Waste Management and Operational Energy for Sustainable Buildings: A Review
:1. Introduction
2. Research Methodology
3. Findings
3.1. Waste Management in Buildings
3.1.1. Designing for Limited Construction Waste
Designer’s Role
Offsite Fabrication/Standardization
BIM for Waste Reduction
3.1.2. Waste Management and Pollution Reduction
Building Design and Material Selection
Reuse and Recycling of Building Materials
Pollution Reduction through Proper Waste Management
3.2. Water-Saving Construction Process
3.2.1. Water Resource Management
Water Metering and Monitoring
Water Recycling
Nature-Based Alternatives
3.2.2. Build for Resilience
3.3. Embodied Carbon and Operational Energy Use
3.3.1. Embodied Carbon
Embodied Carbon in Buildings
Reducing Embodied Carbon in Buildings
3.3.2. Energy Consumption
Passive Building Energy-Saving Technologies
- (1)
- Building Envelopes
- (2)
- Window Glazing
- (3)
- Passive Heating
- (4)
- Passive Cooling
Energy-Efficient Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Domestic Hot Water, and Lighting
- (1)
- HVAC Systems
- (2)
- Energy-Efficient and Autonomous Lighting
- (3)
- Renewable Energy Generation Systems
3.3.3. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)
Importance of IAQ
Sources of Indoor Air Pollution
IAQ Improvement and Energy Consumption
Solutions for Improved IAQ
3.3.4. Smart Building Monitoring and Controls
Energy Management
- (1)
- Smart Grids
- (2)
- Smart Meters
- (3)
- Smart Home Automation
Human Interactions
4. Conclusions
4.1. Waste Management in Buildings
4.2. Energy Efficient Operations
4.3. Recommendations and Future Research
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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No | Sub-Topic | Top Three Keywords |
1 | Designing for limited construction waste | Design, construction waste, prefabrication |
2 | Pollution reduction | Pollution reduction, green building, waste management |
3 | Reuse and recycling | Recycling, reuse, life cycle assessment |
4 | Embodied carbon | Embodied carbon, embodied energy, sustainable construction |
5 | Water-saving construction process | Waste water, water harvesting, bio natural solutions |
6 | Energy consumption | Building energy consumption, building energy efficiency, building energy-saving strategies |
7 | Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) | IAQ, Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ), air pollutants |
8 | Smart building monitors | Smart building, smart grid, smart meter |
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Share and Cite
Amaral, R.E.C.; Brito, J.; Buckman, M.; Drake, E.; Ilatova, E.; Rice, P.; Sabbagh, C.; Voronkin, S.; Abraham, Y.S. Waste Management and Operational Energy for Sustainable Buildings: A Review. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5337. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135337
Amaral REC, Brito J, Buckman M, Drake E, Ilatova E, Rice P, Sabbagh C, Voronkin S, Abraham YS. Waste Management and Operational Energy for Sustainable Buildings: A Review. Sustainability. 2020; 12(13):5337. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135337
Chicago/Turabian StyleAmaral, Rosaria E.C., Joel Brito, Matt Buckman, Elicia Drake, Esther Ilatova, Paige Rice, Carlos Sabbagh, Sergei Voronkin, and Yewande S. Abraham. 2020. "Waste Management and Operational Energy for Sustainable Buildings: A Review" Sustainability 12, no. 13: 5337. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135337
APA StyleAmaral, R. E. C., Brito, J., Buckman, M., Drake, E., Ilatova, E., Rice, P., Sabbagh, C., Voronkin, S., & Abraham, Y. S. (2020). Waste Management and Operational Energy for Sustainable Buildings: A Review. Sustainability, 12(13), 5337. https://doi.org/10.3390/su12135337