Effect of Grain Refinement and Dispersion of Particles and Reinforcements on Mechanical Properties of Metals and Metal Matrix Composites through High-Ratio Differential Speed Rolling
:1. Introduction
2. Method of Imposing a Large Plastic Deformation in HRDSR
2.1. Effect of Roll-Speed Ratio on Microstructure
2.2. Principle of HRDSR
3. Enhancement of Mechanical Properties and Microstructures by HRDSR
3.1. High Strength and High Ductility
3.2. Enhanced Superplasticity
3.3. Metal Matrix Composites with Ultrafine Grains and Uniformly Dispersed Reinforcements
4. Summary and Conclusions
- HRDSR is a SPD rolling process that induces a large shear strain during thickness reduction. The key control parameter in HRDSR is the roll-speed ratio between the upper and lower rolls (≥2). Depending on the roll-speed ratio, friction condition, processing temperature and thickness reduction per pass, the texture and microstructure of materials can be controlled.
- As the accumulated effective strain in HRDSR is significantly larger than that in ESR and a much smaller lower roll force is imposed on the material in HRDSR than in ESR, ultrafine grained microstructure can be obtained in HRDSR with less effort. More homogeneously refined microstructures are also obtained in HRDSR compared to ESR, due to a more uniformly distributed strain along the thickness direction during rolling.
- Experimental results show that HRDSR is effective in improvement of strength/ductility and superplasticity through grain refinement, texture control and fragmentation and dispersion of secondary phase. HRDSR is also effective in fabricating metal matrix composites with high performance because the dispersion of reinforcement and grain refinement can be simultaneously and greatly enhanced by high shear flow induced during HRDSR.
- HRDSR has a high commercial application potential due to the possibility of scaling the product up to commercial dimensions and continuous production of the product, but there are many parameters (such as contact friction, thickness reduction per pass, the roll-speed ratio, the roll-speed and temperature, and the sheet temperature) that need to be optimized to achieve the texture controlled ultrafine-grained sheets with small surface roughness and uniform thickness distribution.
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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As-Received | After HRDSR | ||||||||||||
Alloy | Process | GS (µm) | El.% | YS (MPa) | UTS (MPa) | Hv | Processing Conditions | GS (µm) | El.% | YS (MPa) | UTS (MPa) | Hv | Ref. |
AZ31 | Extruded | 30–60 | - | 164 | - | - | T: 433 K Thick. red.: 70% | 1.5 | 22 | 317 | 325 | - | [35] |
AZ31 | Extruded | 20 | 16 | 225 | 270 | - | SR: 2 T: 423 K Water Quenched | 0.6 | 7 | 382 | 405 | - | [33] |
Mg-Mn | Cast | 95 | - | - | - | 53 | SR: 3 T: 423 K | 4 | - | - | - | 80 | [68] |
Pure nickel | 35 | 35 | ~210 | 305 | 108 | SR: 4 | 4 | 2 | 630 | 630 | 279 | [69] | |
AZ91 | Extruded | 30–40 | - | - | - | ~80 | SR: 3 T: 473 K | 0.3–0.5 | 9 | 327 | 394 | ~95 | [70] |
Pure Cu | 13.7 | - | 220 | 225 | ~122 | Thick. red.: 65% T: Room | 0.82 | ~40 | ~422 | 464 | ~153 | [71] | |
6061 Al | Plate–Slow cooled in furnace to anneal | - | 41 | 90 | 110 | 41 | SR: 3 T: 413 K Thick. red.: 70% (Aged) | 0.37 | ~6 | 455 | 485 | 145 | [72] |
Pure Al | 35 | ~17 | ~110 | 100 | - | DSR (90%) | 0.5 | ~4 | 250 | 250 | [73] | ||
ESR (90%) | ~6 | 155 | 155 | - | |||||||||
5052 Al | 50 Sheets | ~95 | 65 | 137 | 32 | - | 4 Pass; SR: 4 | 0.7 | 4.2 | 380 | 390 | - | [28] |
Composites Cu + 3%CNT | - | - | - | - | - | - | HRDSR: SR: 2; T: 473 K | 0.6 | 417 | 500 | 12.2 | 135 | [74] |
ESR | 1.5 | 363 | 413 | 17.8 | 115 |
Processing Conditions | GS (µm) | El. % | YS (MPa) | UTS (MPa) | Hv | Ref. |
As-received | 10 | ~35 | 403 | 532 | [76] | |
HRDSR- Thick. red.: 63%.-1P | 0.3 | 780 | 895 | |||
HRDSR-Thick. red.: 63%.-1P-Anneal(1h) | 19% | 804 | 915 | |||
Hot Roll (Rod) | 10 | 24 | 440 | 480 | 183.5 | [77] |
ECAP (773–723 K) 7P | 0.3 | 16 | 520 | 540 | 239.6 | |
ECAP (773–723 K) 7P/HPT (723 K) | 30 | 530 | 640 | 275.3 | ||
ECAP (773–723 K) 7P/HPT (293 K) | 25 | 625 | 730 | 318.1 | ||
As-received (Hot rolled) (Ti-grade 2) | 30–60 | 30 | 354 | 487 | [75,78] | |
ECAP-8P | 27 | 549 | 633 | |||
ECAP-10P | 0.45 | 20.6 | 582 | 645 | ||
ECAP-8P+Cold roll (77%) (grade 2) | 17.6 | 665 | 938 | |||
ECAP-10P+Cold roll (77%) (grade 2) | 0.19 | 14.5 | 736 | 945 | ||
ECAP-10P + Hot roll (81%) (grade 2) | 18 | 736 | 928 | |||
Cold roll (77%) (Ti-grade 4) | 15.2 | 650 | 791 | |||
As-received | 25 | 630 | 740 | |||
ECAP-8P | 19 | 750 | 815 | |||
ECAP (8) + Cold roll (83%) | 10.7 | 1006 | 1135 | |||
CR (80%) | 10 | 1130 | ||||
As-received (Ti-VT1-0) | 10 | 27 | 380 | 460 | ||
ECAP (8) | 0.28 | 14 | 640 | 710 | ||
ECAP (8) + Cold roll (73%) | 12.5 | 940 | 1037 | |||
ARB | 0.09 | 37 | 720 | 900 | [79] | |
ARB-Ann. 373 K | 0.1 | 22 | 710 | 880 | ||
ARB-Ann. 473 K | 0.12 | 17 | 702 | 870 | ||
ARB-Ann. 573 K | 0.14 | 12 | 700 | 840 | ||
ARB-Ann. 673 K | 0.27& 0.50 | 11 | 580 | 780 | ||
ARB-Ann. 723 K | 0.33& 0.70 | 13 | 550 | 680 | ||
ARB-Ann. 773 K | 2.3 | 8 | 500 | 520 |
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Bahmani, A.; Kim, W.-J. Effect of Grain Refinement and Dispersion of Particles and Reinforcements on Mechanical Properties of Metals and Metal Matrix Composites through High-Ratio Differential Speed Rolling. Materials 2020, 13, 4159. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13184159
Bahmani A, Kim W-J. Effect of Grain Refinement and Dispersion of Particles and Reinforcements on Mechanical Properties of Metals and Metal Matrix Composites through High-Ratio Differential Speed Rolling. Materials. 2020; 13(18):4159. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13184159
Chicago/Turabian StyleBahmani, Ahmad, and Woo-Jin Kim. 2020. "Effect of Grain Refinement and Dispersion of Particles and Reinforcements on Mechanical Properties of Metals and Metal Matrix Composites through High-Ratio Differential Speed Rolling" Materials 13, no. 18: 4159. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13184159
APA StyleBahmani, A., & Kim, W.-J. (2020). Effect of Grain Refinement and Dispersion of Particles and Reinforcements on Mechanical Properties of Metals and Metal Matrix Composites through High-Ratio Differential Speed Rolling. Materials, 13(18), 4159. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13184159