Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Food Packaging: An Extended Life Cycle Assessment including Packaging-Related Food Losses and Waste and Circularity Assessment
:1. Introduction
- Direct environmental impacts caused by the production and disposal of packaging.
- Indirect environmental impacts caused by, e.g., packaging-related FLW.
- Circularity of packaging.
2. State-Of-The-Art
2.1. Existing Methodological Frameworks for Packaging Sustainability
- Specialist literature
- Business (including guidance documents from industry associations or retailers)
- Policy (including legislation and Extended Producer Responsibility Schemes)
- What is the focus of the framework?
- How is the environmental sustainability of packaging defined?
- Which environmental indicators are proposed?
- Is it explained, how these indicators have to be calculated?
2.1.1. Specialist literature
2.1.2. Business
2.1.3. Policy
2.1.4. Summary
2.2. Life Cycle Assessment of Packaging
2.3. Inclusion of Packaging-Related Food Losses and Waste into Packaging LCA
- Inclusion of lost and wasted food in packaging LCA.
- Calculation of the food-to-packaging (FTP) ratio.
2.4. Measuring the Circularity of Packaging
2.4.1. Input-Related Indicators
2.4.2. Output—Related Indicators
2.4.3. Energy Indicators
2.5. Conflict of Interest between Different Sustainability Objectives
3. Proposed Methodological Framework
3.1. Guiding Principles for Methodological Choices
3.2. Basic Information Concerning the Packaging
- the weight, construction, and material composition of the packaging
- the functional unit of the studied system (quantified performance of packaging)
- the spatial and temporal validity of the calculated values
3.3. Recommendations for the Calculation of the Environmental Impacts Directly Caused by Packaging
- Raw material acquisition and preprocessing.
- Manufacturing of packaging.
- Distribution.
- End-of-life.
3.4. Recommended Indicators for Packaging-Related FLW
3.5. Recommended Circularity Indicators
3.6. Recommendations for the Interpretation of Results
4. Discussion
4.1. Demand for Standardization
4.2. Reasons for Including Packaging-Related FLW
4.3. Reasons for Including Circularity
4.4. Future Research and Data Requirements
4.5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Framework | Focus | Principles | Indicators |
Packaging for sustainability [29] | Design for sustainability | Sustainable packaging is:
| General reference to LCA |
Global Protocol of Packaging Sustainability 2.0 [30] | Assessment of packaging sustainability | No explicit definition |
Sustainable Packaging Coalition [31] | Improvement of packaging sustainability by voluntary commitment of members | Sustainable packaging is:
Walmart “Sustainable Packaging Playbook” [32] | Sustainability requirements for suppliers | Design Priorities:
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines [34] | Extended Producer Responsibility | Sustainability principles:
Directive 94/62/EC [17] | Legal measures | Packaging requirements:
Directive 2008/98/EC [20] | Legal measures | Disposal of packaging according to waste hierarchy | None |
Issue | Possible Approaches | References |
General modeling approach |
| [47,48] |
End-of-life allocation procedure |
| [49,50,51,52,53,54] |
Database for secondary data |
| [55,56,57,58] |
Impact assessment methods |
| [59] |
System boundaries | Scope:
| [60,61] |
Indicator selection procedures |
| [62,63] |
Co-Product allocation |
| [64] |
Impact Category | Unit | Recommended LCIA Method |
Climate change | kg CO2 eq. | GWP100a, based on IPCC 2013 |
Ozone depletion | kg CFC-11 eq. | Steady-state ODPs |
Human toxicity, cancer | CTUh | USEtox model |
Human toxicity, noncancer | CTUh | USEtox model, |
Particulate matter Ionizing radiation, human health | disease incidence kBq U235 eq. | PM method recommended by UNEP |
Photochemical ozone formation, human health | kg NMVOC eq. | LOTOS-EUROS |
Acidification | mol H+ eq. | Accumulated Exceedance |
Eutrophication, terrestrial | mol N eq. | Accumulated Exceedance |
Eutrophication, freshwater | fresh water: kg P eq. | EUTREND |
Eutrophication, marine | fresh water: kg N eq. | EUTREND |
Ecotoxicity, freshwater | CTUe | USEtox |
Land use | Dimensionless (pt.) | Soil quality index, LANCA |
Water use | m3 world eq. | AWARE |
Resource use, minerals, and metals | kg Sb eq. | CML 2002 |
Resource use, fossils | MJ | CML 2002 |
Indicator | Metric | Recommended Assessment Method |
Climate change result for packaged food (Efood) | kg CO2 eq. | GWP100a (IPPC 2013) [89] |
Food-to-packaging ratio | Ratio Efood/Epackaging | Heller et al., 2018 [78] |
Share of packaging-related FLW | Ratio Amount of packaging-related FLW/ packaged food (%) | Empirical data collection or literature based assumptions |
Climate change result of packaging-related FLW | kg CO2 eq. | Calculation: Efood multiplied by the share of packaging-related FLW |
Protective properties of packaging | Description on packaging | Qualitative considerations |
Appropriateness of packaging size | Description on packaging | Qualitative considerations |
Resealability | Yes/No | Qualitative considerations |
Indicator | Metric | Technical or Biological Cycles | Recommended Assessment Method | |
Input related | Recycled content | % of mass | Technical cycles | [84] |
Reuse rate | Number of usages | Technical cycles | [75] | |
Renewable content | % of mass | Biological cycles | [30] | |
Output related | Recyclability | Expert judgment | Technical cycles | [12,35,90,91,92,93,94] |
Recycling rate | % of mass | Technical cycles | [17] | |
Recycling output rate | % of mass | Technical cycles | [75] | |
Downcycling factor | Ratio | Technical cycles | [75] | |
Reuse rate | Number of usages | Technical cycles | [75] | |
Compostability | Compliance with EN 13432 | Biological cycles | [36] | |
Energy | Share of renewable energy | % of energy | Not applicable | [87] |
© 2019 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
Share and Cite
Pauer, E.; Wohner, B.; Heinrich, V.; Tacker, M. Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Food Packaging: An Extended Life Cycle Assessment including Packaging-Related Food Losses and Waste and Circularity Assessment. Sustainability 2019, 11, 925.
Pauer E, Wohner B, Heinrich V, Tacker M. Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Food Packaging: An Extended Life Cycle Assessment including Packaging-Related Food Losses and Waste and Circularity Assessment. Sustainability. 2019; 11(3):925.
Chicago/Turabian StylePauer, Erik, Bernhard Wohner, Victoria Heinrich, and Manfred Tacker. 2019. "Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Food Packaging: An Extended Life Cycle Assessment including Packaging-Related Food Losses and Waste and Circularity Assessment" Sustainability 11, no. 3: 925.
APA StylePauer, E., Wohner, B., Heinrich, V., & Tacker, M. (2019). Assessing the Environmental Sustainability of Food Packaging: An Extended Life Cycle Assessment including Packaging-Related Food Losses and Waste and Circularity Assessment. Sustainability, 11(3), 925.