SLAM Meets NeRF: A Survey of Implicit SLAM Methods
:1. Introduction
2. Evolution of SLAM and NeRF
2.1. Evolution of SLAM Algorithms
2.2. Evolution of NeRF Algorithms
3. NeRF-Based SLAM State-of-the-Art
3.1. NeRF-Based SLAM in Mapping
3.1.1. Map Representations
- A.
- Implicit Representations
- B.
- Implicit Joint Representations using Voxels
- C.
- Implicit Joint Representations Using Points
3.1.2. Map Encoding
- A.
- Parametric Encoding
- B.
- Frequency Encoding
- C.
- Mixture Encoding
3.2. NeRF-Based-SLAM in Tracking
3.2.1. The Method of Inverting NeRF
3.2.2. The Method of VO
3.3. Loss Function
4. Dataset and System Evaluation
4.1. Datasets
4.2. System Evaluation
4.2.1. Scene Reconstruction Evaluation
4.2.2. TUM Evaluation
5. Current Issues and Future Work
5.1. Dynamic Environment Expression
5.2. SDF and Volume Density Considerations
- SDF values and volume densities decoded by MLP networks cannot be mutated without losing texture features. However, since zero iso-surface decision boundaries are abrupt, the use of SDF values can enable the extraction of surfaces containing texture features.
- A loss function based on SDF values constrains the on-surface points and off-surface points, so SDF values can provide more geometric information.
- The loss function of an SDF sets the SDF value away from the surface of the object as a cut-off value. Combined with the voxel skipping strategy, unnecessary calculations can be avoided, while the volume density is affected by floating objects in the air, which requires more sampling points and more calculations. Combined with the voxel skipping strategy, unnecessary calculations can be avoided. And because the volume density is affected by floating objects in the air, the calculation cost is large.
- An SDF value can visually describe the distance between a sampling point and an object’s surface, which is conducive to the realization of AR and VR.
5.3. Loop Detection and Positioning Performance Improvements
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Yang, K.; Cheng, Y.; Chen, Z.; Wang, J. SLAM Meets NeRF: A Survey of Implicit SLAM Methods. World Electr. Veh. J. 2024, 15, 85.
Yang K, Cheng Y, Chen Z, Wang J. SLAM Meets NeRF: A Survey of Implicit SLAM Methods. World Electric Vehicle Journal. 2024; 15(3):85.
Chicago/Turabian StyleYang, Kaiyun, Yunqi Cheng, Zonghai Chen, and Jikai Wang. 2024. "SLAM Meets NeRF: A Survey of Implicit SLAM Methods" World Electric Vehicle Journal 15, no. 3: 85.
APA StyleYang, K., Cheng, Y., Chen, Z., & Wang, J. (2024). SLAM Meets NeRF: A Survey of Implicit SLAM Methods. World Electric Vehicle Journal, 15(3), 85.