
Regarding the structural concept: | ||||||||
Undefined | Somehow/partly defined | Defined | | |||||
Regarding the building element area: | ||||||||
Undefined | Somehow/partly defined | Defined | Obligatory text | |||||
Regarding the component detailing: | ||||||||
Undefined | Somehow/partly defined | Defined | ||||||
Q2.5 Why did you choose this type of documentation for the project? | ||||||||
Obligatory text | ||||||||
Q2.6 Will a BIM model be developed at a later stage? | ||||||||
| Q2.6.1 When do you expect this to happen? | |||||||
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| Obligatory text | |||||||
Q2.7 Who will be responsible for the BIM model? | ||||||||
Obligatory text | ||||||||
Topic: The tool | ||||||||
Q2.8 How do you rate the tool’s quantity estimation support?(1 choice) | ||||||||
Not useful | Neutral | Very useful | ||||||
Q2.9 Do you have any comments on the quantity estimation function (figure)? | | |||||||
Optional text | ||||||||
Q2.10 How well does the tool meet the level of detail in your project documentation?(1 choice) | ||||||||
Not at all | Neutral | Very well | ||||||
Optional text | ||||||||
Q2.11 How do you rate the available number of default components?(1 choice) | ||||||||
Too few | Adequate | Too many | ||||||
Optional text | ||||||||
Q2.12 How do you rate the technical quality of the default components?(1 choice) | ||||||||
Unacceptable | Neutral | Very high | ||||||
Optional text | ||||||||
Q2.13 How do you rate the output functions? | ||||||||
a) “Quantities” tab: | Not useful | Less useful | Neutral | Useful | Very useful | |||
b) “Results” tab: | Not useful | Less useful | Neutral | Useful | Very useful | |||
c) “Analysis” tab: | Not useful | Less useful | Neutral | Useful | Very useful | |||
Q2.14 Did you miss functions, which would have helped you performing the exercises today? | ||||||||
| ||||||||
| Q2.14.1 What functions? | |||||||
Obligatory text | ||||||||
Q2.15 Would you change your approach when performing the exercises again? | ||||||||
| ||||||||
| Q2.15.1 How? | |||||||
Obligatory text | ||||||||
Q2.16 What would you like to have tried or learned, if the course would continue? | ||||||||
Optional text | ||||||||
Q2.17 Do you have other comments regarding the tool or the course? | ||||||||
Optional text |
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No. | Activity | Topic | Participant (Main Profile) | Participant (No.) |
1 | Workshop 1 | Preconditions for early design LCA | Architects, civil engineers, drafters | 18 |
2 | Workshop 2 | tool requirements | Civil engineers | 7 |
3 | Workshop 3 | Component library development | Delegates from consultancies, contractors, manufacturers | 12 |
4 | Industry consultation | |||
5 | Industry hearing | Component library evaluation | Delegates from consultancies, contractors, manufacturers | 30 |
6 | Workshop 4 | |||
7 | Course 1–5 | Training/tool test | Architects, civil engineers, drafters | 99 |
8 | Course 6–7 | Training/tool test | Drafter students | 72 |
9 | Workshop 5 | Design guide publication [52], discussion of first draft | Architects, civil engineers, drafters | 21 |
User Requirement | Tool Feature |
Available default data and settings |
Versatility |
Environmental feedback for informing design |
Transparent results |
Element Group | Comp. Layer 1 | Comp. Layer 2 | Comp. Layer 3 |
Foundations | Foundations | - | - |
Ground floor slabs | Flooring | Load-bearing system | Insulation and underlay |
External walls | Inside finishing | Load-bearing and insulating system | Façade system |
Internal walls | Finishing | Load-bearing and insulating system | Finishing |
Floor decks | Flooring | Load-bearing and insulating system | Ceiling |
Stairs and ramps | Structure | Flooring | Balustrades and handrails |
Columns and beams | Columns and beams | - | - |
Balconies | Platform | - | - |
Roofs | Roof cladding | Load-bearing and insulating system | Ceiling |
Windows, doors, glazing systems | Profiles | Panes | Solar shading |
Building services | Production unit | Distribution | Terminal unit |
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Share and Cite
Kanafani, K.; Kjær Zimmermann, R.; Nygaard Rasmussen, F.; Birgisdóttir, H. Learnings from Developing a Context-Specific LCA Tool for Buildings—The Case of LCAbyg 4. Sustainability 2021, 13, 1508. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031508
Kanafani K, Kjær Zimmermann R, Nygaard Rasmussen F, Birgisdóttir H. Learnings from Developing a Context-Specific LCA Tool for Buildings—The Case of LCAbyg 4. Sustainability. 2021; 13(3):1508. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031508
Chicago/Turabian StyleKanafani, Kai, Regitze Kjær Zimmermann, Freja Nygaard Rasmussen, and Harpa Birgisdóttir. 2021. "Learnings from Developing a Context-Specific LCA Tool for Buildings—The Case of LCAbyg 4" Sustainability 13, no. 3: 1508. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031508
APA StyleKanafani, K., Kjær Zimmermann, R., Nygaard Rasmussen, F., & Birgisdóttir, H. (2021). Learnings from Developing a Context-Specific LCA Tool for Buildings—The Case of LCAbyg 4. Sustainability, 13(3), 1508. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13031508