Recommending Links to Control Elections via Social Influence
:1. Introduction
Original Contribution
2. Related Work
3. Preliminaries
The Influence Maximization Problem
4. Problem Statement
5. Approximation Result
6. Improving the Running Time
Algorithm 1:Greedy |
7. Experimental Study
8. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Name | ||
Software Engineering (SE) | 3141 | 14,787 |
Theoretical CS (TCS) | 4172 | 14,272 |
High-Performance Comp. (HPC) | 4869 | 35,036 |
Wiki-Vote (Wiki) | 7115 | 103,689 |
Computer Graphic (CGM) | 8336 | 41,925 |
Computer Networks (CN) | 9420 | 53,003 |
Artificial Intelligence (AI) | 27,617 | 268,460 |
Slashdot (Sl) | 51,083 | 130,370 |
Epinions (Epi) | 75,879 | 508,837 |
Slashdot-Zoo (Sl-z) | 79,116 | 515,397 |
465,017 | 834,797 |
SE | 6.65 | 330.88 | 4878.01% | 0.70 | 23.03 | 106.79 | 363.76% | 0.83 | −26.31 | 13.02 | 149.48% | 1.12 |
TCS | −57.61 | 305.47 | 630.22% | 0.95 | −15.87 | 74.41 | 568.99% | 1.13 | −22.23 | 34.05 | 253.16% | 1.44 |
HPC | −32.31 | 470.10 | 1554.99% | 1.16 | −33.41 | 96.28 | 388.15% | 1.26 | −14.80 | 37.35 | 352.35% | 1.87 |
Wiki | −32.39 | 680.64 | 2201.34% | 3.68 | −28.80 | 140.87 | 589.14% | 4.03 | −27.41 | 49.01 | 278.80% | 5.80 |
CN | −38.08 | 1144.90 | 3106.47% | 3.15 | −57.77 | 243.39 | 521.32% | 3.61 | 12.83 | 122.41 | 854.42% | 5.04 |
CGM | −0.54 | 846.73 | 157 × % | 2.43 | −52.16 | 157.97 | 402.87% | 2.57 | −10.08 | 92.88 | 1021.20% | 4.02 |
AI | 221.07 | 3394.04 | 1435.27% | 14.03 | 7.24 | 816.50 | 11,179.65% | 14.62 | 10.78 | 362.16 | 3259.92% | 21.22 |
Sl | 150.59 | 2958.49 | 1864.54% | 41.33 | −16.43 | 750.20 | 4664.81% | 48.02 | 54.87 | 493.46 | 799.25% | 57.78 |
Sl-z | 523.65 | 11,613.94 | 2117.86% | 70.36 | 130.74 | 2941.96 | 2150.17% | 81.61 | 12.48 | 1115.27 | 8837.80% | 118.94 |
Epi | 365.45 | 5700.39 | 1459.81% | 80.61 | 47.68 | 1465.61 | 2974.00% | 98.97 | 16.76 | 691.97 | 4027.51% | 123.17 |
1665.35 | 363 × | 109 × % | 717.66 | −238.7 | 90 × | 190 × % | 790.26 | 166.5 | 37,739 | 113 × % | 746.86 |
G | Greedy | Pref. Attachment | Jaccard | ||||||
2 | 5 | 10 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 2 | 5 | 10 | |
SE | 4878.01 | 363.76 | 149.48 | 895.00 | 62.25 | 25.25 | 757.50 | 42.97 | 24.79 |
TCS | 630.22 | 568.99 | 253.16 | 154.79 | 136.00 | 51.79 | 110.12 | 90.67 | 23.43 |
HPC | 1554.99 | 388.15 | 352.35 | 47.22 | 10.22 | 14.33 | 174.83 | 42.98 | 40.19 |
Wiki | 2201.34 | 589.14 | 278.80 | 959.02 | 266.30 | 125.44 | 240.12 | 67.07 | 38.78 |
CN | 3106.47 | 521.32 | 854.42 | 565.63 | 92.67 | 181.23 | 249.39 | 37.84 | 84.84 |
CGM | 157 × | 402.87 | 1021.20 | 18 × | 48.84 | 107.16 | 21 × | 58.00 | 115.80 |
AI | 1435.27 | 12 × | 3259.92 | 58.13 | 468.75 | 135.80 | 95.40 | 715.93 | 228.99 |
Sl | 1864.54 | 4664.81 | 799.25 | 302.27 | 680.22 | 91.69 | 292.41 | 673.30 | 87.54 |
Sl-z | 2117.86 | 2150.17 | 8837.80 | 758.46 | 760.91 | 3495.03 | 159.30 | 172.30 | 776.79 |
Epi | 1459.81 | 2974.00 | 4027.51 | 371.26 | 707.52 | 905.31 | 222.93 | 447.97 | 541.20 |
109 × | 190 × | 113 × | 10,423.88 | 16,858.20 | 11,472.56 | 9824.01 | 18,093.83 | 12,013.41 |
G | Degree | TopK | Prob | ||||||
2 | 5 | 10 | 2 | 5 | 10 | 2 | 5 | 10 | |
SE | 1005.18 | 69.08 | 27.94 | 1852.49 | 135.54 | 54.45 | 1408.16 | 110.77 | 44.69 |
TCS | 171.96 | 155.64 | 57.31 | 150.14 | 144.49 | 48.14 | 257.26 | 196.71 | 67.87 |
HPC | 49.80 | 10.48 | 14.92 | 232.46 | 57.06 | 46.01 | 402.95 | 91.87 | 92.15 |
Wiki | 1322.04 | 359.21 | 173.85 | 1336.46 | 370.66 | 180.50 | 304.50 | 65.13 | 36.57 |
CN | 1058.30 | 165.02 | 349.46 | 1082.34 | 187.46 | 351.23 | 661.83 | 108.42 | 163.51 |
CGM | 27 × | 73.03 | 158.09 | 18 × | 47.00 | 119.36 | 44 × | 118.67 | 280.47 |
AI | 84.67 | 677.83 | 197.02 | 264.10 | 2067.03 | 625.05 | 349.74 | 2612.15 | 795.94 |
Sl | 306.53 | 697.86 | 93.54 | 336.11 | 757.73 | 102.47 | 569.15 | 1266.83 | 169.13 |
Sl-z | 778.30 | 778.93 | 3587.66 | 585.11 | 643.20 | 2946.73 | 366.46 | 365.02 | 1770.74 |
Epi | 255.76 | 488.91 | 625.85 | 275.55 | 525.05 | 673.50 | 372.59 | 713.16 | 887.83 |
8609.83 | 17,899.79 | 11,862.66 | 8497.19 | 9795.90 | 7198.48 | 208.64 | −373.04 | 247.40 |
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Corò, F.; D’Angelo, G.; Velaj, Y. Recommending Links to Control Elections via Social Influence. Algorithms 2019, 12, 207.
Corò F, D’Angelo G, Velaj Y. Recommending Links to Control Elections via Social Influence. Algorithms. 2019; 12(10):207.
Chicago/Turabian StyleCorò, Federico, Gianlorenzo D’Angelo, and Yllka Velaj. 2019. "Recommending Links to Control Elections via Social Influence" Algorithms 12, no. 10: 207.
APA StyleCorò, F., D’Angelo, G., & Velaj, Y. (2019). Recommending Links to Control Elections via Social Influence. Algorithms, 12(10), 207.