Multidimensional Group Recommendations in the Health Domain
:1. Introduction
- We demonstrate a multidimensional group recommendation model in the health domain, using collaborative filtering.
- We propose a novel semantic similarity function that takes into account, in addition to the patients medical problems, the education, the health literacy and the psycho-emotional status of the patients, showing its superiority over a traditional measure.
- We introduce a new aggregation method accumulating preference scores, called AccScores, showing that it dominates other aggregation methods and is able to produce fair recommendations to small groups of patients.
- We experimentally show the value of our approach, introducing the first synthetic dataset with such information for benchmarking works in the area.
2. Related Work
Recommendations in the Health Domain
3. Single User Recommendations
3.1. User Profiles
3.2. User Similarities
3.2.1. Similarity Based on Ratings
3.2.2. Similarity Based on Health Information
Overall Semantic Similarity Between Two Users
3.2.3. Similarity Based on Education and Health Literacy Level
3.2.4. Similarity Based on Psycho-Emotional Status
3.2.5. Similarity between Users
3.3. Single User Rating Model
4. Group Recommendations
4.1. Group Rating Model
4.2. Fairness in Group Recommendations
4.3. Aggregation Designs
Algorithm 1: Fair Group Recommendations Algorithm |
Algorithm 2: AccScores Group Recommendations Algorithm |
5. Dataset
- Document Corpus
- -
- Create document corpus. Initially, we generated documents for each node in the second level of the ontology tree that represents the ICD10 ontology. For each such document, we selected randomly words from the nodes descriptions in each subsequent subtree.
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- Assignment of Education and Health Literacy Levels. We divide the documents based on five percentage scores that correspond to the five different education levels. We assign to the documents in each subgroup their corresponding education level. We propose that a document cannot have a vastly different education and health literacy score. A document that has high education level is improbable to be for users with low literacy score and, similarly, a document with high health literacy is not probable to have a low education level. Therefore, with equal probability, we assign to each document a health literacy score that is the same, one highest or one lowest level than that of its education level.
- Rating Dataset
- -
- Divide the patients into groups. We assume that all patients have assigned ratings to documents. For doing so, we distinguish the patients between , , and . The users in each group gave few, average and a lot of ratings, respectively.
- -
- Assignment of Education and Health Literacy Levels. The procedure to assign education and health literacy levels to the patients is the same as the one to assign them to the documents.
- -
- Assignment of Anxiety and Cognitive Closure. Anxiety and cognitive closure scores are regularly measured for each patient since these tend to change rapidly. This is why in our methods we only take into account the most recent ones. Therefore, in our dataset, we generate one anxiety and cognitive closure score for each patient. We follow a similar method as the one for education and health literacy levels and divide the patients based on five percentage scores . However, now anxiety will be the score that will define cognitive closure. The more anxious a person is about their health problems the more he/she needs to understand them.
- -
- Simulate a power law rating distribution. When ranking documents with respect to real users preferences, the documents typically follow the power law distribution. To show this, we randomly chose documents and consider them as the most popular.
- -
- Generate documents to rate. For each patient, we distinguished the ratings that he/she will give between and . Given the assumption that patients are interested in both documents related to their health problems, as well as to other documents, we assigned ratings to both such groups of documents.
- -
- Generate ratings. Last, for each item generated above, we randomly assigned a rating from 1 to 5.
6. Evaluation
6.1. Evaluation Measures
6.2. Evaluation Results
6.2.1. Evaluation of Similarity Functions
6.2.2. Evaluation of Aggregation Methods
7. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Code ID | Description | Level |
S27 | Injury of other and unspecified intrathoracic organs | 1 |
S29 | Other and unspecified injuries of thorax | 1 |
S27.3 | Other injury of bronchus, unilateral | 2 |
S27.4 | Injury of bronchus | 2 |
S27.43 | Laceration of bronchus | 3 |
S27.49 | Other injury of bronchus | 3 |
S27.491 | Other injury of bronchus, unilateral | 4 |
S27.492 | Other injury of bronchus, bilateral | 4 |
Node A | Node B | LCA(A,B) | simN(A,B) |
S27.43 | S27.49 | S27.4 | |
S27 | S29 | root | |
S27.492 | S27.49 | S27.49 | |
S27.3 | S27.49 | S27 | |
S27.492 | S29.001 | root | |
S27.491 | S27.492 | S27.49 |
Parameter Name | Explanation | Value |
numDocs | # of documents generated for each category of health problems. | 200 |
numKeyWords | # of keywords appended to documents. | 10 |
popularDocs | The # of the most popular documents in each category, for simulating a power law distribution. | 70 |
Partitions | Parameter Name | Explanation | Value |
Group Partition | Group | # of ratings given by patients in this group is 20 to 100 | 50% of all patients |
Group | # of ratings given by patients in this group is 100 to 250 | 30% of all patients | |
Group | # of ratings given by patients in this group is 250 to 500 | 20% of all patients | |
Education Levels | Patients with Education Level 1 | 5% of all patients | |
Patients with Education Level 2 | 10% of all patients | ||
Patients with Education Level 3 | 40% of all patients | ||
Patients with Education Level 4 | 30% of all patients | ||
Patients with Education Level 5 | 15% of all patients | ||
Anxiety Scores | Patients with Anxiety Score 1 | 30% of all patients | |
Patients with Anxiety Score 2 | 40% of all patients | ||
Patients with Anxiety Score 3 | 15% of all patients | ||
Patients with Anxiety Score 4 | 10% of all patients | ||
Patients with Anxiety Score 5 | 5% of all patients | ||
Scores Partition | One | # of ratings that have as score 1 | 20% of all ratings |
Two | # of ratings that have as score 2 | 10% of all ratings | |
Three | # of ratings that have as score 3 | 30% of all ratings | |
Four | # of ratings that have as score 4 | 20% of all ratings | |
Five | # of ratings that have as score 5 | 20% of all ratings | |
Ratings Partition | healthRelevant | # of relevant to some health problems documents each user will rate | 40% of ratings from each user |
nonRelevant | # of non relevant to any health problems documents each user will rate. | 60% of ratings from each user |
© 2020 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (
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Stratigi, M.; Kondylakis, H.; Stefanidis, K. Multidimensional Group Recommendations in the Health Domain. Algorithms 2020, 13, 54.
Stratigi M, Kondylakis H, Stefanidis K. Multidimensional Group Recommendations in the Health Domain. Algorithms. 2020; 13(3):54.
Chicago/Turabian StyleStratigi, Maria, Haridimos Kondylakis, and Kostas Stefanidis. 2020. "Multidimensional Group Recommendations in the Health Domain" Algorithms 13, no. 3: 54.
APA StyleStratigi, M., Kondylakis, H., & Stefanidis, K. (2020). Multidimensional Group Recommendations in the Health Domain. Algorithms, 13(3), 54.