Understanding the Impact of the Nurse Manager’s Vocation for Leadership on the Healthcare Workplace Environments in Mexico: A Grounded Theory Approach
:1. Introduction
1.1. Vocation and Nursing
1.2. Leadership and Nursing
1.3. Workplace Environment and Nursing
1.4. Hypothesis and Objectives
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Study Design and Techniques
2.2. Population, Sample, and Sampling
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- Have a minimum of 5 years’ experience as a manager in their working environment.
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- Have at least some professional training, specialization, and/or postgraduate degree in nursing.
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- Currently holding the position of nurse manager (understood as any formally designated management responsibility).
2.3. Ethical Considerations
2.4. Data Collection and Analysis
2.5. Rigor and Reliability
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- The researcher returned to the informants twice during the data collection process to confirm the findings and review specific data. This was done to verify information that resulted in findings acknowledged by the informants, drawing from their experiences, feelings, and thoughts.
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- In the selection of informants, specific criteria were applied, focusing exclusively on nurse managers in the hospital environment. Simultaneously, the literature search was adjusted to the management context.
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- The interviews were transcribed word-for-word to maintain the veracity of the answers. The analysis of the information was carried out by the “Principal Investigator” and then shown to two other expert investigators, to assure the same or similar conclusions, who had similar perspectives.
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- At the end of the analysis of the information, a triangulation with two expert researchers on the subject was sought, to visualize the reality found in the information, sharing the perspective of the researchers, based on the information.
3. Results
Presentation of the Comprehensive Model
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Public Involvement Statement
Guidelines and Standards Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Phenomenon | Category |
Management development | Nursing Vocation (Vocation for Caring) |
Management Competencies | |
Leadership and management generation | Leadership Vocation |
Leadership and the work environment | Positive Work Environment |
Participant | Gender | Basic Training | Postgraduate Training | Professional Experience | Work Area | Type of Contract |
1 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master of Nursing Services Administration | 16 years | Emergency | Permanent |
2 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Public Health | 16 years | Emergency | Permanent |
3 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Public Health | 17 years | Operating Theatre | Permanent |
4 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing and Midwifery | Master’s Degree in Administration of Health Institutions | 18 years | Intensive Care Unit | Permanent |
5 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | ----- | 15 years | Internal Medicine | Permanent |
6 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Skill in administration | 37 years | Permanent | |
7 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | ----- | 18 years | Intensive Care Unit | Permanent |
8 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Surgical Nursing Specialist | 36 years | Internal Medicine | Permanent |
9 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Administration of Nursing Services | 27 years | Emergency | Permanent |
10 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | ----- | 37 years | Operating Theatre | Permanent |
11 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Surgical Nursing Specialist | 30 years | Internal Medicine | Permanent |
12 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Administration of Nursing Services | 25 years | Emergency | Permanent |
13 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | ----- | 17 years | Operating Theatre | Permanent |
14 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Public Health | 16 years | Emergency | Permanent |
15 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Public Health | 17 years | Operating Theatre | Permanent |
16 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | ----- | 18 years | Intensive Care Unit | Permanent |
17 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Surgical Nursing Specialist | 36 years | Internal Medicine | Permanent |
18 | Female | Bachelor of Nursing | Master in Administration of Nursing Services | 27 years | Emergency | Permanent |
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Share and Cite
Yañez-Lozano, A.; Lillo-Crespo, M. Understanding the Impact of the Nurse Manager’s Vocation for Leadership on the Healthcare Workplace Environments in Mexico: A Grounded Theory Approach. Nurs. Rep. 2024, 14, 1224-1235. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep14020093
Yañez-Lozano A, Lillo-Crespo M. Understanding the Impact of the Nurse Manager’s Vocation for Leadership on the Healthcare Workplace Environments in Mexico: A Grounded Theory Approach. Nursing Reports. 2024; 14(2):1224-1235. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep14020093
Chicago/Turabian StyleYañez-Lozano, Angeles, and Manuel Lillo-Crespo. 2024. "Understanding the Impact of the Nurse Manager’s Vocation for Leadership on the Healthcare Workplace Environments in Mexico: A Grounded Theory Approach" Nursing Reports 14, no. 2: 1224-1235. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep14020093
APA StyleYañez-Lozano, A., & Lillo-Crespo, M. (2024). Understanding the Impact of the Nurse Manager’s Vocation for Leadership on the Healthcare Workplace Environments in Mexico: A Grounded Theory Approach. Nursing Reports, 14(2), 1224-1235. https://doi.org/10.3390/nursrep14020093