Automated Process Planning for Embossing and Functionally Grading Materials via Site-Specific Control in Large-Format Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing
:1. Introduction
- Through-thickness, site-specific, process parameter control for many AM processes, including metal powder bed fusion (not just DED);
- Fully automated process planning, rather than time-consuming manual programming or the development of bespoke solutions;
- Macro-structural control for achieving dynamic bead geometries, the benefits of which include volumetric defect mitigation and embossing for object security;
- Micro-structural control for achieving functionally-graded part properties.
2. Materials and Methods
3. Results
4. Discussion
5. Conclusions
- The development of settings meshes
- The manipulation of pathing via setting modification, rather than the creation of additional pathing
- Extending the algorithm to account for embossing discrepancies;
- An investigation into the concept of imbedded security measures into objects;
- Improved algorithm robustness to account for pronounced embossing and overhang features that may currently pose a challenge.
Author Contributions
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Borish, M.; Gibson, B.T.; Adkins, C.; Mhatre, P. Automated Process Planning for Embossing and Functionally Grading Materials via Site-Specific Control in Large-Format Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing. Materials 2022, 15, 4152.
Borish M, Gibson BT, Adkins C, Mhatre P. Automated Process Planning for Embossing and Functionally Grading Materials via Site-Specific Control in Large-Format Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing. Materials. 2022; 15(12):4152.
Chicago/Turabian StyleBorish, Michael, Brian T. Gibson, Cameron Adkins, and Paritosh Mhatre. 2022. "Automated Process Planning for Embossing and Functionally Grading Materials via Site-Specific Control in Large-Format Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing" Materials 15, no. 12: 4152.
APA StyleBorish, M., Gibson, B. T., Adkins, C., & Mhatre, P. (2022). Automated Process Planning for Embossing and Functionally Grading Materials via Site-Specific Control in Large-Format Metal-Based Additive Manufacturing. Materials, 15(12), 4152.