1. Introduction
Fish and fishery products are important for maintaining a healthy diet [
1] and are a major source of nutrition for hundreds of millions of people worldwide [
2]. Marine fishery resources are perishable goods dramatically affected by fishing and storage conditions. Furthermore, fishery is an export-oriented sector, in which information asymmetry plays a fundamental role in relation to product origins [
3]. The demands for fish and fishery products are expected to increase in the future due to population expansion in developing countries [
4] and to increase per capita consumption driven mainly by developing countries, especially China [
5]. This report expects that food fish supply per capita will increase in China, India, and Brazil by 19.5%, 11.7%, and 32.3%, respectively, by 2025, which is the target year for the global improvements in maternal, infant and young child nutrition outlined in the Rome Declaration on Nutrition [
5]. This growth is expected to significantly increase worldwide demand for fish and fishery products.
The rapid growth in demand for fish and fishery products increases the risk of stock depletion due to over-exploitation. The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) [
5] has pointed out that marine fish stocks declined from 1974 to 2011, and the remainder were estimated to be fished at a biologically unsustainable level. To move towards solving the problem of overfishing, recently some indicators of sustainability (e.g., marine ecological footprint, fishprint, primary production required) have been analysed [
6] and several types of tools and management strategies (e.g., total allowable catches, marine protected areas, and individual transferable quotas) have been created [
7]. Additionally, marine resource management was individually established as goal 14, “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans and marine resources for sustainable development”, in the sustainable development goals (SDGs) adopted by the United Nations [
Technology development is another important factor in satisfying the future demand for fish and fishery products by improving the catchability of the harvesting sector and preventing resource depletion [
9]. Additionally, new aquaculture technology can boost production, supply high-quality fish products, and contribute to the protection of fragile aquatic environments [
10]. In addition to fishing and aquaculture technology, new fish product technologies contribute to economic development, e.g., through value-adding processing such as surimi technology [
11]. Therefore, fishery technology development plays an important role in achieving sustainable fishery resource management [
However, the priority for research and development (R&D) differs based on the type of fishery technology due to differences in the incentives for technology development (e.g., expected profit, policy and regulation, availability of financing). Additionally, R&D strategies for fishery technology differ between countries due to varying dietary cultures and available fish resources. Understanding the diversity of fishery resources and fishery technologies available or under development is an essential step towards obtaining international agreements for fishery resource conservation [
To consider the characteristics of fishery technologies, we applied patent data with the fishery technology classification used by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development [
14]. By following this classification, we can separate fishery technologies into three types: harvesting technology, aquaculture technology, and new products technology. A description of each technology is provided in
Table 1, and a list of patent classifications is introduced in
Table S1 in the supplementary material.
Patent data analyses are widely applied to evaluate R&D activities in the fields of engineering, economics, and corporate management [
15]. Nicol et al. [
16] explained the technological development of Antarctic krill products using krill-related patents-granted data. Popp [
17] analysed the effect of energy prices on R&D activities using patent data. He considered the share of energy-related patents granted of total patents granted as the proxy variable of R&D priority for energy technology. Fujii [
18] uses this R&D priority idea to develop the framework of patent decomposition analysis.
Previous studies on fishery technology innovations do not clearly consider the diversity of countries and technological characteristics (e.g., Ninan et al. [
19], Ninan and Sharma [
20]). The objective of this study is to clarify R&D strategy changes for fishery technology development using patent data categorized by country and technology type. The novelty of this study is that it is the first to analyse R&D strategy through the use of fishery technology patent innovations and the application of a decomposition analysis framework. By using decomposition analysis, we can identify the factors affecting fishery technology patents, which is key information needed to support an effective R&D development policy.
According to Fujii and Managi [
21], technology innovation is induced by future business market expansion. Additionally, fishery technology development is driven by fish resource conservation and environmental protection [
22]. As explained above, demand for fish and fishery products will significantly increase, especially in developing countries. Additionally, international treaties and agreements for marine resource management become stricter every year [
23]. Under strict harvesting rules for marine resources, fishery companies will need to invest in fishing gear and geographic information systems for marine resource conservation, which will decrease the incentive to continue harvesting activities [
2]. Meanwhile, the opportunity for aquaculture business will increase, especially in China [
2]. The demand for technology will directly affect the technological development strategy, which is a key factor in R&D activities [
To investigate the research objective more clearly, we established two research hypotheses.
Hypothesis 1. The R&D priority for fishery technology development increased in fishing countries.
Hypothesis 2. The R&D priority placed on aquaculture technology development in fishing countries increased more than that placed on harvesting technology development.
2. Materials and Methods
We employed a decomposition analysis framework to identify changes in the factors involved in fishery technological patents granted. In a decomposition analysis, we use three specific technology groups: harvesting technology, aquaculture technology, and new products technology. To decompose patents granted in the field of fisheries technology, we used three indicators: the priority of the specific fisheries technology (PRIORITY), the importance of fisheries technology in all patents granted (FISHERY), and the scale of R&D activity (SCALE).
We define the PRIORITY indicator as the number of each specific group of fishery technology patents granted divided by the total number of fishery technology patents granted, which gives us the share of specific fishery technology patents granted within the total. This indicator will increase if the number of specific fishery technology patents granted increases more quickly than the total number of fishery technology patents granted, indicating that inventors are concentrating their research resources on these specific technology areas.
Similarly, the FISHERY indicator is defined as the total number of fishery technology patents granted divided by the total number of all patents granted, which gives the share of total fishery technology patents granted within the total. This indicator will increase if the number of total fishery technology patents granted increases more quickly than the number of all patents granted, thus indicating that inventors are concentrating their research resources on fishery technology innovations.
Finally, the SCALE indicator is defined as the total number of all patents granted, which represents the scale of R&D activities. SCALE increases if the total number of all patents granted increases. The number of patents granted for fishery technologies increases due to an increase in overall R&D activities if the SCALE score increases.
Here, we introduce the decomposition approach using the harvesting technology patent group as the specific fisheries technology patents granted (see
Table 1). This follows the methodology introduced by Ang et al. [
24] to calculate a logarithmic mean divisia index (LMDI). The number of harvesting technology patents granted (HARVEST) is decomposed using the total fisheries technology patents granted (FTECH) and total patents granted (TOTAL), as in Equation (1).
Following Ang et al. [
24], we obtained Equation (2) by using logarithmic function. where
Therefore, the changes in the number of patents granted for harvesting technologies (ΔHARVEST) are decomposed by changes in PRIORITY (first term), FISHERY (second term) and SCALE (third term). The term operates as an additive weight for the estimated number of patents granted for harvesting technologies.
In this study, we apply a further transformation of the LMDI to clarify the change ratio of patents granted. We define this ratio as the percentage of change in the number of patents granted in comparison with the base year (t0). To decompose the change ratio, we transform Equation (2) to (3).
One advantage of using the change ratio is that decomposition analysis results can reveal the relative change in different time periods. In this study, we propose a patent decomposition framework to distinguish the change in the priority placed on specific fishery technology innovations from that placed on total fishery technology innovations.
5. Conclusions
This study examined the trend and priority changes in fishery technologies using patents granted data from 1993 to 2015. We focused on the following three technologies: (1) harvesting technologies, (2) aquaculture technologies, and (3) new products technologies. We clarified priority shifts, as reflected in the patents covering innovations in these three technologies, by applying the LMDI decomposition analysis. We obtained the following results.
First, the number of fishery technology patents granted increased from 1993 to 2015; in particular, there was rapid growth in aquaculture patents granted starting in 2012. The main driver of this growth was expansion in the scale of R&D activity and an increase in the priority of fishery technology innovation in China. The revision of the patent application law and subsidy system in China are noted as external factors promoting R&D activity among Chinese innovators.
Second, the priority placed on aquaculture technology innovation decreased only in Japan from 1993 to 2015. This result for the R&D strategy of fishery technologies is unexpected, because Japan is one of the major fish consuming countries [
38]. This information sends a key message to the Japanese government to recognize the necessity of promoting aquaculture technology development in Japan.
Finally, we observe that the priority change for fishery technology innovation is diverse across countries and technology groups. This result has important implications for fishery technology development strategy by inter-governmental activities. For example, the target set in the SDGs was to “Increase scientific knowledge, develop research capacities and transfer marine technology taking into account the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Criteria and Guidelines on the Transfer of Marine Technology” (target 14.a., United Nations [
8]). The differences in fishery technology characteristics provide useful information for clarifying the technological advantage and high-priority technology type in each country, which is key information for promoting inter-governmental agreement to achieve SDG targets.