Diazinon Mediated Biochemical Changes in the African Toad (Bufo regularis)
Materials and Methods
Collection of test organisms
Sublethal bioassay
Biochemical analysis
Determination of acetylcholineste-raseactivity
Determination of corticosterone
Determination of total protein
Statistical analysis
Biochemical indices
Relative correlation between bioaccumulation and alteration in biochemical indices
Author Contributions
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Tongo, I.; Ezemonye, L.; Ochei, U. Diazinon Mediated Biochemical Changes in the African Toad (Bufo regularis). J. Xenobiot. 2012, 2, e4. https://doi.org/10.4081/xeno.2012.e4
Tongo I, Ezemonye L, Ochei U. Diazinon Mediated Biochemical Changes in the African Toad (Bufo regularis). Journal of Xenobiotics. 2012; 2(1):e4. https://doi.org/10.4081/xeno.2012.e4
Chicago/Turabian StyleTongo, Isioma, Lawrence Ezemonye, and Uche Ochei. 2012. "Diazinon Mediated Biochemical Changes in the African Toad (Bufo regularis)" Journal of Xenobiotics 2, no. 1: e4. https://doi.org/10.4081/xeno.2012.e4
APA StyleTongo, I., Ezemonye, L., & Ochei, U. (2012). Diazinon Mediated Biochemical Changes in the African Toad (Bufo regularis). Journal of Xenobiotics, 2(1), e4. https://doi.org/10.4081/xeno.2012.e4