Femtosecond Laser Texturing of Surfaces for Tribological Applications
:1. Introduction
2. Definitions, Methods, and Current State
2.1. Definitions
2.2. Test Methods
- Ball-on-disk (BoD): A fixed ball with a specified diameter is pressed against a flat sample surface; the relative motion can be realized by linearly reversing (reciprocating sliding), or by continuous or reversing rotation of the sample at a fixed distance between the tribological contact area and the rotation axis; test parameters are the load, the stroke (twice the amplitude), the reversing or rotational frequency, the number of test cycles or sliding distance, etc. [6].
- Pin-on-disk (PoD): The flat or curved surface of a fixed cylindrical pin with a specified diameter is pressed against a flat sample surface; relative motions and test parameters are the same as for the BoD contact geometry [5].
- Ring-on-disk (RoD): The flat surface of a ring is pressed and rotated against a flat sample surface; test parameters are the same as for the BoD contact geometry [6].
- Block-on-ring (BoR): A block sample is pressed against the curved outer surface of a rotating ring-shaped counterbody; test parameters are the same as for the BoD contact geometry [5].
- Scanning force microscope (SFM): Based on the mechanical contact between a nanometric sharp tip and a surface, the method allows to record a topography of the tested surface; in particular modes, it allows to image tribological properties, e.g., via lateral force measurements [9].
2.3. Basic Ideas behind the Laser Texturing for Tribological Applications
- Laser processing can be used to control the surface roughness via ablation.
- Laser-induced phase transitions, such as melting followed by rapid solidification, can modify the intrinsic material structure. This can increase the hardness of a near surface layer and improve wear resistance.
- Regular dimple, line, or grid patterns generated upon laser-processing at the surface may act as reservoirs for lubricants underneath the tribological contact area.
- Laser-ablated microstructures may act as pockets for storing wear debris particles [16].
- Laser-processing with pulse durations in the µs- to ms-range can generate protruding microstructures, such as annular rims around the dimples or micro-welding dots for increasing the static COF (µs) of metals [17].
- Laser-induced chemical reactions (such as oxidation in ambient air) may additionally affect the surface wetting behavior. Chemically altered surface layers may exhibit different mechanical properties or act as anchors for additive molecules contained in some lubricants.
2.4. Femtosecond Laser Processing of Surfaces
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Self-Ordered Nano- and Microstructures
3.1.1. Surface Morphologies
3.1.2. Tribological Performance
3.2. Hybrid Micro-Nanostructures
3.2.1. Surface Morphologies
3.2.2. Tribological Performance
4. Future Perspectives
Author Contributions
Conflicts of Interest
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Surface | COF µk (Dry) | COF µk (Engine Oil) |
Non-irradiated | 0.71 | 0.15 |
LSFL 1 | 0.79 | 0.11 |
Grooves 1 | 0.73 | 0.13 |
Spikes 1 | 0.70 | 0.15 |
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Bonse, J.; Kirner, S.V.; Griepentrog, M.; Spaltmann, D.; Krüger, J. Femtosecond Laser Texturing of Surfaces for Tribological Applications. Materials 2018, 11, 801. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050801
Bonse J, Kirner SV, Griepentrog M, Spaltmann D, Krüger J. Femtosecond Laser Texturing of Surfaces for Tribological Applications. Materials. 2018; 11(5):801. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050801
Chicago/Turabian StyleBonse, Jörn, Sabrina V. Kirner, Michael Griepentrog, Dirk Spaltmann, and Jörg Krüger. 2018. "Femtosecond Laser Texturing of Surfaces for Tribological Applications" Materials 11, no. 5: 801. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050801
APA StyleBonse, J., Kirner, S. V., Griepentrog, M., Spaltmann, D., & Krüger, J. (2018). Femtosecond Laser Texturing of Surfaces for Tribological Applications. Materials, 11(5), 801. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma11050801