1. Introduction
The concept of white noise realization corresponds to randomness in appearance and distribution of signals [
4]. For audible signals, the conforming range is the band of frequencies from 20 to 20,000 Hz. The randomness of such signals in this range is usually perceived by the human ear as a hissing sound with different volume intensities. White noise also manifests itself in myriad natural phenomena. For example, noises of various intensities of the sea waves, waterfall, rain, wind, etc. Outside nature, in technical systems, white noise appears in p-n junctions of semiconductors, in roars of different engines (vehicles, aircrafts, etc.), in the overlapping of many sounds associated with big cities and metropolitan life (traffic, construction, honking, life support systems), and so on.
An analysis of the literature shows that most of the articles describe different applications of white noise, as well as its recognition in transmitted signals. This includes the areas such as theoretical and applied mathematics [
9], physical research [
13], electronic and radio engineering [
23], acoustics and noise phenomena [
25], computer algorithms [
27], geological prospecting and exploration [
29], medical and biological research [
36], psychology and psychiatry [
38], and others. It is worth noting that significant results have been achieved in those fields.
On the other hand, the literature describes the methods of white noise creation, as well as its use in the artificial modeling of various situations. A fundamental feature of this direction is the condition that a white noise generator is required initially. The first approach, in this case, uses techniques of recording the physical phenomena with subsequent digitizing and postprocessing filtration [
40]. This method provides quasi “natural” or “realistic” white noise, however the numerical accuracy of the registration of stochastic quantities is often not sufficient. Moreover, the technical realization is quite expensive. The second approach in creating a white noise generator utilizes the techniques of computer-based algorithms. In this case, the generation accuracy is quite high. However, different algorithmic methods have varying degrees of generation quality and usually they are associated with diverse disadvantages. To analyze the grade of generation, the verification methods are commonly applied.
As an example, in [
41] the following form for white noise generation is proposed; it should be noted here that this is just one of many ways to implement a white noise generator. As a basis for forming
n values
of white noise (provided that
) the function
rand() from
Microsoft Visual Studio could be utilized. The algorithmic expression used in [
41] can be represented here in the following mathematical form:
By using this expression, the resulting values can be obtained in the range . This simple formula allows creation of the elements in the required diapason. The next mandatory step is to check the condition of how much the obtained values really are the elements of a process with white noise properties. For such verification it is necessary to consider how the white noise process and the properties of its elements are formed, and here it all depends on the quality of the function rand() and its maximum value of randmax. Let us consider this in more details.
From a general point of view, the numerical sequences form a stationary random process if the characteristics of this process are not changing during its implementation. One such characteristic is the consistent observation of the presence of numerical values over the time period. Commonly, the term observation is replaced by the equivalent concept of counting. Therefore, the summation of all countings makes up the process with elements . A number of n consecutive countings can be collected together as an information signal S. Formally, there can be many signals, and each of them is a subset of the process . Let us denote the initial counting in signal S as ; the next one should have the following index . Carrying on with the numbering of countings, the last one in this case would have the designation . This means that only the first initial n countings are considered in signal S. Let us assign this initial signal as .
Considering the random process further, it becomes obvious that since there are only n countings in that signal, starting from index 0 to . This means that the next signal starts from the counting . However, the initial counting in each signal (, , etc.) should have a zero index relative to the beginning of the signal. To overcome this issue, the dual indexing, such as , is used. The first index i indicates the signal number , while the second one j specifies the assigned number of the counting in the corresponding signal. In this case the next counting in a random process is denoted in a random signal by a double indexing . This approach allows consideration of the countings of a random process from the point of view related to their sorting by signals.
Usually, the sequential signals are considered, and each of them contains an equal number of n countings with equal time intervals τ between them. In this case, the time of each information signal S could be designated as . If the time τ between countings admits a continual interpretation, then continuous stationary random processes are considered. If the interval time τ and the number of countings n are finite in the signal S, then such processes are discrete. Generally, the mathematical transition from continuous signals to discrete ones is carried out using the Dirac delta function.
In a random discrete process, the countings are following one by one sequentially. Dividing a process into n sequential countings can be interpreted as observing the sequential discrete signal. Thus, the initial n countings provide forming the signal ; the next n countings organize the subsequent signal , and so on. For the next step in signal analysis, it is necessary to check whether the countings in each signal are independent. The consistent observation of countings in a period of time is not exhaustive evidence of their statistical independence. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze their interaction among other countings within the signal. For this purpose, the adjacent pairs of signals are evaluated using the mathematical correlation method. In this case, it is convenient to introduce the formal autovectors for each pair of signals. The first pair consists of the initial signal and the adjacent one ; the next pair is formed from signals and , and so on. Thus, the correlation approach uses adjacent signals and .
To any pair of adjacent signals, for example,
, there is correspondence of
n autovectors
. The upper left index 0 underlines the origin of countings, which are taken from signal
. Countings of the original signal
are initially located in the autovector
, which means that countings in the signal
are transferred to the initial autovector
as follows:
Using the initial autovector (2), the next autovector
could be obtained, which is shifted one counting to the right relative to the autovector
. Autovector
contains part of countings of the signal
starting from the counting
. Herewith, only the last counting in the autovector
belongs to the signal
. Formation of autovector
contains the following steps:
From Formulas (2) and (3) it follows that the last autovector relative to the pair of signals
contains only one counting from the signal
, and the remaining
countings are taken from the signal
as follows:
Thus, with respect to signal Formula (4) completes the formation of all autovectors .
Now it is obviously seen that such a structure of autovectors is able to compose the matrix with dimensions . The countings of each autovector occupy the corresponding row i in the matrix . The values in line 0 correspond to the signal and the autovector . Line 1 contains the countings of autovector . The last row of the matrix keeps the autovector .
Below is the program P070101, in which according to Formula (1) the autovectors are created in the matrix using the Random generator from the algorithmic language C#. The theoretical value of the amount of countings n has been replaced by a program variable named NS. As an example, in this particular case, the number of countings in signal is taken as , although the values for NS can be chosen arbitrarily up to . The values of countings of the theoretical initial signal are stored in the elements of the program array s0. Theoretical autovectors are located in the program matrix z.
namespace P070101
{ class cP070101
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const int NS = 33; // signal counter quantity
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0}", NS);
Random rdm = new Random(0); // integer random generator
double max = (double)0x7FFFFFFF;
double[] s0 = new double [NS]; // initial signal s0
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
s0[i] = 4.0 * ((double)rdm.Next() / max - 0.5);
Console.Write("S0 =");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", s0[i]);
Console.WriteLine(); // matrix z for vectors
double[,] z = new double[NS,NS];
MatrixZ(z, s0, rdm , NS, max);
Console.WriteLine("Z = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, NS-2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", z[i, NS-1]);
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void MatrixZ (double [,] z, double[] s0,
Random rdm, int NS, double max)
{ for (int j = 0; j < NS; j++) z[0, j] = s0[j];
for (int k = 1; k < NS; k++) // vector shift
{ for (int j = 0; j < NS - 1; j++)
z[k, j] = z[k - 1, j + 1];
z[k, NS - 1] = 4.0*((double)rdm.Next()/max-0.5);
After starting the program P070101, the following outcome appears on the monitor. In order to reduce the presentation of the entire listing of results, omitted values are replaced by a dash.
NS = 33
S0 =
0.905 1.269 1.072 0.233 −1.176 0.236
1.624 −0.231 1.910 −0.905 −0.832 −0.131
0.531 −0.122 1.929 −1.879 1.449 1.981
0.709 −0.742 1.268 1.392 1.968 −1.869
0.800 0.105 1.736 0.750 0.187 −1.676
−1.252 −0.187 −0.811
Z =
0.905 1.269 1.072 - - - - −0.187 −0.811
1.269 1.072 0.233 - - - - −0.811 1.954
1.072 0.233 −1.176 - - - - 1.954 0.571
0.233 −1.176 0.236 - - - - 0.571 1.052
−1.176 0.236 1.624 - - - - 1.052 −1.878
- - - - -
−0.187 −0.811 1.954 - - - - 1.581 1.586
−0.811 1.954 0.571 - - - - 1.586 −1.654
According to Formulas (2)–(4), in the matrix of this listing there are the autovectors , which are presented line by line.
An analysis of the current results obtained shows that these autovectors are not taken into account by the random function during the realization of the white noise generation. However, the white noise process has to keep the properties of statistical independence of the autovectors in each of its signal. This is one of the fundamentals of the theory of transformations of linear vectors, but unfortunately some well-known algorithmic generators do not take this important feature into account. This case provides a discussible issue: should the realization process be named as white noise generation? Moreover, how to take into account the statistical independence checking of autovectors for a generator during the realization of white noise process?
Thus, the purpose of this article is to propose instrumental algorithmic tools for generating statistically independent white noise signals. This method allows a phase signal generator to be created with an improved matrix of autocorrelation coefficients, while maintaining the property of absolutely equivalent intensities at the eigen Fourier frequencies.
2. White Noise Autocorrelation Matrix
The white noise autocorrelation matrix plays a fundamental role in analyzing the statistical independence of white noise signals [
44]. Let us demonstrate this utilization the example of the matrix of autovectors
from the previous section.
Using the matrix
, it is possible to calculate the paired scalar multiplications of autovectors
. To simplify the notation of these autovectors, let us omit the upper left index 0, i.e., instead of
the indication
is considered further. For autovectors
the scalar multiplication
is determined by the sum of multiplications of countings as follows:
In Formula (5), the sum of multiplications of the corresponding countings is calculated, provided that these autovectors are in an orthogonal coordinate system. Formally, the geometric length or norm
of the autovector
in an
n-dimensional orthogonal coordinate system is calculated by the following scalar multiplication:
Formula (6) formally coincides with the Pythagorean Theorem in a multidimensional linear geometric space. From analytical geometry it is known (or it could be counted directly) that cosine of the angle between two linear vectors is determined by the scalar multiplication (5) between them and their norms (6). So, using Expressions (5) and (6), the following Formula (7) for the angle between the autovectors
can be obtained:
In applied signal analysis the statistical estimates are very important and could be easily obtained by means of computer technologies. In this sense, it is of significant interest to evaluate the linear connections of autovectors, which for
are usually called statistically independent. In this case such autovectors have a correlation coefficient equal to zero. For autovectors
the correlation coefficient is calculated as follows:
In Expression (8) the correlation coefficient
deals with centered autovectors relative to the first statistical moments
, which are the following:
Further, using the Expressions (9) let us determine the autovector
, which is statistically centered for the autovector
after corresponding adjustment of each its counting
Finally, the angle
between the autovectors
is defined by using Expressions (5)–(10) in the following form:
From Expressions (8) and (11) it follows that the autovectors and the autovectors have equal angles to each other. Thus, the initial signal is statistically independent, since all pairs of its autovectors are orthogonal.
The centered autovectors could be located in the matrix of autovectors V having the size . Below is a program P070102, in which the matrix V contains the autovectors obtained from the autovectors of the matrix Z after using the transformation (10).
namespace P070201
{ class cP070201
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const int NS = 33; // signal counter quantity
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0}", NS);
Random rdm = new Random(0); // integer random generator
double max = (double)0x7FFFFFFF;
double[] s0 = new double[NS]; // initial signal s0
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
s0[i] = 4.0 * ((double)rdm.Next() / max - 0.5); // matrix z for vectors
double[,] z = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixZ(z, s0, rdm, NS, max); // matrix v for vectors
double[,] v = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixV(v, z, NS);
Console.WriteLine("V = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", v[i, NS - 1]);
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void MatrixV(double[,] v, double[,] z, int NS)
{ double dNS = (double)NS;
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ double zE1 = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < NS; j++)
zE1 += z[i, j];
zE1 /= dNS;
for (int j = 0; j < NS; j++)
v[i, j] = z[i, j] - zE1;
Function MatrixZ from previous program P070101
After launching the program P070201, the following result appears. The omitted values are substituted by a dash.
NS = 33
V =
0.595 0.959 0.762 - - - - −0.497 −1.122
0.927 0.730 −0.110 - - - - −1.153 1.612
0.751 −0.088 −1.497 - - - - 1.633 0.250
−0.088 −1.496 −0.085 - - - - 0.250 0.731
−1.432 −0.021 1.368 - - - - 0.795 −2.135
- - - - -
−0.414 −1.039 1.727 - - - - 1.354 1.358
−0.995 1.771 0.388 - - - - 1.403 −1.837
Next, by using the matrix of autovectors
V it is possible to obtain the autocorrelation matrix
A. For this, the multiplication of the matrix
V and its transposed variant
is used as follows:
The calculation of the autocorrelation matrix A in Expression (12) is the main key tool for further determining the statistical independence of the signals in the stochastic process of white noise .
Using the following formula, it is possible to verify directly that each element
is a scalar multiplication of centered autovectors
If the autovectors
are orthogonal, then the elements of the autocorrelation matrix
A in Expression (13) are zeros, and on the main diagonal there is a minimal dispersion
In this Expression (14) the matrix I is the identity matrix, which means that this square matrix contains the meanings of ones on the main diagonal and zeros elsewhere. Formula (14) is a fundamental tool of verifying whether a stochastic process can be considered as white noise.
If the signals are not orthogonal, then in the matrix R the elements show the cosines of the angles between the autovectors and for the corresponding elements (according to Formulas (8)–(11)). The program P070202 below calculates the autocorrelation matrix A and autocorrelation coefficients R in matrix V.
namespace P070202
{ class cP070202
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const int NS = 33; // signal counter quantity
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0}", NS);
Random rdm = new Random(0); // integer random generator
double max = (double)0x7FFFFFFF;
double[] s0 = new double[NS]; // initial signal s0
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
s0[i] = 4.0 * ((double)rdm.Next() / max - 0.5); // matrix z for vectors
double[,] z = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixZ(z, s0, rdm, NS, max); // matrix v for vectors
double[,] v = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixV(v, z, NS); // autocorrelation matrix A
double[,] a = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixA(a, v, NS);
Console.WriteLine("A = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", a[i, NS - 1]);
} // autocorrelation coefficient matrix R
double[,] r = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixR(r, a, v, NS);
Console.WriteLine("R = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", r[i, NS - 1]);
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void MatrixR(double[,] r, double[,] a,
double[,] v, int NS)
{ for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
for (int j = i; j < NS; j++)
{ double iE2 = 0.0;
double jE2 = 0.0;
for (int m = 0; m < NS; m++)
{ iE2 += v[i, m] * v[i, m];
jE2 += v[j, m] * v[j, m];
r[i, j] = a[i, j] / Math.Sqrt(iE2 * jE2);
r[j, i] = r[i, j];
static void MatrixA(double[,] a, double[,] d, int NS)
{ for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
for (int j = i; j < NS; j++)
{ a[i, j] = 0.0;
for (int m = 0; m < NS; m++)
a[i, j] += d[i, m] * d[j, m];
a[j, i] = a[i, j];
Function MatrixV from previous program P070201
Function MatrixZ from previous program P070101
After executing the program P070202, the autocorrelation matrix A and the matrix of autocorrelation coefficients R appear on the monitor. The omitted values are changed by a dash.
NS = 33
A =
44.628 −4.879 −1.959 - - - - 5.740 −2.823
−4.879 46.943 −5.032 - - - - −6.393 2.941
−1.959 −5.032 46.121 - - - - −3.466 −6.470
−12.693 −1.203 −5.562 - - - - −9.785 −4.531
2.965 −16.188 −1.669 - - - - 5.198 −5.778
- - - - -
5.740 −6.393 −3.466 - - - - 39.945 0.869
−2.823 2.941 −6.470 - - - - 0.869 43.248
R =
1.000 −0.107 −0.043 - - - - 0.136 −0.064
−0.107 1.000 −0.108 - - - - −0.148 0.065
−0.043 −0.108 1.000 - - - - −0.081 −0.145
−0.280 −0.026 −0.121 - - - - −0.228 −0.101
0.062 −0.332 −0.034 - - - - 0.115 −0.123
- - - - -
0.136 −0.148 −0.081 - - - - 1.000 0.021
−0.064 0.065 −0.145 - - - - 0.021 1.000
In the analysis of signals a set of consecutive n countings makes it possible to form or detect discrete spectra of multiple internal Fourier frequencies. By the nature of the frequency distribution there are white noise signals with a uniform distribution of intensities, a normal Gaussian distribution, and many others. This article focuses on white noise with a uniform intensity distribution at Fourier frequencies, i.e., all frequencies are of the same intensity.
In a random process, the signals of uniform white noise are characterized by the following properties:
- (1)
Uniform distribution of intensities at all internal frequencies of the signal;
- (2)
Zero value of mathematical expectation (the first moment) of the values of countings in the signal;
- (3)
Autocorrelation matrix has a diagonal form with equal meanings of dispersion (the second moment) along the main diagonal and zero values for all other elements.
From this designation it follows that white noise signals should be orthogonal in an environment of independent countings with equal amplitudes at all internal frequencies. Therefore, property (1) forces us to consider the set of exactly n countings in the signals S with the further use of Fourier frequency analysis.
The simulation results in the above presented programs P070101, P070201 and P070202 show that the Random generator creates the countings of signals with low quality for white noise process. Their autocorrelation matrix A and the corresponding matrix of autocorrelation coefficients R are far from the desirable zero values. In line with all of this, in this article we offer a new congruential generator which has better quality of generating the uniform white noise.
3. Theory
Consider a model, in which the values of countings of white noise random process are present at a finite observation interval T. This process starts at point . In the interval there are countings of the initial signal ; in the interval there are countings of the signal , and so on.
The designation
for the number of countings in the signal exactly corresponds to
n in the previous sections above, i.e.,
. Suppose that in all signals the countings are located with a constant step:
In each signal
a certain spectrum of frequencies is fixed. If among these frequencies there is one with a period
, then it is denoted as the initial frequency
. Typically, in trigonometric studies the interval
is used. An isomorphic transition of an observation point
to an isomorphic point
is performed as follows:
On the interval
the frequency
is equal to one, i.e.,
. Frequencies
, integral multiples of the initial frequency
, refer to the discrete Fourier spectrum, in which
is the quantity of frequencies. These frequencies make it possible to organize an orthonormal system of sine-cosine coordinates in Euclidean space
In the trigonometric space with the coordinate system (17) the countings are observed at the points
. By the property of this space (17), the values of countings
could be determined by the following Fourier polynom:
It is assumed that if the information signal is closely approximated to the white noise signal, then it should have the same amplitudes at all frequencies . However, in Expression (18), each frequency is accompanied by two amplitudes and with possibly separate distributions. This approach leads to a significant complication of the algorithm for their calculations. To get around this obstacle, let us replace the calculation of each pair of intensities with the generation of uniform intensity at multiple frequencies with a phase shift. Let us analyze how this could be done in more detail.
It is known from trigonometric transformations that the spectral sine of the sum of two angles
can be calculated using the following expression:
Considering Expressions (18) and (19) together, the following estimates are obtained:
Using the Formulas (20), the relationship between the values
and the Fourier coefficients
can be established as follows:
The value of the angle
is calculated using the Formulas (20) as well:
Thus, Expression (18) is equivalent to the following sine ratio:
A similar theoretical result can be obtained by using the cosine of the sum of two angles:
Considering Expressions (18) and (24) together, the following estimates are derived:
Using the Formulas (25), the relationship between the values
and the Fourier coefficients
can be established as follows:
The value of the angle
is calculated using the Formulas (25) as well:
Thus, Expression (18) is equivalent to the following cosine ratio:
The value
is not a randomly organized constant. For a white noise generator it could be set as 0 or any other number. Since the values of the amplitudes
have to be constant in white noise, they can be chosen based on natural tests, or set equal to the universal meaning such as value one, for example:
Frequency components are also not random variables in Fourier space. Therefore, only stochastic phases of sine (23) or cosine (28) signals can provide stochastic capabilities of a white noise signal at Fourier frequencies. This article discusses stochastic phases and which are uniformly distributed in the interval , since the functions arcsine and arccosine are used in Formulas (22) and (27).
Now it is necessary to assign the corresponding generator of uniformly distributed values for the stochastic phases
. In our previous articles [
50], we thoroughly explored the capabilities of new congruential and twister generators, which ensure absolute completeness and uniformity of integer random variable distribution. Based on the main principles outlined in [
50], further here we have established a new generator, which is specially designed to implement the white noise process with the above mentioned properties. In accordance with this, below is the basic generator
cDeonYuliCongBase62 and on its basis the derived congruential generator
cDeonYuliCongSequence62. Together they provide the absolute completeness of sequences of uniform integer random variables of arbitrary size.
To design these generators, it is necessary, first of all, to choose the size or number of bits in an integer random variable. Below is presented the base class cDeonYuliCongBase62, in which the number of bits w of random integer variables is specified. Their amount can be arbitrary in the range . The quantity of random variables N in one sequence is . Class cDeonYuliCongBase62 is made in the C# programming language in Microsoft Visual Studio. This class is located in a separate namespace file nsDeonYuliCongBase62.
namespace nsDeonYuliCongBase62
{ class cDeonYuliCongBase62
{ public int w; // bit length of random variable
public bool wFlag; // flag of w setting
public long N; // quantity of variables in the sequence
public bool NFlag; // flag of N setting
public cDeonYuliCongBase62()
{ wFlag = false; // w disable
NFlag = false; // N disable
public void SetW (int rw)
{ w = rw; // the bit length of random variable
if (w < 2) w = 3;
if (w > 63) w = 63; // maximal bit length
wFlag = true; // the bit length is set
NFlag = false; // to verify the bit length
VerifyWN(); // to verify w and N parameters
public void VerifyWN()
{ if ( !wFlag && !NFlag )
{ w = 4; // the bit length by default
wFlag = true; // the bit length is set
N = 1L << w; // the sequence length
NFlag = true; // the sequence is set
if (wFlag && !NFlag)
{ N = 1L << w; // the sequence length
NFlag = true; // the sequence is set
if (!wFlag && NFlag)
{ long r = 1L;
w = 0;
while (r < N) { r <<= 1; w++; }
wFlag = true; // the bit length is set
N = 1L << w; // the sequence length
NFlag = true; // the bit length is set
This base class is the basis for creating the uniform sequences in the derived class
cDeonYuliCongSequence62 having congruential parameters
a and
c. In a congruential sequence of
N random elements the adjacent random variables
are calculated using the following formula:
The parameter
a in (30) has the following property:
The parameter
c is the odd number in (30):
For congruential generation in accordance with Formula (30), compliance with properties (31) and (32) is mandatory. Below is a derived class cDeonYuliCongSequence62, in which these properties are checked and subsequent congruential random variables are generated. This class is located in a separate namespace file nsDeonYuliCongSequence62.
using nsDeonYuliCongBase62; // congruential base class
namespace nsDeonYuliCongSequence62
{ class cDeonYuliCongSequence62 : cDeonYuliCongBase62
{ public long a; // multiplicative constant
public bool aFlag; // setting flag of parameter a
public long c; // additive constant
public bool cFlag; // setting flag of parameter c
public long x0Beg; // initial setting of a
public long x0; // sequence beginning
public bool x0Flag; // setting flag of x0
bool x0TimeFlag; // true – setting x0 by timer
public bool xeFlag; // sequence end flag
public long x; // current random variable
public long xCounter; // random variable counter
public long sCounter; // counter of sequences
public cDeonYuliCongSequence62()
{ aFlag = false; // parameter a is not set
cFlag = false; // parameter c is not set
xeFlag = false; // there is no sequence end
x0Flag = false; // there is no sequence beginning
x0TimeFlag = false; // setting x0 by not timer
public void SeqStart()
{ if (!wFlag || !NFlag) SetW(4); // by default
if (!aFlag) a = N / 2L; // parameter a by default
SeqVerifyA(); // congruential verification for a
aFlag = true; // parameter a is set
if (!cFlag) c = 3L; // default parameter a
SeqVerifyC(); // congruential verification for c
cFlag = true; // parameter c is set
x0 = x0Beg; // initial congruential value
x = x0; // congruential sequence beginning
xCounter = 0L; // random counter value
sCounter = 1L; // sequence counter
public void SeqTimeStart()
{ x0TimeFlag = true; // start by timer
x0 = (long)DateTime.Now.Millisecond; // msec
x0 = x0 % N; // initial random variable
x0Flag = true; // x0 is set
SeqStart(); // random variable generation
public long SeqNext()
{ if (0L < xCounter && xCounter < N) // x counter
{ x = SeqCong(x); // random variable generation
xCounter++; // x counter
return x; // random variable x
if (xCounter == 0L)
{ x = x0; // sequence beginning
xCounter = 1L; // x counter
return x; // random variable x
if (x0Flag == false) x0 = (x0 + 1L) % N;
else x0 = SeqCong(x0); // congruential variable x0
x = x0; // random variable
xCounter = 1L; // x counter
if (sCounter < N) sCounter++;
else { x0 = x0Beg; x = x0; sCounter = 1L; }
return x; // random variable
void SeqTimeInit()
{ long xt = (long)DateTime.Now.Millisecond;
x = xt % N;
public long SeqCong(long xz)
{ return (a * xz + c) % N; // congruential variable
public void SetAC(long ra, long rc)
{ a = ra; // multiplicative constant a
SeqVerifyA(); // to verify a
c = rc; // additive constant c
SeqVerifyC(); // to verify c
public void SetA(long ra)
{ a = ra; // multiplicative parameter a
SeqVerifyA(); // to verify a
aFlag = true; // parameter a is set
public void SetC(long rc)
{ c = rc; // additive parameter c
SeqVerifyC(); // to verify c
cFlag = true; // additive parameter c is set
public void SetX0(long rx0, bool flag)
{ x0 = rx0;
SeqVerifyX0(); // to verify initial value
x0Beg = x0; // initial x0 setting
x0Flag = flag; // true – x0 beginning of sequence
public void SeqVerifyA()
{ if (a < 1L) a = 1L;
if (a >= N) a = N - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
if ((a - 1) % 4L == 0) break;
else a--;
aFlag = true; // parameter a is set
public void SeqVerifyC()
{ if (c < 0L) c = 1L;
if (c >= N) c = N - 1L;
if (c % 2L == 0L) c--;
cFlag = true;
public void SeqVerifyX0()
{ if (x0 < 0L) x0 = 0L;
if (x0 >= N) x0 = N - 1L;
x0Flag = true; // sequence beginning is set
These two instrumental classes are sufficient to ensure the computation of uniformly distributed phases in stochastic spectra.
4. Construction and Results
When converting a discrete signal into the sum of Fourier frequencies, the following fundamental relationship is realized between the minimum amount of countings
and the maximum one
of Fourier frequencies on a circle of unit radius
As an example, let us set arbitrarily the quantity of frequencies in white noise equal to . Then, by condition (33), each signal can contain the following amount of countings .
According to Expressions (23) or (28), each spectral frequency
has its own phase
, respectively. To generate random phases, let us take stochastic sequences consisting of
integer congruential variables
. In binary form, each integer random variable
has the following number
w of bits:
It should be emphasized that the congruential generator only works with an integer number of bits. From Expression (34) it follows that a quantity of Fourier frequencies should correspond to the following power function:
The phase interval
of length
is divided into
subintervals of length
Using Expressions (35) and (36), the random phases
are determined by the congruential technology [
50] using corresponding integer random variable
Stochastic phases (37) set the random nature of values for the countings in the white noise generator.
The stochastic values of countings together with phases for the white noise are computed in the derived class cDeonYuliCongPhase62A below, using base classes cDeonYuliCongSequence62 and cDeonYuliCongBase62 from the previous section. Joint testing of these classes will be carried out here later using sine based technology (23) in the P070401 program.
using nsDeonYuliCongSequence62; // congruential generator
namespace nsDeonYuliCongPhase62A // congruential phase generator
{ class cDeonYuliCongPhase62A : cDeonYuliCongSequence62
{ public long NS; // counter quantity in signal
public long NF; // Fourier frequency quantity
public double constA =1.0; // uniform frequency amplitude
public double w1f; // initial Fourier frequency
public long[] cong; // congruential sequence
public double[] psi; // phase frequencies
public long iNS; // counter number
public double dxs; // counter point step
public double xsWN; // counter value
public cDeonYuliCongPhase62A (long _NF, long _NS)
{ NS = _NS; // counter quantity in signal
if (NS < 17L) NS = 17L; // default counter quantity
iNS = -1L; // counter number
NF = _NF; // frequency quantity in counter
if (NF < 4) NF = 4L; // default frequency quantity
w1f = 1.0; // default initial Fourier frequency
dxs = 2.0 * Math.PI / NS; // counter point step
int wf = 0; // initial bit length of random variable
for (long nf = 1L; nf < NF; nf *= 2L) wf += 1;
w = wf; // bit length of random variables
SetW(w); // set w
public void SetACX( long _a, long _c, long _x0)
{ SetAC(_a, _c); // congruential parameters
SetX0(_x0, true); // beginning of congruential sequence
public void SetAmplitude( double _A)
{ constA = _A; // amplitude of all frequencies
public void PhaseStart()
{ SeqStart(); // congruential generator start
cong = new long[N+1]; // congruential sequence
psi = new double[N+1]; // frequency phases
PhaseCong(); // congruential sequence of phases
void PhaseCong()
{ for (int k = 1; k <= N; k++)
{ cong[k] = SeqNext(); // random variable
double pi2k = Math.PI / (double)k / 2.0;
double dpsik = pi2k / (double)N; // phase shift
psi[k] = dpsik * (double)cong[k] - pi2k / 2.0;
public double PhaseSinNext( double x)
{ iNS++; // counter point number
if (iNS == NS) { iNS = 0; PhaseCong(); }
PhaseSinWN(x); // calculation in point x
return xsWN; // white noise in point x
void PhaseSinWN(double x)
{ double f = 0.0; // frequency value sum
for (long k = 1; k <= NF; k++)
{ double wk = (double)k*w1f; // spectrum frequency
f += constA * Math.Sin(wk * x + psi[k]);
xsWN = f; // counter value in point x
public double PhaseCosNext( double x)
{ iNS++; // counter point number
if (iNS == NS) { iNS = 0; PhaseCong(); }
PhaseCosWN(x); // calculation in point x
return xsWN; // white noise in point x
void PhaseCosWN(double x)
{ double f = 0.0; // counter value
for (long k = 1; k <= NF; k++)
{ double wk = (double)k*w1f;
// spectrum frequency
f += constA * Math.Cos( wk * x + psi[k]);
xsWN = f; // counter value in point x
Below, in the program P070401 the values of countings are calculated by Formula (37) using the congruential phase generator nsDeonYuliCongPhase62A. Autovectors are determined on the basis of the initial signal with the addition of the next counting of the random process by analogy with Formulas (2) and (3). These autovectors are located in the matrix Z. For example, each autovector is in the corresponding row of the matrix Z. The original signal is generated using congruential constants and . The intensities of all internal frequencies are arbitrarily set equal to .
using nsDeonYuliCongPhase62A; // congruential phase generator
namespace P070401
{ class cP070401
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const long NS = 33L; // signal counter quantity
const long NF = 16L; // frequency quantity in a counter
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0} NF = {1}", NS, NF);
cDeonYuliCongPhase62A PH =
new cDeonYuliCongPhase62A(NF, NS);
Console.WriteLine("tau = {0:F6}", PH.dxs);
double constA = 0.7; // amplitude of all frequencies
Console.WriteLine("constA = {0:F2}", PH.constA);
PH.SetACX(5L, 3L, 2L); // congruential parameters
Console.WriteLine("a = {0} c = {1} Cong(x0) = {2}",
PH.a, PH.c, PH.x0);
PH.PhaseStart(); // phase generator start
Console.WriteLine("cong =");
for (int i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,4}", PH.cong[i]);
if (i % 12 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine("psi =");
for (int i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", PH.psi[i]);
if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
double[] s0 = new double[NS]; // initial signal s0
double t = 0.0; // counter time
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ s0[i] = PH.PhaseSinNext(t); // counter value
t += PH.dxs;
Console.Write("S0 =");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", s0[i]);
Console.WriteLine(); // matrix z for vectors
t = 0.0; // next period beginning
double[,] z = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixZ(z, s0, PH, NS, t);
Console.WriteLine("Z = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", z[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", z[i, NS - 1]);
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void MatrixZ(double[,] z, double[] s0,
cDeonYuliCongPhase62A PH, long ns, double t)
{ for (int j = 0; j < ns; j++) z[0, j] = s0[j];
for (int k = 1; k < ns; k++) // autovector shift
{ for (int j = 0; j < ns - 1; j++)
z[k, j] = z[k - 1, j + 1];
z[k, ns - 1] = PH.PhaseSinNext(t);
t += PH.dxs;
After starting the program P070401, a complete uniform congruential sequence cong of integers appears on the monitor (presented in the listing below). Next in listing is a stochastic sequence of congruential phases psi, which is derived from uniform integers cong. This sequence is used to compute the countings of signal S0 using a technique of sine harmonics (23). Further, on the basis of the initial signal S0 the matrix Z of autovectors is created. Each autovector is located on the corresponding row of the matrix Z. To shorten this listing, missing numbers and matrix rows have been replaced with a dash.
NS = 33 NF = 16
tau = 0.190400
constA = 0.70
a = 5 c = 3 Cong(x0) = 2
cong =
2 13 4 7 6 1 8 11 10 5 12 15
14 9 0 3
psi =
−0.589 0.245 −0.131 −0.025 −0.039 −0.115
0.000 0.037 0.022 −0.029 0.036 0.057
0.045 0.007 −0.052 −0.031
S0 =
−0.371 6.938 −0.398 2.317 −0.415 1.159
−0.540 0.626 −0.283 0.545 −0.396 0.479
−0.117 0.736 0.200 0.980 0.238 0.919
0.215 0.836 −0.125 0.483 −0.566 0.146
−0.779 0.226 −1.147 −0.087 −1.497 −0.077
−2.373 −0.201 −7.674
Z =
−0.371 6.938 −0.398 - - - - −0.201 −7.674
6.938 −0.398 2.317 - - - - −7.674 0.087
−0.398 2.317 −0.415 - - - - 0.087 7.450
2.317 −0.415 1.159 - - - - 7.450 0.015
- - - - -
−0.077 −2.373 −0.201 - - - - 0.436 −1.075
−2.373 −0.201 −7.674 - - - - −1.075 0.432
−0.201 −7.674 0.087 - - - - 0.432 −1.923
−7.674 0.087 7.450 - - - - −1.923 0.169
The result of this listing allows the movement from the matrix of autovectors Z to centering them with the same line-by-line arrangement in the matrix V. This is fulfilled by analogy with Formulas (9) and (10) regarding the mathematical expectation for each autovector separately. Below is program P070402, which presents how to implement this.
using nsDeonYuliCongPhase62A; // congruential phase generator
namespace P070402
{ class cP070402
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const long NS = 33L; // signal counter quantity
const long NF = 16L; // frequency quantity in a counter
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0} NF = {1}", NS, NF);
cDeonYuliCongPhase62A PH =
new cDeonYuliCongPhase62A(NF, NS);
double constA = 0.7; // amplitude of all frequencies
PH.SetACX(5L, 3L, 2L); // congruential parameters
PH.PhaseStart(); // phase generator start
double[] s0 = new double[NS]; // initial signal s0
double t = 0.0; // the beginning of signal counters
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ s0[i] = PH.PhaseSinNext(t); // counter value
t += PH.dxs; // next counter time
Console.Write("S0 =");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", s0[i]);
Console.WriteLine(); // autovector matrix z
t = 0.0; // next period beginning
double[,] z = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixZ(z, s0, PH, NS, t); // autovector matrix v
double[,] v = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixV(v, z, NS);
Console.WriteLine("V = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", v[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", v[i, NS - 1]);
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void MatrixV(double[,] v, double[,] z, long ns)
{ double dns = (double)ns;
for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
{ double zE1 = 0.0;
for (int j = 0; j < ns; j++)
zE1 += z[i, j];
zE1 /= dns;
for (int j = 0; j < ns; j++)
v[i, j] = z[i, j] - zE1;
Function MatrixZ from previous program P070401
After executing the program P070402, the matrix V of centered autovectors appears on the monitor. To shorten the listing the skipping values have been substituted with a dash.
NS = 33 NF = 16
S0 =
−0.371 6.938 −0.398 2.317 −0.415 1.159
−0.540 0.626 −0.283 0.545 −0.396 0.479
−0.117 0.736 0.200 0.980 0.238 0.919
0.215 0.836 −0.125 0.483 −0.566 0.146
−0.779 0.226 −1.147 −0.087 −1.497 −0.077
−2.373 −0.201 −7.674
V =
−0.371 6.938 −0.398 - - - - −0.201 −7.674
6.924 −0.411 2.303 - - - - −7.688 0.073
−0.427 2.288 −0.445 - - - - 0.057 7.421
2.275 −0.457 1.117 - - - - 7.408 −0.027
−0.472 1.102 −0.597 - - - - −0.043 2.767
- - - - -
−0.022 −2.318 −0.146 - - - - 0.491 −1.020
−2.333 −0.161 −7.635 - - - - −1.035 0.472
−0.175 −7.648 0.113 - - - - 0.458 −1.897
−7.660 0.102 7.465 - - - - −1.908 0.184
The matrix V of centered autovectors allows the calculation of the autocorrelation matrix A and the matrix R of the corresponding autocorrelation coefficients by analogy with Formulas (11) and (12) from the program P070202. In the following program P070403, the corresponding calculations are performed.
using nsDeonYuliCongPhase62A; // congruential phase generator
namespace P070403
{ class cP070403
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const long NS = 33L; // signal counter quantity
const long NF = 16L; // frequency quantity in a counter
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0} NF = {1}", NS, NF);
cDeonYuliCongPhase62A PH =
new cDeonYuliCongPhase62A(NF, NS);
double constA = 0.7; // amplitude of all frequencies
PH.SetACX(5L, 3L, 2L); // congruential parameters
PH.PhaseStart(); // phase generator start
double[] s0 = new double[NS]; // initial signal s0
double t = 0.0; // the beginning of signal counters
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ s0[i] = PH.PhaseSinNext(t); // counter value
t += PH.dxs; // next counter time
t = 0.0; // next signal beginning
double[,] z = new double[NS, NS]; // autovector matrix z
MatrixZ(z, s0, PH, NS, t);
double[,] v = new double[NS, NS]; // autovector matrix v
MatrixV(v, z, NS); // autocorrelation matrix A
double[,] a = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixA(a, v, NS);
Console.WriteLine("A = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", a[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", a[i, NS - 1]);
} // autocorrelation coefficient matrix R
double[,] r = new double[NS, NS];
MatrixR(r, a, v, NS);
Console.WriteLine("R = ");
for (int i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, 0]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, 1]);
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, 2]);
Console.Write(" - - - -");
Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", r[i, NS - 2]);
Console.WriteLine("{0,8:F3}", r[i, NS - 1]);
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void MatrixR(double[,] r, double[,] a,
double[,] d, long ns)
{ for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
for (int j = i; j < ns; j++)
{ double iE2 = 0.0;
double jE2 = 0.0;
for (int m = 0; m < ns; m++)
{ iE2 += d[i, m] * d[i, m];
jE2 += d[j, m] * d[j, m];
r[i, j] = a[i, j] / Math.Sqrt(iE2 * jE2);
r[j, i] = r[i, j];
static void MatrixA(double[,] a, double[,] d, long ns)
{ for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++)
for (int j = i; j < ns; j++)
{ a[i, j] = 0.0;
for (int m = 0; m < ns; m++)
a[i, j] += d[i, m] * d[j, m];
a[j, i] = a[i, j];
Function MatrixV from previous program P070402
Function MatrixZ from previous program P070401
After launching the program P070403 the autocorrelation matrix A and the matrix R of the autocorrelation coefficients appear. The omitted values of the listing below are substituted by a dash.
NS = 33 NF = 16
A =
129.360 −7.555 −8.062 - - - - −10.614 −8.202
−7.555 129.224 −4.349 - - - - −11.034 −10.667
−8.062 −4.349 136.564 - - - - −6.537 −8.376
−8.394 −8.227 −1.509 - - - - −5.415 −6.619
−9.268 −7.316 −3.298 - - - - −2.212 −4.479
- - - - -
−7.584 −4.653 1.473 - - - - −2.729 −5.097
−8.709 −8.208 −2.251 - - - - −3.444 −3.180
−9.999 −8.682 −4.441 - - - - −0.558 −3.358
−10.614 −11.034 −6.537 - - - - 136.653 −1.339
−8.202 −10.667 −8.376 - - - - −1.339 136.656
R =
1.000 −0.058 −0.061 - - - - −0.080 −0.062
−0.058 1.000 −0.033 - - - - −0.083 −0.080
−0.061 −0.033 1.000 - - - - −0.048 −0.061
−0.063 −0.062 −0.011 - - - - −0.040 −0.048
−0.069 −0.055 −0.024 - - - - −0.016 −0.033
- - - - -
−0.056 −0.035 0.011 - - - - −0.020 −0.037
−0.065 −0.061 −0.016 - - - - −0.025 −0.023
−0.075 −0.065 −0.032 - - - - −0.004 −0.024
−0.080 −0.083 −0.048 - - - - 1.000 −0.010
−0.062 −0.080 −0.061 - - - - −0.010 1.000
The analysis of the results received above shows that even such a limited listing provides evidence that the resulting matrix R is closer to the statistical independence of white noise than the same matrix obtained earlier in the program P070101 using the standard function Random.Next(). At the same time, the main advantage of this outcome is that the developed congruential phase generator in the program P070403 creates anew the Fourier frequency spectrum with equal intensities at the stochastic phases. The data presented in the last listing demonstrate that the uniform white noise was indeed achieved with an almost independent autocorrelation matrix for the autovectors of the original signal.
5. Discussion
After obtaining the correlation matrices, the first thing which should be analyzed is whether both experiments in the programs P070101 and P070403 ensure the realization of the first fundamental property of uniform white noise (considered here earlier in subsection White Noise Autocorrelation Matrix) by the equality of all intensities of the internal Fourier spectrum. Let us discuss this issue further in more detail.
When considering the frequency properties of discrete information signals, usually the Fourier polynom (11) is used, with the number of countings
and the quantity of internal frequencies
in the original signal
. The amplitudes of the cosine
and sine
components are calculated from the meanings of countings
using the following Euler–Fourier formulas below:
The process of white noise generation could be considered successful if the obtained countings of the signal admit transformations (38)–(40) into the Euler–Fourier coefficients and . It should be checked now whether the intensities are the same at all frequencies . This is required by the first property in the designation of white noise, i.e., the demand of uniform distribution of intensities at all internal frequencies of the signal. This check should be carried out both for the white noise of the function Random.Next() in the program P070101 and for the congruential white noise in the program P070401.
Below is the program P070501, which uses the random process generated earlier in the program P070101 for the white noise signal using the function Random.Next(). The derivable spectral amplitudes are calculated with help from sine technique using the function Fourier(), which is composed according to the Euler–Fourier Formulas (38)–(40) for the coefficients and .
namespace P070501
{ class cP070501
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const int NS = 33; // signal counter quantity
const int NF = 16; // frequency quantity in a counter
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0} NF = {1}", NS, NF);
double[] s0 = new double[NS]
0.905, 1.269, 1.072, 0.233, −1.176, 0.236,
1.624, −0.231, 1.910, −0.905, −0.832, −0.131,
0.531, −0.122, 1.929, −1.879, 1.449, 1.981,
0.709, −0.742, 1.268, 1.392, 1.968, −1.869,
0.800, 0.105, 1.736, 0.750, 0.187, −1.676,
−1.252, −0.187, −0.811
Console.WriteLine("S0 = ");
for (int i = 1; i <= NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", s0[i-1]);
if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
double[] AF = new double[NF + 1];
double[] phiF = new double[NF + 1];
Fourier(NS, NF, s0, AF, phiF);
Console.WriteLine("AFourier =");
for (int i = 1; i <= NF + 1; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", AF[i - 1]);
if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
static void Fourier(int NS, int NF, double[] s,
double[] AF, double[] phiF)
{ double a, b;
for (long k = 1; k <= NF; k++)
{ a = 0.0; // cosine coefficients
b = 0.0; // sine coefficients
double w1 = 1.0;
double dx = 2.0 * Math.PI / NS;
for (long i = 0; i < NS; i++)
{ double x = i * dx;
a += s[i] * Math.Cos(k * w1 * x);
b += s[i] * Math.Sin(k * w1 * x);
a = a * 2.0 / NS;
b = b * 2.0 / NS;
AF[k] = Math.Sqrt(a * a + b * b);
phiF[k] = Math.Asin(a / AF[k]);
After executing the program P070501 the following outcome shows up.
NS = 33 NF = 16
S0 =
0.905 1.269 1.072 0.233 −1.176 0.236
1.624 −0.231 1.910 −0.905 −0.832 −0.131
0.531 −0.122 1.929 −1.879 1.449 1.981
0.709 −0.742 1.268 1.392 1.968 −1.869
0.800 0.105 1.736 0.750 0.187 −1.676
−1.252 −0.187 −0.811
AFourier =
0.000 0.283 0.406 0.221 0.339 0.638
0.309 0.593 0.406 0.338 0.309 0.213
0.580 0.310 0.265 0.081 0.717
The listing of the results of this program begins with specifying the number of countings and Fourier frequencies . The values of countings are taken for the original signal from the result of the program P070101 in the subsection Introduction. Then there are lines AFourier with the amplitudes of the internal phase sine frequencies. Their analysis suggests that the function Random.Next() does not satisfy the first property about equality of the amplitudes of the internal frequency spectrum of white noise. Thus, taking into account the limited level of the corresponding matrix of autocorrelation coefficients R (presented in the subsection Introduction), and also the lack of equality of amplitudes in the internal spectrum of the signal frequencies, it becomes apparent that the standard function Random.Next() generates sequences which are relatively far from satisfactory quality of the white noise process.
Next, it is time to check the amplitudes of the internal frequency spectrum of the congruential white noise generator, which has been proposed in the current article. Below is the program
P070502, which also uses the same number of
countings. They were created earlier in the program
P070401 (in subsection
Construction and Results) by using congruential technology [
50] in the generator
namespace P070502
{ class cP070502
{ static void Main(string[] args)
{ const long NS = 33L; // signal counter quantity
double dNS = (double)NS;
const long NF = 16L; // frequency quantity in a counter
Console.WriteLine("NS = {0} NF = {1}", NS, NF);
double[] s0 = new double[]
−0.371, 6.938, −0.398, 2.317, −0.415, 1.159,
−0.540, 0.626, −0.283, 0.545, −0.396, 0.479,
−0.117, 0.736, 0.200, 0.980, 0.238, 0.919,
0.215, 0.836, −0.125, 0.483, −0.566, 0.146,
−0.779, 0.226, −1.147, −0.087, −1.497, −0.077,
−2.373, −0.201, −7.674
Console.WriteLine("S0 =");
for (int i = 1; i <= NS; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", s0[i - 1]);
if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
double[] AF = new double[NF + 1];
double[] phiF = new double[NF + 1];
int NNS = (int)NS;
int NNF = (int)NF;
Fourier(NNS, NNF, s0, AF, phiF);
Console.WriteLine("AFourier =");
for (int i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", AF[i]);
if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.WriteLine("psiFourier =");
for (int i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
{ Console.Write("{0,8:F3}", phiF[i]);
if (i % 6 == 0) Console.WriteLine();
Console.ReadKey(); // result viewing
Function Fourier from previous program P070501
After launching the program P070502 the following outcome shows up as well.
NS = 33 NF = 16
S0 =
−0.371 6.938 −0.398 2.317 −0.415 1.159
−0.540 0.626 −0.283 0.545 −0.396 0.479
−0.117 0.736 0.200 0.980 0.238 0.919
0.215 0.836 −0.125 0.483 −0.566 0.146
−0.779 0.226 −1.147 −0.087 −1.497 −0.077
−2.373 −0.201 −7.674
AFourier =
0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700
0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700
0.700 0.700 0.700 0.700
psiFourier =
−0.589 0.245 −0.131 −0.025 −0.039 −0.115
0.000 0.037 0.022 −0.029 0.036 0.057
0.045 0.007 −0.052 −0.031
The listing of the results demonstrates that the signal contains countings and Fourier frequencies. The values of countings are in the array s0, which are taken from the signal obtained earlier (subsection Construction and Results) using the congruential phase generator cDeonYuliCongPhase62A in the program P070401. Further, the listing includes the lines AFourier with the derived intensities of the internal phase sine frequencies. These intensities were calculated using the Euler–Fourier Formulas (38)–(40) with the subsequent application of the elementary transformation . All meanings received with the values 0.7 finely match to the first property of the uniform white noise process. In the last part of this listing, the phases psiFourier show coincidence with the congruential phases in program P070403. It should also be noted that the application of the Euler–Fourier transform (38)–(40) completely recovers the generation of white noise process received in the class cDeonYuliCongPhase62A.
Careful analysis of all results above satisfies that the generator cDeonYuliCongPhase62A does indeed provide the equal amplitudes of all internal phase frequencies, and that it ideally satisfies to the first property of the uniform white noise process. Thus, taking into account the better approximation of the matrix R of autocorrelation coefficients obtained in the program P070403 to the same matrix of theoretical white noise, and also taking into consideration an ideal coincidence of the intensities of the internal phase frequencies, it should be recognized that the here proposed congruential phase generator does indeed ensure a sufficiently high quality of generation of the white noise signals, which closely approximate true natural white noise.
6. Conclusions
Analysis of the source material shows that the algorithms of the commonly used generators of white noise signals have a low stochasticity of countings in the given observation intervals. Based on this, in this article the instrumental algorithmic tools for generating statistically independent white noise signals have been proposed. The designed techniques allowed for the creation of a new phase signal generator with an improved matrix of autocorrelation coefficients. The mathematical expressions used confirm that at Fourier frequencies a single dimensional phase random variable could be obtained. As a result, the derivative cDeonYuliCongPhase62A phase generator made it possible to create information signals with a better approximation to the uniform white noise process. The simulation outcomes verify that the information signals received have the properties of white noise signals with equal amplitudes at all internal frequencies with uniformly distributed random phases. These results can be used in a huge number of applications where white noise processes are used.