Exploring Perspectives of the Information Technology Industry in a South African City
:1. Introduction
2. Attributes Underpinning the Development of the IT Industry and IT City
3. Case Study City: Bloemfontein
4. Methodology
4.1. Input Data, Constraints, and Assumptions
4.2. Systems Applications and Systems Dynamics in Urban Development Modeling
5. Modeling
5.1. Factors Influencing IT Industry in the City
5.2. Conceptual Modeling: Use of Causal Loop Diagrams
5.2.1. Human Resource (Knowledge Worker) Sub Model
5.2.2. Housing Sub Model
5.2.3. Built Up Space Sub Model
5.2.4. Energy Sub Model
5.2.5. Influence of Parameters in Combination on the IT Industry: Integrated Model
5.3. Quantitative Model and Simulated Scenarios
6. Simulated Results and Discussion
6.1. Earnings from the IT Industry
6.2. Growth of Knowledge Workers (Human Resource)
6.3. Growth in Infrastructure (Houses and Built up Space)
6.4. Discussion
7. Conclusions
Conflicts of Interest
Appendix A
Model Algorithm | |
init | Built_up_space_supply = 6250 |
flow | Built_up_space_supply = −dt × Rate_19 |
−dt × BSR_depreciarion_rate | |
+dt × BS_Construction_rate | |
doc | Built_up_space_supply = SQM |
init | Built_up_space_supply_1 = 6250 |
flow | Built_up_space_supply_1 = −dt × Built_up_space_reduction_rate |
+dt × BS_Construction_rate_1 | |
−dt × BSR_depreciarion_rate_1 | |
doc | Built_up_space_supply_1 = SQM |
init | Built_up_space_supply_2 = 6250 |
flow | Built_up_space_supply_2 = −dt × BSR_depreciarion_rate_2 |
+dt × BS_Construction_rate_2 | |
−dt × Built_up_space_reduction_rate_1 | |
doc | Built_up_space_supply_2 = SQM |
init | Built_up_space_supply_3 = 6250 |
flow | Built_up_space_supply_3 = −dt × Built_up_space_reduction_rate_2 |
+dt × BS_Construction_rate_3 | |
−dt × BSR_depreciarion_rate_3 | |
doc | Built_up_space_supply_3 = SQM |
init | Earning_from_IT_industry_4 = 9.125 |
flow | Earning_from_IT_industry_4 = +dt × IT_earnign_growth_rate_4 |
doc | Earning_from_IT_industry_4 = millionUSD |
init | Earning_from_IT_industry_Normal = 9.125 |
flow | Earning_from_IT_industry_Normal = +dt × IT_earnign_growth_rate |
doc | Earning_from_IT_industry_Normal = millionUSD |
init | Earning_from_IT_industry_Optimistic = 9.125 |
flow | Earning_from_IT_industry_Optimistic = +dt × IT_earnign_growth_rate_2 |
doc | Earning_from_IT_industry_Optimistic = millionUSD |
init | Earning_from_IT_industry_Percieved = 9.125 |
flow | Earning_from_IT_industry_Percieved = +dt × IT_earnign_growth_rate_3 |
doc | Earning_from_IT_industry_Percieved = millionUSD |
init | Earning_from_IT_industry_Pessimistic = 9.125 |
flow | Earning_from_IT_industry_Pessimistic = +dt × IT_earnign_growth_rate_1 |
doc | Earning_from_IT_industry_Pessimistic = millionUSD |
init | Housing_supply = 167000 |
flow | Housing_supply = −dt × Degradation_rate |
−dt × Depreciation_rate | |
+dt × H_Cnstruction_rate | |
init | Housing_supply_1 = 167000 |
flow | Housing_supply_1 = −dt × Depreciation_rate_1 |
+dt × H_Construction_rate_1 | |
−dt × Degradation_rate_1 | |
init | Housing_supply_2 = 167000 |
flow | Housing_supply_2 = −dt × Degradation_rate_2 |
+dt × H_Cnstruction_rate_2 | |
−dt × Depreciation_rate_2 | |
init | Housing_supply_3 = 167000 |
flow | Housing_supply_3 = +dt × H_Cnstruction_rate_3 |
−dt × Degradation_rate_3 | |
−dt × Depreciation_rate_3 | |
init | Knowldge_workers_Normal = 625 |
flow | Knowldge_workers_Normal = −dt × Attrition_rate |
+dt × Knowledge_worker_growth_rate | |
init | Knowldge_workers_Optimistic = 625 |
flow | Knowldge_workers_Optimistic = +dt × Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_2 |
−dt × Attrition_rate_2 | |
init | Knowldge_workers_Percieved = 625 |
flow | Knowldge_workers_Percieved = −dt × Attrition_rate_3 |
+dt × Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_3 | |
init | Knowldge_workers_Pessimistic = 625 |
flow | Knowldge_workers_Pessimistic = −dt × Attrition_rate_1 |
+dt × Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_1 | |
init | Knowledge_workers_4l = 625 |
flow | Knowledge_workers_4l = −dt × Attrition_rate_4 |
+dt × Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_4 | |
init | Populatuion = 463064 |
flow | Populatuion = −dt × OMR |
+dt × IMR | |
−dt × DR | |
+dt × BR | |
init | Populatuion_1 = 463064 |
flow | Populatuion_1 = +dt × BR_1 |
−dt × OMR_1 | |
+dt × IMR_1 | |
−dt × DR_1 | |
init | Populatuion_2 = 463064 |
flow | Populatuion_2 = −dt × DR_2 |
+dt × IMR_2 | |
+dt × BR_2 | |
−dt × OMR_2 | |
init | Populatuion_3 = 463064 |
flow | Populatuion_3 = −dt × OMR_3 |
+dt × BR_3 | |
+dt × IMR_3 | |
−dt × DR_3 | |
aux | Attrition_rate = Knowldge_workers_Normal × ARF |
aux | Attrition_rate_1 = Knowldge_workers_Pessimistic × ARF_1 |
aux | Attrition_rate_2 = Knowldge_workers_Optimistic × ARF_2 |
aux | Attrition_rate_3 = Knowldge_workers_Percieved × ARF_3 |
aux | Attrition_rate_4 = Knowledge_workers_4l × ARF_4 |
aux | BR = Populatuion × BRF |
aux | BR_1 = Populatuion_1 × BRF_1 |
aux | BR_2 = Populatuion_2 × BRF_2 |
aux | BR_3 = Populatuion_3 × BRF_3 |
aux | BS_Construction_rate = Built_up_space_supply × (BSCRF + BSRF) × Impact_on_built_up_space |
aux | BS_Construction_rate_1 = Built_up_space_supply_1 × (BSCRF_1 + BSRF_1) × Impact_on_built_up_space_1 |
aux | BS_Construction_rate_2 = Built_up_space_supply_2 × (BSCRF_2 + BSRF_2) × Impact_on_built_up_space_2 |
aux | BS_Construction_rate_3 = Built_up_space_supply_3 × (BSCRF_3 + BSRF_3) × Impact_on_built_up_space_3 |
aux | BSR_depreciarion_rate = Built_up_space_supply × BDRF |
aux | BSR_depreciarion_rate_1 = Built_up_space_supply_1 × BDRF_1 |
aux | BSR_depreciarion_rate_2 = Built_up_space_supply_2 × BDRF_2 |
aux | BSR_depreciarion_rate_3 = Built_up_space_supply_3 × BDRF_3 |
aux | Built_up_space_reduction_rate = Built_up_space_supply_1 × (BSCFRF_1 + BSDRF_1) |
aux | Built_up_space_reduction_rate_1 = Built_up_space_supply_2 × (BSCFRF_2 + BSDRF_2) |
aux | Built_up_space_reduction_rate_2 = Built_up_space_supply_3 × (BSCFRF_3 + BSDRF_3) |
aux | Degradation_rate = Housing_supply × HDGRF |
aux | Degradation_rate_1 = Housing_supply_1 × HDGRF_1 |
aux | Degradation_rate_2 = Housing_supply_2 × HDGRF_2 |
aux | Degradation_rate_3 = Housing_supply_3 × HDGRF_3 |
aux | Depreciation_rate = Housing_supply × HDPRF |
aux | Depreciation_rate_1 = Housing_supply_1 × HDPRF_1 |
aux | Depreciation_rate_2 = Housing_supply_2 × HDPRF_2 |
aux | Depreciation_rate_3 = Housing_supply_3 × HDPRF_3 |
aux | DR = Populatuion × DRF |
aux | DR_1 = Populatuion_1 × DRF_1 |
aux | DR_2 = Populatuion_2 × DRF_2 |
aux | DR_3 = Populatuion_3 × DRF_3 |
aux | H_Cnstruction_rate = Housing_supply × (HCRF + HRF) × Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply |
aux | H_Cnstruction_rate_2 = Housing_supply_2 × (HCRF_2 + HRF_2) × Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply_2 |
aux | H_Cnstruction_rate_3 = Housing_supply_3 × (HCRF_3 + HRF_3) × Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply_3 |
aux | H_Construction_rate_1 = Housing_supply_1 × (HCRF_1 + HRF_1) × Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply_1 |
aux | IMR = Populatuion × IMRF |
aux | IMR_1 = Populatuion_1 × IMRF_1 |
aux | IMR_2 = Populatuion_2 × IMRF_2 |
aux | IMR_3 = Populatuion_3 × IMRF_3 |
aux | IT_earnign_growth_rate = Earning_from_IT_industry_Normal × ((ITEGRF + Earning_from_knowldge_workers × 0.20/Earning_from_IT_industry_Normal)) |
aux | IT_earnign_growth_rate_1 = Earning_from_IT_industry_Pessimistic × (ITEGRF_1 + Earning_from_knowldge_workers_1 × 0.20/Earning_from_IT_industry_Pessimistic) |
aux | IT_earnign_growth_rate_2 = (Earning_from_IT_industry_Optimistic × (ITEGRF_2 + Earning_from_knowldge_workers_2 × 0.20/Earning_from_IT_industry_Optimistic)) |
aux | IT_earnign_growth_rate_3 = (Earning_from_IT_industry_Percieved × (ITEGRF_3 + Earning_from_knowldge_workers_3 × 0.20/Earning_from_IT_industry_Percieved)) |
aux | IT_earnign_growth_rate_4 = Earning_from_IT_industry_4 × ITEGRF_4 |
aux | Knowledge_worker_growth_rate = Knowldge_workers_Normal × KWGRF × (Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand__Normal + Ratio_of_supply_and_demand_of_spec9c_quality_house_for_Normal) × Impact_on_knowldge_workers |
aux | Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_1 = Knowldge_workers_Pessimistic × KWGRF_1 × (Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand_Pessimistic + Ratio_supply_and_deamnd__specific_quality_house_Pessimistic) × Impact_on_knowldge_workers_1 |
aux | Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_2 = Knowldge_workers_Optimistic × KWGRF_2 × (Impact_of_built_up_spoace_on_knowledge_workers + Ratio_of_demand_and_supply_of_speciic_quality_house_Optimistic) × Impact_on_knowldge_workers_2 |
aux | Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_3 = Knowldge_workers_Percieved × KWGRF_3 × (Impact_of_built_up_spoace_on_knowledge_workers_1 + Ratio_of_demand_and_supply_of_speciic_quality_house_Percieved) × Impact_on_knowldge_workers_3 |
aux | Knowledge_worker_growth_rate_4 = Knowledge_workers_4l × KWGRF_4 |
aux | OMR = Populatuion × ORF |
aux | OMR_1 = Populatuion_1 × OMRF_1 |
aux | OMR_2 = Populatuion_2 × OMRF_2 |
aux | OMR_3 = Populatuion_3 × OMRF_3 |
aux | Rate_19 = Built_up_space_supply × (BSCFRF + BSDRF) |
aux | Deamnd_for_specific_quality_houses_1 = Demand_of_houses_1 × Specific_quality_housing_fraction_1 |
aux | Deamnd_for_specific_quality_houses_3 = Demand_of_houses_3 × Demand_Specific_quality_housing_fraction_3 |
aux | Deamnd_for_specific_quality_houses_Optimistic = Demand_of_houses_2 × Demand_Specific_quality_housing_fraction_2 |
aux | Demand_for_Built_up_space = Knowldge_workers_Normal × DEMAND_per_KWF |
aux | Demand_for_Built_up_space_1 = Knowldge_workers_Pessimistic × DEMAND_per_KWF_1 |
aux | Demand_for_Built_up_space_2 = Knowldge_workers_Optimistic × DEMAND_per_KWF_2 |
aux | Demand_for_Built_up_space_3 = Knowldge_workers_Percieved × DEMAND_per_KWF_3 |
aux | Demand_for_specific_quality_houses_for_IT_industry = Demand_of_houses × Demand_fraction_for_specific_quality_houses |
aux | Demand_of_houses = Number_of_households + Student_houses |
aux | Demand_of_houses_1 = Number_of_households_1 + Student_houses_1 |
aux | Demand_of_houses_2 = Number_of_households_2 + Student_houses_2 |
aux | Demand_of_houses_3 = Number_of_households_3 + Student_houses_3 |
aux | Earning_from_knowldge_workers = ((Knowldge_workers_Normal−625) × (Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker × 365))/1000000 |
aux | Earning_from_knowldge_workers_1 = ((Knowldge_workers_Pessimistic−625) × (Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker_1 × 365))/1000000 |
aux | Earning_from_knowldge_workers_2 = ((Knowldge_workers_Optimistic−625) × (Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker_2 × 365))/1000000 |
aux | Earning_from_knowldge_workers_3 = ((Knowldge_workers_Percieved−625) × (Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker_3 × 365))/1000000 |
aux | Energy_tarrif_ratio = Perspective_tariff_rate/Current_tariff_rate |
aux | Energy_tarrif_ratio_1 = Perspective_tariff_rate_1/Current_tariff_rate_1 |
aux | Energy_tarrif_ratio_2 = Perspective_tariff_rate_2/Current_tariff_rate_2 |
aux | Energy_tarrif_ratio_3 = Perspective_tariff_rate_3/Current_tariff_rate_3 |
aux | Gap_in_built_up_space__pessimistic = (Demand_for_Built_up_space_1−Built_up_space_supply_1) |
aux | Gap_in_built_up_space_demand_and_supply_Normal = (Demand_for_Built_up_space-Built_up_space_supply) |
aux | Gap_in_built_up_space_oprimistic = (Demand_for_Built_up_space_2−Built_up_space_supply_2) |
aux | Gap_of_built_up_space_percieved = (Demand_for_Built_up_space_3−Built_up_space_supply_3) |
aux | Impact_of_built_up_spoace_on_knowledge_workers = GRAPH(TIME,0,0.1,[0.02,0,0.04,0.05,0.13,0.27,0.35,0.44,0.64,0.76,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand_Optimistic |
aux | Impact_of_built_up_spoace_on_knowledge_workers_1 = GRAPH(TIME,0,0.1,[0.02,0,0.04,0.05,0.13,0.27,0.35,0.44,0.64,0.76,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand_Percieved |
aux | Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply = GRAPH(Invetsment_on_housing,0,0.1,[0.04,0.07,0.09,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.49,0.59,0.84,0.99,0”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Invetsment_on_housing |
aux | Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply_1 = GRAPH(Invetsment_on_housing_1,0,0.1,[0.04,0.07,0.09,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.49,0.59,0.84,0.99,0”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Invetsment_on_housing_1 |
aux | Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply_2 = GRAPH(Invetsment_on_housing_2,0,0.1,[0.04,0.07,0.09,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.49,0.59,0.84,0.99,0”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Invetsment_on_housing_2 |
aux | Impact_of_investment_on_houisng_supply_3 = GRAPH(Invetsment_on_housing_3,0,0.1,[0.04,0.07,0.09,0.13,0.21,0.34,0.49,0.59,0.84,0.99,0”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Invetsment_on_housing_3 |
aux | Impact_on_built_up_space = GRAPH(TIME,0,0.1,[0.02,0.08,0.13,0.16,0.19,0.27,0.36,0.45,0.6,0.69,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio |
aux | Impact_on_built_up_space_1 = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio_1,0,0.1,[0.97,0.98,0.73,0.63,0.54,0.4,0.3,0.26,0.23,0.17,0.12”Min:0;Max:1”]) |
aux | Impact_on_built_up_space_2 = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio_2,0,0.1,[0.97,0.98,0.73,0.63,0.54,0.4,0.3,0.26,0.23,0.17,0.12”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio_2 |
aux | Impact_on_built_up_space_3 = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio_3,0,0.1,[0.97,0.98,0.73,0.63,0.54,0.4,0.3,0.26,0.23,0.17,0.12”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio_3 |
aux | Impact_on_knowldge_workers = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio,0,0.1,[0.03,0,0.05,0.1,0.17,0.25,0.34,0.45,0.59,0.77,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio |
aux | Impact_on_knowldge_workers_1 = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio_1,0,0.1,[0.03,0,0.05,0.1,0.17,0.25,0.34,0.45,0.59,0.77,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio_1 |
aux | Impact_on_knowldge_workers_2 = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio_2,0,0.1,[0.06,0.36,0.56,0.69,0.84,0.91,0.96,1,1,0.99,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio_2 |
aux | Impact_on_knowldge_workers_3 = GRAPH(Energy_tarrif_ratio_3,0,0.1,[0.06,0.36,0.56,0.69,0.84,0.91,0.96,1,1,0.99,1”Min:0;Max:1”]) × Energy_tarrif_ratio_3 |
aux | Investment_from_IT_industry = Earning_from_IT_industry_Normal × Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction |
aux | Investment_from_IT_industry_1 = Earning_from_IT_industry_Pessimistic × Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction_1 |
aux | Investment_from_IT_industry_2 = Earning_from_IT_industry_Optimistic × Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction_2 |
aux | Investment_from_IT_industry_3 = Earning_from_IT_industry_Percieved × Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction_3 |
aux | Investment_in_buit_up_space = Investment_from_IT_industry × Investment_on_built_up_space |
aux | Investment_in_buit_up_space_1 = Investment_from_IT_industry_1 × Investment_on_built_up_space_1 |
aux | Investment_in_buit_up_space_2 = Investment_from_IT_industry_2 × Investment_on_built_up_space_2 |
aux | Investment_in_buit_up_space_3 = Investment_from_IT_industry_3 × Investment_on_built_up_space_3 |
aux | Invetsment_on_housing = Investment_from_IT_industry × Investment_fraction_on_housing |
aux | Invetsment_on_housing_1 = Investment_from_IT_industry_1 × Investment_fraction_on_housing_1 |
aux | Invetsment_on_housing_2 = Investment_from_IT_industry_2 × Investment_fraction_on_housing_2 |
aux | Invetsment_on_housing_3 = Investment_from_IT_industry_3 × Investment_fraction_on_housing_3 |
aux | Number_of_households = (Populatuion−Student_population)/Family_size |
aux | Number_of_households_1 = (Populatuion_1−Student_population_1)/Family_size_1 |
aux | Number_of_households_2 = (Populatuion_2−Student_population_2)/Family_size_2 |
aux | Number_of_households_3 = (Populatuion_3−Student_population_3)/Family_size_3 |
aux | Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand__Normal = Built_up_space_supply/Demand_for_Built_up_space |
aux | Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand_Optimistic = Built_up_space_supply_2/Demand_for_Built_up_space_2 |
aux | Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand_Percieved = Built_up_space_supply_3/Demand_for_Built_up_space_3 |
aux | Ratio_of_Built_up_space_supply_and_demand_Pessimistic = Built_up_space_supply_1/Demand_for_Built_up_space_1 |
aux | Ratio_of_demand_and_supply_of_speciic_quality_house_Optimistic = Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_2/Deamnd_for_specific_quality_houses_Optimistic |
aux | Ratio_of_demand_and_supply_of_speciic_quality_house_Percieved = Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_3/Deamnd_for_specific_quality_houses_3 |
aux | Ratio_of_supply_and_demand_of_spec9c_quality_house_for_Normal = Supply_of_specific_quality_houses/Demand_for_specific_quality_houses_for_IT_industry |
aux | Ratio_supply_and_deamnd__specific_quality_house_Pessimistic = Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_1/Deamnd_for_specific_quality_houses_1 |
aux | Student_houses = Student_population × Housing_demand_per_student |
aux | Student_houses_1 = Student_population_1 × Housing_demand_per_student_1 |
aux | Student_houses_2 = Student_population_2 × Housing_demand_per_student_2 |
aux | Student_houses_3 = Student_population_3 × Housing_demand_per_student_3 |
aux | Student_population = Populatuion × Student_population_fraction |
aux | Student_population_1 = Populatuion_1 × Student_population_fraction_1 |
aux | Student_population_2 = Populatuion_2 × Student_population_fraction_2 |
aux | Student_population_3 = Populatuion_3 × Student_population_fraction_3 |
aux | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses = Housing_supply × Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction |
aux | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_1 = Housing_supply_1 × Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction_1 |
aux | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_2 = Housing_supply_2 × Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction_2 |
aux | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_3 = Housing_supply_3 × Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction_3 |
const | ARF = 0.015 |
const | ARF_1 = 0.015 × 1.25 |
const | ARF_2 = 0.015 |
const | ARF_3 = 0.015 |
const | ARF_4 = 0.015 |
const | BDRF = 0.005 |
const | BDRF_1 = 0.005 |
const | BDRF_2 = 0.005 |
const | BDRF_3 = 0.005 |
const | BRF = 0.075 |
const | BRF_1 = 0.075 |
const | BRF_2 = 0.05 |
const | BRF_3 = 0.06 |
const | BSCFRF = 0.0005 |
const | BSCFRF_1 = 0.0005 × 1.20 |
const | BSCFRF_2 = 0.0005 × 0.5 |
const | BSCFRF_3 = 0.0005 |
const | BSCRF = 0.03 |
const | BSCRF_1 = 0.03 × 0.5 |
const | BSCRF_2 = 0.27 |
const | BSCRF_3 = 0.20 |
const | BSDRF = 0.0005 |
const | BSDRF_1 = 0.0005 × 1.2 |
const | BSDRF_2 = 0.0005 × 0.5 |
const | BSDRF_3 = 0.0005 × 1.5 |
const | BSRF = 0.0005 |
const | BSRF_1 = 0.0005 |
const | BSRF_2 = 0.25 |
const | BSRF_3 = 0.20 |
const | Current_tariff_rate = 1 |
const | Current_tariff_rate_1 = 1 |
const | Current_tariff_rate_2 = 1 |
const | Current_tariff_rate_3 = 1 |
const | Demand_fraction_for_specific_quality_houses = 0.056 |
const | DEMAND_per_KWF = 10 |
doc | DEMAND_per_KWF = SQM |
const | DEMAND_per_KWF_1 = 10 |
doc | DEMAND_per_KWF_1 = SQM |
const | DEMAND_per_KWF_2 = 10 |
doc | DEMAND_per_KWF_2 = SQM |
const | DEMAND_per_KWF_3 = 10 |
doc | DEMAND_per_KWF_3 = SQM |
const | Demand_Specific_quality_housing_fraction_2 = 0.038 |
const | Demand_Specific_quality_housing_fraction_3 = 0.05 |
const | DRF = 0.02 |
const | DRF_1 = 0.02 |
const | DRF_2 = 0.02 |
const | DRF_3 = 0.02 |
const | Family_size = 2.3 |
const | Family_size_1 = 2.3 |
const | Family_size_2 = 2.5 |
const | Family_size_3 = 2.5 |
const | HCRF = 0.045 |
const | HCRF_1 = 0.045 |
const | HCRF_2 = 0.12 |
const | HCRF_3 = 0.07 |
const | HDGRF = 0.0056 |
const | HDGRF_1 = 0.0056 |
const | HDGRF_2 = 0.0056 |
const | HDGRF_3 = 0.0056 |
const | HDPRF = 0.0085 |
const | HDPRF_1 = 0.0085 |
const | HDPRF_2 = 0.0085 |
const | HDPRF_3 = 0.0085 |
const | Housing_demand_per_student = 0.5 |
const | Housing_demand_per_student_1 = 0.5 |
const | Housing_demand_per_student_2 = 0.5 |
const | Housing_demand_per_student_3 = 0.5 |
const | HRF = 0.01 |
const | HRF_1 = 0.01 |
const | HRF_2 = 0.1 |
const | HRF_3 = 0.01 |
const | IMRF = 0.005 |
const | IMRF_1 = 0.005 |
const | IMRF_2 = 0.01 |
const | IMRF_3 = 0.0045 |
const | Investment_fraction_on_housing = 0.4 |
const | Investment_fraction_on_housing_1 = 0.4 |
const | Investment_fraction_on_housing_2 = 0.4 |
const | Investment_fraction_on_housing_3 = 0.4 |
const | Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction = 0 |
const | Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction_1 = 0 |
const | Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction_2 = 0.3 |
const | Investment_from_IT_indutsry_fraction_3 = 0.20 |
const | Investment_on_built_up_space = 0.6 |
const | Investment_on_built_up_space_1 = 0.6 |
const | Investment_on_built_up_space_2 = 0.6 |
const | Investment_on_built_up_space_3 = 0.6 |
const | ITEGRF = 0.025 |
const | ITEGRF_1 = 0.025 |
const | ITEGRF_2 = 0.025 |
const | ITEGRF_3 = 0.025 |
const | ITEGRF_4 = 0.025 |
const | KWGRF = 0.08 |
const | KWGRF_1 = 0.065 |
const | KWGRF_2 = 0.055 |
const | KWGRF_3 = 0.05 |
const | KWGRF_4 = 0.065 |
const | OMRF_1 = 0.004 |
const | OMRF_2 = 0.005 |
const | OMRF_3 = 0.004 |
const | ORF = 0.004 |
const | Perspective_tariff_rate = 0.85 |
const | Perspective_tariff_rate_1 = 1.0 |
const | Perspective_tariff_rate_2 = 1.5 |
const | Perspective_tariff_rate_3 = 1.3 |
const | Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker = 40 |
const | Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker_1 = 40 |
const | Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker_2 = 40 |
const | Rate_of_earning_per_knowledge_worker_3 = 40 |
const | Specific_quality_housing_fraction_1 = 0.056 |
const | Student_population_fraction = 0.10 |
const | Student_population_fraction_1 = 0.10 |
const | Student_population_fraction_2 = 0.10 |
const | Student_population_fraction_3 = 0.10 |
const | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction = 0.05 |
const | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction_1 = 0.05 × 0.75 |
const | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction_2 = 0.043 |
const | Supply_of_specific_quality_houses_fraction_3 = 0.045 |
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Parameters | Number of Responses | Percent | Sources | Remarks |
Infrastructure | ||||
Housing | 212 | 88.33 | HH survey | Corroborated real estate by experts and IT industry professionals |
Energy (electrical power) | 192 | 80.41 | HH survey | Corroborated by Energy experts and IT professionals |
Build up space for IT industry | 176 | 73.33 | HH survey | Corroborated by Urban planners and IT professionals |
Water supply and sanitation | 82 | 34.16 | HH survey | |
Local transportation | 73 | 30.41 | HH survey | |
Environment and Image | ||||
Local environment | 112 | 46.67 | HH survey | |
Economic image | 162 | 67.5 | HH survey | IT professionals |
Policy | ||||
IT policy of the county | 8 | 53.33 | IT industry survey | |
IT policy of the city | 10 | 66.67 | IT industry survey | |
Incentives for location of IT industry | 8 | 53.33 | IT industry survey | |
Investment | ||||
Investment in IT industry | 9 | 60.0 | IT industry survey | |
Investment in general industry | 8 | 53.33 | IT industry survey | |
Investment in infrastructure | 7 | 46.67 | HH survey | Corroborated by experts |
Human Resources | ||||
Availability of skilled human resources | 8 | 53.33 | IT industry survey | |
Attrition rate of human resource | 11 | 73.33 | IT industry survey | |
Potential availability of human resources | 7 | 46.67 | IT industry survey |
Variables | Current Status | Remarks |
Earnings from the IT industry | Stock | Per year |
No of houses | stock | Per year |
Population | stock | Per year |
Build up space for the IT industry | stock | Per year |
Knowledge workers (Human resource) | Stock | Per year |
Housing construction rate | Rate | + |
Housing depreciation rate | Rate | − |
Housing degradation rate | Rate | − |
Housing refurbishment rate | Rate | + |
Built up space construction rate | Rate | + |
Built up space depreciation rate | Rate | − |
Built up space degradation rate | Rate | − |
Built up space refurbishment rate | Rate | + |
Built up space change of function rate | Rate | − |
Knowledge worker’s inflow growth rate | Rate | + |
Attrition rate | Rate | − |
Population Birth rate | Rate | + |
Population Death rate | Rate | − |
Population immigration rate | Rate | + |
Population outmigration rate | Rate | − |
Energy (tariff) | auxiliary | |
Investment | auxiliary | |
Demand for houses | auxiliary | |
Supply of houses | auxiliary | |
Demand for specific quality houses | auxiliary | |
Supply of specific quality houses | auxiliary | |
Ratio of supply and demand of specific quality houses | auxiliary | |
Supply of built up space | auxiliary | |
Demand for built up space | auxiliary | |
Ratio of supply and demand of built up space | auxiliary | |
Ratio of perspective and current energy tariff | auxiliary |
Sl No. | Scenario | Variation in Conditions in the Feedback Mechanisms |
1 | Normal scenario | Business as usual and current growth rate of all the rate variables remain unchanged during the projected period. |
2 | Houses | Increase of special quality houses for knowledge workers by minimum 0% to maximum 30% of the current level. |
3 | Energy | Energy tariff varies between maximum reduction of 30% to maximum increase of 50% of the current level. |
4 | Built up space for IT industry | Increase of built up space for the IT industry from minimum 0% to maximum 30% of the current level. |
5 | Investment from IT industry | Increase in investment from the IT industry in infrastructure development from minimum 0% to maximum 30% of the current level. |
© 2019 by the author. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Share and Cite
Das, D.K. Exploring Perspectives of the Information Technology Industry in a South African City. Sustainability 2019, 11, 6520. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11226520
Das DK. Exploring Perspectives of the Information Technology Industry in a South African City. Sustainability. 2019; 11(22):6520. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11226520
Chicago/Turabian StyleDas, Dillip Kumar. 2019. "Exploring Perspectives of the Information Technology Industry in a South African City" Sustainability 11, no. 22: 6520. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11226520
APA StyleDas, D. K. (2019). Exploring Perspectives of the Information Technology Industry in a South African City. Sustainability, 11(22), 6520. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11226520