1. Introduction
Cellulosic fibers and more specifically cotton are the most widely used types of fiber due to several advantages, such as the ability to withstand harsh washing solutions, particularly under alkaline conditions, good perspiration absorption characteristics, comfortable wear properties, and the capacity to take up a large variety of dyestuffs [
2]. However, the inclination to wrinkle under even slight pressing and the lingering maintenance of the wrinkles give cotton clothing a poor wear rating [
3]. Ideally, the appearance of garments is imperative to purchasers. To accomplish an attractive appearance, wrinkles may be deliberately created by squeezing operations. On the other hand, wrinkles or short irregular folds that appear unexpectedly on the surface of a fabric or garment during wear are not just unwelcome but also may harm the fabrics because increased wear or breakage may occur along the wrinkles [
Wrinkle recovery or recuperation is characterized as a fabric property that allows it to recover from the wrinkles. Therefore, wrinkle recovery is one of the essential properties of fabrics influencing the item execution. If the wrinkle remains for a moderately long stretch after it occurred, it affects the fabric’s wearability and quality negatively. The cross-linking of cellulose has for some time been utilized to improve the wrinkle protection of cotton fabrics by diminishing chain slippage under wet conditions [
6]. The crosslinkers that are used are also known as resin, easy care, or durable press finishing agents and can be categorized as formaldehyde-based chemicals and formaldehyde-free compounds. The formaldehyde-based chemicals are the most seasoned crosslinkers. Resin finishing was initially conducted using products based on phenol-formaldehyde condensates, methylol melamine, or dimethylol urea. These items resulted in high formaldehyde emissions. Because formaldehyde is a cancer-causing compound, finishing agents with a high formaldehyde emission rate are undesirable. In numerous nations, regulations have been implemented regarding the allowable emissions of formaldehyde. Therefore, there is a need to mitigate the harmful effects of formaldehyde by utilizing a non-formaldehyde resin finishing process. Much effort has been invested to discover non-formaldehyde crosslinking operators for cotton to replace the commonly used
N-methylol reagents such as zero formaldehyde-based reactants, the commercial products of 1,3-dimethylurea and glyoxal, as well as inorganic phosphates. Polycarboxylic acids such as citric acid are acceptable for crosslinking cotton due to the response with cellulose hydroxyl groups by an anhydride intermediate mechanism [
There are several parameters influencing the resin finishing process and it is fundamental to upgrade the conditions for a viable resin finishing process. A methodical method for arrangement, execution, and statistical assessment of the procedure is required, and an advanced procedure is required to accomplish the optimum quality attributes of the completed item [
8]. Traditional optimization studies that vary one parameter while holding all other parameters fixed are frequently viewed as a thorough but costly approach. The Taguchi design method is an exception to this approach and the use of an analysis of variance (ANOVA) method is a powerful approach that utilizes orthogonal arrays (OAs) to reduce the number of parameters required to decide the optimal settings of the processing parameters. The adequacy of the Taguchi strategy for enhancing quality in the industry has been confirmed. The Taguchi technique facilitates the evaluation of an extensive number of processing parameters while using a fewer number of experimental trials; a single response variable can be tested, while many other test investigate multiple responses [
9]. If more than one response has to be evaluated, the multi-attribute decision making (MADM) methodologies are used. The multi-attribute decision making selects the best responses from the current choices by considering multiple responses, which are typically correlated with each other. There are several multi-attribute decision making techniques, such as the technique for the order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS), the grey relational analysis (GRA), the data envelopment analysis (DEA), and the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) [
10]. Amongst them, the GRA has been broadly applied in different fields [
The GRA was proposed by Deng [
12] in 1989 and is a technique for measuring the estimated level among various outcomes utilizing a grey relational grade (GRG). The grey system theory is used to determine vulnerabilities in framework models, examine relationships between frameworks, develop models, and settle on conjectures and choices [
13]. The meaning of grey can be defined as the characteristic occurring between the extremes of black and white. In the grey system, black represents the absence of data and white represents complete data in the framework. The purpose of the grey system and its applications is to describe the grey or fuzzy area between the extremes of black and white. The incomplete information is the basic characteristic of a grey system [
14]. The GRA is a measurable procedure based on the grey system and transforms multiple qualitative characteristics into single GRGs. By contrasting the computed GRGs, changes in the separate qualitative attributes are determined in accordance with the response evaluations to select an ideal arrangement of the processing parameters [
15]. Raza et al. [
16] studied multi-response optimization in rhamnolipid production by using the GRA with the Taguchi approach. Rehman et al. [
17] also used the Taguchi method for the optimization of enzymatic desizing of cotton fabrics under various chemo-physical conditions. Aslan et al. [
18] employed the GRA method to determine the optimal operating parameters of a laboratory scale thickener including feed flow rate, solid percentage, flocculant dosage, and feed well height for the dewatering performance with multiple performance characteristics. Also several resources can be found in literature about multi-response optimization of process parameters by Taguchi-based Grey relational analysis method [
This study is divided into two sections; first, non-formaldehyde resin finishing of cotton fabrics is conducted using an L27 OA-based Taguchi design. Second, different processing parameters including three levels of the concentrations of the resin (g·L−1), catalyst (g·L−1), and the softener (g·L−1), as well as the curing temperature (°C) and curing time (min) are investigated to determine the optimum operating parameters of a resin finishing process to achieve the optimum multiple characteristics by using the Taguchi-based GRA; this approach has not been reported previously in the literature.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1. Materials
A 100% bleached plain weave cotton fabric (ends per inch × picks per inch = 85 × 52; yarn count 40s Ne), with a fabric weight of 102 g·m−2 was used in this study. The cross-linkers Knittex RCT® (modified dihydroxyethyleneurea) and Knittex® Catalyst Mo were used as catalysts and both were obtained from Huntsman (The Woodlands, TX, USA). Siligen GL (nonionic polysiloxane by BASF, Basel, Switzerland) was used as a softener.
2.2. Design of Experiments
The five controllable factors that are considered in this research with three levels per factor are shown in
Table 1. Taguchi’s experimental design (OA L
27) was constructed by using Minitab
® 17 statistical software (Minitab Inc, Coventry, UK) and the details are provided in
Table 2. The resin finishing was carried out on a laboratory padder and stenter according to the experimental design. The pH of the solution was maintained at 5.5 by adding a small quantity (3 to 4 drops) of acetic acid. All fabric samples were padded with a wet pick-up of 75%, were dried at 120 °C for 3 min, and then cured according to the experimental design. Then the fabric was removed from the curing chamber, cooled at room temperature.
2.3. Measurements
The physical tests on the fabrics were performed at 65% relative humidity and 20 °C using standard test procedures. The crease recovery of the fabric samples was assessed by the American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) Test Method 128-1974 [
22]. For the tearing test, an intensity tearing tester (Elmendorf type) was used according to the ASTM D1424 standard [
23]. The whiteness index (WI) was measured according to the ASTM Test Method E 313 [
24] using a HUNTER Lab D25 made in the (11491 Sunset Hills Rd, Reston, VA 20190, USA). The mean values of the results were used for the statistical analyses.
2.4. Taguchi Approach
Genichi Taguchi [
25] developed a method based on an OA of experiments, which results in a lower variance for the experiment to determine the optimum settings of the processing parameters. In order to evaluate the processing parameters, the Taguchi method uses the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio as a performance criterion or quality index expressed in decibels (dB). The S/N ratio is a logarithmic function of the desired output that serves as an objective function for the optimization. The S/N ratio is the ratio of the mean (signal) to the standard deviation (noise). This ratio is a measure of robustness used to identify the parameters that reduce the variability in a product or process by minimizing the effects of uncontrollable factors. There are three types of S/N ratios, that are the-lower-the-better, the-higher-the–better, and the-nominal-the-better. A higher S/N ratio represents a better product quality. The concept is to maximize the S/N ratio by minimizing the effect of the random noise factors, which have an important impact on the process performance [
26]. The S/N ratio with a lower-the-better characteristic, with a higher-the-better characteristic, and with a nominal-the-better characteristic can be expressed as in Equations (1)–(3), respectively.
yi is the
ith experiments in orthogonal array,
n is the total number of the tests,
is the average of data observed and
s2 the variation.
2.5. Crease Recovery Angle
The Taguchi technique for determining the optimal settings of the processing parameters focuses only on a single response. However, in many cases, multiple quality characteristics need to be identified. In addition, the manufacturer has to produce items and maintain a balance between quantity and quality with minimum production costs to earn a maximum profit; therefore, the optimization of multiple quality characteristics is required. The GRA is well suited for this approach since a mathematical technique optimizes two or more quality characteristics. The GRA approach is based on the calculation of the GRGs, which represent the level of correlation between the reference sequence and the comparability sequence of multiple performance characteristics. If two sequences are identical, the value of the GRG is equal to 1. Hence, the higher the GRG value, the better the corresponding multiple performance characteristics are.
2.6. Data Pre-Processing
In GRA, the function n of the factors is neglected when the range of the sequence or the standard value is large. However, if the factors, goals, and directions are different, the GRA might produce incorrect results. Therefore, one has to pre-process the data that are related to a group of sequences, which is called the grey relational generation’ [
27]. Data pre-processing consists of transferring the original sequence to a comparable sequence. It is required because the ranges and units may differ for different data sequences. This is also necessary when the directions of the target in the sequence are different. For this purpose, the experimental results were normalized to a range between zero and one. Depending on the response of the data sequence, i.e., either the-larger-the-better or the-smaller-the-better, there are various methodologies of GRA data pre-processing that have been suggested by researchers [
28]. For the larger-the-better characteristic, the sequence can be normalized as in Equation (4).
xi* (k) is the sequence after data pre-processing and
yi (k) is the original sequence of the mean value of the responses; k = 1 for the responses;
i is for the experiment number.
2.7. Calculating the Grey Relational Coefficient and GRG
After the normalization, the deviation sequence is the next step in the GRA and is computed using Equation (5). The grey relational coefficient is calculated to determine the relationship between the optimal and the actual normalized results and is expressed as in Equation (6) [
is the deviation sequence of the reference sequence
x0* (k) and the comparability sequence
xi* (k) and Ψ is a distinguishing coefficient, 0 ≤ Ψ ≤ 1. The value of Ψ is set to 0.5 to maintain equal weights for all parameters. Based on the grey relational coefficients of each response variable, the GRG γ
i is obtained by averaging the grey relational coefficient corresponding to each experiment (Equation (7)). The overall evaluation of the multiple performance characteristics is based on the GRG.
is the GRG for the
ith experiment and n is the number of performance characteristics. The next step is the prediction and verification of the quality characteristics using the optimal level of the design parameters. The predicted GRG is calculated using Equation (8).
is the mean GRG,
is the GRG at the optimal level, and
q is the number of process parameters that affect the responses.
2.8. ANOVA
The ANOVA is a statistical approach to analyze the influence of selected factors on the output response and distributed the variability of the response variables among the available factors. In many types of analyses, it is necessary to identify the parameters that are responsible for a wide variation in the output responses and to quantify the variation. This technique is applied for evaluating the differences between the available factors and is also used to quantify the chosen parameters contribution towards the output [
30]. The percent of the contribution of the process parameters to the total sum of the squared deviations was used to evaluate the importance of the parameter changes on the performance characteristics. In addition, an F test was also used to determine which process parameters had a significant effect on the performance characteristics. The change in the process parameter has a significant effect on the performance characteristic when the F-value is large. The inferences derived from the ANOVA table are used to identify which input parameters are responsible for changes in the process performance; by controlling these parameters, the process can be improved. In this technique, more importance is placed on data variance than data analysis [
2.9. Characterization
In order to confirm the presence of the non-formaldehyde finish on the cotton fabric, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) measurements were performed with a Bruker Tensor 27 (Bremen, Germany) spectrometer in normal transmission mode. The thermal stability of the cotton fabrics was analyzed by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) using a thermogravimetric analyzer (STA-449C; Netsch Instrument Co., Ltd., Selb, Germany). The surface morphological structures of samples were characterized by using scanning electron microscope (Hitachi S-4700 SEM, JEOL Ltd., Tokyo, Japan).
4. Conclusions
This study proposes an approach that integrates the Taguchi method and the GRA to identify the optimal combination of processing parameters required to meet multiple quality objectives in resin finishing. The optimum level values of the parameters for resin finishing are the concentrations of the resin (80 g·L−1), the polyethylene softener (40 g·L−1), and the catalyst (25 g·L−1), as well as the curing temperature (140 °C) and the curing time (2 min). The ANOVA results for the GRG indicate a ranking of the input parameters of resin concentration, polyethylene softener, catalyst, curing temperature, and curing time. Therefore, the resin concentration is the most significant parameter for the GRG for resin finishing. All process parameters have a p-value of less than 0.05, which means they are all significant. The improvement in the GRG from the initial parameter combination (A3B1C3D2E1) to the optimal parameter combination (A1B3C3D2E1) is 0.103676. Moreover, an improvement in the thermal stability was achieved for the optimized fabric.