1.1. Background and Motivation
A polyomino is a set of edge-connected unit squares in the plane, which we assume is simply connected. We refer to the polyominoes of area n as n-ominoes and for are called monominoes, dominoes, triminoes, tetrominoes, pentominoes, hexominoes, heptominoes, and octominoes, respectively. In this work, we focus on tiling finite regions of the plane R with copies of F free polyominoes . Free polyominoes are the same if reflected (‘flipped’) or rotated, and thus correspond to a physical puzzle piece or tile. For example, there are exactly 12 free pentominoes, illustrated below:
We can rotate
one-sided polyominoes, but not reflect them, while
fixed polyominoes cannot be rotated or reflected. There is no known closed-form formula for enumerating the number of distinct polyominoes (free, one-sided, or fixed) as a function of area or perimeter [
12]. For tiling reasons, we can translate free, one-sided, and fixed polyominoes in a
target region R. We assume the target region is connected, but not necessarily simply connected, i.e., we let
R have ‘holes’. There are two basic tiling situations: tiling with copies of a single free polyomino, or tiling with two or more distinct free polyominoes (with or without copies). We refer to these cases as
monohedral and
multihedral, respectively. For more background theory on polyominoes and tiling with polyominoes, we refer the reader to standard references (see e.g., [
16] and the citations there). There is also a large specialized literature on the many computational and theoretical aspects of tiling the plane with polyominoes [
23], or tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes (e.g., [
40]). Unless stated otherwise, in the rest of this article, we assume polyominoes are free.
Tiling with polyominoes is an example of combinatorial optimization [
42]. The key challenge is to develop algorithms that solve large tiling problems in a reasonable amount of time [
43]. The general problem of tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes is
-complete [
45], and so the associated computational geometry problem rapidly becomes intractable for large instances. Thus, it is important to reduce algorithm complexity for tiling, and this area continues as a fruitful area of research.
The method in this article for tiling relies on combining two different techniques, namely, integer linear programming (ILP) [
46] and checkerboard colouring techniques [
47]. We give a very simple tiling example to motivate our tiling strategy and leave the formal development of the method and definitions to
Section 3. Although the two solutions are obvious, for the sake of introducing the colouring approach, we proceed as though the solution is unknown, to highlight the issues involved.
Consider the problem of tiling the
rectangle, denoted
R, with two L-shaped tetrominoes
, all orientations permitted. Initially, we review the basic ILP approach that was developed in [
46] and then solve the same problem with the addition of colouring techniques.
We introduce a variable
for whether we use a particular placement of a tetromino ( coloured red) to tile the region, illustrated in
Figure 1.
In any tiling of
R, we must cover each of the eight cells exactly once, yielding the following system of eight linear equations in eight unknowns:
Observe that if we sum these equations, we obtain
, which implies that we must use exactly two polyominoes to tile the region. Thus, this constraint is automatically incorporated into the system. A tiling of the region
R corresponds to a binary solution of this system. However, solutions of the extended system where
do not necessarily correspond to a tiling as solutions may also be rational. The reduced row echelon form of this system has seven non-zero rows and eight variables, thus one free variable. Solving this system, using a high-performance optimization package, such as
Gurobi, or
SCIP, yields two binary solutions:
with all other variables equal to zero; and
with all other variables equal to zero, illustrated in
Figure 2. These tilings are trivial variations of each other, obtained by reflecting the entire board horizontally.
We now solve this tiling problem by including checkerboard colouring techniques. The starting point of the approach is to give the target region
R a fixed checkerboard colouring, illustrated in
Figure 3. There is another checkerboard colouring for this region obtained by swapping the black and white squares, but the particular choice of colouring does not matter to the solution procedure.
We also assume that the tetrominoes used to tile
R have a checkerboard colouring, and the two distinct variants are
where all orientations are permitted. Not only must the coloured polyominoes fit in the target region, but the colouring of the cells covered must correspond to the colouring of the cells in the tiles. Using two coloured tetrominoes from this set yields three subcases: tiling with two of the first coloured tetromino; tiling with one coloured tetromino of each variant; or tiling with two of the second coloured tetromino. We focus on the first subcase. We introduce a variable
for whether a particular placement of a coloured tetromino of the first kind in this set is used to tile the region, illustrated in
Figure 4.
In any tiling of the checkerboard coloured region in
Figure 3, each of the eight cells must be covered exactly once, yielding the following system of eight linear equations in four unknowns:
If we sum these equations, we obtain
, which again reflects the fact that we must use exactly two coloured polyominoes of the first variant to tile the region. Thus, this constraint is also automatically incorporated into the system. However, unlike in the previous example, this system has full rank and is thus trivially solved to yield
with all other variables equal to zero, i.e., we have the first tiling solution illustrated in
Figure 2. The third subcase is similar, yielding the second tiling solution illustrated in
Figure 2.
In the second subcase, unlike the first and third subcases, we are tiling with two different coloured polyominoes. So each coloured polyomino has an associated constraint equation that must be incorporated into the linear system (i.e., unlike the case with a single polyomino or coloured polyomino, they are not both automatically incorporated into the linear system). This is like the multihedral case for tiling with polyominoes [
46], which we review in the next section. The system of equations arising from the second subcase also has full rank; however, the unique solution of the extended system with
is non-binary, and thus does not correspond to a tiling solution. This tiling example, although very simple, highlights an important point. When we combine checkerboard colouring techniques with the ILP approach for tiling, the problem can split into several subproblems with a reduction in subproblem complexity. Each subproblem is independently solvable, and the solutions to the full problem were partitioned among the subproblems.
The problem we introduced above is very simple, and not only because it is a small monohedral problem. The tetromino we used to tile the region is what we call ‘balanced’, i.e., when we apply a checkerboard colouring to this tile, the number of black cells is equal to the number of white cells. Thus, when tiling a region with
N copies of a balanced tile, there will always be
subcases to consider when seeking all tiling solutions:
r tiles of the second coloured variant with
tiles of the first coloured variant, where
. However, we often tile with checkerboard coloured polyominoes that are not balanced, in which case the splitting of the full problem into subproblems depends on the ‘parity’ of the tiles and the target region, where we define parity as the number of black squares minus the number of white squares of a tile or region (see the next section and [
1.2. Goals and Related Work
The traditional approach to tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes employs backtracking, which is the default way in computer science for exploring the search tree of a combinatorial problem [
52]. Although backtracking is quick for some problems, it only refines a ‘brute-force’ solution procedure for exhaustively finding all solutions to a combinatorial search problem. Another less commonly used ‘brute-force’ approach to tiling with polyominoes employs either evolutionary computation [
26] or genetic algorithms [
53]; however, such approaches are likely considerably less efficient than backtracking. The only other general-purpose algorithmic procedure to tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes that we are aware of uses ILP, first introduced in [
46]. There are several potential advantages of an algebraic approach to tiling over the backtracking methods. In [
46], the authors note that with ILP the “the structure, combinatorial nature, and solvability of the model can be analyzed”. Finally, we mention there are many pure mathematical results for proving that a set of polyominoes tiles a region, for example, using the combinatorial group theory approach of J.H. Conway [
56]. However, these methods typically apply only to special cases and thus, we cannot make them algorithmic.
It is interesting to note that the tiling problem, which is here regarded as an ILP instance, can also be considered a satisfiability problem (SAT) [
59], for which there are a number of powerful solvers. Examples of suitable open-source SAT solvers include
Lingeling; see
http://fmv.jku.at/lingeling/ (accessed on 20 March 2022) and
MapleSAT, see
https://sites.google.com/a/gsd.uwaterloo.ca/maplesat/maplesat (accessed on 20 March 2022). Unfortunately, however, the overhead of enforcing the conditions that we use each tile a fixed number of times is prohibitive. Further details are provided in
Appendix A.
The focus of the current article is to combine checkerboard colouring techniques adapted from [
47] with a recently introduced ILP method [
46] for tiling with polyominoes. The checkerboard colouring method [
47] was originally used to identify large impossible tiling problems, i.e., the opposite of what we aim to do here. Our checkerboard colouring techniques often splits large tiling problems into smaller tiling subproblems, where each subproblem is represented as a separate ILP problem. Problems that are amenable to this approach are embarrassingly parallel. This article provides proof of concept of a parallelizable ILP approach for tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes. We construct the ILP formulations of the tiling problems in
MATLAB and compute the numerical solutions using
CPLEX, a high-performance optimization package. The primary goal is to analyze when this approach yields a potential parallel speedup.
For tiling problems solved via a parallelizable ILP optimization technique, there are two basic aims: (i) find a single tiling solution (i.e., an optimal solution), and (ii) find all tiling solutions. In the former case, when we apply our checkerboard colouring techniques, we seek the subcase yielding an optimal solution computed in the least amount of time. In the latter case, it is the subcase that takes the longest time to compute all solutions that is of interest; if this takes less time to compute than for the full (uncoloured) problem, then we have a potential parallel speedup.
The simple tiling examples discussed above raise many questions, namely the following:
When do the checkerboard colouring techniques split the problem into multiple (≥2) independently solvable subproblems?
For large problems (a large target region and/or the use of many tiles), what is an appropriate measure of problem complexity and the work done to compute tiling solutions?
Under what situations does this ‘splitting’ technique yield a potential parallel speedup with parallel computing?
We structure the remaining parts of this article as follows. After giving some preliminary details about checkerboard colouring in
Section 2, we describe how to build the ILP model formulation for tiling in
Section 3. In
Section 4, we describe how large tiling problems often split into many smaller tiling subproblems with the application of checkerboard colouring techniques.
Section 5 deals with the theoretical issues of complexity, measures of performance, and problem classification.
Section 6 presents the numerical solution of medium to large tiling problems, and in
Section 7 we make some general comments about algorithm performance. Concluding remarks are in
Section 8. Finally, in
Appendix A, we discuss the possible application of an SAT solver to our tiling problem.