1. Introduction
Global warming caused by the increase of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has been identified as one of the most important environmental issues currently faced by human civilization. Carbon dioxide (CO
2) is known to be a primary anthropogenic greenhouse gas. In urban areas, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [
1], climate change is projected to increase environmental risks for people, assets, economies and ecosystems, including risks from heat stress, storms and extreme precipitation, inland and coastal flooding, landslides, air pollution, drought, water scarcity, sea level rise and storm surges. Increasing urban greenspaces is one proposed method of mitigating these problems through urban planning [
Greenspace in urban areas reduces atmospheric CO
2 through sequestration, shading and evapotranspiration. Shading and evapotranspiration reduce atmospheric CO
2 indirectly by reducing the necessity for air conditioning [
11], which decreases CO
2 emissions from electric power generation. CO
2 sequestration is the direct removal of CO
2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and the fixation of carbon in plant litter and root exudates. The capacity of urban greenspaces (urban forests, parks, trees, etc.) to sequester CO
2 in plants and soils has already been quantified [
16], demonstrating that an ecosystem can serve as a carbon sink over a sufficient time period.
However, urban areas are covered mainly by impervious surfaces (e.g. streets, parking lots and buildings), which makes it difficult to plant trees and increase urban greenspace. Accordingly, a green roof, which replaces an impervious surface with greenspace, is a key solution to this problem. The total area of green roofs in Japan actually increased about 29-fold between 2000 (135,222 m
2) and 2013 (3,875,716 m
2). Green roofs also contribute to atmospheric CO
2 reduction through their reduction energy consumption of buildings and sequestration of carbon in plants and substrates. The energy saving potential of green roofs has been widely investigated [
23] and Sailor and Bass [
24] developed a web tool—the Green Roof Energy Calculator—to readily estimate the annual energy savings for a building with a green roof. By contrast, although Getter et al. [
25] and Whittinghill et al. [
26] measured the capacity of green roofs to sequester carbon in plants and substrates, efforts to quantify carbon sequestration in green roofs have been limited.
A green roof can be classified as extensive or intensive. The extensive type is characterized by a shallow substrate (<20 cm deep) and requires little maintenance. In contrast, the substrate depth of an intensive green roofs is greater than 20 cm and can support the growth of woody plants. However, an intensive green roof requires careful maintenance and is costly. Because of these reasons, the extensive green roof is currently more common. In particular, modular extensive green roof systems are used exclusively in Japan. They are designed for ease of installation and alteration and generally consist of vegetation mats, substrate, substrate containers, water reservoir trays, water proofing membrane, edge dividers and an irrigation system.
These green roof system components have potential environmental impacts throughout their life cycles (raw material extraction, manufacture, distribution, use, repair and maintenance and disposal or recycling). Several studies have used the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology to determine the environmental impacts of green roofs [
29]. These studies compared the environmental load and benefits of green roofs and assessed their overall environmental impacts. In particular, a study by Bianchini and Hewage [
30] indicated that the annual air pollution (NO
2, SO
2 and O
3) reduction from a green roof will offset the emissions associated with its production after 13 to 32 years. The study calculated the amount of air pollution created by the production of the polymers of a typical green roof system and compared their results with its pollution removal capacity [
31]. However, there have been few studies on the CO
2 payoff of modular green roofs and the carbon balance of a modular green roof system—that is, whether it acts as a sink or a source—is therefore open to debate.
In studies estimating the emissions reduction potential of power plants utilizing renewable energy, CO
2 payoff is often defined as the CO
2 payback time [
34]. This index is calculated as the ratio of the CO
2 emissions from the production of each power plant to the annual CO
2 reduction resulting from the generation of electricity from renewables.
In this study, therefore, we used LCA methodology to calculate the CO
2 emissions from the production process and maintenance practices of a modular green roof and investigated the annual CO
2 sequestration by several green roof plants (
Figure 1). In addition, we estimated the amount of energy saved of buildings with green roofs using the Green Roof Energy Calculator. We used these parameters to assess the CO
2-payoff for modular green roofs by calculating their CO
2 payback time. We defined the CO
2 payback time of a green roof system as the time it takes total CO
2 reduction by the system to offset the CO
2 emitted during its production and maintenance.
2. Materials and Methods
In order to estimate CO2 emissions and energy savings from a modular green roof, we set a hypothetical average for green roofs in Japan to a greening area of 200 m2 and a substrate depth of 5 cm. We conducted partial LCA for the hypothetical green roofs. The functional unit studied was 1 m2 of the modular green roof with a service lifetime of 45 years on a flat concrete roof. We therefore converted our results for CO2 emissions and reductions into values per m2.
2.1. CO2 Emission from a Modular Green Roof
2.1.1. Definition of Goal and Scope
In this section, we calculated the CO2 emitted during the production and maintenance of a typical modular green roof.
We defined the system boundaries as the production processes for the system components (substrate, substrate containers, water reservoir trays, water proofing membrane, edge dividers, irrigation tubes, irrigation pipes and automatic watering device) and the maintenance practices (irrigation and fertilization) of a modular green roof system. The life cycle system included the extraction and refinement of raw materials and the consumption of natural resources. The production process for vegetation mats in a farm and transportation of the components were not taken into account because of a lack of relevant information.
2.1.2. Inventory Analysis
We collected data from companies and experts about the components and maintenance practices of a typical modular green roof system. We calculated the CO2 emission factors for each component and maintenance practice using the MiLCA LCA software developed by the Japan Environmental Management Association for Industry. We used inter-industrial relation analysis to calculate the CO2 emission factors of the irrigation tube and automatic watering device. This analytical method is a form of economic analysis based on the interdependencies between economic and environmental sectors. It enables us to estimate the environmental impacts of products throughout their costs. For all of the other components and maintenance practices, we used a bottom-up approach for building the inventory. We calculated the amount of CO2 emitted by each component or maintenance practice by multiplying its CO2 emission factor by the quantity of that component used in the hypothetical green roof.
We set the dimensions of a typical green roof at 12.5 m by 16 m (200 m
2) and we calculated the use of each green roof system component in this size. A schematic drawing of a typical modular green roof system (with the irrigation pipes and automatic watering device excluded) is shown in
Figure 2. The main raw materials used to produce each component and the quantity of each component used in the hypothetical green roof, are shown in
Table 1.
The substrate contains more than 50% perlite, along with compost and zeolite. We calculated the CO2 emission factors of each substrate component using MiLCA and weighed their individual content ratios (kg·kg−1). We used the results to calculate a CO2 emission factor for the substrate.
The substrate containers were made of polypropylene, with numerous small holes for drainage. The substrate containers were 50 cm long by 50 cm wide and 6.5 cm deep. Vegetation mats were planted in the containers after filling with substrate to a depth of 5 cm. Each container was connected to adjoining containers to prevent wind uplift.
Drainage from the containers was collected in the water reservoir trays, which were 50 cm long by 50 cm wide by 1.5 cm deep and made of polyvinyl chloride. Each reservoir tray was also connected to adjoining trays.
The irrigation pipes connected the automatic watering device to the irrigation tubes, which were aligned under every second substrate container (13 lines × 16 m). The irrigation pipe needed to be aligned with the edge of the green roof, so we set the length of the irrigation pipe to 15 m. Irrigation pipe consists mainly of polyvinyl chloride.
The water proofing membrane was also made of polyvinyl chloride and was 0.3 mm thick. This membrane was the final layer of the modular green roof system and served as water proofing and a root barrier. It was intended to protect the building from penetration by water and roots.
The edge dividers were made of aluminum and used for sealing the edge of the green roof (57 m). The edge dividers play a crucial role in locking the green roof components in place and preventing wind uplift.
According to the inter-industry relations analysis implemented in MiLCA, the prices of the irrigation tubes and automatic watering device for the hypothetical green roof were $142 and $231, respectively, at an exchange rate of 110 yen to the U.S. dollar.
The use of water and fertilizer during maintenance of the hypothetical green roof are shown in
Table 1. According to an interview with a relevant company, a green roof is irrigated 101 times annually, with 8 L·m
−2 of water used for each irrigation. Fertilizer is applied twice annually, with 20 g·m
−2 used each time.
2.2. CO2 Sequestration by Several Green Roof Plants
In order to quantify CO2 sequestration in green roofs, we investigated the annual CO2 sequestration by three grass species—Cynodon dactylon Pers., Festuca arundinacea Schreb. and Zoysia matrella L. “Himekourai-shiba”—and a flowering plant, Sedum aizoon L. Grasses and Sedum species are the most common green roof vegetation in Japan.
This experiment was conducted at the Center for Environment, Health and Field Sciences at Chiba University over one year. All plants in this experiment were propagated as cuttings in plug flats (128 cells·tray−1) filled with seedling propagation soil (Metro Mix; Sun Gro Horticulture, Agawam, USA). After approximately one month, the plugs were planted in 0.2 L polyethylene pots (44 cm2) filled to a depth of 5 cm with commercial artificial soil for green roofs (the same as the substrate mentioned above) and grown in a greenhouse for two months. They were then placed on the rooftop and acclimated for three weeks. For a more accurate simulation in this experiment, we should have used the same modular green roof system. However, we used polyethylene pots and irrigated by hand sowing because we had to test a number of experimental plants using a limited roof area.
At the start of the experiment, on October 20, 2014, we sampled all species from a total of 15 pots over a period of about 10 days. Green roofs composed of grasses are generally fitted with irrigation systems to prevent drought stress. In contrast, irrigation systems are less common in Sedum green roofs because Sedum uses the CAM photosynthetic pathway and is thus better adapted to drought conditions. The S. aizoon pots were therefore assigned randomly to irrigation and non-irrigation treatments after the first sampling. Plants in the irrigation treatment group were watered once a week from January to March, once every two days from April to June, every day from July to September and once every two days from October to December. The non-irrigation treatment group was never irrigated. The three grass species received only the irrigation treatment, in keeping with general cultivation practice. All treatments received about 20 g·m−2 (0.1 g·pot−1) of controlled-release fertilizer (8N-8P-8K) on June 13 and August 13, 2015. As the end of the experiment, on October 20, 2015, we harvested 15 pots, including all species and treatments.
All plants were dried at 70 °C for 72 h and then divided into plant and substrate matter. Plant and substrate carbon concentrations were measured using an organic elemental analyzer (2400 SeriesⅡ CHNS/O System; PerkinElmer, Waltham, MA, USA). Carbon content was quantified by multiplying carbon concentration by the dry weight. Annual CO2 sequestration was calculated by subtracting the total carbon content in October 2014 from the total carbon content in October 2015.
In order to calculate the leaf area index (LAI) of the four species in summer, 15 pots, including all species and treatments, were sampled on August 20, 2015 and divided into leaves and non-leaf parts. Leaves were scanned (LP-A500; EPSON, Nagano, Japan) and image analysis software was used to measure the leaf area (ImageJ [
35]). The LAI was calculated as leaf area per 44 cm
2 (the area of each polyethylene pot).
Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics version 22.0 (IBM Japan, Tokyo, Japan). Differences in mean values were assessed with a Student's t-test.
2.3. Estimation of the Energy Savings Amount
We used the Green Roof Energy Calculator to estimate the energy saved by a building covered with the hypothetical green roof (200 m
2 greening area of rooftop, 5 cm substrate depth). This web tool was developed from the Energyplus-based green roof model [
24] and requests the following information: state and city, surface area of the roof, building type (old or new, office or apartment), substrate depth (limited to 5 cm < depth < 30 cm), leaf area index (limited to 0.5 < LAI < 5), irrigation flag (yes or no), percentage of roof covered by the green roof system and roofing type for the non-green roof area [black (albedo: 0.15) or white (albedo: 0.65)]. Because this tool requires LAI values, we ran separate simulations for the
C. dactylon,
F. arundinacea,
Z. matrella and
S. aizoon green roofs, as was done in the CO
2 sequestration experiment. The growing media characteristics for all green roof simulations were set as follows: thermal conductivity 0.35 W·mK
−1, density 1100 kg·m
−3, specific heat 1200 J·kgK
−1, saturation volumetric moisture 0.3, residual volumetric moisture 0.01, initial volumetric moisture 0.1. See the article for further details of GREC [
The location was entered as Houston, Texas, because the meteorological conditions in that city resemble those in Tokyo, Japan. The percentage of roof covered by the green roof system was set at 50%, which set the surface area of the roof at 400 m2. In Japan, about 90% of green roofs are located on new building, so the building type was set as “new office.” In order to embed the LAI values in summer into this model, the results in August 2015 was added. The irrigation flag was set as “yes” for all simulations, expect for that of the non-irrigated S. aizoon roof. The roofing type for the non-green roof area was set as “black.”
The reduction in electricity and gas consumption was estimated in kWh and converted to CO2 emissions reduction (kg-CO2) using the CO2 emission factor (0.505 kg-CO2·kWh−1) obtained from the Ministry of the Environment in Japan.
2.4. CO2 Payback Time of Modular Green Roofs
In non-irrigated green roof systems (the non-irrigation treatment), CO
2 emitted during the production of the irrigation system (irrigation tubes, irrigation pipes and automatic watering device) and associated with the annual water supply was excluded from the calculation of the total CO
2 emissions from the modular green roof. The amount of annual CO
2 sequestration by the green roof plants may decrease with their age because carbon in plants and soils eventually reaches a carbon equilibrium, with sequestration offset by decomposition [
37]. Therefore, we calculated the CO
2 payback time based on two different scenarios. In Scenario 1, we hypothesized that the CO
2 sequestration by green roof plants occurs only during the first year after construction. CO
2 payback time for this scenario was defined as
In Scenario 2, we hypothesized that the same amount of CO
2 sequestration by the green roof plants occurs every year. CO
2 payback time for this scenario was defined as
where CO
2 e-p is the amount of CO
2 emitted during the production of the modular green roof system, CO
2 r-s is the annual CO
2 reduction owing to CO
2 sequestration, CO
2 r-e is the annual CO
2 reduction owing to energy savings and CO
2 e-m is the annual CO
2 emission from maintenance of the hypothetical green roof.