Identity-as-a-Service: An Adaptive Security Infrastructure and Privacy-Preserving User Identity for the Cloud Environment
:1. Introduction
2. The Need for Identity-as-a-Service
- Trust adaptation: In [33], we proposed to separate the security infrastructure from the application business logic as a new virtualization layer. In particular, we move the trust and protection relationship as well as the identity propagation between application components out of the application implementation and model them as a security topology. The topology describes the AAI components, their relationships with the application components in a platform-independent modelling language. Using the topology, IDaaS can adapt the security infrastructure, establishes a dynamic trust relationship between cloud services on demand, and evaluates any changes in the runtime environment to conform to the model.
- Purpose-based Encryption: In [34], we proposed a broader solution to solve the privacy issues above: We protect PII over an intended channel (i.e., a frontend service), as well as an unintended channel (i.e., a backend service is completely transparent to the user), and against an untrusted host. We also notice that absolute protection does not exist. Thus, we seek an efficient solution that is compliant with the law, in particular, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) [35]. As a result, we proposed a new approach to Purpose-based Encryption (PBE). To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first approach to combine Purpose-based Access Control and Attribute-based Encryption (ABE) to protect the confidentiality of disseminated data with multi-authorities support. Briefly, a user Bob encrypts his PII with a disclosure policy based on three main factors: “domains”, “time”, and “purposes”. Then, IDaaS disseminates Bob’s encrypted PII in various domains. Only services hosted in specific domains (e.g., Facebook, Salesforce) can decrypt the ciphertext within a given period (e.g., 14 days), if and only if the access purposes of the service (e.g., marketing, purchase) satisfy the intended purposes that Bob specifies before. Our PBE is efficient: First, our solution involves the least user interaction to prevent identity theft via the human link. Second, the implementation can be easily adapted to existing IDM systems, and the performance is fast.
3. Related Work and Discussions
3.1. Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure
3.2. Privacy-Preserving User Identity
4. Architecture Design Overview
4.1. Design Principles for Trust Adaptation
4.2. Design Principles of Purpose-Based Encryption
5. Trust Adaptation
5.1. Topology Modelling
5.1.1. Node Types
5.1.2. Capabilities Types
- DirectTrust: An SP (trustor) trusts a service consumer (trustee) directly. When using this trust model, the service consumer indicates the SP to execute further using the service consumer’s identity itself (actor). This trust model may generate a security policy that builds a mutual trust relationship between Web services such as the “SSL transport binding” [57].
- DirectBrokerTrust: An SP (trustor) trusts a service consumer (trustee) to generate a self-signed identity for a user. The service consumer indicates the SP to execute further using the user identity (actor). This trust model may generate a security policy that builds a mutual trust relationship between Web services and transmits a self-signed user identity such as the “SAML assertion Sender Vouches over SSL” [57].
- IndirectTrust: An SP (trustor) trusts an IdP (trustee) for issuing a user identity. The service consumer may act on behalf of a user (i.e., identity impersonation) or act as the user (i.e., identity delegation) to request a user identity from the IdP. The consumer indicates the SP to execute further using the user identity (actor). This trust model may generate a security policy that establishes trust with an unknown Web service and transmits a user identity such as the “Symmetric binding with supporting token” [57].
5.1.3. Relationship Types
5.2. Experimental Results
5.2.1. Test Environment
5.2.2. Migration Workflow
5.3. Implementation
5.4. Evaluation
6. Purpose-Based Encryption
6.1. Multi-Authority ABE Scheme
6.2. PII Encryption
6.3. The Life Cycle of PII in Federated Security Domains
6.4. Experimental Results
6.4.1. Test Environment
6.4.2. The Lifecycle of PII under Test
6.5. Implementation
6.6. Evaluation
6.6.1. Performance
- Security levels: The ABE scheme computes bilinear pairing operations. The National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) has recommended the sizes for secure settings of parings and their validity period [77]. Our implementation also follows these key size settings of NIST for both AES and ABE.
- Key attributes: The decryption of the ABE scheme has (2l + 1) pairing operations for l key attributes, and the pairing is an expensive operation. By using the segment tree [74], we can reduce any numerical ranges of size N by a set of size log2(N) key attributes. Also, we present the access time policy in a “day” unit, which takes at most 10 key attributes. The “day” unit is not as precise as “millisecond”. However, most examples of data retention in the P3P [2] are in days, so we think the “day” unit is reasonable.
6.6.2. Benefits and Limitations
- Identity propagation between intermediaries: Each intermediate service in the call chain (e.g., the shopping and delivery service) uses the SAML response to perform a purpose authorisation request without the user interaction. Therefore, we prevent identity theft in case of users mistakenly decide, which attributes to disclose to a service. According to GDPR, the data controller is accountable for transferring PII to the data processor. That is, the data controller must determine the purposes of PII processing. In other words, when a cloud service registers on a cloud provider, it must provide its business information to the cloud provider such as the access purpose of the service. The IdP use this information to authorise a purpose request.
- Honest-but-curious IdP or SP: Here, we assume that SPs receive the SAML response and the tokens and try to learn more information about PII. First, the home IdP issues the SAML response with its private key. Therefore, SPs cannot modify the SAML response to request the visitor IdP for more capabilities than they are allowed. Second, SPs cannot combine different tokens from different transactions or users to gain more capabilities (i.e., the decryption simply fails if they do so). On the other hand, the visitor IdP can only issue a purpose token for an SP but does not have the time token to decrypt PII. However, our concept cannot prevent the collusion attacks between the visitor IdP and the SPs. Here, we assume that adversaries cannot control both systems at the same time.
- Dishonest IdP or SP: A dishonest entity is an entity that does not follow the protocol. For example, an IdP authorises a wrong purpose (with more capabilities) to an SP or an SP forwards its purpose token to another service. In such cases, an honest entity can prove that the other side has violated the protocol and the dishonest entity must pay for the penalty (according to GDPR, an entity may pay a penalty up to 20 million Euro). In the Facebook incident, Facebook would prove that it did not authorise Cambridge Analytica for the purpose “analysis”, so the dishonest application, which forwarded the user data, would pay for the penalty.
- Insider attack on an IdP: PII is encrypted on the IdP. Therefore, an administrator of one IdP does not have enough tokens to decrypt it. However, our approach cannot prevent the collusion attacks between the home and visitor IdP. Here, we assume that adversaries cannot control both IdPs at the same time.
- Malicious host: A malicious host may change the execution of plaintext code to bypass the disclosure policies and access data. In our case, if the host running the shopping (or delivery service) changes the cryptographic computation in anyways, the decryption simply fails.
7. Conclusions and Future Work
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
AAI | Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure |
ABE | Attribute-based Encryption |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard |
B2B | Business-to-Business |
DOB | Date Of Birth |
GDPR | General Data Protection Regulation |
IDaaS | Identity-as-a-Service |
IDM | Identity Management |
IdP | Identity Provider |
LSSS | Linear Secret Sharing Scheme |
P3P | Platform for Privacy Preferences Project |
PAT | Purpose Access Token |
PBE | Purpose-based Encryption |
PDP | Policy Decision Point |
PEP | Policy Enforcement Point |
PII | Personal Identifiable Information |
SaaS | Software-as-a-Service |
SP | Service Provider |
TAT | Time Access Token |
TOSCA | Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications |
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Attribute Name | Attribute Value | Purpose | PPurpose | Domain | Country Name | Lifetime (days) |
Last name | Tri | current, contact | purchase, delivery | salesforce, amazon | eu | 30 |
DOB | 01.01.1980 | current | purchase, government | salesforce, amazon | eu | 30 |
Addresses | Berlin… | contact | delivery | salesforce | eu | 14 |
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Vo, T.H.; Fuhrmann, W.; Fischer-Hellmann, K.-P.; Furnell, S. Identity-as-a-Service: An Adaptive Security Infrastructure and Privacy-Preserving User Identity for the Cloud Environment. Future Internet 2019, 11, 116.
Vo TH, Fuhrmann W, Fischer-Hellmann K-P, Furnell S. Identity-as-a-Service: An Adaptive Security Infrastructure and Privacy-Preserving User Identity for the Cloud Environment. Future Internet. 2019; 11(5):116.
Chicago/Turabian StyleVo, Tri Hoang, Woldemar Fuhrmann, Klaus-Peter Fischer-Hellmann, and Steven Furnell. 2019. "Identity-as-a-Service: An Adaptive Security Infrastructure and Privacy-Preserving User Identity for the Cloud Environment" Future Internet 11, no. 5: 116.
APA StyleVo, T. H., Fuhrmann, W., Fischer-Hellmann, K.-P., & Furnell, S. (2019). Identity-as-a-Service: An Adaptive Security Infrastructure and Privacy-Preserving User Identity for the Cloud Environment. Future Internet, 11(5), 116.