1. Introduction
Most economic aspects have been affected by the development of information technology [
1], which has contributed to tremendous change in the educational sector. Students’ increased use of the web and Internet has encouraged educational institutions to replace traditional learning and teaching approaches. Consequently, higher education is now changing, and higher education institutions (HEIs) (i.e., universities) must accordingly fulfil students’ requirements, needs, and expectations [
2]. E-learning is essential to enable and execute these activities as it allows students to access learning resources regardless of location and time. According to Cidral et al. [
3], e-learning systems offer personified, flexible learning; reduce the cost of learning; and enable learning on demand. Al-Fraihat [
4] (p. 57) states that e-learning has “a significant role in shifting from teacher-centered to student-centered education.”
Although many e-learning initiatives have been successfully implemented, most of them did not attain their intended objectives, progressed slowly, and observed increased dropout rates [
4]. Additionally, assessing the success of e-learning represents a concern for e-learning systems’ stakeholders. HEIs have substantially invested in e-learning systems to enhance and support learning [
5]. However, integrating innovative e-learning systems to support both teaching and learning is a major challenge for HEIs. An argument has been that the value of investing in e-learning systems significantly relies on the implementation of these systems by instructors and students [
6]. Students’ acceptance and use of e-learning systems determine their success, and poor use of such systems prevents realizing their benefits, which leads to unsuccessful e-learning systems and thus poor return on investment [
7]. These assumptions hold true especially in light of the rapid, erratic, and sudden outbreak of COVID-19. While the role of technology in supporting people in ordinary conditions is widely recognized, it is unclear the extent to which technology is capable to respond to their needs in unusual circumstances and extreme conditions such as COVID-19 [
Consequently, to help e-learning stakeholders successfully implement e-learning systems, many researchers have explored the key success factors of e-learning. Although these researchers have attempted to identify the requirements of e-learning systems, they have not revealed all the requirements [
4]. The most significant factors that measure the success of e-learning systems are diverging in literature. Few studies have considered developing a holistic model that evaluates the success of e-learning systems from various angles. As Eom and Ashill [
9] suggest, the holistic success model of e-learning should cover multiple levels of success. E-learning systems are a form of information system (IS) that incorporates human factors (i.e., learners and instructors) and nonhuman factors (i.e., learning management systems). Thus, examining various aspects of success related to human and nonhuman factors is vital. Al-Fraihat et al. [
10] and Cidral et al. [
3] have identified two prominent streams of e-learning adoption-related research. One stream focuses on adoption behaviors (e.g., system use, adoption, intention to use, usability), technological aspects, and the system. Nevertheless, because technology has become widely accessible and reliable, a more recent research stream has explored instructors’ and students’ interactions and attitudes as critical determinants of e-learning success. Accordingly, this study develops a holistic success model of e-learning that considers human and technological perspectives of e-learning.
2. Significance of the Study
The literature on e-learning is focused on e-learning adoption and postadoption. Two streams of research are related to the adoption and postadoption of e-learning. The first stream of research assumes users’ postadoption behavior of e-learning systems as an extension of the initial acceptance behavior of e-learning systems and employs the same variables to explain acceptance and continued use [
16]. Studies related to this stream have mainly used the technology acceptance model (TAM) [
17] as the underlying theoretical framework and extended it using other supplementary theories and models, such as the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) [
18], UTAUT2 [
19], and the theory of planned behavior (TPB) [
20], to examine the adoption and continuance behavior of e-learning systems. The second stream of research has used the expectation confirmation model (ECM) of Bhattacherjee [
21] as the focal theoretical base [
24]. Researchers of the second stream have been inclined to integrate various other frameworks, such as the IS success model (ISSM) [
25], TPB [
20], and TAM [
17] along with the IS continuance model.
However, the aforementioned streams’ studies have primarily assessed factors that predict e-learning systems’ adoption and postadoption and do not consider how such factors or the actual use of e-learning systems relates to learning outcomes. To fill this gap in the literature, many scholars have extended their investigation beyond adoption behaviors (i.e., use or continued use) and have examined the impact of adoption behaviors on e-learning use outcomes. In this regard, two schools of research have emerged. In the first school, self-developed models and frameworks have been employed as the theoretical base [
28]. Such studies have been conducted with different outcome variables that use various explanatory variables, resulting in models with a weak connection to theory. Accordingly, this weakness makes generalizing the findings of these studies difficult. Consequently, these studies are insufficient to explain how e-learning use and its determinants affect the outcomes of e-learning use. Conversely, scholars of the second school have relied on the ISSM, which offers theoretical support for the association between the behaviors of e-learning adoption and outcomes. However, an argument is that the ISSM has limited theoretical support concerning the relationships between determinants and behaviors of e-learning adoption [
Therefore, this study first indicates the limitations of research on technology adoption and IS success and then applies a combination of these research directions to overcome their limitations. A reasonable endeavor is to pursue theoretical support from both research streams to develop a holistic model that considers the determinants, behaviors, and outcomes of e-learning adoption. Specifically, the proposed model is theoretically grounded in TAM and is called the ISSM. Thus, the proposed model retains the quality factors of the ISSM as the main determinants of e-learning adoption behavior (i.e., use). Additionally, the model borrows two constructs from TAM—perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of use (PEOU)—as further key determinants of e-learning use behavior. The conceptualization of the proposed model is discussed in detail in
Section 4.
3. Information System Success Model (ISSM)
DeLone and McLean [
30] developed the model of IS success. This model comprises six success factors that measure IS success, namely, organizational impact, individual impact, use, satisfaction (SAT), information quality, and system quality. The model suggests that quality factors (system and information quality) directly influence user satisfaction and IS use. Additionally, satisfaction and system use affect the individual impact and subsequently influence organizational impact. However, DeLone and McLean [
25] updated and modified the original model by adding another quality factor—service quality—to predict IS use and user SAT (see
Figure 1). Another modification integrates organizational and individual impacts into one factor called net benefits. The updated model of IS success (D&M model) has captured scholars’ attention in the field of IS. This demonstrates that IS success can be assessed using a set of quality factors (i.e., service quality, systems quality, and information quality). Subsequently, these factors influence user satisfaction and use. The D&M model theoretically indicates that a high-quality IS results in high user satisfaction and thus high levels of IS use and an increased perception of net benefits.
Although the D&M model has been investigated in various areas of IS, the model has limitations, particularly in e-learning-related research. Many studies [
32] have confirmed that the determining factors of the net benefits variable (the outcome construct of the D&M model) are not abundantly acknowledged. This assertion holds true, especially because the net benefits variable is case-specific and therefore differs based on the requirements of each user and entirely relies on the objectives and type of a particular information system. Consequently, additional research is necessary to identify additional determining factors of net benefits, particularly in the educational technology context. Thus, this study suggests that self-regulated learning (SRL) and PU are additional determinants of the net benefits variable.
Various studies that employed the D&M model in the e-learning context have reported diverse estimates of variance explained (R
2) by quality factors. Eom et al. [
33] (p. 158) observes that “the DeLone and McLean model has limited explanatory power for explaining the role of e-learning systems on the outcomes of e-learning.” Hence, to enhance the explanatory power of the D&M model, scholars have indicated that additional research is required to explore additional quality factors of e-learning systems [
10]. This study responds to these requests for further research by contextualizing and extending the original constructs of the D&M model to fit the e-learning settings. The contextualization and the operationalization of the proposed model are discussed in the next section.
4. Theoretical Foundation
This study suggests a contextualized model of e-learning success factors (see
Figure 2) that is based on the D&M model and TAM. The proposed model is expected to be a driver of the development, design, and delivery of e-learning systems initiatives. Recognizing the aforementioned applications of the D&M model from the literature, this study adopts and contextualizes the key relationships of the D&M model’s constructs into the setting of this study, that is, e-learning. Specifically, because of the aforementioned limitations, the following modifications have been made.
In summary, the quality factors and SRL described act as external variables that affect PU, user SAT, and USE. Additionally, PU directly influences user SAT, ACP, and USE. ACP is influenced by PU, user SAT, and USE. The following section explains the proposed hypotheses of the research model.
7. Results
Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to examine the relationships among the constructs of the proposed research model. SEM is deemed appropriate for data analysis because it enables scholars to analyze and manage complex models with many dependent and independent variables concurrently and comprehensively [
73]. Accordingly, partial least square-SEM (PLS-SEM) was used for data analysis. Ketchen [
74] stated that the PLS-SEM is adequate for validating predictive power and estimating significantly complex models. Accordingly, PLS-SEM has been used by many scholars in various fields such as e-commerce [
81], information systems [
82], e-government [
84], and educational technology-related research [
88]. Corresponding with Anderson and Gerbing [
89], data analysis using SmartPLS v.3.3.3 was performed throughout two key analytical stages. In the first stage, the reliability and validity of the measurement model were examined. Afterward, the structural model was tested to assess the estimation of path coefficients (hypothesis). The significance of the estimated path coefficients and loadings were assessed by the bootstrapping re-sampling procedure of 5000 re-samples. Before proceeding to the measurement model, the common method variance was evaluated. The test of Harman’s one factor was performed to assess the presence of the CMV [
72]. Accordingly, an exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was executed, and all measurement items were factorized into a one single factor. The result demonstrates that ten factors emerged, as none of these factors accounted for ≥50% of variance among the measurement items. The construct of academic performance (ACP) had the highest variance explained and accounted for 30.2% of the total variance. Hence, the absence of CMV was evident.
7.1. Measurement Model
In this stage, the validity and reliability of the research model’s constructs, and their corresponding measurement items were assessed. Following Hair et al. [
72], tests were performed, including the reliability of internal consistency, discriminant validity, and convergent validity. Confirming the presence of convergent validity requires the items loading on the intended theoretical constructs to be 0.708, and the value of average variance extracted to be ≥0.5. Regarding internal reliability, composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha estimates are required to be ≥0.7.
Table 2 presents all items that acquired a loading greater than the recommended value of 0.708; each construct had an AVE value ≥0.5 and Cronbach’s alpha and composite reliability values higher than 0.7. These results confirm the presence of convergent validity and internal reliability in the dataset.
Discriminant validity was evaluated by employing two criteria. First, the Fornell and Larcker [
90] criterion was applied. The result suggests that the AVE square root of each construct should be greater than its correlation with any other construct in the model.
Table 3 demonstrates that this condition was satisfied, confirming the presence of discriminant validity.
Second, the heterotrait–monotrait ratio approach was employed [
91]. In
Table 4, all values are ≤0.85; thus, the results of the Fornell–Larcker criterion and that discriminant validity is present are confirmed. In summary, all measures used in this study demonstrated satisfactory validity and reliability.
7.2. Goodness of Fit (GOF)
The measurement model was assessed for a satisfactory goodness-of-fit (GOF); the overall model fit was evaluated by evaluating five main indices (
Table 5). According to Henseler et al. [
92] and Benitez et al. [
93], the actual values of all GOF indices are within and satisfy the recommended values/conditions, indicating that the proposed model fits the dataset.
7.3. Structural Model
Structural model evaluation was used to examine the paths between the research model’s constructs in regard to the proposed hypothesis, R
2 “coefficient of determination or predictive power,” and predictive relevance (Q
2) [
72]. However, before evaluating the proposed structural relationships, it is vital to examine collinearity to confirm that the regression outcomes are unbiased. Consequently, as Hair et al. [
72] advises, collinearity was evaluated using the values of variance inflation factor (VIF) of inner model (among constructs). When confirming that collinearity is absent, VIF estimates should be close to or less than 3.
Table 6 indicates that all constructs acquired a VIF less than 3; thus, collinearity issues were absent.
2 and Q
2 were used to assess the predictive accuracy of the proposed model. As Hair et al. [
94] suggests, all paths were tested by running a 5000 bootstrap re-samples procedure. Additionally, the blindfolding procedure was performed to calculate Q
2 estimates.
Table 7 demonstrates that all the dependent variables possess a Q
2 estimate greater than 0, and the R
2 are all higher than 0.25, indicating that the proposed model possesses adequate predictive accuracy.
Table 7, SAT, USE, and PU explain 57.6% of the variance in ACP (R
2 = 0.576). Although seven constructs contributed to explaining 64.1% and 61% of the variance in SAT (R
2 = 0.641) and USE (R
2 = 0.61), respectively, five constructs contributed to explaining 64% of the variance in PU (R
2 = 0.64). According to Chin [
95], such explanation power is classified as moderate to substantial. Furthermore, the procedure of PLS predict was performed to evaluate the predictive power [
72]. Each indicator of the endogenous factors had a lower prediction error for the research model than LM, considering RMSE except for a few items (PU1, SAT3, USE4) (see
Table 8). Such results associated with the positive
Q2 values for all these indicators, demonstrating that research model possesses medium to high predictive power.
Regarding the path analysis in in
Figure 3 and
Table 9, the results indicate that H1–H5 and H7–H9 are supported; thus, H6 is not supported. Specifically, SRL generates a negative influence on PU, SAT, and USE. PU is the strongest predictor of APC (β = 0.299,
p = 0.000); CCQ is the main predictor of PP (β = 0.289,
p = 0.000); ESQ has the strongest effect on SAT (β = 0.169,
p = 0.001); PU is the strongest predictor of USE (β = 0.230,
p = 0.000).
8. Discussion
The findings of this study confirm the positive effect of IQ on SAT and USE (similar to [
62]) and on PU (similar to [
10]). This indicates that providing timely, effective feedback from instructors using the e-learning system increases students’ SAT and encourages them to use the e-learning system. Additionally, students are expected to develop high perceptions of e-learning usefulness when instructors respond to them in a timely manner and possess adequate technical skills and knowledge of course contents [
61]. If instructors can manage all aspects of students’ online learning and promptly respond to requests and questions using the e-learning system, students consider the system useful. As instructors are the main individuals recognized as a fundamental element by students in the e-learning environment, Kim et al. [
96] indicate that instructors are viewed as a key success factor in e-learning environments because they increase students’ SAT and motivate them to engage in learning opportunities. Instructors are considered content experts responsible for facilitating course delivery and managing students’ learning [
62]. Furthermore, instructors in e-learning plan the curriculum and adopt effective pedagogical strategies to take advantage of available technologies to ensure a successful implementation of e-learning [
97]. When providing effective e-learning activities and responding to students’ inquires and problems in a timely fashion, the use of e-learning by students is expected to be favored.
Consistent with the literature, CCQ is a significant enabler of students’ SAT and USE [
66] and an important facilitator of PU [
10]. These findings suggest that when course content delivered by the e-learning system is considered well designed, regularly updated, and sufficiently comprehensive, students’ PU and SAT increases. High-quality course content makes students feel contented with the e-learning system and thus encourages them to use the system. Additionally, when students believe that the system provides rich, frequently updated course content, and the degree of the courses’ content can be customized to suit their individual needs, they consider the e-learning system to be useful for their learning. The availability of CCQ facets such as providing sufficient, clear, and accurate information; updated content; and content with an attractive, intuitive design is essential to have a pleasing experience with the e-learning system, and thus contributes to students’ overall SAT. Similarly, logical, understandable organization of course components and content enables students to complete their learning tasks and responsibilities efficiently and more effectively and thus perceive the system as useful. Offering well-structured course designs helps students achieve the learning outcomes more effectively, enhancing SAT. Accordingly, the adequacy of courses’ content encourages students’ e-learning USE [
Similarly, the effect of ESQ on USE, SAT, and PU is significant. Although the significant influence of ESQ on USE and SAT has been confirmed in the literature [
36], the significant influence of ESQ on PU and USE does not support the findings of Al-Fraihat et al. [
10]. Our findings demonstrate that when the e-learning system provides high-quality functions to accomplish learning goals and tasks and facilitates the learning process, students perceive the usefulness of the system in delivering beneficial functions for effective learning. Moreover, students will perceive the system as useful if compatible functionalities are provided and students can continually access learning materials and contact their peers and instructors. These factors result in students’ SAT with the system and increase their willingness to use the system.
The findings demonstrate that SSQ is a key determinant for PU, USE, and SAT. The significant influence of SSQ on SAT and USE is supported by [
37], but the significant influence of SSQ on PU and USE contradicts the findings of Al-Fraihat et al. [
10]. Our findings suggest that if students receive proper technical support services from a help desk or technical personnel, their SAT with the e-learning system increases. An appropriate quality of technical services provided by technical personnel to students significantly helps them develop a high usefulness perception toward the e-learning system and increases their use of it. In e-learning environments, students often encounter learning difficulties, for example, in conceptual understanding, technical issues, ease of access, and digital literacy [
42]. If such difficulties are not resolved in a timely manner, the effectiveness of and motivation for learning might decrease and have diverse effects on students’ overall SAT, PU, and USE of the e-learning system. Markova et al. [
98] highlight that student support may include technical or instructional support such that instructors assist students in overcoming issues encountered during online courses. This type of support, particularly when students encounter technical problems, is essential to overcome challenges that affect students’ SAT [
97]. Accordingly, the availability of helpful technical support leads to positive perceptions among students of SAT and e-learning system use. Additionally, technical support plays a fundamental role in revealing the novelties and key functionalities of e-learning systems to students, increasing students’ PU of the system.
The findings demonstrate that TSQ has a positive impact on PU, US, and SAT. Notably, literature [
40] has confirmed the positive influence of TSQ on SAT and USE [
10] and that the relationship between TSQ and PU is nonsignificant. Our finding demonstrates that an e-learning system with high technical quality (i.e., easy to use, error free, user friendly) requires students to allocate minimal effort to learn and manage the system’s functionalities; as a result, they can focus on the educational activities and content. Moreover, the appropriate technical design is a key determinant of how students can be effective in collaborating, interacting, and sharing learning material.
SRL is a key inhibitor of PU, SAT, and USE. This finding contradicts those in the literature [
99]. This suggests that students are missing SRL, negatively influencing their SAT, usefulness perceptions, and e-learning USE. The e-learning environment is open in nature, and direct interaction with peers and instructors is low; thus, the responsibility of controlling learning processes shifts to the student [
60]. As the e-learning system enables students to read and download learning materials at their convenience, students are obligated to control and manage their learning activities and processes. Hence, students with highly autonomous learning skills are more likely to be satisfied with the e-learning system than those with limited autonomous learning skills. Additionally, high SRL level allows students to recognize the value of the e-learning system’s usefulness, such as the availability of learning material and ability to interact with peers and instructors at their convenience.
Consistent with the literature, the impact of PU on SAT [
100], USE [
101], and ACP [
10] is significant. Such findings indicate that students are inclined to use the e-learning system if the system provides useful features that facilitate the completion of learning-related tasks efficiently and successfully. Moreover, students’ SAT is increased by providing useful features that add value to the learning activities accomplished through the system. Thus, an increased perception of the e-learning system’s usefulness will increase their ACP, and they will learn more effectively.
10. Conclusions and Future Research
This study examines the key drivers of e-learning system success by developing a holistic research model that integrated TAM and the ISSM. The proposed model suggested a total of 23 hypotheses. To examine the research model, this study collected empirical data from students in three private universities in Jordan. The results indicated that 20 out of the 23 hypotheses were supported. Particularly, the suggested quality factors had a direct positive impact on the perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and use of e-learning. The quality factors included: instructor quality, course content quality, technical system quality, support service quality, and educational system quality. In addition, usage behavior, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction positively influenced students’ academic performance. Surprisingly, self-regulated learning is a key inhibitor of e-learning systems success and negatively affects e-learning system’s perceived usefulness, satisfaction, and use. Accordingly, e-learning stakeholders should introduce effective strategies to overcome the lack of students’ self-regulated learning. In this study, the cross-sectional model captures users’ perceptions and behaviors at a point in time. Further research is encouraged to employ longitudinal surveys considering the likelihood of a change in the preferences and perceptions of individuals as they gain experience. Further, the number of universities in the sample studied was limited. Such a limited sample raises questions on the generalization of the findings, especially to public universities. Accordingly, further research could extensively cover larger populations with different demographics and psychological and demographical attributes and a more representative sample. These steps would enhance the generalizability of the findings. This study, however, investigated three private universities and excluded public universities. In Jordan, more students attend public universities than private universities. Therefore, further research should consider public universities.
A suggestion is that cultures adopt different strategies in managing factors that affect e-learning adoption [
35]. For example, although ease of use is perceived as essential in Eastern cultures, especially for developing countries, PU is more salient in Western cultures. Moreover, Eastern cultures are more socially oriented than Western cultures. This thus signifies the prominence of social factors in Eastern cultures. However, more attention should be paid to subjective norms, absorptive capacity, and mobility of individuals in Eastern cultures, not Western cultures. Consequently, further research should investigate cultural effects. Finally, the proposed research model was tested using self-reported measures. Thus, future research should use objective measures to test the proposed model.