4.2. Network Node Strength Analysis
Because the node strength can fully reflect the technology transfer capability of the node, it is necessary to analyze the node strength.
Table 4 and
Table 5 show the strength of some nodes in the full-flow network and the net-flow network. In 2018, the strength of Shenzhen reached 25,528 and Guangzhou reached 20,073, becoming the dual cores of the full-flow technology transfer network in the GBA. The strengths of Dongguan and Foshan were 9922 and 9898, respectively, and the difference between the two was only 24, which indicates that Dongguan and Foshan have comparable technology transfer capabilities to become sub-central nodes. Zhongshan and Jiangmen were only one-half the strength of Dongguan and Foshan and were in the third level. The strength of Zhuhai and Huizhou fluctuated on the order of 3000, while the strength of Hong Kong and Zhaoqing was not great, and Macau is on the marginal. The strengths of Zhejiang and Jiangsu reached 5892 and 4270, respectively, and the amount of technology transfer in Zhejiang was more than the sum of the strength of the third and fourth, Beijing and Fujian. This shows that in the process of the technological exchanges with the GBA, a small number of provinces and GBA urban agglomerations have close technological exchanges and cooperation. At the same time, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Beijing, Anhui, and Shanghai were in the top 11 rankings. They occupied five seats, and they belong to the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei and Yangtze River Delta regions of China. The three major urban agglomerations of Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei, the Yangtze River Delta, and the GBA are the most dynamic and innovative regions in China with technological proximity [
43]. Fujian, Guangxi, Jiangxi, and Hunan are all at the forefront of technical exchanges with the GBA, and these four regions border Guangdong province, showing geographical proximity. From the perspective of the net-flow network, the central position of Guangzhou was even more prominent as shown in
Table 5. In 2018, its strength was nearly twice that of Shenzhen. The position of Foshan increased, while the strength of Dongguan decreased. The strength of Huizhou, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, Hong Kong, and Zhaoqing was not much different, and the net radiation capacity of the technology was comparable. From the provincial regions outside the GBA, the strength of Zhejiang reached 3204, ranking first in the country. In general, the strength inside and outside the GBA experienced an upward trend from 2010 to 2018, and most nodes increased more than 10 times. Guangzhou, the third place in 2010, became a new pole in 2018, far surpassing Dongguan and Foshan. Moreover, the status of Shanghai and Beijing was reduced, while that of Jiangsu and Zhejiang was strengthened. Notably, Xinjiang, as a frontier region, ranked ninth in the provincial regions outside the GBA in 2014, indicating that Xinjiang actively strengthens its technical ties with the GBA; and it did not enter the top 11 in 2018. It remains challenging to develop technology innovation in western frontier provinces. Additionally, technological proximity and geographical proximity are sustainably developed.
The in-strength and out-strength of a node can be used to analyze the technology transfer ability of the node from two different perspectives. The node strength is equal to the sum of its in-strength and out-strength. It is necessary to explore the relationship between them.
Figure 2 and
Figure 3 show the relationship between node in-strength, out-strength, and strength. From the perspective of the full-flow network as shown in
Figure 2, there was no significant difference between the out-strength and the in-strength of the GBA during the study period. In 2018, the out-strengths of Hong Kong, Zhaoqing, Huizhou, and Dongguan were greater than their in-strengths, and the out-strengths of other cities in the GBA were less than their in-strengths. For Hong Kong, in the technical exchanges with the Chinese mainland, whose out-strength was 415 and in-strength is 285, the out-strength was 1.45 times the in-strength in 2018. This indicates that Hong Kong’s technology output capacity is far greater than its technology absorption capacity. The reason is that Hong Kong, as an international financial and trade center, does not have a strong demand for technological innovation, but it is responsible for the re-export of global capital and technology to Chinese mainland. For provincial regions outside the GBA, only Jiangsu’s in-strength and out-strength were comparable in 2018. The out-strengths of other provinces were much greater than their in-strengths, especially Zhejiang’s, whose out-strength was 4194 and in-strength was 1699; the out-strength was 2.47 times the in-strength. More interestingly, Shanghai and Beijing experience the role change from technology exporter to technology importer and then to technology exporter during the study period. Jiangsu plays the role of technology beneficiary. Zhejiang maintains a continuous technological export to the GBA.
From the perspective of the net-flow network (
Figure 3), only Hong Kong, Huizhou, and Dongguan had greater out-strength than in-strength, and other cities in the GBA had lower out-strength than in-strength in 2018. Dongguan realized the transformation from net input of technology to net output of technology during the study period, while Guangzhou had the opposite situation. Shenzhen and Foshan changed their roles from technology net input to technology net output and then to technology net input. For provincial regions outside the GBA, only Chongqing’s in-strength was far greater than its out-strength in 2018, and it did not have a close connection with the GBA in the 2010 and 2014. It is worth noting that in recent years, Chongqing actively integrated national strategies such as the “Belt and Road,” the Yangtze River Economic Belt, a new round of western development, and has made efforts to develop new industries, such as big data and high-end manufacturing. The economic and technological innovation strength steadily increased, and technology needs are strong, leading to the absorption of a large number of patented technologies in the GBA. The out-strengths of Zhejiang and Beijing were much greater than their in-strengths, and the gap between other provinces was small. Since 2014, Zhejiang maintained a huge technological output to the GBA, which shows that Zhejiang play a significant role in technology output to the GBA.
The current research on urban technology transfer includes the transfer relationships both between and within cites [
49]; however, discussion mainly focuses on the former. In fact, the outflow includes the city’s rotation flow, that is, the city’s own technology transfer to itself. In order to further explore the technology transfer capability of the cities to other cities within the GBA, the actual outflow (i.e., actual out-strength) is obtained by subtracting the city’s rotation flow (i.e., rotation out-strength) from the total outflow (i.e., total out-strength).
Figure 4 shows the total outflow, rotation flow, and actual outflow of the cities within the GBA in the three different period. The figure also indicates that Macau’s technology transfer capability was weak, and Hong Kong’s actual outflow was more than its rotation flow. Combined with Hong Kong technology in-strength (
Figure 2), Hong Kong’s local capacity for technology demand was relatively weak, and technology output was the main contribution. In 2018, Zhaoqing and Huizhou had more actual outflow than the internal rotation flow within the city, and the actual outflow of Huizhou was twice that of its internal rotation flow. The remaining cities in the GBA had more internal rotation flow than their actual outflow. Shenzhen and Guangzhou are the poles of the GBA, and there was a large gap in the total outflow for Shenzhen; however, the actual outflow in the two cities was around 5000, which shows that the gap between the actual outflow is narrowing. It is worth noting that both Zhuhai and Jiangmen’s rotation flow accounted for more than 80% of the total outflow. The transfer of urban technology patents was mainly concentrated within the city, and the technology transfer ability to other cities or regions was insufficient. Both Dongguan and Foshan were at the same level in terms of total outflow, rotation flow, and actual outflow, but the numbers for Dongguan were higher than those for Foshan. This shows that overall, technology self-digestion and absorption and technology transfer ability of Dongguan are higher than those of Foshan. Overall, in the three periods, the technology transfer was mainly within the city, indicating that the technology local effect of the GBA is prominent.
In summary, in the full-flow network, “two poles and two strong, multi-level sub-echelon surrounding development trend” were formed inside the GBA, showing a clear hierarchical structure and a “pyramid” structure. The two poles refer to the technology distribution center with Shenzhen and Guangzhou as the core; the two strong players refer to Dongguan and Foshan; Dongguan is adjacent to Shenzhen and Guangzhou, and Foshan accelerates the integration process between Guangzhou and Foshan. Dongguan and Foshan have obtained huge technologies spillovers from Shenzhen and Guangzhou, forming a strategic node for the integrated development of the two poles, while playing as the “regional technical goalkeeper.” In the multi-level echelon structure, Shenzhen and Guangzhou are the first echelon and Dongguan and Foshan are the second echelon of important technology manufacturing bases in the GBA, which play an important role in technology absorption. The third echelon includes Zhongshan, Jiangmen, and Zhuhai, and the fourth includes Hong Kong, Zhaoqing, and Macau. From the perspective of the provincial regions outside the GBA, the areas where technology transfer exists with the GBA have the basic characteristics of geographic proximity and technological proximity. Among them, Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and the GBA have the closest technical exchanges and cooperation. In addition, the western region and the GBA have developed a technological exchange and cooperation relationship, with Sichuan as the core. In the net-flow network, the GBA has formed a “single pole and two strong, multi-echelon hierarchical” development trends. Guangzhou’s status has been highlighted, and it has become a single core, indicating that Guangzhou’s actual technology output capability is strong. Shenzhen and Foshan, as the two strong players in the technology net-flow network, are in the second echelon of the network. Zhongshan and Dongguan are in the third, Huizhou, Zhuhai, and Jiangmen in the fourth, and Hong Kong, Zhaoqing, and Macau in the fifth echelon. From the perspective of provincial regions outside the GBA, the basic characteristics of technology transfer areas with the GBA are geographical and technological proximity. Among them, Zhejiang and the GBA have the closest technology exchange and cooperation. In addition, the western region has formed technical exchanges and cooperation with GBA, with Sichuan as the core.
4.3. Network Association Analysis
Figure 5 shows the adjacent matrix heat maps of the technology transfer full-flow network and net-flow network in the GBA after removing the ring edge in 2010, 2014, and 2018. In the full-flow network of 2018, Guangzhou received the largest number of technology transfers from outside areas. The source of technology transfer was mainly Zhejiang, Beijing, Fujian, and Jiangsu. It absorbed a large number of patented technologies from Zhejiang, but it received less technology transfer from cities within the GBA. Guangzhou and Shenzhen were the two poles in the network, and there was not a lot of technology transfer interaction between the two. Shenzhen’s patent absorption technology ranked second, and its patent technology sources were mainly from Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Fujian, Shanghai, and Dongguan. Zhejiang, Jiangsu, and Fujian all maintained a large amount of technology output to the two poles (Shenzhen and Guangzhou) of technology transfer in the GBA. Beijing–Guangzhou and Shanghai–Shenzhen—four first-tier cities in China—were paired to build a “global channel” for technology transfer in the GBA. The patented technology in Shenzhen mainly flowed to Jiangsu, Dongguan, and Zhejiang, and the patented technology in Guangzhou mainly flowed to Jiangsu and Foshan. Provinces such as Jiangsu and Zhejiang had close technical links with cities in the GBA, such as Shenzhen and Guangzhou. Dongguan and Foshan received a large number of technology transfers due to their proximity to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. The number of high value node pairs of technology transfer increased continuously from 120 to 1250 during the study period. In 2010 and 2014, Shenzhen remained the city with the most receiving technologies, while in 2018, Guangzhou surpassed Shenzhen to become the city with the most receiving technologies.
From the perspective of the net-flow network in 2018, Guangzhou was still the city that actually receives the most patented technologies from other regions. Its main net-receiving regions included Zhejiang, Fujian, and Beijing. Compared with the full-flow network, it was found that there was a peer-to-peer technology transfer between Guangzhou and Jiangsu, resulting in the insignificant technology transfer relationship between Jiangsu and Guangzhou, while the technology transfer from Zhejiang to Guangzhou was much higher than the technology transfer from Guangzhou to Zhejiang. The technology transfer from Beijing and Fujian to Guangzhou was slightly more than the technology transfer from Guangzhou to them. Shenzhen’s net technology reception was slightly lower than Foshan and Zhongshan. Foshan received a large amount of net technology output from Zhejiang and Guangzhou. It is worth noting that Zhongshan received a large amount of net technology transfer from Guangxi, a neighboring province. Shenzhen received a significant amount of net technology transfer, mainly from Fujian, Shanghai, and Zhejiang. The nodes with the most net receiving patents show a change trend during the study period. In 2010, Shenzhen had the most net receiving patents. Jiangsu leaped to first in 2014 and Guangzhou became first in 2018.
Figure 6 show the chord diagrams—the relationship between different nodes and some common features shared with each other—of the GBA technology transfer network in 2010, 2014, and 2018. In 2018, the technology output of Shenzhen and Guangzhou covered a wide area and was not concentrated in a single city or region. It presented a “decentralized” feature and acted as the center of technology transfer in the GBA. From developed areas to backward areas, technology transfer follows a law of technology gradient transfer [
63]. Shenzhen has many technology sources, however, in 2010, there was a technical dependence on some nodes. The situation changed significantly in 2018 and the technology transfer volume of each technology source to Shenzhen was relatively even. While Guangzhou’s technology sources were relatively extensive during the study period, a small number of technology sources had a large number of technology exports to Guangzhou in 2018, such as Zhejiang and Beijing. The amount of technology transfer from Zhejiang and Beijing to the GBA was much higher than the amount of technology exported from the GBA to Zhejiang and Beijing in 2010 and 2018 and Beijing received a large number of patents from Shenzhen in 2014. It is worth noting that Foshan’s technology input was much higher than its technology output. At the same time, Foshan’s technology input relied heavily on Shanghai in 2010, and its dependence on Shanghai technology dropped significantly by 2018. The technical connection between Jiangsu and the GBA reached its peak in 2014. It received a large number of patents from Shenzhen but was surpassed by Zhejiang in 2018. On the whole, the technical connection between Jiangsu and the GBA in the study period continued to strengthen.
In the net-flow network, the net output of technology in Guangzhou was uniform during the study period, and there was no centralized flow to a certain area. However, in the process of technical exchanges between Guangzhou and other regions, the amount of input was much greater than the amount of technology output in 2018. It gradually grew into a net technology input city from 2010 to 2018, which focuses on receiving technology transfer from a small number of cities. The source of technology was narrow. There was a huge “technology surplus” between Guangzhou and Zhejiang and Beijing in 2018. The technology transfer volume of Zhejiang and Beijing accounted for more than 50% of the net technology input received by Guangzhou, presenting a “centralized” feature and path dependence. Shenzhen played the role of net input and net output in 2010 and 2014, respectively. In 2018, its output and input were comparable; there was no obvious difference. Shenzhen gradually developed into a technology hub. Zhejiang transferred a large amount of technology to Guangzhou and Foshan in 2018, and the net technology output to Guangzhou and Foshan accounted for more than 50% of Zhejiang’s net technology output to the GBA. There was obvious path dependence and spatial preference for the net technology input in Guangzhou. Foshan, Zhongshan, and Zhuhai absorbed a large number of patents from most parts of the country in 2018 and played the role of technology beneficiaries. The output of Dongguan, Huizhou, and Jiangmen in 2018 was greater than the amount of technology input, which was a net overflow role.
4.4. Network Node Importance Analysis
Figure 7 and
Figure 8 show the distribution of the authority and hub values of the full-flow network in the GBA during the study period. In general, a small number of nodes occupied the core position of technology transfer, and a large number of nodes surrounded the core nodes during the 2010–2018 period. Shenzhen occupied a dominant position from 2010 to 2018. In terms of hub and authority, Shenzhen was considerably more important than Guangzhou, which ranked second. Shenzhen and Guangzhou were both at the same level of strength, but from the perspective of node importance, Shenzhen played a leading role in technological innovation in the GBA. Although Shenzhen and Guangzhou were the technology hubs of the GBA and even the national technology hubs, Shenzhen’s hub value was much higher than that of Guangzhou. The main reason is that the source of technology input in Guangzhou is mainly concentrated in some cities, resulting in fewer hub nodes than the number of hub nodes connected to Shenzhen. From the authority value perspective, Shenzhen, as a comprehensive and innovative national science and technology center that China is focusing on, played an important role in the construction of the GBA. In addition, Shenzhen had abundant scientific and technological innovation resources and strong technology transfer capabilities, thus becoming the core authority of the GBA. Although the Guangzhou authority value was inferior to that of Shenzhen, Guangzhou also had its advantages. As a key science and education town in South China, there are a large number of high-level universities in the region. Scientific and technological innovation has a solid foundation, rich innovation resources, and a strong technology transfer ability. The hub and authority values of Dongguan, Foshan, Huizhou, and Zhongshan showed a stepwise decrease; these cities are geographically adjacent to Shenzhen and Guangzhou. They were also continuously integrating into Shenzhen and Guangzhou, playing the role of technology undertaker and technology diffuser, that is, the technology is spread to other neighbors through “local buzz.” To sum up, in the full-flow network, each city in the GBA had its own advantages and focuses. Cities within the GBA are seeking to strengthen inter-city cooperation, connecting Shenzhen and Guangzhou, exploring breakthroughs in the administrative boundaries of cities, strengthening the hierarchical transmission mechanism for technology flows, undertaking more patented technology resources, and strengthening their own technological innovation capabilities to enhance their functional positioning. For provincial regions outside the GBA, the hub and authority values in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei were higher than that in the Yangtze River Delta in 2010, but after 2014, the hub and authority values in the Yangtze River Delta were higher than that in Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei. Moreover, the hub and authority values of Jiangsu and Zhejiang were higher than those of other provinces in 2018, which shows that Jiangsu and Zhejiang’s technology transfer status is relatively more important compared to that of other provinces.
Figure 9 and
Figure 10 show the distribution of hub and authority values in the net-flow network. It can be seen in 2018 that the hub values of Zhejiang, Beijing, and Fujian were higher than those of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. From
Figure 5 and
Figure 6, it can be seen that Zhejiang and Beijing transferred a large amount of the patented technology. As a result, they gathered a large number of high-quality technological innovation cities, thus showing high hubs. Furthermore, Shanghai’s hub value ranked first in 2010, while after 2014, its hub value declined sharply. However, Zhejiang’s hub rose to the top in 2018. In the GBA, except for Guangzhou and Shenzhen, the hub values of other nodes were relatively evenly distributed. It is worth noting that Shantou, as an external city in the GBA, had a relatively small hub value in 2010 and 2014 and had a higher hub value than some cities located within the GBA in 2018, showing a strong hub. For provincial regions outside the GBA (
Figure 10), the authority value was relatively small, and there was not much difference between provincial regions. This indicates that although the hub values of some nodes were high, the number and quality of the source nodes of these nodes were not too high, resulting in a low authority value. In the cities within the GBA (
Figure 10), the authority values of Guangzhou and Foshan were higher than those of other cities such as Shenzhen. The technology sources in Guangzhou and Foshan were mainly nodes with high hub values such as Zhejiang and Beijing. When a node was pointed to by multiple nodes with a high hub value, then that node had a high authority value. The authority values of major cities in the GBA were similar.
Overall, the HITS spatial distribution of the technology transfer network was heterogeneous and hierarchical. Each city in the GBA had its own technological advantages. Guangzhou and Shenzhen emphasized technological innovation and highlighted complementarity. Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Beijing had strong technological ties with the GBA due to their strong innovation capabilities. Provinces such as Sichuan, Chongqing, and Guizhou had strong technical ties with the GBA due to their own industrial needs.
4.5. Community Analysis
Figure 11 and
Figure 12 show the community division of the GBA technology transfer network. In 2018, the technology transfer full-flow network was divided into 12, 10, and 11 communities from 2010 to 2018; 11 cities of the GBA did not form an integrated community at the three periods. Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Zhongshan, Huizhou, Zhaoqing, and other cities became the core nodes of major communities, driving the GBA toward being an international technology innovation center. In 2010 and 2014, Shenzhen was the core node of the largest community. Guangzhou was the core node of the largest community and Shenzhen was the core node of the second largest community in 2018.
Figure 12 shows that the number of net-flow network communities decreased sharply compared to the full-flow network. The net flow network was divided into seven, five, and three communities in the study period. It can be seen that the net flow network gradually reduced the number of communities as time went by, which shows that the GBA is constantly strengthening the integration of technology within and outside the region. The net-flow network was divided into three communities in 2018; mainly two communities, and the third community contained only four nodes. One of the communities takes Shenzhen, Dongguan, Jiangsu, Fujian, Huizhou, Shanghai, and other regions as core nodes and contains 30 nodes in total. Another community takes Guangzhou, Foshan, Zhejiang, Zhuhai, Jiangmen, and other regions as core nodes and contains a total of 20 nodes. The third community contains only four nodes, namely Zhongshan, Henan, Heilongjiang, and Guangxi. This community was in a marginal position in the GBA technology transfer net-flow network. Obvious geographic spatial clustering of the two main communities can be seen from
Figure 12, which is more obvious in the GBA. There were two communities in the east–west direction connecting Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Shenzhen and Guangzhou were the core nodes of the two communities and played an important technology spillover role in their respective communities. However, as a distribution center of the net-flow network, Shenzhen had a good cluster development trend, and Guangzhou was a net benefit node of the net-flow network technology. As a result, the comprehensive radiation capability of Shenzhen’s technology far exceeded that of Guangzhou.
4.6. Sector Patented Technology Transfer Analysis
According to the international patent classification table, patents are divided into eight categories. Section A is for human necessities, Section D is for textile and papermaking, and these two categories mainly include agriculture, clothing manufacturing, weaving, and other primary industries and traditional handicraft industries; Section B is for operation and transportation; Section C is for chemical metallurgy, mainly including heavy chemical industrial patents such as oil and steel; Section E is for fixed buildings; part F is for mechanical engineering, lighting, heating, and blasting; Section G is for physics, mainly including instruments manufacturing and nuclear engineering; section H is electrical, mainly including basic electrical components and electronic communication technology. According to the previous analysis, the GBA formed a pattern of two poles and two strong, but these four node cities are located inside the Pearl River Delta. In order to further explore the technology transfer situation of Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao, Hong Kong and Macao were included; and the analysis of technology branch transfer between six cities was focused on, such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, Hong Kong, and Macao (2018 as shown in the
Table 6, 2010 see in
Table A1 of
Appendix A, 2014 see in
Table A2 of
Appendix A). This will help identify the development status of the current technology transfer in the GBA by industry sector and will help the GBA to occupy a more favorable position in the new round of industrial upgrading.
It is well established that sections G and H are closely related to high-tech industries such as precision instrument manufacturing and electronic communication technology. In 2010, as shown in
Table A1, section G and section H of Shenzhen were the industries with the most technology transfer in Shenzhen, accounting for 18% and 24%, respectively. In addition, in 2018, section G and H were still the industries with the most technology transfer in Shenzhen. Meanwhile, section G and section H accounted for 25% and 27% of the total transfer in Shenzhen, accounting for 52% of the total transfer in Shenzhen. It shows that the high-tech industry is the leading and pillar industry of Shenzhen, and the high-tech industry is constantly strengthening. Vertically, in 2018, the transfer volume of Shenzhen’s section G and section H was more than twice that of Guangzhou’s section G and section H, which fully shows that Shenzhen’s high-tech industry had a leading position in the GBA. In 2010, section A and section F were the two industries with the most technology transfer in Guangzhou. In 2018, section H and section B in Guangzhou were the two sectors with the most transfer volume, accounting for 21% and 22%, respectively. This shows that in recent years, Guangzhou has made sustained efforts in the high-tech industry, the proportion of the primary industry has dropped significantly, and the high-tech industry has continued to grow. In 2018, section B was the most transferred department in Dongguan and Foshan. However, section H occupied second place in Dongguan and section A still occupied an important position in Foshan. At the same time, Dongguan’s high-tech industry transfer volume (section G and section H) accounted for 25% of Dongguan’s total technology transfer volume, while Foshan’s high-tech industry transfer volume (section G and section H) accounted for 18% of its total transfer volume. Compared with 2010, Dongguan and Foshan’s high-tech transfer volume increased significantly, which shows that Dongguan and Foshan strengthened their industrial layout in the field of high-tech in recent years, but Dongguan’s dominant position in the field of high-tech was more prominent. In 2010, Hong Kong’s technology transfer was mainly concentrated in section G and section H, while in 2018, it was concentrated in section A and section G, and the transfer volume of section H decreased slightly, indicating that Hong Kong’s high-tech industry is shrinking and declining.
We continued to further examine the technology transfer relationship between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau. In 2010, Hong Kong’s technology transfer to Guangdong was mainly concentrated in section G and section H, and Shenzhen was Hong Kong’s main technology receiving place in 2010. In 2014, the number of Hong Kong’s section G and section H patent transfers to Guangdong showed a downward trend. By 2018, Hong Kong did not transfer section G and section H patents to Guangdong, but mainly concentrated on section A. In recent years, Guangdong actively integrated innovation resources, promoted the economic transformation and development, and seized the high-tech commanding heights, which led to Guangdong and Hong Kong achieving a transposed development model. However, at the same time, Guangdong still had a certain gap with Hong Kong in areas such as medicine, which led to Hong Kong’s continued transfer of section A patents to Guangdong. It is worth noting that the peak period of technology transfer from Shenzhen and Guangzhou to Hong Kong occurred in 2014, and only Dongguan and Foshan had technology transfer to Hong Kong in 2018. It can be seen that Hong Kong’s technology demand capacity weakened further. Due to its weak technological innovation ability and demand, Macau had few technical exchanges with Hong Kong and Guangdong. Generally speaking, the technology flow in Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macau was mainly based on human necessities (section A) and traditional manufacturing (section C). Therefore, the cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao in the field of high-tech industries should be strengthened, and the depth and breadth of cooperation should be continuously expanded to contribute to building a world-class bay area.